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possesseddino t1_j6hridj wrote

I hate voting on just one issue. I don't like it when they do it, I don't want to do it. But yes I think abortion should be safe, legal, and create the conditions for it to be rare.


bitterbeerfaces t1_j6hsxg4 wrote

Ugh. Someone running for county commissioner included that he is pro-life and pro 2a in his press release. What the hell does that have to do with the job of county commissioner??? Absolutely NOTHING!

I HATE when politicians use these talking points.


SnooRevelations9889 t1_j6ht607 wrote

There are trivial offices people might compare to “dogcatcher.”

Township Auditors and Tax Collectors often have the duty of simply signing a piece of paper, so that a professional firm may do the auditing or tax collecting.

The OP is correct that it is worthwhile to oppose folks running for those offices (the first job is to recruit a better candidate, or to step forward yourself). These offices can be stepping stones to “policy offices.”

Also consider school board races. Alice or Bob might be active in the PTA, but if they're going to ban books about reproductive health…


dr_xenon t1_j6htd7x wrote

No. Animal control is usually under professional services. The borough appoints someone to handle that. In the smaller towns there’s usually one person or company that covers a large area.


artificialavocado t1_j6htpux wrote

Can someone please make a post about the special election tomorrow in PA 27 senate district? It covers Northumberland, Snyder, Columbia, and a few other counties. Sorry I just don’t like making my own posts for some reason.


Lance_lake t1_j6htt4v wrote

>I think abortion should be safe, legal, and create the conditions for it to be rare.

I am pro life and I know many pro life people would be ok with this as long as the rare part was there.

Dropping abortions to around . 001% of what they are now would be great. (Presuming you mean it is allowed for rape, incest or mothers life at risk).


stahleo t1_j6huuqf wrote

"A seeker of wisdom and truth" Now that's a low bar.



drxdrg08 t1_j6hx95w wrote

Does France have abortion rights?


scrimshandy t1_j6hxpjv wrote

Pregnancy is inherently a life threatening condition. That is not an exaggeration. Many women - myself included - would choose suicide over pregnancy. I’m fortunate enough to have gotten approved for sterilization, but many women’t don’t have insurance or won’t get approved. Treating birth control and abortion access like healthcare is the way forward


Jotakave t1_j6hxppm wrote

The thing is that people who are pro-life are also usually in a political spectrum that reduces rights for others based on religious principles. They don’t want gay people to marry or adopt. They’d rather hold on to legislation that was written centuries ago regarding guns than do anything to protect everyone from this mass shooting madness we’re in. They seek to censure an erase lives that are unlike their principles. So most of the time is not a single issue you’re voting against it’s a cornucopia of bigotry.


ArcherChase t1_j6hy7a6 wrote

States with the most extreme abortion restrictions have terrible mortality rates for childbirth of the child and mother especially. Look to Texas for birth mortality rate higher than most countries as the huge discrepancy between white and black mothers for this as well. So it's not just anti-woman but it ends up being racist as well.


jshaf007 t1_j6hyi3p wrote

If you don’t vote, you don’t matter


BluCurry8 t1_j6hyzjq wrote

Rare is a difficult goal to achieve. 1. We have a rampant rape problem. Agree or not it does exist and women are punished for reporting rape. 2. Birth control does fail. It can be extremely reliable but it is not 100%. The best you can do is make the morning after pill easily accessible and affordable but unfortunately not every will know their form of birth control has failed for 6-8 weeks at the earliest. Not everyone has reliable menstrual cycles. It seems like it should be an easy to avoid pregnancy but the only way to do that is abstinence. Abstinence is just not a realistic solution because even married people can have an unwanted pregnancy. At the end of the day this is a private decision that has many factors including health, finances, support structures and no one especially a government should be forcing women to give birth. If our society truly wanted to be pro life we should start with the society children live in today. Gun violence kills 22 children every day in the USA. We have weak support structures for women when it comes to health care accessibility and child care. Finally we have an education system that is under attack. I think you need to understand people of child bearing age are looking at their future and it really is not a good time to have children.


Final_Candidate_7603 t1_j6hzql1 wrote

Personally, I appreciated the yelling- to make sure that the people in the back got the message.

I also don’t see anything wrong with posting it in every state’s subreddit. Due to gerrymandering and voter suppression efforts, too many state legislatures are Red and don’t truly represent the will of the people who will be forced to live under the laws they create. The crazies are working hard right now to stomp on every single one of our rights. Oh no, wait- except the right to own and carry around weapons which are capable of killing dozens of our fellow citizens in less than a minute.

Here in PA, they are busy bickering over whether to put some questions on the ballot about changing our Constitution- including raising the voting age to 21. I’m guessing that they have done research that shows it’s those pesky young people voting Blue, so they’re trying to take away their right to vote any way they can. What’s more, they want the questions to be on the ballot in the May Primary, an election that’s has notoriously low turnout- except for old folks- especially in a year where we don’t vote for President.

Please, people- VOTE. In. Every. Single. Election.


cashonlyplz t1_j6i0cwm wrote

Access to safe and sound healthcare lowers the rate of abortions. Deny that care, and abortions go up (along with complications therein). Supplementally, good sex education helps decrease teen pregnancies.

The same moral panics bear the same regressive results, and people needlessly suffer as a result. We need to embrace science, not Bibles.


Sensitive_Job_7164 t1_j6i1a1m wrote

This entier post sounds like a practice speech, a horrible one at that.


drxdrg08 t1_j6it3gd wrote

> nope, never said that. nice try, redditor.

And what was obvious to everyone is again on full display.

You are not looking for a reasonable solution but a radical solution that only a tiny minority wants.
