Submitted by incandesantlite t3_yxeyix in WorcesterMA
I had to bring a family member to the ER at UMASS University on Lake Ave yesterday. The waiting room was packed. At one point I counted fifty patients waiting in the waiting room between adults and pediatrics. During the blur of activity over hours of waiting, all of a sudden I hear a loud beeping noise. It was the alarm from the bathroom you pull in case of emergency. A nurse kid of just started walking towards the restroom until a woman came out of the restroom frantically yelling for help. Right after this I heard someone yell "CODE" and over a dozen people went running into the bathroom. A couple mins later they wheeled an elderly woman out of the bathroom in a wheelchair, apparently lifeless, through the waiting room and out back.
I do not know what happened after that but two hours later the same woman who yelled for help was hysterically crying in the waiting room surrounded by, who I assume were family members or friends. I do not know how long the elderly woman was there waiting or why she was there. I know people were waiting over 12+ hours to be seen and the place was packed. People are dying because our healthcare system is fucked in this country. I wasn't going to post this but I couldn't help but think about the woman all morning at work and how upset I would be if that was my family member. I could see myself as the hysterical woman trying to explain to her family what just happened.
I don't plan on replying to any posts as I just wanted to post this as kind of a cathartic exercise. I don't really want to talk about it any further. I just wanted someone to know about that woman. I can't help but wonder what her life was like and how devastated her family must be. Just a reminder to hug the people you love a little tighter sometimes.
ins0mniac_ t1_iwoe1xq wrote
But .. but… the wait times in Canada and their socialism healthcare!!!
Seriously though, that is awful.