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W0lfenstein1 t1_j93yq50 wrote

I work as a chef and this looks tiring to eat, having to move around the plate for each morsel of sauce. There is a time and a place for squeeze bottles of puree and tweezers but this is not it.


Shoopbadoopp t1_j94212h wrote

When something is plated like this, are you expected to “clean” the plate? Or is all of the stuff on the rim mainly for decoration?


W0lfenstein1 t1_j9432du wrote

It depends on the chef but most of the time it's meant to be eaten. That's why i said this is exhaling to eat having to work around the dish


livin-gonzo t1_j94sfod wrote

Totally agreed. This looks like a chore. Truly believe it shouldn't be on the plate if you're not supposed to eat it; if this is all meant to go together, maybe move it a little closer. I am all for beauty in food, but this really feels like someone who's trying too hard to be cool.


Rubatose t1_j96ej5x wrote

I don't understand how you could possibly try all those sauces with what looks like 1 bite of fish


lens_cleaner t1_j96y27c wrote

Well let me comment about that. The cod is approximately one bite of fish. The rest can be scooped up in a spoonful. I bet this dish was at least 25$ for a single bit of food.


reallamedroid t1_j95a2lt wrote

As a chef I think everything on the plate should be edible but also tasty. Fck most flowers and microherbs.


sizzl75 t1_j95g400 wrote

Ohhhhhhhhhh that's what I'm looking at? I literally thought the plate was some kind of...messed of pie smoothie thing with chunks of things sticking out and was trying to figure out how any of the title was part of it


EversonWalls24 t1_j96i7w1 wrote

Couldn’t agree more. When the aesthetics of the plate seem to be more of a focus than the actual food it’s a turnoff. Don’t make me work so hard to enjoy my meal.


Suparook t1_j96z48j wrote

Not even just that, but there is so much sauce for such a sorry portion of black cod. Utterly careless dish from the chef.


MutedHornet87 t1_j93mapy wrote

That looks filling


troubleseemstofollow OP t1_j93n0dr wrote

no worries, part of a 15 course menu so plenty full at the end of the night :)


Sweet-Vermicelli8080 t1_j93ph1t wrote

Did it end off with s’mores?


magentabluestripe t1_j93zwah wrote

Or a cheeseburger


MutedHornet87 t1_j9416ef wrote

Just watched that movie. Shockingly good.


Worsebetter t1_j945a1s wrote

Predictably bad


s1rblaze t1_j94nvld wrote

Not bad but weird, part of me loved it and hated it at the same time.


yickth t1_j95cdx9 wrote

Yes it was bad and no it’s not surprising so many enjoyed it


Clownbaby43 t1_j943zxe wrote

Ahhhhhhhh i love to see this inside joke already. I wish more people saw that movie.


ShadowTacoTuesday t1_j93sw98 wrote

Honestly I’d just prefer a smaller plate with the rim cut off at this point even if they take very little off the price tag. It just seems so snooty and overdone. How do you even eat the outer rim? Do you smear a single thin petal over it all or do you just ignore it?

I wouldn’t do 15 course tastings often but I at least understand doing it once in a blue moon to try a bunch of different flavors.


Afraid_Assistance765 t1_j94ovbe wrote

Is this plate really considered a course? It’s more of a taste test.


RoastedRhino t1_j94vmpr wrote

That’s what 15 courses mean. Otherwise it would be ridiculously too much.


ccherven1 t1_j9630t4 wrote

I get that but if they bring them out separately I feel like you’d be hungry again by the time you got the last tiny morsel.


RoastedRhino t1_j96cael wrote

If they do it properly, a tasting menu is very filling and if you pair it with wine it’s up you to watch your drunkness (they usually propose a glass every two servings, which makes 7 glasses + bubbles, that’s an entire bottle).


pattyG80 t1_j95x3qg wrote

Just going to say, those aren't courses. Your meal.was 15 morsels.


Pretty_Artichoke1442 t1_j93oqd4 wrote

This is just obnoxious.


me_irl_irl_irl_irl t1_j94wbm4 wrote

this shit is why The Menu was written

it doesn't even look good. what the fuck is it, poached? there's literally no sear. and it has a flower petal on it. why?

why are all the sauce dabs on the rim of the bowl? and why are there even sauce dabs when it's in another sauce?

if someone gave this to me after I paid money I'd demand to speak with the chef. I have more questions than I care to type


reallamedroid t1_j958mcd wrote

Somebody tried to copy what they think is fine dining



ZaatarCrusted t1_j93xiw6 wrote

OP new to this sub. The crowd here prefers a baconator or a deep dish pizza.


chichi_eats t1_j94l3vo wrote

While that's true (and sad), this plate has so many issues I don't know where to begin.


87643378 t1_j95pu3q wrote

Why would it be sad that people prefer food that tastes good to this postmodernist bullcrap


Oryihn t1_j968orn wrote

Preferring to eat a filling meal that is affordable rather than one bite of pompous garbage?

I'd rather eat little Caesars pizza than spend money on this trash.

I have over 20 years in culinary and this irritates me to no end.


me_irl_irl_irl_irl t1_j94wg5j wrote

homie if you're defending this dish you need to check yourself, regardless of if you like baconators or whatever the fuck red herring you're on about


MSDoucheendje t1_j94z2tr wrote

Everytime a dish from a multi course restaurant is posted, no one seems to understand it. Shame they never get to experience a fine dining experience. It’s the best food I ever had


Jwill294 t1_j94y747 wrote

For working in restaurants my whole life, that’s such foolish plating lmao


hfmyo1 t1_j93nrea wrote

We should be allowed to crosspost to s t u p i d food.


digfor_fire t1_j93szzg wrote

Thought those were jelly bean garnishes .


Neal_H t1_j94hmpg wrote

[I ate]? More like [I tasted a free sample]


pitifuljester t1_j94ty1t wrote

Idk I personally enjoy a down to earth, simple dish to eat more than to just look at. Sure it looks pretty I guess, but it's just obnoxious.


shade81 t1_j9501j8 wrote

Correction, you tasted!


lucrac200 t1_j95b367 wrote

Where is the cod???


kotonizna t1_j950kvk wrote

How do you eat this? Are you supposed to lick the sauce droplets around the plate? gif


BennoDXB t1_j95c7a2 wrote

Is it a fucking huge plate? Or is it just one mouthful and some drips?


darth_lyden t1_j93qh9e wrote

Black Cod is the finest fish on the planet IMO.


ApizzaApizza t1_j93tlyr wrote


It’s not a cod, just as Patagonian toothfish (Chilean sea bass) isn’t a bass.

Don’t let the fish people just make up names to sell us stuff at higher prices.


benthecube t1_j945wam wrote

But all names are made up? Pork and beef are just easier to digest (pun intended) names for pig and cow.


ApizzaApizza t1_j948t92 wrote

A cod is genus of fish. It is a specific thing. Sablefish is not part of that genus.


4DoubledATL t1_j93tlcz wrote

That is a bold statement.


darth_lyden t1_j93uu3v wrote

Have you tried it?


4DoubledATL t1_j93zd6v wrote

Yes, I have had sable fish many, many times. I would not consider it the finest fish. Just my opinion.


me_irl_irl_irl_irl t1_j94wm2d wrote

...have you? and how many other fish have you tried?

it's a generic white fish upmarketed with a nonsensical name. I can name ten cheaper, better whitefish. Including actual cod.


darth_lyden t1_j951ooi wrote

You didn’t answer my question. And to answer your question, Yes. I actually worked on a black cod long liner in Alaska. I have traveled all over the world and eaten lots of fish. This is one of my favorite.

The fact that your taste doesn’t match mine isn’t a fighting point. Piss off, troll.


me_irl_irl_irl_irl t1_j95254o wrote

I'm a troll, but you worked on a "black cod" boat and still refer to it as black cod. got it


Scrofuloid t1_j958p2l wrote

I've never tried another fish that worked as well broiled with miso.


me_irl_irl_irl_irl t1_j95bb3q wrote

I personally like patagonian toothfish with miso

oh wait, we're sensationalizing, so "chilean sea bass"


Scrofuloid t1_j95ffqw wrote

I don't really have an opinion about what sablefish/black cod/whatever should be called. I just know it works really well in this dish.


4DoubledATL t1_j93thbc wrote

I choose not to eat food when it takes more time to plate, then prep and cook the main. Garnish overload… don’t care about 15 courses! Give me three that the chef focused on with all their attention…


ditchgordon t1_j93ry6r wrote

On the rim of the plate? Nahhh b. The dish looks beautiful but sauce on the rim is hard for servers to carry. Love love love the negative space but I’d go with a flat plate or leave all sauces inside the rim of the bowl. It looks beautiful though!

Edit: also, less is more


doesntmatterhadtacos t1_j93z0hh wrote

r/culinaryplating might appreciate this more :)


me_irl_irl_irl_irl t1_j94wos9 wrote

they would light this chef on fire and dance around the blaze like witches that just learned to fly


SaucyNaughtyBoy t1_j94al24 wrote

Maybe. They seem to hate it when there's an amount of food worth eating on a plate.


Thechampy1 t1_j94edxt wrote

Most places that plate like this serve multiple courses of a set menu. Lots of very small plates.


SaucyNaughtyBoy t1_j94gogw wrote

I did something like that on a cruise, but all of that food was prepared to look really cool and almost not food looking. Like these gumball sized and shaped poppable balls filled with pretty much mango juice. Unless this is supposed to be one of those appetizer parts, this is still a bit small for what we had for the "main" course series. I know it's the experience, but this should at least be condensed down to a smaller plate to make it look more the part. IMO of course. I'm no master chef. Just a guy that loves food. ❤️


Thechampy1 t1_j94gvl1 wrote

Oh I totally agree on the plate! Also a guy who loves food! ❤️


Here2LayPipe t1_j93t0j7 wrote

The a really pretty dish for a mouse.


Lokinir t1_j93y1pz wrote

Looks expensive


tundraxgod t1_j94p4xm wrote

ate? bro you had a bite.


AFilthyPirate t1_j96rfx3 wrote

What fast food did you grab on the way home to top yourself off?


dvos514 t1_j941hfj wrote

I reminder a time when my head chef would crucify me for leaving garnish on the rim of the plate


edudjr t1_j941jl1 wrote

They could have at least cleaned the left overs from the plate before serving it to you


Shashi2005 t1_j944n5n wrote

If I went out for a meal like that, I would call in at the chippy on the way home for a Wigan Kebab.


powabiatch t1_j94es5r wrote

Where’s the fish? lol


SaucyNaughtyBoy t1_j94a95q wrote

Where is the rest of the cod? Those fish are never that small... that's a bite, not a filet or course.


SiFiHaze t1_j94slx4 wrote

That'll be $120 thank you


TMD74 t1_j951ixq wrote

That’ll be $49.95 sir.. Tip options 18%-25%-32%


ShadyK55 t1_j95ebpi wrote

Where is the food


DoctaJenkinz t1_j95z72f wrote

This does not look appetizing at all.


JohnnyLoco69 t1_j961rkz wrote

Entire dish would have fitted in a shot glass. Waste of space.


chef227 t1_j9673jz wrote

r/culinaryplating would actually enjoy this, you've got a bunch of shit because people here prefer simple food whereas this is more about the art and look (personally I love both delicately played dishes like this and dishes engineered for taste but some people can only appreciate one and the afformentioned sub is a better bet)


Oryihn t1_j9685sf wrote

This defeats the purpose of food for the sake of art. I'm sure it cost $30+ for that one bite of food with some sprinkling of flower petals


maipaksana t1_j96deja wrote

reading the comments of the fine dining snobs saying we can't appreciate this seeing as we're all a bunch of bottomfeeders who aren't as refined as them, i can honestly say that i'm glad that I can't. give me that baconator you so loathe.

gonna go watch the menu now, LOL


FG88_NR t1_j96tq4s wrote

Who falls for this shit? Like, how and why?


MutedHornet87 t1_j941b8v wrote

Does black cod taste as bad as regular cod?

My dad brought some home from Newfoundland, and I really didn’t enjoy the taste. Meanwhile, I like almost every other fish.


TrickyTrichomes t1_j946ee6 wrote

It has zero similarity to cod. It has a delicate yet meaty texture and very mild buttery flavour with very little fishyness


SaucyNaughtyBoy t1_j94aswe wrote

Regular cod can be very good, especially if fried with "chips" as the brits would say. Also can make for a good fish chowder imo.


buycandles t1_j942s2u wrote

I literally thought I was in the Baking sub and looking at the top of a cake.. 😳


TrickyTrichomes t1_j946ng5 wrote

Tiniest piece of sablefish I’ve ever seen in my life. It’s definitely my favourite fish though. I have enjoyed it twice in restaurants and prepared it several times at home. Every time it has been excellent


Kurdt234 t1_j94esy3 wrote

Very good presentation.


WaffleWeasel t1_j94f09w wrote

Looks like I’m already hungry


Br4veSirRobin t1_j94jb1s wrote

When chefs run out of ideas. Unless this is a 'tasting' menu this is snob food.


Jayeky t1_j94rbkw wrote

That's art for sure, but looks annoying lmao.


Classic_Ad_1143 t1_j956hyw wrote

Wowww look amazing, how much this pleasure cost to you?


reallamedroid t1_j958pyf wrote

and this is the problem right here, people that think this looks good because it is similar to something that looks good


hgaben90 t1_j956zsi wrote

Which one is which?


LeGuizee t1_j958gg8 wrote

Obviously not gonna choke on that


AppropriateCoat9 t1_j958q96 wrote

This looks so pretty but I wouldn’t want to eat it


KennyWestone00 t1_j95jqr3 wrote

This is like French cuisine, a little dirt on a plate.


MicIsOn t1_j95llcs wrote

This is exhausting to look at


KOCA_XD t1_j95ve8x wrote

What is that food for ants


pattyG80 t1_j95wzqr wrote

Such a generous portion...


rdmajumdar13 t1_j95x4wr wrote

Wth is kish mush? Do you mean kishmish which is Bengali for Raisins, which I do see on your plate?


edstirling t1_j96133o wrote

What did it look like before you ate it?


HUD361 t1_j966a01 wrote

Where is the cod


Berzserk t1_j966xnc wrote

Real nice earthy vibes.

This sub doesn't seem to like the boujee topics. But based on your username, maybe you already knew that lol (if so, I like you more)


Chaos-Jesus t1_j96f2yy wrote

This plating is way overboard and actually detracts from the dish.


Shadow293 t1_j96k85j wrote

Look, I did the fancy!


sautedemon t1_j96ooho wrote

The rim belongs to the customer.


jbone09 t1_j96zhmh wrote

Where is the food? Looks more like a fall decoration.


imjeffreychung t1_j978btq wrote

Serious question, how is this dish designed to be ate?


Venus6655 t1_j97ioj0 wrote

This is just silly, stahp.


moogiemomm t1_j97upsr wrote

Oh my gosh my family would actually laugh out loud if they thought this was their meal.


theguytomeet t1_j97yprm wrote

This doesn’t even look like fine dining. More of a waste of time for 1 bite.


Just_Assignment9246 t1_j9c9civ wrote

Looks pretty good to me, especially if it one of many courses. How was it?


ProfDumm t1_j947f6z wrote

Wow, very cool.


Seymoorebutts t1_j94hhxa wrote

Michelin restaurants are simultaneously the best and worst things to happen to food.

While I have no doubt that the flavors of this dish are fantastically composed, think about the waste that goes into creating courses like this. A fish that could have fed 1 or 2 people now yields maybe two potions for coursed meals.

Plus, they have become exclusive clubs to the wealthy while also creating ridiculous and unreasonable standards that are simply unsustainable. Look at Noma.

This isn't absolute, there are definitely one star/Michelin rec'd restaurants that are much more approachable and environmentally conscious, but on a whole, it's tough for me to not think about everything an operation like that entails. And this is coming from someone who would still love the opportunity to try more of these establishments.


reallamedroid t1_j958xo7 wrote

If you had Michelin restaurant experience you'd know this is not it so stop pretending.


Seymoorebutts t1_j95ok64 wrote

...but I have?

I'm not out here trying to attack Michelin restaurants or chefs, they're brilliant at what they do. It's a level of service and attention to detail that goes well beyond what most people will experience in their lifetimes.

I'm just trying to highlight the fact that many of these operations require an insane doctrine to exist.

These are just from a cursory search on the topic of Michelin Stars in restaurants. Not to mention that I think most people would agree that the guide and its review practices have become heavily political in the past few decades.

There's also a widely held view that because of their methodology and approach, so many unseen, less known corners of the world with AMAZING food will never receive coverage like this.

Back to OP's original post - I'm not suggesting his meal was from a Michelin joint, my comment was moreover a response after reading some comments here and thinking over my time in the industry.


SireBlew t1_j94jwqn wrote

Was this free? Like a Costco sample or something?


Starbellyyyy t1_j9495xz wrote

I get what everyone is saying however this looks beautiful and took a lot of attention to detail to plate it would be nice to eat something like this at least once in your life ☺️
