Submitted by Manfrenjensenjen t3_11cjoky in funny
thieh t1_ja3dfxv wrote
Well, he died for our sins and there are new sins since then. Time to clean that up too.
kaewberg t1_ja3dmn7 wrote
Jesus must die!
[deleted] t1_ja3dxvf wrote
KittenLaserFists t1_ja3e73d wrote
Does it have to be The Jesus or will any guy named Jesus do?
Piglet-Witty t1_ja3eyzg wrote
He will respawn in 3 day
philippe404 t1_ja3fj0m wrote
Only worked once..
scrodytheroadie t1_ja3g98m wrote
You come at the King of Jews, you best not miss.
quadmasta t1_ja3gbkt wrote
Damnit, it went through the holes in his hands
anythingbuttaken t1_ja3hit9 wrote
Headshot or he respawns.
spiderplex t1_ja3hv07 wrote
Pussy ran off before we could try again
NotADoctor108 t1_ja3i0i6 wrote
What's the waiting period on a Jesus hunting license?
samuelgato t1_ja3i269 wrote
"and other zombies"
WarWonderful593 t1_ja3ibh8 wrote
Nailed that sucker!
Puzzleheaded-Ad-5511 t1_ja3ig1n wrote
Problem is, you gotta kill him again in three days.
KorgX3 t1_ja3ini5 wrote
Double-tap. Don't forget He's a zombie.
anythingbuttaken t1_ja3ird9 wrote
Oh sweet Jesus that’s right! ALWAYS double tap!
Shadowrider95 t1_ja3itd1 wrote
It’s pronounced “Hey-soos”!
[deleted] t1_ja3kle4 wrote
anoeba t1_ja3kx2n wrote
That fucker's almost as bad as Rasputin.
waldo06 t1_ja3li5j wrote
Finally a good time to use the railway spike rifle from Fallout!
kungfu_panda_express t1_ja3lnr5 wrote
Must be Roman.
[deleted] t1_ja3luu5 wrote
Hey don’t hurt Jesus he is sexy
anon2282 t1_ja3pq5q wrote
Is this Pontius Pilate's bumper sticker or something?
fatherfrank1 t1_ja3pw74 wrote
Unfortunately, Jesus was born to haunt.
satluvscheese t1_ja3pwaf wrote
let's not whine ...I'm sure he's crossing the Jordan river
jordantask t1_ja3pzrj wrote
The best part of hunting JC is he’s back in 3 days so you can do it again.
OGZackov t1_ja3ssya wrote
He's an undead, aim for the brain stem
[deleted] t1_ja3t4sj wrote
jimmyvcard t1_ja3tx3v wrote
Unexpected events pontius Pilate
DeadParrotguy78 t1_ja3uod7 wrote
Run , Jesus, run!!!
Voodoo_Dummie t1_ja3uwap wrote
Tsk, amateurs. That gun is clearly intended for deer, and the right tool is important.
You should use a nail gun.
spiritbx t1_ja3wll4 wrote
Headshot won't work, you need to find and destroy a lich's phylactery to kill it.
Sam-Gunn t1_ja3zdbj wrote
>Oh sweet Jesus that’s right!
I think what you mean is: Sweet zombie Jesus!
AndyDoVO t1_ja41sur wrote
The perfect stickers for a Honda Pilot.
[deleted] t1_ja4447c wrote
SuperMGS t1_ja45huu wrote
Fucking Romans still at it.
[deleted] t1_ja45wfr wrote
Y’all think he’d go down with a clean shot tho.?
Woodandtime t1_ja469vu wrote
Catch and release
GodsBGood t1_ja4a183 wrote
This makes no sense at all when Putin is still kicking it.
TheIowan t1_ja4ao39 wrote
Nothing some 4"x4" timbers and a framing nailer can't take care of.
20190419 t1_ja4cqn0 wrote
Nails are so passé.
anythingbuttaken t1_ja4cwpf wrote
Yes, yes that’s clearly what I meant. 😀
BeefSupreme782 t1_ja4fj9e wrote
The most dangerous game
Lee1138 t1_ja4himw wrote
"Have you found Jesus?"
"No, sucker is really sneaky."
Tommy_Batch t1_ja4i1pd wrote
The fucker can fly too.
[deleted] t1_ja4izqr wrote
[deleted] t1_ja4j5e3 wrote
[deleted] t1_ja4ja1z wrote
Hood18 t1_ja4lmjg wrote
roman seal of approved
Significant_You_2437 t1_ja4m6hh wrote
So mean. He gave up his weekend for your sins.
RA242 t1_ja4nrof wrote
I had a Jesus run 3 miles before dropping after a heartshot with a compound bow.
GreatSpaghettLord t1_ja4rph6 wrote
"When the fucker comes back again I'm gonna be ready"
Plenty_for_everyone t1_ja4s4hg wrote
Three days.
Snoo_88763 t1_ja4t1as wrote
Choo! Choo!
Snoo_88763 t1_ja4t9vj wrote
Just get him sermonizing
rphdaddyb t1_ja4x573 wrote
Save some rounds for day 3.
fappyday t1_ja4xj7n wrote
Wait, are the Romans making a comeback? Talk about playing the long game.
theguineapigssong t1_ja4xz3q wrote
Shouldn't that be a nail gun?
3-DMan t1_ja4zjfe wrote
No spawn camping JC!
Turdmonkey2 t1_ja4znox wrote
10% tithing at your local sports store, you get a permit and a lent season sticker.
natenate22 t1_ja55ww5 wrote
It's a big seller in northern Texas
warrant2k t1_ja57ot2 wrote
He's got a 3 day respawn.
concentrated-evil t1_ja584fx wrote
So what caliber works best to take down a Jesus, you think?
unicyclecopilot t1_ja588so wrote
Hands and feet seem to be his weak spots
fubes2000 t1_ja5cb8d wrote
Server admin keeps rezzing him.
reconstruct94 t1_ja5dm32 wrote
He respawns after 3 days, gotta set traps.
Hesam2010 t1_ja5e5v0 wrote
It's not Duck season, it's Jesus season.
erritstaken t1_ja5ewqk wrote
.50 cal to the head. It’s the only way.
[deleted] t1_ja5f4nl wrote
You call that a prayer?! THIS is a prayer.
Jesus stars in the new movie the bourne again supremacy with Maaaaatt daaaaamon
UniverseBear t1_ja5n7pp wrote
Someone was, otherwise he wouldn't have ended crucified.
itsonlymeez t1_ja5ryvz wrote
Bring a nail gun super effective
guitartoad t1_ja5sgw6 wrote
This picture reminds me of when Obama got pilloried for saying middle Americans huddle with their guns and religion. Yeah, he sure was wrong about that.
LegoFootPain t1_ja5tyii wrote
Gentlemen, we are here to hunt the deadliest game of all. The Son of God.
Zeus_McCloud t1_ja5uz7u wrote
He has a 72 hour respawn time.
TheTrueScientist t1_ja5y7g0 wrote
“Ain’t no second comin’ for you, pal”
FirstConsul1805 t1_ja5yo4x wrote
The Romans did it first, and they were masters of the 4x4 even before JC got it
FirstConsul1805 t1_ja5yrxd wrote
Zeus: What do you want? I thought people stopped believing in me?
FirstConsul1805 t1_ja5yuge wrote
5 talents of gold, take it or leave it.
FirstConsul1805 t1_ja5ywyi wrote
Roma Invicta!
Bind_Moggled t1_ja5z1za wrote
Nice to see people carrying on the traditions of the Ancient Romans.
Bind_Moggled t1_ja5z40t wrote
It does take him 3 days to respawn, at least.
IrungamesOldtimer t1_ja5zjl8 wrote
10" Common Nail Hot Dipped Galvanized Smooth Bore.
Acrobatic_Ad_5065 t1_ja62qz3 wrote
Jesus! Watch out.
Mistapeepers t1_ja642e3 wrote
“How the hell did he survive? I nailed him three times!”
zigaliciousone t1_ja65fsm wrote
Maybe he's like Napoleon Dynamite. He forgot the comma and "Jesus" is an expletive.
[deleted] t1_ja66i2f wrote
zackman115 t1_ja67hik wrote
Reminds me of a meme I saw today. "Minecraft Jesus died for your greifings"
bearsheperd t1_ja6c79w wrote
Do you need some kind of special ammunition to hunt Jesus? Holy water hurts demons, silver for werewolves and wood kills vampires. What do you use to for sons of deities?
bearsheperd t1_ja6c9uh wrote
Zeus: you called?
GANDORF57 t1_ja6nk8a wrote
"Have you found Christ?"
"Yup, but we lost his footprints at the river."
Shot_Try4596 t1_ja6rneh wrote
Better check with Constantine.
[deleted] t1_ja6uyyp wrote
I think this has been argued before, but he can't be a zombie because he retains his living mind and intelligence after death. He'd be a lich instead. To kill those you need to destroy their phylactery.
[deleted] t1_ja6ww0p wrote
Cynykl t1_ja6xpgt wrote
Lich make no sense he was purportedly a priest not a wizard.
Zombie make more sense. Not the night of the living dead zombie but the Serpent and the Rainbow zombie. Voodoo zombies are killed and rise a few days later to bust their way out of the grave. They have the same mental capacity that they had in life.
Evening-Aggressive t1_ja6xuml wrote
Good luck, people have been looking for him for 2000 years and even though many have claimed to have found him, nobody has. 🤣
Evening-Aggressive t1_ja6y0ds wrote
You make a good point, but most people don’t know D&D😄
Psychological-Set125 t1_ja6yxlo wrote
🎵Always look on the bright side of life🎶
LoliTails t1_ja72wsa wrote
Nail gun required
Mean_Gene66 t1_ja73iyf wrote
Well, they are Conservative Christians!
TK_Bender t1_ja7fkc2 wrote
Call it a trick shot and pretend it was intended.
malteaserhead t1_ja7sbxl wrote
Prey is known to escape over water
C-137Birdperson t1_ja7xlrl wrote
Did you know JFKs assassination is just a cheap reboot of Franz Ferdinand of Austria
[deleted] t1_ja7yy4k wrote
Good point.
BeefGir2 t1_ja8912r wrote
i would pay money for that shirt.
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