Submitted by co1063 t3_122b7aq in mildlyinteresting
OkSmoke9195 t1_jdplyh0 wrote
Yoooooo that's fucking bananas
atrailofdisasters t1_jdpmho0 wrote
It’s upside down.
ronchee1 t1_jdpnwub wrote
That's what she said
AdmiralPoopbutt t1_jdpoy9b wrote
Possibly but shipping and handling is a lot less efficient this way. Might be beneficial in areas close to where bananas are grown though.
[deleted] t1_jdpp8cm wrote
Branathon t1_jdpp997 wrote
TVotte t1_jdppa6b wrote
LPT never wrap bananas in plastic. It makes them go bad.
OrgJoho75 t1_jdppi78 wrote
Look like 'pisang nipah' where it sold as banana fritters over here.
StuffNbutts t1_jdppk3a wrote
Organic chodes
TerminallyFriendly t1_jdpq4m0 wrote
Okay that thing in the top right is intimidating
Laogama t1_jdpthuc wrote
I live in a banana growing area. Nowhere does this. Then again, nowhere wraps bananas in plastic either.
Limp-Judge-623 t1_jdpvdny wrote
Very common in sri lanka
ILiveMyBrokenDreams t1_jdpxe7c wrote
Maybe to show that they haven't been chemically ripened?
cutelyaware t1_jdpxnvc wrote
Not wrapping them in plastic makes them go bad too
[deleted] t1_jdpz0me wrote
sashinexists t1_jdq3nko wrote
This is fucking sick! It would be cool if this was standard
UncleSput t1_jdq4kio wrote
That’s exactly what I was going to say.. are you stalking me??
Orange_comfort t1_jdq5ngu wrote
We do it for tomatoes too. Keeps them fresh for longer. Or that's the belief anyway.
SnooHabits7630 t1_jdqa0ir wrote
This is how you'll find bananas in grocery stores in India. In all of them.
JerseyshoreSeagull t1_jdqb4lc wrote
I would stay away from those. They're mealy with no flavor.
Poopedinbed t1_jdqbavk wrote
Becauae i wouldn't believe those were real bananas unless they were attached to the stall. Look at those chodes.
jankyj t1_jdqc68a wrote
And the stem is now weighed as billable product.
Xbalanque_ t1_jdqc6ew wrote
A free tarantula in every bunch!
BarefootUnicorn t1_jdqdqnh wrote
Come Mr. Tally Man and tally me banana!
BarefootUnicorn t1_jdqdu9n wrote
A beautiful bunch of ripe banana
(Daylight come and we want go home)
Hide the deadly black tarantula
(Daylight come and we want go home)
Captain_Naps t1_jdqg2c6 wrote
>Then again, nowhere wraps bananas in plastic either.
on styrofoam platters.
SchizophrenicKitten t1_jdqh4cp wrote
I see we have a bunch of comedians here.
CookingToEntertain t1_jdqi5sw wrote
When I was in south America I would buy one of these and put it on my balcony as a bird feeder. Would get so many cool birds all through the day
Layne205 t1_jdqjhow wrote
They start out bad and can only get worse.
scorched-earth-0000 t1_jdqnb7w wrote
You're obviously wrong. Somewhere does this, look at the picture Somewhere bananas are wrapped in plastic, I've seen it before this and you see it here. I don't understand you
windofdeath89 t1_jdqo0xt wrote
I grew up in a banana growing area and it is indeed common to have these in smaller shops (Not supermarkets and the like).
You don’t have to buy the whole thing just take how many ever you want.
akayataya t1_jdqpsdr wrote
They tryin to copy them Brussel's sprouts
wallyassociate t1_jdqpw6l wrote
Those are burro bananas
mmoffitt15 t1_jdqqce6 wrote
Technically correct. The best kind of correct.
Scuba_BK t1_jdqqpba wrote
It will keep the bananas fresh for a long time
RossTheNinja t1_jdqr74o wrote
Pomonian t1_jdqrh1e wrote
proto3296 t1_jdqs4d5 wrote
Do they remove the banana spiders???? Like what
SwaggerEilte t1_jdqspiz wrote
Here in india its pretty much the standard in the usual fruit shops. The shopkeepers cut the bunch from the stalk depending on how much the customers want.
[deleted] t1_jdqsz9u wrote
big_duo3674 t1_jdqtk8i wrote
Nice hands!
derpmcturd t1_jdqumu1 wrote
what the hell is going on with those obese bananas
doubleflush t1_jdqxi40 wrote
daylight come and i wanna go home
leprotelariat t1_jdqy12k wrote
Lol. That's how they are sold in my country
Guac__is__extra__ t1_jdqyiyt wrote
That’s how you know they’re not imitation bananas
Fish201 t1_jdqyp6c wrote
I think you can assume he meant that nowhere in the vicinity of the area he lives in did this
EnvironmentalSound25 t1_jdr093h wrote
I find this type of humor very appealing.
WannaTeleportMassive t1_jdr0spz wrote
Lmao they aint on the vine when im paying for them.
[deleted] t1_jdr3kh0 wrote
BoiglioJazzkitten t1_jdr763i wrote
Wait... Are there bananas wrapped in plastic in the background?
Lee2026 t1_jdr8s40 wrote
That’s are some thicccc bananas
Cactaddict t1_jdr9pvq wrote
Who the fuck packages bananas
extopico t1_jdra82j wrote
That’s a good variety too. Much firmer, stretchy flesh.
jankyj t1_jdrbe7i wrote
Me either -- hell, i even take the huge stems off portobello mushrooms and leave them behind.
birdlawprofessor t1_jdrcywr wrote
Not quite? In my city in UP you will occasionally see green bananas sold like this alongside other vegetables, but in the fruit markets and at the grocery stores I’ve only ever seen them sold in bunches like they do in the west.
ToptenRubs t1_jdrd84e wrote
They are so girthy! Can’t wait to try to fit a whole one in my mouth
14X8000m t1_jdrf7ww wrote
Who wraps bananas in plastic? The gas released makes them ripen faster. Considering that they're already ripe, that means spoilage. It's also terrible for the environment.
DelusionsBigIfTrue t1_jdrg4gx wrote
Does anyone know if this is a Big Mike banana in the photo? It doesn’t look like a Cavendish.
APLJaKaT t1_jdrhaen wrote
That's cool. But how come they put the stalk in upside down?
cjboffoli t1_jdrhb2b wrote
You're right. They're not Cavendish. They might be Orinocos.
DelusionsBigIfTrue t1_jdrhlk2 wrote
Could be. Maybe Lady Finger? I’m bad at identifying these with only images lol
KnudsonRegime t1_jdriiz6 wrote
The only reason it’s not is logistics. Bananas are notoriously quick to spoil in transit and fast transit is expensive. The banana trains in the US are still the fastest long haul freight method and they have priority over any other train on the tracks.
Since you can fit more bananas without their stalks it’s vastly more economical than wasting a bunch of space with non-edible material.
What nobody talks about is how stalked bananas are shipped LTL (less than truck load) and their carbon footprint is 20x+ that of bulk bunches.
sashinexists t1_jdrjw9h wrote
Yeah, that's less cool
MountainLog5291 t1_jdrkfkt wrote
I love when they put fruits and vegetables on polystyrene and wrap them in plastic. It’s so natural and biodegradable
overflowingsunset t1_jdrmxft wrote
they’re monsters
odrea t1_jdrn3x5 wrote
more natural than that impossible XD
hskskgfk t1_jdrqawu wrote
It’s pretty common in India
AVERSE_AVICE t1_jdrrafc wrote
a great way to cut out all that wasteful packaging...
ngatipakehatokuiwi t1_jdrt9g5 wrote
It’s to educate people that bananas don’t come from plastic trays
jesusisherelookbusy t1_jdrw6ll wrote
KmartQuality t1_jds0v9u wrote
What variety of banana is that?
AustinHinton t1_jds4ch9 wrote
Those are some chubby bananas.
IscahRambles t1_jds5yx3 wrote
Especially for bananas that basically come in their own packaging to begin with.
AgreeableInsurance85 t1_jds6csb wrote
Pretty common in South India. Where is this pic taken??
WantsToBeUnmade t1_jds7b86 wrote
As an aside, I love how the same abbreviation (UP) can stand for such disparate places as the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and Uttar Pradesh. I had to reread the sentence when my mind initially used the wrong one.
It's a neat contrast.
azechouser t1_jds87x1 wrote
This is an actual bunch of bananas. An individual banana is a finger, the small group is a hand, multiple hands is a bunch.
MurderDoneRight t1_jds89vm wrote
No those are Big Chode bananas
absolutelynotaname t1_jds9jb3 wrote
That's how bananas grow, we're the one that turn them upside down
usesbitterbutter t1_jdsa9hx wrote
TIL what a banana stalk looks like.
OnetB t1_jdsb7yk wrote
Big Banana
LearnToStrafe t1_jdsd2pg wrote
Japan has vending machines with individually wrapped bananas in plastic
graebot t1_jdsejia wrote
Fuck you and the branch you grew up on!
Heterophylla t1_jdsgnoh wrote
What?? I thought they were made with a machine like sausages and they just used the banana peel as a casing.
Harflin t1_jdsi529 wrote
That's a weird source when you can just supply a google images search lmao
reddere_3 t1_jdsk3mv wrote
Day 11397 of NNN
JustABasicBadWitch t1_jdsmmrh wrote
Wait... I thought bananas grew in trees like coconuts??? Wait what the fuck does a banana plant look like? Are they not a type of palm tree???
Excuse me whilst I go down a rabbit hole about bananas... the last time this happened, I ended up calculating the weight of a giant sturgeon in both peel and unpeeled bananas...
[deleted] t1_jdsqx2d wrote
[deleted] t1_jdsr2nd wrote
SungoBrewweed t1_jdssszn wrote
That's apeshit
marky294201 t1_jdt1043 wrote
Ive heard that american store bananas arent shit
Infinite-Golf-9760 t1_jdt32yc wrote
These bananas are also very T H I C C
No_Way497 t1_jdtkomu wrote
not PC
Mypigfounditself t1_jdtmrna wrote
That's not the problem. The problem is I can't tell how big they are. OP should have put a banana for scale!
NFASMG t1_jdtoiks wrote
Those small bananas are tasty.
NoFate1984 t1_jdueort wrote
Ok-Gap-7259 t1_jdwfiiy wrote
That's novel.
MystifiedPeroxide t1_jdplk18 wrote
Pretty cool! Wonder if they would last a little longer then?