Submitted by DerMagicSheep t3_z5xje6 in mildlyinteresting
BikesGamesWeed t1_ixyeq0a wrote
That's just a ball with numbers
Lucky_Squirrel t1_ixyg3uf wrote
How they determine which number is up ?
cloudrunner69 t1_ixygqqd wrote
They line them up with the ones that are down.
cutelyaware t1_ixyin0e wrote
No way is this a fair die. And that's a shame because it is possible.
Working-Raspberry185 t1_ixysywh wrote
Wow, that’s a lot of Darkest Timelines
PeanutBrittle55 t1_ixyuqnv wrote
Wait, there are other timelines?
Working-Raspberry185 t1_ixyzbe9 wrote
According to Community, 😂
BagFun3507 t1_ixz2pfp wrote
Gaddamn imagine the hilarity with nat d100s
mick_ward t1_ixz4qfs wrote
Ball of confusion.
[deleted] t1_ixz59va wrote
FatigueVVV t1_ixz5ulr wrote
This is a particularly awful looking d100, which is an already terrible die. Percentile d10s will always be preferable.
Gordon_Explosion t1_ixz9tyr wrote
Looks like it would be most likely to come to rest on a junction of 3 raised number panels.
queenofnightmare t1_ixzbd6i wrote
So how do you read it and know what number is facing up
DeadMetroidvania t1_ixzdfvf wrote
D6 is still the best dice item in BoI.
aLilBlindKid t1_ixzdgwc wrote
How do they determine which number is down ?
Turtlebug42 t1_ixze9n1 wrote
As a dm, these things appear in my nightmares. I hope I'll never see one in real life because i night go insane if one of my players pulls out one of these.
DenethorsTomatoRIP t1_ixzed9f wrote
They actually do make those. The technical term is “sphere”, but some manufacturers call them “ball”, depending on the application. You can find them pretty easily.
Finwolven t1_ixzehp4 wrote
It's the one taking antidepressants.
dreck_disp t1_ixzfh2w wrote
Dicelab makes a legit d120.
TheHiveminder t1_ixzfr1a wrote
A proper d100 isn't that hard either:
joyfall t1_ixzgtij wrote
You can even find them at the dollar store labeled as marbles!
The_RockObama t1_ixzgvrr wrote
"Dude, I told you we should have played in the basement like usual. But NoOo wE hAd To pLaY oN a HiLl. You're climbing into the storm drain this time."
[deleted] t1_ixzh5yl wrote
IncubusMaybe t1_ixzj7fk wrote
Ha, that same one is on my Amazon wishlist
siecin t1_ixzjbez wrote
You don't.
obungacreamueu89 t1_ixzk0wm wrote
Imagine using this for D&D
reallyNotTyler t1_ixzke8j wrote
Unexpected Community. Love to see it
fourtotheside t1_ixzksyw wrote
You: “Roll 2d10 for percentage.” Them: Rolls this monstrosity You: (while it is still rolling) “You died of old age.”
ghost_n_the_shell t1_ixzl2bi wrote
I’m sure it’s the angle - but I don’t see what number is clearly on top.
Faster-Rex-2k17 t1_ixzl4xq wrote
Isn’t that just a sphere
KushBlazer69 t1_ixzl5xo wrote
That’s a ball
Malumeze86 t1_ixzlnbj wrote
They line them up with the ones that are up.
farrenkm t1_ixzm66u wrote
It's a Gravity Falls reference.
xicexdejavu t1_ixzmflf wrote
Most useless thing i saw today
Positive-Froyo4990 t1_ixzmu6a wrote
How do you even roll a number on that?
p1nkie_ t1_ixzn9xq wrote
Democratic voting
MoistPaperNapkin t1_ixzodmg wrote
The only way to get more sides at that point is to find a sphere
SmithersMcNuggins t1_ixzoxht wrote
Got a d120. It's a glorious thing, but takes a second to be 100% sure you read it right because from different angles it looks like a different side is on top
blueistheonly1 t1_ixzp5tl wrote
You get to argue about it with your friends!
AudioDeathWish t1_ixzqbzz wrote
You really missed the reference to your own reference
robo-dragon t1_ixzqdo5 wrote
I have one of these, but never want to use it for a game because I think my DM would kill me the moment I took it out of my bag.
SEND_PUNS_PLZ t1_ixzqtop wrote
Wow so many people gave it their stamp of approval
A_Mirabeau_702 t1_ixzriw0 wrote
How is it that we can see half of the die and only like 25 numbers are visible?
Chiperoni t1_ixzsif3 wrote
dmaster1213 t1_ixzuqhq wrote
My dad had a d100 and it looked nothing like OP's picture. It rolled alright and didn't feel unbalanced.
Green_Routine_7916 t1_ixzvdcl wrote
there is no die function here, like what number does it show now? there is no number straight on top
DerMagicSheep OP t1_ixzwawi wrote
It's a bit difficult to tell sometimes, but there's always one number on the complete opposite side of the number touching the table (an example, the number on top is 85)
Amiiboid t1_ixzwfb6 wrote
Was it the “Zocchihedron” or something like that from the 80s? I had one of those. It did, in fact, roll alright. Sometimes the challenge was getting it to stop rolling.
dmaster1213 t1_ixzx4di wrote
Oh yea he said it was hell to roll, and never liked it.
Amiiboid t1_ixzye04 wrote
Apparently weights were added at some point as a braking mechanism. Your dad and I must’ve had the first generation.
dmaster1213 t1_ixzyjfy wrote
Oh yea he was into it in the 80s, he even still had his old characters from campaigns back then.
Green_Routine_7916 t1_ixzzj77 wrote
oh i see ok looks nice
AnesthesiaCat t1_iy00li9 wrote
for a number from 50 to 100?
[deleted] t1_iy00vob wrote
The_RockObama t1_iy02f4c wrote
I grew up by a golf course, and the number of instances of cars getting hit and squealing to a stop was crazy. I don't know why they designed the course the way they did, but damn.. many people had bad days along that stretch of road.
aLilBlindKid t1_iy02rt3 wrote
Am I just a die to be rolled?
Dorocche t1_iy05xrx wrote
I assume each junction is opposite a single number, rather than another junction. I hope so, at least.
Working-Raspberry185 t1_iy06662 wrote
Working-Raspberry185 t1_iy06qky wrote
Someone gave me downvotes and you were the only one who commented so thought it was you. :( I get it, now…in this timeline
AudioDeathWish t1_iy07cjx wrote
I love you still
BorvicTheRed t1_iy07ssp wrote
Your doing it wrong
0ba78683-dbdd-4a31-a t1_iy09lqt wrote
d% and a d10 is the way
INFJ_witchergirl t1_iy0atga wrote
Can you tell which side faces up easily? From this pic it looks like the highest point is between three numbers. Could be the angle, but I'd like to see one in person
huniojh t1_iy0ccem wrote
I swear that picture is moving when I'm not looking directly at it
[deleted] t1_iy0e67m wrote
HellbellyUK t1_iy0ebm0 wrote
I’ve still got one. I seem to remember someone wrote into White Dwarf magazine claiming that the D100 was biased against results at the extreme low and high numbers. They showed this with a graph produced by tabulating something like 2-3000 dice rolls. Some people really need a hobby :)
stalphonzo t1_iy0ewgh wrote
That's just a basketball with hotel room plaques stuck to it.
JudgeAdvocateDevil t1_iy0fag8 wrote
Yes Jeff
Gonergonegone t1_iy0ghmd wrote
And you successfully kicked the dragon back into his own lair, to his death, while using a double sided dildo and one hit.
Blue1123 t1_iy0gs5p wrote
piroteknix t1_iy0hohj wrote
[deleted] t1_iy0hur6 wrote
ExceptionCollection t1_iy0mzx1 wrote
It's a conversation piece, really. You can roll it but why.
My other "conversation piece" dice are a D12 from an old National Geographic game and a metal D20. I also have "long" dice I use sometimes, but at least those are functional. (
Oh, and a set of D6 that have a D6 inside of them.
WolfOfPort t1_iy0nxgo wrote
And theres not even 100 numbers on it
Aniensane t1_iy0omyz wrote
95 or 100
WalkerBRiley t1_iy0p50y wrote
I had a d100 that was far better than this hunk of....mess.
It still took forever to finish rolling, unless you rolled it against bumpers. Two d10 are still the preferred method.
WalkerBRiley t1_iy0p78m wrote
What if that WAS their hobby? Just because you don't approve of it doesn't make it valid.
newaccountzuerich t1_iy0t5d4 wrote
Not a valid die. Opposite number should total (dX+1) where X is the die value. I can see a 76 and a 35 which should be opposed.
Also valid dice will have the same values totalled on each side of any plane through the centre.
grantbullock t1_iy0uhcp wrote
I heard a guy called grits n gravy once rolled 77 7s in a row on this die, winning a million in the process
Triskalaire t1_iy10f4f wrote
wow, rerolls all your items, and rocks, enemies, pickups in the room
Iamstillhere44 t1_iy13b9h wrote
Someone get me my golf clubs.
mattstorm360 t1_iy14t1k wrote
And i still rolled a 1.
Imthewienerdog t1_iy1b590 wrote
Nah can't be. Only weird things I'm interested in are okay.
kiut_88 t1_iy1cjc8 wrote
Spindown dice is better imo
battleaxworier t1_iy1gf9h wrote
Does this belong in r/technicallythetruth
millennial_stalin t1_iy1jzhp wrote
even then, the area isn’t the same within each junction
FasterAndFuriouser t1_iy1ti2c wrote
Challenge accepted.
Excellent-Practice t1_iy1vv35 wrote
Other than a d4, I don't think that's possible for an even number of sides
jazzkott t1_iy1xurt wrote
BinaryFinary98 t1_iy27rk4 wrote
This looks like a ball with numbers glued onto it
Fat_catman t1_iy29o8i wrote
It's seems my angel role it every morning, like a wild magic
WasabiZone13 t1_iy2desl wrote
This reminds me of the time I rolled a 9 9 and scored psionics on my first cleric.
Twentydragon t1_iy2hzr7 wrote
I have an earlier model of d100. It's basically a sphere with circles truncated out of it, so it doesn't stop between numbers, and it contains some kind of sand to bring it to rest quicker and not roll off the table (as much).
Twentydragon t1_iy2ia71 wrote
I have an earlier version of d100, and it's not terribly difficult to tell at all.
The one in the photo is a poor example, since the die can rest between intended values (the original cannot). That's what it's doing here: resting between the 95 and the other two faces just past the horizon.
Twentydragon t1_iy2ii1x wrote
OP's photo shows the die resting in the middle of the gap between the 95 and two other faces just past the horizon. There's no number on top here, which is what makes me wonder why manufacturers decided to do it this way instead of the way Lou Zocchi did.
Twentydragon t1_iy2ixp0 wrote
I still have my zocchihedron!
It does roll for a while, but stopping it faster is what the beads/sand is for. Without it (especially if it's metal like OP's photo), these things would roll like a golf ball. They still do, but I can get them to stop on a reasonably level table.
It also doesn't have empty spaces between the numbered faces; it's basically a sphere with 100 circular divots cut out of it. This means that it won't rest between values like the one in OP's photo is doing.
Twentydragon t1_iy2j52g wrote
The angle isn't helping, but this type of d100 is poorly designed. It's resting between the 95 and two other faces just over the horizon.
The original didn't have this problem.
SpudButters t1_iy2jb3p wrote
That’s a ball with hexagons glued onto it lol
Twentydragon t1_iy2jdg9 wrote
It's much easier if you can see it in 3D.
And also if the die doesn't have gaps between the values for it to land on — OP's photo shows it resting between 95 and two other faces. The original zocchihedron didn't have this issue.
Jwn5k t1_iy2v19a wrote
This is the D100 I decided to buy, it weighs almost a whole pound (14.8oz), and i looked at a dozen or so includin the one in the pic OP posted, I dont really like the potential for it to land in between any of the numbers in those gaps, that was what I was mostly worried about. The one I picked might not look as prety but I think the design is arguable better.
Correct-Baseball5130 t1_iy2wsa3 wrote
What is it's utility?
INFJ_witchergirl t1_iy3wmlj wrote
Ah. I see. Interesring. I've not even come across a situation where you need a d100. What do you use them for?
Twentydragon t1_iy5vang wrote
Usually it's used to pull a result from a randomization table, or in generating setting attributes like a town's population size or a shopkeep's gold on hand.
There are still a few edge cases where a player might need to roll a d100, but usually players just use percentile dice. The zocchihedron is still a fun thing to have if you like dice!
INFJ_witchergirl t1_iy71p3d wrote
Yeah. I have a fascination with dice. I love all the cool DnD dice, even though I don't play. I'd love to but none of my friends do, sadly. Did you see the kickstarter for the coin dice? Very clever
Twentydragon t1_iy71rgx wrote
I haven't seen those, no.
INFJ_witchergirl t1_iy7255j wrote
Here: I would back this, but I already backed the witcher old world and can't afford to back anything for a while
NinjaHDD t1_ixyeliz wrote
Do not give the lottery any ideas…