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BlackJesus420 t1_j65oee5 wrote

I swear, if an AI could read this story it would draw up these exact two mugshots.

Hopefully those kids end up in the care of adults who actually love them.


sledbelly t1_j65xuoj wrote

Would love to know if these assholes are known to DCYF.

Would not be surprised if this is another systemic failure.


jgren91 t1_j66fgy9 wrote

IIRC someone on a FB page said dcyf had been notified multiple times by neighbors and teachers of the children at school.


shutup_you_dick t1_j68teb5 wrote

It took the state and the police 19 days to go to that home, after dozens of complaints... NH needs to do better!


ThePencilRain t1_j69pi9w wrote

Go read the dcyf thread.

It took that long cause they don't have enough people to take the cases.

Social workers are waaaay overworked, underpaid, disrespected, and impossible to replace as nobody wants a job that destroys them mentally, physically, and emotionally for shit pay and zero respect.


scarletuba t1_j6f8jxe wrote

I said exactly the same thing in another sub. Why does everyone revel in crapping on the people who are doing one of the worst jobs imaginable? It's almost like the government wants the organization to fail and makes it impossible for them to be effective.

The other important thing a lot of people don't understand/don't want to accept is that the research right now points to keeping children with their families. Taking kids away from their families is not only more expensive, but the outcomes tend to be worse for them in foster care/group homes. DCYF is charged, therefore, with trying to keep children with their parents and provide help/guidance to the family.

Now maybe the pendulum will swing in the opposite direction and more kids will be pulled from parents in the future, but there it is...


Acanthaceae_Square t1_j692jqh wrote

Remember prior to 2016-2018 or so when they used to publish that in the initial story before the AG’s office and DHHS changed its internal policy and refused to release info about that part so they wouldn’t look as incompetent as they are instead of actually improving their services?


TiredCr0codile t1_j6b9li5 wrote

The kids are probably foster. She owns the home, clearly neither of them go to work, with mugs like that


manbunsandkayaks t1_j65rgte wrote

I couldn’t get through the first paragraph before returning to the comments section to see if this truly is a confirmed age of 35 and 36 for these two…. MY GAWD


Happy_Confection90 t1_j66cdct wrote

"Police said the odor of urine and feces was very strong. They also said that animal waste was seen on the floor and trash was spotted throughout the house."

So the urine and feces that smelled very strong were from humans? Yikes


plowfaster t1_j66dbip wrote

Manchester is a wasteland.


xwalk t1_j66erc4 wrote

A total fuckin dump and I don't know why anyone on this sub defends it


PowPowPowerCrystal t1_j66ll9w wrote

With high density populations you see more terrible things happen simply because there are more people. Things like this happen in all towns, everywhere, but a place with 5k people might see this happen with years between occurrences. A place with 120k will see this happen multiple times a year. Lots to criticize Manchester for, but this isn’t the city’s fault. If you read the article city employees discovered the issue. The very fact of being in Manchester brought this to a quicker ending than if this was a more rural environment where no one would have reason to be within earshot of the kids on a multi-acre property set 100 feet back from the road.


ProlapsedMasshole t1_j66t9zy wrote

Thank you for being a bastion of logic.

The level of understanding of populations and statistics around here is... expected 😔


xwalk t1_j68qv3n wrote

I worked there for 12 years, 4 of those years on night shift. My first year on 3rd shift Denise Roberts was randomly murdered just down the street (still unsolved I believe), that mass overdose of K2 (about 20 people died in a 24 hours), I shoed away the same prostitute blowing guys in our parking lot at least a dozen times, there were about 3 or 4 armed robberies at the Rite Aid on Elm within the same month! and don't even get started on the Cadillac Motel.
I spent a good amount of my free time as a teenager all over the city and it was never that shit but as time went on it ramped up really hard. I understand population dynamics but almost no where else in NH can you consistently find such garbage. I say it's a dump out of love, I'd like for the city to acknowledge the bigger issues and not the panhandling laws that don't work. And to qualify all of that, yeah I've done some volunteering there but holy shit it's brutal even just driving in there nowadays.


xwalk t1_j68o94c wrote

I didn't say anything about that. It's a dump


Jam5quares t1_j66kqcx wrote

People defend it?


xwalk t1_j68ru2m wrote

This sub goes through waves of defending it or shitting on it 😄 Defending it is just ignoring the issues in the city. Every person I've met that went to Central has a horrific story about it (ask anyone who went there, that's in their 30's or older, a story about the tunnels) but they all say something about loving it. Manchester was great but it's been getting infinitely worse over the last 20 years


Yolkozuna t1_j67u2xw wrote

This is, unfortunately, all too common. We see it in our town of less than 5k. The biggest reason it’s allowed to get to this point is due to an overwhelmed foster care/social worker system - there’s nowhere to put these kids. And when children grow up in this environment they come with a unique set of issues, too, which makes it that much harder to find good homes for them. It’s heartbreaking.


occasional_cynic t1_j683pak wrote

We need more support and funding for social workers but the foster system has been shot to hell by do-gooders. It is unforgivable how bad it has gotten.


Acanthaceae_Square t1_j693o2u wrote

We need to hire people with appropriate educations and pay them appropriately across all levels of this system. Most that work there aren’t even social workers. The state tells them they’re child welfare and mental health experts and they have no such education that reflects that. You need a pulse and a Bachelors degree in almost anything and you’re magically a child welfare expert, w the education requirement actually dropping as they contract out to private agencies to manage cases


Yolkozuna t1_j683yg6 wrote

What do you mean about the foster system and do-gooders? I’m not very familiar with it, other than that the amount paperwork required to apply is overwhelming.


occasional_cynic t1_j694prh wrote

If you volunteer for foster care you will have to go through umpteen tons of paperwork, have your personal life and privacy raped by a case manager/social worker, and any adult males in the house will be treated like unconvicted child molesters.

The system has become so bad that basically the only people willing to host fosters are those doing it as a quasi-business, and want the $$.


Yolkozuna t1_j699wp9 wrote

I see what you mean. Well intentioned, but over the top. We ended up providing a home for two kids in a situation similar to the above story, but it was on an emergency basis and the judge just went ahead and said, “Yes, please, and thank you.” Crazy.


xwalk t1_j66fkht wrote

I get that life can get away from you but just quit fuckin! Don't bring kids into your shitty world and if you can't get snipped then jump in a lake. Five kids all in group homes is almost as bad as where they're coming from, just a massive bummer. Especially with teenagers, they never get adopted.


hellno560 t1_j668b6x wrote

Couldn't clean the house or walk the animals but she managed to get her hair done I see. Mother and father of the year here. I hope the best for these kids.


IAmAn_Anne t1_j66dh4w wrote

Cheers to the public works guy. So so sad, I get being overwhelmed, especially with 5 kids, but that was hard to read, I can’t imagine getting to the point of perpetrating it.


chi_rho_ t1_j68x0dp wrote

I don’t understand. They look like good clean people


PM_Me_Ur_B1MMER t1_j6as8fl wrote

I'm just glad these deplorable human beings got reported and caught. Their children deserve better.


TurnoverTall t1_j66ndt4 wrote

Zero surprise what was found. Irresponsible individuals.


Stephanie754 t1_j66tw2h wrote

Nasty. She’s too busy making TikTok videos while she locks her kids up and doesn’t clean the house


Reddit_in_her_voice t1_j65r58i wrote

Oh shit my children are living in a filthy Manchester home


Sandi_T t1_j660s25 wrote

Locked in their rooms with floors and bed covered in human and animal shit?

Candace, is that you?!