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HomeAloneToo t1_j3scqil wrote

I moved from Co a few years ago, but this behavior seems weird from Polis. I get the struggle of having people and no resources, but I’m surprised to see he took this route.


CobraCommander t1_j3sepgk wrote

No evidence has been provided that a) the migrants asked to be sent across the country and b) that it is not just a coincidence that they're being sent exactly where the TX governor has been sending migrants.


DeNoodle t1_j3sfkc3 wrote

You're trying to create a false equivalency. The stated goals of TX and FL couldn't be further form those articulated by CO. You're welcome to use as broad a brush as you like, but we're also welcome to ignore you as a blowhard. Have a nice day, Bud.


daveeb t1_j3sgrmu wrote

Former CO resident here. Not familiar with any migrant transport practices from my time there, but I did learn quite a bit about how the transportation of the homeless was handled from folks who worked in missions. My understanding of how this played out in the past is…

  • Homeless person arrives in area in CO.
  • They’re asked if they have family/friends in any number of cities.
  • The homeless person identifies which city they have such connections in.
  • They’re given transit to the destination.

It wouldn’t surprise me if something like that happened here.

> Were you looking to go to Chicago? NYC? San Francisco?

And then they’re shipped off.

The morality of all that is… grey, to say the least. Snagging their consent to solve the immediate problem.


spokenrebutal t1_j3sh78y wrote

They didn't care about immigrants until they were on there doorstep, how ironic


GhettoChemist t1_j3sikok wrote

That's right NYC has never had to host immigrants. Just a bunch of white people populating the 5 boroughs it looks like rural Norway. Now those Mayberry motherfuckers can finally experience the immigrant problems that Denver, Vail, and Beaver Creek have faced.


FuckedYourSandwich t1_j3skg96 wrote

I saw a documentary about Colorado shipping homeless people to California years ago. Even had a song about it.


ImmediateJeweler5066 t1_j3smkik wrote

Yeah I’ve been asking around because I know quite a few people who are immigrants or work with immigrant communities, and it seems like these folks were unable to get to Chicago and NYC because transportation was a mess from the winter storm, but they wanted to go. It’s very different than kidnapping people like Abbott did.

If they were trying to get to other cities where they have family or friends, then chartering a bus to help them get there is a good thing. People are not going to need much assistance in the form of emergency shelters if they have community support at their destination.


N8CCRG t1_j3smwhl wrote

They weren't forced, but they were lied to about where they were going. Many of them were trying to get to places where they had friends or family all over the country, some even just other parts of Texas, and they were told the bus would take them there, but then the bus took them to New York and DC.


Unconfidence t1_j3spe1l wrote

Considering the process has changed drastically since your family did it, maybe you should reconsider. After all criminal prosecutions for illegal border crossing didn't happen until 2004.

Immigration law has drastically changed within our lifetimes, and become incredibly restrictive relative to what it was for the entirety of American history. For all the poeple decrying "semi-open borders" we have the most shut borders America has ever had in its history. And that's not even tackling the question of "Was it even smart to change our immigration policy away from the one under which we became the world's foremost superpower, or were we just in shock from 9/11?"


hungaryhasnodignity t1_j3spzvh wrote

If they’re human traffickers so is Colorado. They we’re doing the exact same thing minus the press releases.

The only human traffickers benefiting from this situation are the ones south of the border.


daveeb t1_j3sq0d2 wrote

For the homeless, they end up in the shelter system. Good people work at shelters, and I don’t want to say anything bad about them. That said, their overall effectiveness is questionable. Folks often bounce if they’re wanting to drink/do drugs, and it’s not a safe spot for women.

Everyone’s doing their best, but as you can tell from the number of homeless camps in Denver, it’s often just not enough.


Unconfidence t1_j3sq3z8 wrote

Relevant text:

>Polis announced on Jan. 3 that Colorado would facilitate in transporting of migrants who arrived in Denver to their "final destinations," noting that about 70% of the migrants did not consider Denver as their destination. The release added that weather and workforce shortages at the time attributed to travel cancellations for many migrants.

>New York Mayor Eric Adams had responded before Polis issued that announcement. Joining 77WABC's "Sid and Friends in the Morning," Adams informed listeners that Polis notified him on Monday about busing migrants from Colorado.

>"This is just unfair for local governments to have to take on this national obligation," Adams said. "We've done our job. There's no more room at the end, but we are compelled by local laws here that we must provide shelter."

So yes, unlike with Abbot, Polis was literally facilitating these folks getting to where they were trying to go. But Republicans have to try to "both sides" with something, and this is the best they got.


gravescd t1_j3sqz39 wrote

For those unfamiliar with Denver/CO's recent situation: This is a major travel hub, and most of the migrants who arrived here in December were on their way somewhere else. During the travel clusterfuck of December '22, the state provided financial assistance for people who were basically stranded mid-journey.

>About 70% of the migrants arriving in Denver don't have Colorado as a final destination and due to weather and workforce shortage, they have been experiencing transportation cancellations.
>To help solve this challenge, the State is partnering with Denver and nonprofits to provide intake, processing, and transportation coordination to help migrants safely reach their desired final destination. Our priority is ensuring that this is done in a culturally competent manner, in the most humane possible way, and in coordination with the receiving community.
In order to facilitate the safe and voluntary transit of people, the state is working with culturally competent navigators to ensure that each individual is voluntarily making their decision.


mrm00r3 t1_j3sqzm6 wrote

I’m not absolving CO either. I’m just pointing out that you seem to weigh your own interests over that of people based on their nation of origin or ethnic background, to the extent that you’re willing to push talking points created by the people that did the trafficking.

Not a good look.


gravescd t1_j3srlt3 wrote

The state of CO's statement has been posted multiple times already - it clearly says that it provided voluntary travel assistance to people's destination of choice.

Believe it or not, NYC and Chicago are major destinations for immigrants.


The_Poster_Nutbag t1_j3srsnv wrote

Ah yes, the old "you guys have to jump through arbitrary hoops and regulations because I imagine my ancestors did it too"

You do realize the anti-immigrant sentiment has been ongoing since America began right? There were the Irish, the Italians, the Catholics, Africans, central and south Americans, east Asian, etc. You sound like a fool claiming to know that because an immigrant is in Chicago they did it a certain way. Get real.


gravescd t1_j3srxim wrote

Colorado did coerce people with false information about jobs and legal assistance, and then send them someplace completely difference.

Colorado helped people get to where they were already trying to go when their transportation got cancelled in the middle of winter.


Unconfidence t1_j3srxz5 wrote

Yes, and we're only now just normalizing back to the level of immigrants we had back in the 1850's.

You think this is a lot because you don't understand that historically America's entire national identity was "We'll take you even if nobody else will". It's only for the past sixty to seventy years that a growing political backlash against immigrants has become politically empowered enough to restrict immigration.

I'm telling you, for all you anti-immigration folks' talk about how you like this country, you seem to like more the pale illusion of it in your head. And that's not even getting into the question of "Who's the real immigrants in a country which has native Americans?"


mymar101 t1_j3ss9nl wrote

It’s a dangerous political stunt anyway


orokusaki1986 t1_j3ssfjc wrote

In the words of Karl Marx in regard to 19th century Irish immigration to England:

>Ireland constantly sends her own surplus to the English labor market, and thus forces down wages and lowers the material and moral position of the English working class.


spokenrebutal t1_j3ssvne wrote

I'm actually quite familiar with the system. I know how expensive it is, how long it takes and that it needs an overhaul. I also know that the vast majority of Americans couldn't pass the test. However now it has become a political point with sanctuary cities, locking people in cages, pandering to certain demographics, those seeking asylum or whatever other rhetoric you wish to include. To gain access to one of the greatest countries in the world you just have to claim asylum since Central America is in it's current state. I feel bad for them just as I do those that can't afford basic necessities. However we turn a blind eye to those already here and send aid and attention elsewhere which makes zero sense to me.


spokenrebutal t1_j3su1wb wrote

Not sure how you surmised anti immigrant sentiment from my comment, but nice try at inferencing. This country was built on immigrants fool. Keep simping for those that allow ways to circumvent the laws until it's their issue.

FYI try rewording your last sentences to make a better argument and more concise point


hungaryhasnodignity t1_j3sucpc wrote

They absolutely didn’t run weed on the ground level until recently. This has been devastating for smaller grows that we’re legally operating under the previous laws. Now everyone is back to being criminals that I know and it went from a job that paid living wages to one where large monied interest exploit migrants. This is not a positive change


Unconfidence t1_j3supsu wrote

My personal opinion is that immigrants and immigration are a financial boon, and that the test to become an American should be a simple criminal history check from country(s) of origin and a desire to immigrate. I actually want semi-open borders, so it's funny hearing people complain that we already have it.


Unconfidence t1_j3sv6wg wrote

>However now it has become a political point with sanctuary cities, locking people in cages, pandering to certain demographics, those seeking asylum or whatever other rhetoric you wish to include.

Right, the political point being that one side is anti-immigrant nativists who have extreme overlap with the racist elements in the nation, and the other side just treats them like normal people?

It should be easy to immigrate to America, that is the immigration policy under which we became the world's foremost economic powerhouse.


hungaryhasnodignity t1_j3svhaq wrote

I think you need to go travel the border. I went up and down the Rio Grande this summer from Laredo all the way to almost El Paso and actually illegally crossed into Mexico at three points just to do it. The water level was so low this summer many points of crossing were available where water was barely knee deep.

I talked with a lot of people down there and what the cartels are doing is horrific. The amount of rape and human misery is staggering. To do nothing about this crisis is deplorable immoral and exploitative. This isn’t a positive thing going on in this country and the fact that the absurdity that is the Republican Party are the only people willing to speak about this issue should really concern working class voters. What we are allowing to happen at the border is not a humanitarian gesture.

The fact that Colorado is overwhelmed enough to pay people to leave and they aren’t on the border speaks loudly. I understand that Republicans are amoral fear mongers, but what is happening right now not ok. We don’t even have enough housing for people who live and work here legally. Where are we going to house millions of people arriving who come unannounced? To pretend that unfettered migration isn’t damaging the economics of lower income people who are legally here is just putting your head in the sand.


hungaryhasnodignity t1_j3sx3ju wrote

Letting millions of people pour across your border to be exploited while your own economic conditions deteriorate is not a moral decision. There is a reason that Cesar Chavez set up camps of Union workers at the border to literally turn in and beat back migrants crossing illegally and it wasn’t because he for white supremacy. Union farm labor was eventually defeated by the exploitation of migrants.

We celebrate Cesar Chavez while ignoring what he stood for and what he fought for.


spokenrebutal t1_j3sx5si wrote

So you think the right has either of our best interests at heart?! Stop with the us verses them mentality please. Have you compared how other developed nations in the world deal with citizenship and immigration?


hungaryhasnodignity t1_j3sx8i0 wrote

Letting millions of people pour across your border to be exploited while your own economic conditions deteriorate is not a moral decision. There is a reason the Cesar Chavez set up camps of Union workers at the borders to literally turn in and beat back migrants crossing illegally and it wasn’t because he for white supremacy.


The_Poster_Nutbag t1_j3sxgmr wrote

You're assuming that current immigrants have the same process of entry through time which is just ludicrous, just like your weird take on this issue and the weird interpretation of my comment. Immigration policy in the US is broken and we currently have the tightest borders we have ever had. I'm not sure what you're even going on about.

Also, please don't try to use the word 'simping' in a discussion on immigration reform, you sound like a child.


The_Poster_Nutbag t1_j3sxq2e wrote

I never said it was a positive change. I just noted that it's directly impacting your industry and now you're seeing its effects. The same way immigrants aren't operating backyard tomato grows, they weren't operating independent weed farms, but are now being brought into the fold as corporate businesses run the show.


Unconfidence t1_j3sz7wc wrote

I have, but I didn't find it particularly relevant, because America is not those countries. Our historical identity was practically formed on immigration and free trade, very reflective of the Netherlands during its glory days. The Dutch way of economics was a very strong component of the fabric of American identity, the idea that people should be able to trade and exist freely within the territory. While other countries closed themselves off and restricted who could enter, we accepted just about everyone. And for that we became the greatest economic powerhouse in world history. Until 9/11, and then we decided to start prosecuting illegal border crossers criminally instead of civilly. How have we been doing since then?

Imagine being a passenger on the MS St. Louis in 1939. You're Jewish, and you've managed to get all the way from Germany to the shores of America, along with 900 others. Then, you're informed that you'll have to turn around and seek asylum elsewhere, because the US won't take you. Imagine that. Now imagine a family fleeing cartel violence, showing up at the border, and being told to wait in line because right wing Americans think the country is "too full". History rhymes.


hungaryhasnodignity t1_j3szhks wrote

Immigration and illegal migration are two very different things. Legal and controlled immigration should be encouraged, but until you stop the flow of millions of migrants across the border you can’t have a functional system. There is nothing ethical or moral about an open border. It’s only good for those who exploit the working class and the migrants.

This is a country that was built by giving away land to emigrants and immigrants. I have no negative feelings about these people, but the idea that we should celebrate the Democratic Party allowing this to fester and grow for two years is ridiculous.

I mean honestly before this article did you know Democrats in Colorado was also bussing migrants away? People can attack me all they want for saying it, but if you went to these places first hand like I did you’d realize how serious the situation is.

This is the same mentality I see on Reddit when then think that magic “insurance” pays for the shops that were burnt down in the riots of 2020.

We saw all that damage, and the loudest activists bought mansions and the Police just set a new record for officer shootings. Yay!

People take so many positions because they are cosmetically progressive, but take very little time to consider the lives of other people that are impacted.


hungaryhasnodignity t1_j3t3n4h wrote

I want people to stop pretending that the Democratic Party is on the right side of this conversation. They seem very content right now to paint anyone who says this humanitarian crisis is a serious issue as a racist or white supremacist. The GOP is a cesspool of bigoted morons whose donors benefit from the status quo, but to see what has been allowed to happen the last two years at the border is just horrific. It’s not moral or ethical and it will not end well for the majority of this country.


gravescd t1_j3t3xmp wrote

Voluntary assistance to a destination of their choice isn't trafficking.

If your flight gets canceled during a layover and someone pays for your ticket on another carrier, are you being trafficked?

The trafficking from TX involved lying to people about jobs and legal assistance in specific places, and then sending them to completely different locations.


hungaryhasnodignity t1_j3t5bhw wrote

So the nearly 10,000 people Texas has sent to NYC we’re all lied to? The system they’re using is very similar to what Colorado was doing until like literally yesterday. They just chose to make it a media event. People are sleeping outside of churches on the border because they ran out of room to house so many people. It’s madness


The_Poster_Nutbag t1_j3t5f39 wrote

Please elaborate on what you mean by "had it like this". Simply acknowledging there is a humanitarian issue on the border isn't what gets you called a racist. It's how you talk about the people who need help that actually does make someone a racist. Like, when you say "they should just do it the way my ancestors did", well that's not possible because the system doesn't work that way and you're inferring that this makes them criminals breaking laws (which weren't prosecuted until 2004 as stated in an above comment). People willing to trek thousands of miles through dangerous land should be offered help if they come seeking it, not turned away at the gate and told "too bad so sad, should have come up here last century".


hungaryhasnodignity t1_j3t6ikd wrote

Many of these people are economic migrants plain as day. This is class warfare masquerading as a moral obligation. If they’re legitimately seeking asylum then they should go to a point of entry and claim it legally. That’s not what many of these people are doing because that’s not what many of these people are.

It’s like the homeless. Many homeless people want to be homeless because they get to live without responsibility and do their drugs.

I don’t feel bad for these people.

I feel bad for the people who live here who are struggling to pay rent because it’s doubled in a few years and letting millions of people across the border to compete for the limited housing isn’t going to anything positive.

You act like millions of economic migrants who come here to work under the table doesn’t have negative impacts on the working class.

I read and was convinced of this issue by Cesar Chavez. That man was right then and he is right now. I just wish he had picked kinder language.


gravescd t1_j3t6vgg wrote

I'm talking specifically about the ones that were turned in to media frenzies. The ones at Martha's Vineyard and Kamala Harris's house. Those people were not assisted by social workers, they were lied to by political staff, and they were not sent to where they wanted to go.

If a program provides voluntary assistance to where someone is actually trying to go, then it's legal and a good thing. Helping people make transportation arrangements is normal work in social services.


hungaryhasnodignity t1_j3t9w4r wrote

Dude talk to homeless people. They like being out there and many are high as fuck. It’s a lifestyle. Many don’t want to get clean and they don’t want jobs. They like being high and getting benefits like food stamps and economic aid. Have you ever worked in those communities? Being homeless is an economic strategy at this point.

Why would you work 40-50 hours a week to spend half your income on rent when you can sleep out and get benefits for not working? I don’t understand why more people aren’t choosing that path. Frankly living in my truck and buying a trailer has saved me tens of thousands of dollars a year in rent. I work when a I want to. I don’t do the drugs, but it’s liberating to be able to go where you want when you want. I don’t think you understand what’s going on in the margins of this society at all.

Since I’ve been back from Afghanistan I’ve never had a lease or a mortgage and spent years living in a vehicle to save money even while I worked.

Why would you choose to be a wage slave?

Once you get used to being homeless it’s way better than working at McDonalds or a factory. It’s freedom.


MeatsimPD t1_j3tf9y1 wrote

> Shouldn't those that support open borders enthusiastically support helping migrants reach their final destination

No one supports open borders.

Maybe if Republicans stopped saying the border was open and started echoing Biden who's telling people the border isn't open and to not show up there, then we'd have less people showing up expecting it to be open


hungaryhasnodignity t1_j3tgyf6 wrote

I just spent most of June and July working full time as a volunteer with homeless drug addicts in Colorado. Again I’m speaking from experience. I like these people, but most of them would never choose housing over drugs. If people don’t want treatment you can’t house then because it gets destroyed. I and many like me gave up traditional housing because it’s a scam anyways. Visit r/vanlife for an example. Why would anyone pay 1200-2000 a month in rent? I don’t know what you think you know about marginal communities but I’ve spent 8 months in the last 2 years volunteering with unhoused and displaced people full time and I could educate you.

No one who works with homeless communities thinks that drug addicted ones want housing fyi. We know they don’t because they tell us they don’t.


hungaryhasnodignity t1_j3tj5ez wrote

It’s two sides of the life. First of most people living in vehicles are marginal as fuck. In spent two years in mine after Afghanistan. I’ve spent over a year of my life living in a tent as well.

Secondly, not every homeless person on drugs is on heroin, and in fact many aren’t serious drugs addicts.

It’s a super diverse community. You don’t know these people and I work with them for months at a time out of pocket. These TikTok people trying to monetize homelessness aren’t the people in the trenches of the housing crisis.

There are many people living in cars and RVs right now to avoid insane rents. I sold RVs and live in one so I know it’s happening. They buy buses too. Anything is better than rent for many of us. Why would you spend 50% of your income on housing? If you don’t have rent or a mortgage you don’t have to work full time to survive.

I work half the year and can still save moderately.

I dunno what to tell you, but housing is optional to a lot of people.

I would like to see the prices of rent normalize but that ship seems to have sailed. Instead they’ll keep passing anti camping and anti RV laws to try to force people back into working for Blackrock capital.

Like I said I don’t feel sorry for them, but I’ve spent thousands of dollars and months of my time feeding and helping people who lost their homes or chose not to have one. I just try to help when I can.

I just think it’s tragic what’s happened to this country.


wonder590 t1_j3tl98l wrote

The only hypocrisy in immigration is on the side of Conservatives and the Republican party, full stop.

Every Democrat administration has tried to make overtures to the right-wing to desperately try to come up with at least slightly better solutions to our absolutely broken immigration policy. Republicans block it every time- and simultaneously these pieces of shit will broadcast migrant caravans on repeat around every single election cycle, only to drop the coverage the day after the elections are over. Republicans own communities in red states are getting overrun with migrants and they STILL refuse to do anything about immigration that isn't just arbitrarily reducing the amounts of people allowed into the country because of their weird racial/political views surrounding non-white people predominantly voting Democrat.

This shit with busing/flying migrants to Liberal states is just the cherry on the shit sundae of hypocrisy. If Republicans wanted to change immigration to construct a systemic approach to evening out the load of receiving migrants I could respect that- but the fact that they've been denying any attempts on a Congressional level since George W. Bush and probably even earlier means the ball is in their court. Let people in border states like Texas vote for a Republican that actually wants change in immigration policy that isn't isolationist drivel- or better yet vote for a Democrat.

When people in these border states actually vote for real change and not inflammatory bullshit give the Democrats in Congress a call, otherwise miss us left-wingers with that bullshit.


jschubart t1_j3tp4vt wrote

It is pretty common for large cities to do that information. The idea behind it is not bad: the person they are sending knows someone in the destination city that can help them out. The problem comes with follow up. If there is no follow up (which is rare), then there is no confirmation that the person actually got help. There is little incentive for the original city to check in because that costs money and they technically did their part by reducing homelessness in the city.

And when I say it is common in large cities, it does not really matter whether they lean left or right. LA, SF, and NYC sends out quite a few homeless on one way tickets as do places like SLC and Florida.


squidking78 t1_j3tr0qr wrote

No sane person who understands economic and how the world actually works supports “open borders”.

The right wing like to tar anyone vaguely left with this completely extremist, fantasy view of “what the left wants”. It’s great for votes and outrage. Sometimes the far left fringe is their own worst enemy, with the stuff they come up with.


squidking78 t1_j3trgbt wrote

Better headline: “Colorado Governor confirms Denver isn’t good enough for 70% of migrants, who want to go elsewhere.” ( it’s in the article )


coolluck33 t1_j3trpwu wrote

When Texas & Florida's governors were told of Colorado's new position, they laughed & said 'No comment '...


ultradianfreq t1_j3ttvk9 wrote

What’s ridiculous is state’s and cities publicly advertising themselves as sanctuaries that will shelter and support illegal immigrants and then working out deals with other states to stop immigrants from getting to the self proclaimed sanctuaries. Not fair? It’s not fair to turn your back on the people you welcomed and promised to protect.

Yes border security is a federal responsibility, border states have been calling this out for years while sanctuary states and cities have promised to undermine border protections by sheltering people violating the U.S. border laws.

Also, we consider what Texas and Florida did to be human trafficking, isn’t preventing them from going where they want kidnapping?


Kahzootoh t1_j3tx2l0 wrote

Only because California (and other wealthy states, like NY) tend to assume that homelessness is a problem to be addressed rather than exported.

California doesn’t want the homeless, it just looks “super cool” when compared to poorly run states in the Midwest that constantly export the dregs of their society to California and delude themselves into believing that “small government” is working.

Those states are poorly administered, and they chronically fail to provide enough education, jobs, housing, and other social investments to build a state that can absorb all of the people they produce.

It’s why the entrepreneurs and elites in those states are disproportionately people from places like California and New York- Boise ain’t producing too many people with the education or experience to run a modern industrial enterprise.

In time, the gradual flow of elites from California and New York will probably change the political culture of ineptitude and backwardness in those states but progress isn’t going to happen overnight.


epraider t1_j3u77ub wrote

There are many liberals and average Americans who support streamlining and expanding the legal immigration process and providing pathways to citizenship, while also supporting enforcing immigration laws.

The problem is that many Republicans don’t want to fix the legal immigration system, they want to limit legal immigration even further and limit acceptance of asylum seekers even further, and support throwing money at symbolic shit like expanding border walls that will not stop illegal immigration.

Fix the problem at the root cause and fix the immigration process and expand processing of asylum seekers, treating a symptom will not solve the problem.

And if you want to invest in securing borders and limiting illegal border crossings, we should be investing in more drone and surveillance networks, intelligent detection systems, and rapid response units. You can’t build enough walls and fences that people won’t be able to go around, over, or under, particularly in remote areas with a lot of variable terrain.

While we’re at it, we should also be taking more measures like reducing sanctions on countries like Venezuela and invest more in aid programs and economic partnerships to help make these counties more viable to live in so so many people don’t feel a serious need to migrate to the US to protect their families and live comfortably.


getmendoza99 t1_j3udro7 wrote

Walls and barbed wire don’t keep them out, and such efforts are vanity projects and wastes of money designed to buy votes without actually fixing the problem they use to attract votes.


Yonder_Zach t1_j3ugi6g wrote

It sounds like your entire understanding of the situation comes from unreliable right wing media. The people you trust for your information are not acting in good faith- they are grifters misleading you intentionally and systematically because they don’t respect you.


TheShadowKick t1_j3uhro5 wrote

> If you're gonna look at me with a straight face and tell me that progressive bastions such as NYC and Chicago didn't have solid pluralities or even outright majorities that supported such a state of affairs prior to all the buses I'd call you a liar.

Then you'll have to call me a liar because I've lived within an hour of both New York and Chicago and open borders isn't a popular policy in either of those places. Open borders isn't a popular policy among progressives in general. You can find a few who support it, but for the most part progressives just want better treatment for illegal immigrants and to make the legal immigration process more accessible.


squidking78 t1_j3uues5 wrote

Yup. Only an insane fringe want “open borders” or will argue with you on “what they mean”… despite using that insane language. It’s just as bad as abolish the police entirely as a solution to policing issues. ( even if they don’t actually mean that, it’s an idiotic catch phrase that gives the far right ammunition against sane solutions for years. )


TheShadowKick t1_j3uuwl3 wrote

>If you're gonna look at me with a straight face and tell me that progressive bastions such as NYC and Chicago didn't have solid pluralities or even outright majorities that supported such a state of affairs prior to all the buses I'd call you a liar.

Then you'll have to call me a liar because I've lived within an hour of both New York and Chicago and open borders isn't a popular policy in either of those places. Open borders isn't a popular policy among progressives in general. You can find a few who support it, but for the most part progressives just want better treatment for illegal immigrants and to make the legal immigration process more accessible.


sirdiamondium t1_j3vh960 wrote

I’m still amazed that the for-profit prison companies haven’t figured a slavery angle on this yet


ultradianfreq t1_j3w44p2 wrote

Why the public campaign of welcoming more people who aren’t even citizens then? It’s pretty rich blaming Colorado for people wanting to come to your state. Just as rich blaming border states who are truly overwhelmed and have been for years. Those states should stop welcoming these people into the country if they’re just going to ignore them once they’re here and leave them stranded in places they don’t want to stay in. That’s like inviting a homeless person to live in your house and then convincing the bus driver not to bring them.


ChaosofaMadHatter t1_j3x1ydb wrote

Just a clarification- sanctuary cities simply means they are going to use local funds to support and enforce local laws and regulations. Federal funds should be used for federal laws and regulations, such as immigration. They aren’t saying they’re a safe haven for immigrants, they’re saying that they’re not going to arrest someone solely for being an undocumented immigrant and hold them for who knows how long for ICE to show up and deport them, spending lots of resources on someone who isn’t actually a danger to the community.


DeadwoodNative t1_j3x8jg6 wrote

There aren’t many things I agree with GOP Governors about; but I honestly can’t blame them for this. I’m all for immigration but it needs to be orderly and legal. And I think too many liberals (which I am) are blind to the impact of runaway undocumented migrants. It is not racial! I am white, but literally more than half my best friends growing up, and many many today, are hispanic.


TheShadowKick t1_j3ya0or wrote

Then I'm calling you a liar. Either that or you have no clue what "open borders" even means, because it's not a popular policy among the Democratic Party. You're either making up bullshit or you've badly misunderstood the actual policies that people want.


squidking78 t1_j40k75z wrote

Let me be clear. It’s not center right to say that having no border with the rest of the world as a sovereign nation is a good thing. That’s normal, standard international rules. You’ll find liberals like the international rules that allow nation states to exist. If you want “open borders” then make something like the EU. Freedom of movement is great, but there’s a lot more integration that comes before you simply “open the borders”.

I’m aware that there’s a constant creep to the right, in many things, but Jesus, preferring the thing that makes a nation actually sovereign ( protecting its borders and controlling who can come in and out and do business ) is how the world works. Far left twitter liberals aren’t the rest of the world. Or more importantly, the electorate. ( just as much as the fringe far right )