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Sea_Math4 t1_iv5ykbc wrote

Ferris Bueller at it again


RustyShackleford543 t1_iv5z2j9 wrote

This would've never happened if they were transferred via USPS


4Blu t1_iv63xsu wrote

I'd be so pissed if I had to give up a second Saturday to take that godforsaken test.


dreamcastfanboy34 t1_iv6cbnn wrote

You know one of those kids who didn't study prayed really hard the day of the test and then this happened lol


SextroDepresso t1_iv6ehts wrote

UPS putting the “oops” in their name

Should’ve used USPS instead of a private courier, dumbass school.


CrawlerSiegfriend t1_iv6gxu7 wrote

I'd probably end up suspended from school after all of the vitriol that would come out of my mouth if I was forced to take that thing twice.


RisingPhoenix92 t1_iv6ktaj wrote

Usually score higher the next time you take the test so it sucks but this is going to benefit them. But also they should find a way to make this up to those that have to retake it.


EitherEtherCat t1_iv6mdxm wrote

Maybe it’s time for SATs to be on those computer thingies


notFidelCastro2019 t1_iv6mygm wrote

FedEx tried to deliver me a letter last week. I have a mailbox outside, but they somehow got into my apartment complex, got all the way to my door. They didn’t knock, they just left a note saying I wasn’t there.

I was most definitely there…


mlorusso4 t1_iv6p6f5 wrote

Only thing I could think of is computer access since they are always taken in school. But I took the GRE this past summer which is basically the same thing. Everything was done on the computer, but you had the option to take the paper version if you wanted to.


aBoyandHisVacuum t1_iv6pa2m wrote

Good grief, agreed. Took the ACT and was told theres another test. Im like nah ill just goto the ACT only skools. No thanks. Graduated college and was told the next step is a 5 hr exam. Nope. No way. I could barely do 3 hr labs. Bachelors it was.


[deleted] t1_iv6tdpe wrote

Rip to the people that cheated 🙏


SuspectNo7354 t1_iv6xxea wrote

Halfway through one of the SATs I took the fire alarm went off. We were all outside discussing the test and various questions when something occurred to me.

I started thinking this test is going to be bogus since we're all sharing answers to the test. Then it hit me, we ain't finishing this test. A minute later they sent us all home to come back next weekend for a new test.


throw4jklfj t1_iv7ke5s wrote

The great thing about life is that if you don't wanna do something, in general you don't have to do it. Regardless of what anybody else may think. And you don't even have to explain yourself to others or give a shit what snarky comments they reply with.


Pyrhan t1_iv7ptzq wrote

I know someone who once had to re-take a university exam because the teacher forgot the bag with the exam copies in the train.

She said was quite happy about it, because she knew she had flunked it the first time, and she got a little extra time to work that subject before taking the test for the second time.

Others were obviously pissed...


uno-slick-willy t1_iv7r85g wrote

THATS EXACTLY WHAT I SAID HAPPENED TO MINE... then I was told to join the army.


Gh0stMan0nThird t1_iv7u28j wrote

I'll stand by your side on this one, random internet man.

I value my free time so much I'll intentionally take a lower paying job if it means dealing with less nonsense.

Life is short and I'm not wasting it at an office.


Deadofnight109 t1_iv7w7wp wrote

It's 100% true. We're not allowed to use mailboxes. But then again there's plenty of lazy drivers out there that cut corners wherever they can. Depending on how much the local post office cares, they will collect any packages ups/fedex puts in a mailbox and call them to come get them.


SuperCarbideBros t1_iv87it6 wrote

Shit, TOEFL (the English test for going to US colleges and universities for us int'l students) has been computer based since at least 10 years ago; I'm surprised SAT is still paper based.


WhiskeyNicks t1_iv87udv wrote

I'd retake the test to prove to UPS that I'd be a better employee than the one we know.


mart1373 t1_iv89pam wrote

Lol, I had to submit tax returns for my employer via certified mail with electronic return receipt. Out of about 30, I’ve gotten about 25 actual delivery confirmations.

Don’t exactly have the highest hopes for USPS after this…


GenoThyme t1_iv8bonh wrote

Yeah but taking a few tests can lead to much more free time down the road. I took 3 tests that were a combined 8 hours to become a teacher and now I don’t work in the summer. I have a friend with a bunch of advanced degrees that required tests to get and they’re on pace to retire around 50.


SamOnTheeLam t1_iv8jxv7 wrote

That's actually kinda tight if you don't mind taking it again. Scores usually go up when you take it again, so this was pretty much free practice.


baseballdnd t1_iv8pyzk wrote

Texas is making waves for all the wrong reasons


Hazelberry t1_iv8rqkd wrote

HEAVILY depends on the quality of your local post office. My local post office for example is always late, regularly loses packages, and will pull shit like claiming they delivered something when they never even drove within a mile of the destination.


nunpizza t1_iv8t6vu wrote

they need to come up with some sort of reparations for those kids


Earth_Normal t1_iv8yh0z wrote

They used UPS?

Why is a school not using USPS?


Alycorb t1_iv92536 wrote

That is just wrong. Do you know how hard kids have to study and how hard those tests are.. they shouldn’t be faulted for that!


Amielda t1_iv92ryz wrote

Lol just give them a refund... Save time and money and just go to a trade school


LokiNinja t1_iv9buug wrote

Angels to some, demons to others


Mayor__Defacto t1_iv9d3nw wrote

Err? What? Lol. The SAT test is not endorsed by or required by any government agency. There is no law that says it must be administered on the same day everywhere in the nation. There is no law that says it must be administered at all. There is also not even a law that says the score must be used as part of university admissions.

It is, however, typically offered on Saturdays.


moonbunnychan t1_iv9hbc8 wrote

I have a video doorbell and proof of them sticking that sorry we missed you tag on the door without even attempting to alert me. Showed the post office the video and they don't care. Another time they said they couldn't deliver because "the business was closed"...when the delivery address was my house. Every time stuff has gotten lost or destroyed its been USPS.


Minuted t1_iv9iup1 wrote

In the UK SATs are more like final tests of a student's time in one of two "key stages" in primary school, and previously also in year 9 (age 13 or 14 or so, "key stage 3"). They're mandated by the curriculum and used to assess a student's progress.

Why they'd think we were discussing UK education I don't know, but I think what they said would be correct in regards to UK SATS. Maybe they saw "SAT", thought of the only SATs they knew of and jumped the gun a bit?


The_Dankinator t1_iv9nto1 wrote

That wasn't a smart move though. It's an SAT. It ain't that bad. A few hours of studying and 6 hours taken out of a single day off could improve your chances of getting into a decent school and getting scholarships.


xnarphigle t1_iv9q6gd wrote

And yet it happens all the time. When I lived in an apartment in college, more than once I would be expecting a package and be home prepared to receive it. But they would just leave a note, no knocking, and leave. I'd have to go to the shipping depot to receive my package.

FEDEX was the worst for it.


truethatson t1_iv9tfwl wrote

Dude I definitely got a 1600. Trust me.


Wolfabc t1_iva3vrj wrote

College Board did that at least for AP exams during covid. If it's the same level of quality, it'll flop. They're an absolute garbage monopoly of a company that if had more competition would go out of business


Medcait t1_ivabqbr wrote

Needs to be electronic? Even the GRE and MCAT were electronic back in 2000 and 2006


SalamanderNo3872 t1_ivahdjk wrote

I never took SAT or ACT, I have a bachelor's degree and a 6 figure job. Those teats are not necessary for a successful future.


Mehmoregames t1_ivane8l wrote

I took no tests and have spent the last 5 years working three days a week, 12 days a month, on weeks I clock out with more than 23 hours I think "damn I worked a lot this week"


peensteen t1_ivcgwtc wrote

Brown can fuck right off for me, after that.


Klastermon t1_ivd20z7 wrote

So… I have a similar story. Quite some time ago,while driving on a large boulevard in Reno, Nevada, I passed a UPS truck going down the street with it’s back door open. I waved at the driver, and yelled at him to let him know about the situation. To this day, I don’t know how he found me, but he actually called me ( this is before the days of cell phones). He asked me if I had seen anything fall out… It turned out he was missing a package with the entire payroll (checks) for Harrah’s Club.


HolyHypodermics t1_iveo030 wrote

Had a similar thing happen when I did the HSC in 2020 (Australia, New South Wales version of SAT I think? Big exam in your final year that gives you a score for universities).

I was halfway through my legal studies HSC exam when our school got a bomb threat called in, so the exam had to be cut short and the entire school evacuated to our oval. We couldn't continue with our exam since it'd had already been interrupted and the entire state does it at the same time, nor could we redo it cos it wouldn't be fair to us.

I was told the markers would give us a score based upon the exam answers and essays we wrote so far, and our assignments and exam grades during the year. Worked out for me, I got a 96 for that exam!