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doctorhino t1_iwm8nz5 wrote

Mariah doesn't realize how long ago the 90s were.


StanchLizard593 t1_iwm8rzb wrote

No, she should share that title with George Michael.


Frankenfucker t1_iwmcnht wrote

Fucking it already almost time to let her out of her box?


webgambit t1_iwmggz3 wrote

That is a whole lot of ego, there.


arcose t1_iwmghme wrote

The scp foundation fails to contain her every year I don't know what dark God gave her powers but they must have been powerful


AlterEgo3561 t1_iwmikmr wrote

I heard she starts to lose her powers after December 25th which is why her New Years performance in 2017 went so wrong. For 2018 she made sure to keep enough in reserve to still perform properly.


hatramroany t1_iwmqs8p wrote

Because of streaming. There’s certainly a discussion to be had about streaming counting towards both the singles chart and the album chart but it’s irrelevant here.

Mariah’s song hits the top every year due to on demand streams. Saying she’s stuck in the 90s when her song is just incredibly popular is out of touch.


Zappa6174 t1_iwmrq9i wrote

All this mess because of some assholes' imaginary friend


DemoEvolved t1_iwmwz3a wrote

Mariah is finding out what it’s like to be “Qoc” blocked.


Piccoroz t1_iwn11vl wrote

Time to fire up the spiderman memes.


mistertickertape t1_iwn5v62 wrote

I was in a restaurant in Miami a few years ago and she and some other people were at a table directly next to my and a colleague I was with having dinner.

She refused to speak to the server and would only speak to an assistant that would then speak to the server on her behalf. Probably anecdotal, but every time a 'Which celeb is trash' thread is posted on r/AskReddit, other people tell stories of similar anecdotes involving her.

Ever since I saw how she treated that poor server, I can't listen can't listen to anything by her, especially the Christmas stuff.


ben_bliksem t1_iwn6y36 wrote

See...all these comments and nobody cares/knows who this Elizabeth Chan person is.


CitizenCobalt t1_iwn8nfy wrote

There's only one way to determine the true Queen of Christmas. A fight to the death. We haven't had a good Christmas themed gladiator match in a while.


guyonlinepgh t1_iwn9hix wrote

She is the queen of getting on my very last nerve though. Can we skip to January please?


Mbreezythunder t1_iwna9e4 wrote

Facking Cant of Christmas is what that bish is.


booch t1_iwnaomu wrote

Oh man. Is there a story for that? Because I can imagine that being right up there with Ikea. Though nothing compares to Anti-Memetics, imo.


Aeon1508 t1_iwncma0 wrote

I'm tired of this slander against Mariah Carey.

Every popular Christmas song is from 50s and 60s. All I want for Christmas is you is the 90s classic. That's OUR song. This is millennial heritage and we need to stop the self shaming. Stop letting the boomers control christmas


arcose t1_iwnd0ax wrote

I don't think there is an official sotry yet I wish I could commission one though anyway its a running joke in the community and there's even an scp Twitter that posted a containment breach on her


Lucycrash t1_iwndmt0 wrote

It's that time of year again for her high pitched screeching. I can't wait until I never hear her again.


samanime t1_iwneg5y wrote

I absolutely hate celebrities that are horrible to other people. I didn't particularly like her before, but now I actively dislike her.

Just because you can sing and have money doesn't mean you are better than other people. You should treat everyone with respect.


apathetic_revolution t1_iwneu57 wrote

Sorry, Mariah, but the Queen of Christmas is American Chinese food pioneer, Joyce Chen.


mochul t1_iwnf4tl wrote

I don't want a lot for Christmas except for exclusive legal and corporate rights over the season


TemporaryValue5755 t1_iwngfjw wrote

I wrote to Santa this year and I asked that he remove my ability to hear so that I don’t have to listen to Mariah Carey destroy my Christmas spirit this year.


stop_making_art t1_iwngigr wrote

that song is literally the Nightmare before Christmas


Crooked_Cock t1_iwnh94e wrote



Sabbaticala t1_iwnh98o wrote

She didn't write "all I want for Christmas is you." Vince Vance did, before Maria had braces.


1CocteauTwin t1_iwnh9tq wrote

When your ego is just so big you need everyone to call you Queen.

Jesus Chris with fucking tinsel on it.


[deleted] t1_iwnhqyx wrote


There's also George Michael.


supernovababoon t1_iwni9og wrote

Has anyone ever even heard of her referred to as the Queen of Christmas? Just the fact that she even attempted this shows how out of touch and egotistical she is.


amosmydad t1_iwnj6k3 wrote

Mariah Carey was NEVER the queen of Christmas


ScandalOZ t1_iwnjzw9 wrote

She has had that moniker since her song "All I Want For Christmas" hit #1 for several Christmas in a row.

You may not give a shit about her but that song is playing as soon as Christmas season is officially under way.


Karkuz19 t1_iwnkorv wrote

I understand that Americans that had to live with Christmas music blasting EVERYWHERE every year of their lives must find it irritating after decades, but as someone who adopted this tradition even though my culture is not much into Christmas songs (i mostly play it at my house most of December and half of November) I just hope I never get sick of it because I love it so fucking much.


SkepticalAdventurer t1_iwnma10 wrote

Having to make a statement like this definitely makes her sound like the sole queen of Christmas


Aeon1508 t1_iwnmtmz wrote

Woah woah woah. Dont start calling me a fan. I dont care about her. Never listen to her music. This isn't about her. It's about claiming what is ours


LFCsota t1_iwnncuw wrote

This is just weird now. Nobody cares about her but you. Enjoy rubbing your legacy in the corner. Don't forget to go outside for some sun here and again.


dsbwayne t1_iwnoit2 wrote

I love how people act like she is just this ONE Christmas song 😭😂Like nevermind the 18 other number 1’s amongst others 😂


CobaltSpellsword t1_iwnp6w0 wrote

"We are an Oligarchy of Christmas, not a Monarchy of Christmas, dammit!"


Cakeking7878 t1_iwnpsui wrote

You see, that’s because that’s robo Carey, while the real one is still one ice. They gotta convince people she’s a real person but that robot just isn’t advance enough to handle real conversations


generally_sane t1_iwnr1hl wrote

I actually made it the whole way to through the article, which is the most Mariah Carey I've been able to stand in years. Anyhow, I found this final paragraph to be so funny as that book describes the exact opposite of who she is. "The trademark request outcome hasn't stopped Carey from harnessing all the Christmas phrases she can. She just released a picture book called "The Christmas Princess," a "modern fairy tale" about Little Mariah, who "doesn't have much and doesn't want a lot" besides peace and joy during the holiday season."


HoboAJ t1_iwntiem wrote

Ever hear that one song early, and it's a fucking jam? Then the radio proceeds to play it so much, you wouldn't mind a lobotomy? Now, imagine that process playing out 1/6th of every year for 20+ years.

I understand people's disdain. I like the song, tho, probably because I don't listen to the radio.


msdlp t1_iwntkgn wrote

I looked up and watched the video of All I want for Christmas is You. I am a pretty broadminded person and enjoy sexual stuff just as much as the next guy but her video is way beyond something for children, ESPECIALLY those who still believe in Santa. She gets no respect from me.


LFCsota t1_iwntlqk wrote

You are the one trying to force Mariah Carey on everyone and claim she is so good that millennials need to claim her as their generational talent because she makes some Christmas song that malls love to pump out that most people don't enjoy.

But sure, you can call it "jovial" position.


a4techkeyboard t1_iwnunap wrote

Yeah, are public places not just playing it as one song in a massive playlist of Christmas and other seasonal holiday songs?

Surely, without it on a loop by itself, the attribution for whatever lack of mirth one feels about the music is spread out to several songs.


teoshie t1_iwnunwq wrote

does Mariah Carey even exist in our reality?

this article is the most out of touch thing I've read since whatever crazy shit Elon is doing every few hours


a4techkeyboard t1_iwnv54a wrote

It's okay, Aeon, not everyone wants to spread their wings like a butterfly.

Don't let their disdain be a heartbreaker that gets the best of you.

(I think those are references to Mariah Carey songs. After that my aunt's mixtape I used to overhear switched to TLC.)


bimbles_ap t1_iwnv6gj wrote

I don't consider one recognizable version of a song the epitome of Christmas time, pretty sure most people would agree.

Tyrion Twyin Lannister quote seems to be fitting: "Any [woman] who must say 'I am the [Queen]' is no true [Queen]"


Aeon1508 t1_iwnvh86 wrote

Thanks lol. Like I'm joking but also kinda not. Mariah Carey is fine. I haven't voluntarily listed to her ... well ever basically. But my point about boomers hogging Christmas is still salient


cbbuntz t1_iwnvkaq wrote

I'm kinda just thinking about how her Christmas album wasn't that big of a deal when it came out, at least not compared to her other stuff. She's he was huge. I never hear anything else from her except for the Christmas song now.

I was more of a Whitney fan.


VeracitiSiempre t1_iwnvu33 wrote

I’m pretty sure she’s the desiccated meme of Christmas, and I am over her Shit.


-The-Moon-Presence- t1_iwnw9iv wrote


Who the hell put it to a vote anyway?! I say keep her frozen until the last two weeks of December. Then we can thaw her out.


a4techkeyboard t1_iwnwua5 wrote

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas everywhere I go... chestnuts roasting on an open fire, Jack Frost nipping at your nose... Jingle bell jingle bell Jingle bell rock...

I wonder when we'll get the yearly post accusing that cold outside song of being abusive.

I don't think this song by Mariah has ever taken over Christmas airwaves in the Philippines where I'm from, though, as a local artist released a song in 1990 ("Christmas in our Hearts") that is the country's preferred memed song that means Christmas has arrived. Which is around September.

It isn't a pop r&b track or whatever All I Want for Christmas is You is, though, so it's not quite so tiresome unless, I guess, one's not particularly into Jesus.


dmtbobby t1_iwny0zt wrote

I hate her version of what ever Christmas song that is I could not give a shit about her.


Hrafnagar t1_iwnztom wrote

Is it even mid November if you haven't heard "all I want for Christmas"?


Swanlafitte t1_iwnzxw4 wrote

What a Scrooge. Telling the world no one but myself can have this during Christmas is the ultimate Villain of Christmas.


Zortak t1_iwo15bd wrote

Melanie Thornton >>>>>>>> Mariah Carey


commentist t1_iwo9g7w wrote

There should be a solution . May I suggest.

"Fattest Queen of Christmas"

Please ad your ideas.


frankierabbit t1_iwolkvi wrote

Mariah Carey staring into a crystal ball is suddenly knocked across the room. Her manager asks “what?… what did you see?”. She sits up, eyes widened, trembling in fear… “there is another…”


chocowich t1_iwom9ro wrote

BEST QUEEN: Padoru Padoru


fapalicius t1_iwon069 wrote

We also have wham with last christmas


BeekyGardener t1_iwoqads wrote

I loved the song growing up and still think it is catchy and sweet. It is just so overplayed.

I'm fascinated that All I Want For Christmas is You has grossed more than $60 million since its debut. $2.5 million dollars a year!

Christmas song royalties are coveted. Cheddar showed most Christmas songs are from the 1940s-1950s. Many pop stars make Christmas songs still hoping theirs will remain memorable and become part of the Christmas culture, but few do. Mariah Carey is one of the few modern artists to have a popular Christmas songs.

I'm showing my age here calling her "modern". :)


RandomComputerFellow t1_iwotbx4 wrote

She may not be the Queen of Christmas but maybe in reality she is the Grinch?


Undoninja5 t1_iwourdn wrote

Yeah it’s obviously Ludwig Ahgren, tell me who got a better Christmas album


Mrsrightnyc t1_iwpa62i wrote

She should trademark the phrase “The Christmas Snip” and convince her ex to get finally get a vasectomy.


dug99 t1_iwpbiw2 wrote

Maybe I'll get less downvotes for repeating "all I want for Christmas is for Maria Carey to shut the hell up" on this sub than the other one that triggered all the Mariaphiles. Meh... I'm prepared to take that risk!


justsomeyeti t1_iwpkca3 wrote

I'm old enough to remember when she could actually sing


crackersncheeseman t1_iwpmyeb wrote

I believe Dolly Parton holds the title of queen of Christmas.


SpaceFmK t1_iwptjv0 wrote

One of my favorite days of the year is when I DJ at my local radio station and do a full hour of Mariah Carey's "All I want for Christmas is You" back to back to back. It seems impossible, but the song gets better every time it repeats.


VanDenBroeck t1_iwq2t92 wrote

Wow, she is kind of full of herself wanting to be officially recognized as the queen of christmas. And why do so many celebs these days want to be called queen of this or queen of that or just queen? Makes no sense to me.


DooglarRampant t1_iwquhai wrote

Carey is the Queen of being a chubby, privileged diva. She needs to stop thinking she's young.


eightezsteps t1_iws0lft wrote

Well this trademark board is ridiculous, Mariah is Queen of Christmas and we all know it!