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Zhuul t1_jb4kf7e wrote

Some idiot bought one, realized it’s an awful pet for an amateur and just fuckin dumped it.

Just buy a fuckin gecko or something, jfc


Pigsin5pace t1_jb4msxm wrote

Man saw Lyle Lyle Crocodile but realized caimans can't hold a pitch


MeEvilBob t1_jb4s4jv wrote

My parents got a Jack Russel Terrier they rescued from a kill shelter after someone gave him as a puppy to their 7 year old daughter as a birthday present and apparently he didn't like being a stuffed animal and was "extremely aggressive".

That awesome dog almost had to die because he had to defend himself from the abusive offspring of some really shitty people. Instead he lived to 14 going for walks in the woods every day with my dad who like with me, is full of love but has no tolerance for bullshit, and that dog knew it.


OptimusSublime t1_jb4s7pl wrote

This isn't the same one that was leashed at Love Park a few months ago, was it?


rossdowdell t1_jb4sc3q wrote

I saw Bigfoot at The Lakes once. It was 1993 and I did Shrooms.

The Lakes was where city kids had to do Shrooms to avoid getting hit by traffic.


Zhuul t1_jb4vd0h wrote

You joke but there’s shedloads of people looking for exactly that who buy Caymans with zero clue what they’re in for. I follow a few reptile YouTubers and they can all rant for hours about this.

Also don’t buy iguanas either. You’re getting a grumpy 5’ dinosaur that needs a room sized climate controlled enclosure to be healthy.


HyruleJedi t1_jb4yhyf wrote

I guess my take on this, why make these available for adoption at all. There is nothing ‘safe’ about it, and even with ‘good care’ its not a domestic animal and you are putting it in a cage

I find it interesting that we have a ‘shouldn’t be in captivity’ category, and yet giant predatory reptiles somehow are not in it


Zhuul t1_jb505lf wrote

Likely because the climate doesn’t really favor them up here and there’s no real risk of them becoming an invasive species. Things become illegal when they become a potential widespread problem and that just isn’t the case here.

Worth mentioning though releasing non-native species into the wild is illegal as shit in PA. Considering this poor little dude probably came from a legitimate exotic animal dealer at some point I imagine tracking down the idiot in question shouldn’t be that difficult.


HyruleJedi t1_jb52fbe wrote

I can’t legally own a tiger in PA, and need a permit to own any non human primate, and I think they are not an invasive species threat

But on the same token I can own 30ft constrictors and an alligator.

Personally I think its because the former are cute, and protected species because people care.

Point is, there is no reason to have predators in cages in your home regardless the species


nnp1989 t1_jb5dn97 wrote

We adopted a 3 year old JRT not too long ago from Morris Animal Refuge. They didn't know anything about his past other than that he was an owner surrender from another shelter, but I'm almost positive it was a similar situation - he's extremely reactive and absolutely hates kids and/or people abruptly getting too close to him, but is otherwise the sweetest guy. He's made a ton of progress in the short time we've had him, but I don't think he's ever going to completely change based on what he probably went through before this.


JennItalia269 t1_jb5ecc2 wrote

My cousin works in animal control in NYC. Countless cayman get surrendered. They’ve gotten ocelots, capybaras, cobras and even a juvenile puma.

Some people just want to be different and have no idea what they’re getting into.


notyourcookie t1_jb5qi4s wrote

I had a Jack Russell growing up. She also, had a low tolerance for bull shit. There were 4 kids in our family ranging from 6-13, she loved all of us and would protect us with her life, but anybody outside of our family, she really didn’t care for. Kids in the neighborhood called her devil dog.

She lived to be 18 and was the best dog ever. I miss her so much but I would be hesitant to get a JRT with kids.


nnp1989 t1_jb5wucd wrote

Exotic animal people are just bizarre. There used to be a show on (I think) TLC or Animal Planet about an "exotic vet practice" in Florida and it was an absolute circus. I'm sure the Florida aspect contributed quite a bit, but yikes.


mundotaku t1_jb623uu wrote

Floridaman realized he didn't miss reptiles and abandons pets.


WI_LFRED t1_jb6atpu wrote

I had to know more about this, so I read about it.
The man who is emotionally supported by the alligator is 65. It sounds like he has cancer and depression and the alligator makes him happy so a doc decided to label him an emotional support alligator. What an entitled group of people those boomers are. :D (Sorry I had to say it.)


TamaraTime t1_jb6jaox wrote

I feel like this would top my seeing a bear in Fairmount story. 3ft of reptile is too much for my city ass


courageous_liquid t1_jb6u9hm wrote

> Considering this poor little dude probably came from a legitimate exotic animal dealer at some point I imagine tracking down the idiot in question shouldn’t be that difficult.

I can show you where they put the serial number, but that'll cost extra.


LaZboy9876 t1_jb6x22v wrote

Calling on the individual who puts up the "Keep NY out of Philly" stickers to start putting up "Keep Florida out of Philly" stickers