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sceptic03 t1_j1ivr5e wrote

In the same boat here. I am trying to figure out navigating things myself. That being said I have met some great people here on reddit.


ChinaLouise t1_j1ivvht wrote

You don't have to do anything. I haven't done anything on Christmas for like twenty years


maj0ra_ t1_j1iw8kn wrote

Same. Not divorced yet, but separated. Thankfully I can spend the holidays with my mom for the first time in years.


[deleted] t1_j1ixjsa wrote

Cruise r/Pittsburghgonewild


DarkKnyt t1_j1iy7yd wrote

For all yinz, been there and done that. It'll be ok even though you are by yourself. Recommend Netflix and chill, or a good book to fall asleep to.


Still_Stranger t1_j1j1ygq wrote

My first Christmas after my divorce I just went and injected myself into other people's celebrations like hello I'm here. And they had no choice because what were they going to do, I was just divorced and now everyone felt sorry for me. Sure I didn't have gifts for anyone but I brought a lot of booze.


kimbecile t1_j1j21ss wrote

Not afraid of big dogs and can get to Carnegie? You're welcome to dinner with us


ArtistAtHeart t1_j1j4ybx wrote

Read the recent post about delayed flights. A lot of great suggestions there.


Major_Bother8416 t1_j1j5rbr wrote

My first year post divorce I opened a very expensive bottle of wine and baked hundreds of cookies. It was great. Do whatever you love to do.


MadameTree t1_j1j5rxj wrote

I went to a restaurant with a bar and camped out. I went to a friend's house for Thanksgiving, a few weeks after my ex left. I appreciated the hospitality but it was miserable seeing couples in love and feeling so alone while surrounded with people. You don't run into that problem at bars.


pparhplar t1_j1ja5xp wrote

Christmas is just a day like any other. Don't make it more than it is.


Eubadom t1_j1jacwv wrote

I'm gonna smoke weed and watch football.


Aromatic_Quit_6946 t1_j1jaq3o wrote

See if there are groups that need volunteer for Christmas meal services.


malepitt t1_j1jbd2k wrote

All those TV, radio and music treats from the holidays you remember from childhood, are probably still there on the internet. Treat yourself to your favorite childhood holiday food too, for your trip down better memories lane. Be well.


Gabbygirl- t1_j1jeh6x wrote

I’ll bet you could get into Heinz field tonight for $10 !!!


iSoReddit t1_j1jeoua wrote

Florida, it’s lovely and warm there. I saw the Everglades for the first time, toured cape canaveral and did lots of other fun stuff solo.


LockedOutOfElfland t1_j1jf18t wrote

Lucky's is open every Christmas, if you drink and you're not averse to a place that has male strippers. At least that's my go-to when I get stir-crazy on Christmas Eve/Day lol.


Emotional_Moose3516 t1_j1jgchs wrote

Me too my friend. I’m going to rely on Xanax and weed to keep me company


Disastrous_Swimmer17 t1_j1jvvxa wrote

Do you like to volunteer? Possibly find an organization that helps people? That may help the feelings of loneliness.


HedgeRunner t1_j1jwbdt wrote

Unfortunately I'm traveling but hit up /r/PittsburghTransplants in a few weeks if you want to make some new friends!


falling3012 t1_j1jz0dp wrote

That just sucks. It has to hard.

This will be the first Christmas without any kids at home


MisanthropicFriend t1_j1k0am9 wrote

This is my first Christmas alone as well. I’m just going to play Mario kart, watch movies, eat food, and sit around. It feels kind of comfortable not having any obligations whatsoever. If you or anyone else reading this needs a virtual friend, feel free to send me a message.


Tanaka_Farms t1_j1k0me8 wrote

Apartment fire last month, I've been on friend's couches ever since; unfortunately everyone is out of town so I've been trying to figure out what to do 😅 my family is all in CA. I'm gonna spend the day reading books I've been meaning to read!


WRWhizard t1_j1k103z wrote

This is why God hates divorce. You need to find fellowship. Dunno if you are a Christian, but fellow believers will understand and be there for you. Or they better!!! Find a good church, even if it's not your thing, get to know some people there. You are exceedingly likely to find a friend or two or three that will make it better.


Pierogipuppy t1_j1k5rt6 wrote

Honestly I wish my dad could be strong enough to spend Christmas alone. Instead he’s going to his ex wife’s house. She has borderline personality disorder, falsely accused him of abusing her, and is a raging narcissistic bitch that made growing up impossibly difficult. My entire family is with her now, and I’m the only one not there because I simply cannot. She hasn’t spoken to me in over 9 months. My dad gave her shit about it, so she called me - I didn’t answer. Then she had the gall to tell everyone I “declined” to come over for Christmas.

So good for you for being stronger than the rest of my family. I would rather be alone than spend a second with that psychotic bitch.

Sorry for unleashing on this thread. I’m actually dealing with this stuff in therapy, but I still feel like raging sometimes.


liersi35 t1_j1k754l wrote

Not my first Christmas alone physically, but I lost my mom in September so feeling very alone in a different way. I’m petsitting for a very cute dog and cat which helps, but still.


chartreuse6 t1_j1k7hsy wrote

Miracle Christmas bar is open at four I think


mokypa t1_j1k9x80 wrote

Row house cinema is doing a movie and Chinese food special tomorrow! I'm going to see Die Hard (it's sold out now), but they have a bunch of others throughout the day!


IClight69 t1_j1ka1bv wrote

It’s going to be ok. It always is, you just have to see it, hear it, process it and be ok with it. Takes some time. You’ll find your strength, learn you’re weaknesses and and embrace the journey. Friends are everywhere, you just have to accept them in!


fugly16 t1_j1kctoz wrote

If it were me, drunk casino gambling. I’d sit at the Paigow table and not leave for 8 hours


drewbaccaAWD t1_j1kdyml wrote

>This is why God hates divorce.

I doubt God gives two shits one way or the other. It's funny how mankind always speaks for God with false authority.


>You need to find fellowship.

You don't need to belong to a religious institution to find a social outlet. I'm not even knocking the idea of a "church family" as that's absolutely a thing and a place to find support... but you can find support from many institutions be it hobby groups, places you volunteer, work, school, or whatever.

Tying the two things together... for all we know, OP left their partner because the partner was abusive and the reason they don't have a social outlet at this time.

And even if you did have somewhere to go, a person is still going to feel alone if it's their first Christmas without a partner. OP didn't give us much context so "alone" could really mean any number of things.


Vzdubz t1_j1kfhl2 wrote

Go somewhere with people. Walk around. Find people to do something nice for


WRWhizard t1_j1ki7wg wrote

No, God does in fact say He hates divorce. I'm not speaking for Him just quoting what He said.

Telling someone who has had an unfaithful partner to find fellowship with a church family is only a bad thing to a person who does not value God's ways.


Karma4Clunkerz t1_j1kmh5y wrote

My Uber driver spoke very highly of the spearmint rhino


diminutivedwarf t1_j1kmi48 wrote

Make a list of everything you can’t wait to do

Bake a chocolate cake and eat it (and not have to share)

Take the “fancy stuff” you’re saving for a special occasion or company and use it (cause this is a special occasion)

Wash your favorite blanket tonight so it’s nice and fresh for tomorrow

Rent your favorite movies and spend tomorrow watching them

If you have a general disregard for your health, or just a REALLY high cold tolerance, go outside and build a snowman (with enough layers to not feel a hit from Joe Greene)


Jahya69 t1_j1ko8jh wrote

Marriage is completely unnatural situation and just asking for Agony and suffering and financial ruin


Hunt69Mike t1_j1krbdv wrote

What’s your hobby? If I was single without close family I’d 10000% be skiing.


SmokeyTheBluntTheOG t1_j1ktack wrote

Wow I hopped on the Pittsburgh subreddit to see what kind of Franco stuff was posted. So I came here fully expecting to have some tears in my eyes, but not for this reason. What a genuinely amazing person you are!


drewbaccaAWD t1_j1kutsy wrote

You are attempting to take advantage of someone who is lonely and indoctrinate them into a cult.

For all you know, OP is already a member of a church group (and that's perfectly fine if they are or if they desire to be). You have no idea.

The only thing I did was to point out that help can just as easily come from a secular source as a religious source. I did so without even shitting on religion but I'll absolutely call you out on proselytization.


[deleted] t1_j1kwyim wrote

Celebrate Christmas, the great football game...the gift of life. Been where you are. You will live, trust me!


Jekerdud t1_j1ky69j wrote

Had a few alone Christmas' in the past 20 years. Some voluntary, some not (like this year, was told NOT to come visit because of the past few days). Quite a few eventful in between.

Games help me out on that one. Huge backlog of games I've been meaning to play, holidays where I am stuck and can't visit anyone is a good excuse to check one out. Still make the phone calls that need to happen, otherwise, a great day to kick back with that game I've wanted, just like back in the day after hooking up the new NES on Christmas and playing Mario for the first time.

If you have a console or a PC, there are plenty of sales right now, grab one you want to knock out and do it!


GirlWhoLovesPenguins t1_j1luxi1 wrote

Enjoy a day in your pajamas and watching movies without your ex! Being solo on a holiday is pretty awesome.


TrueCR t1_j1lwe6f wrote

If I just didn't get off work and didn't have to work tonight, I would suggest we go hang out. I'm not from here and working on a contract so I don't get to go out much but my new year's resolution is to work less and explore Pittsburgh! (Any good suggestions?)


larry0071 t1_j1ly3kr wrote

Congratulations on your freedom, happiness and sanity!


hllewis128 t1_j1m4jgc wrote

It’s my first post-divorce Christmas, too!

Well, kind of. We’re separated and going through mediation.

I volunteered at Light of Life yesterday and baked a ton. Tonight I’m going to see the ex’s family since I plan on keeping them in the divorce :)

Feel free to DM me if you ever want a fellow divorcée to grab a beer and shoot the shit with. :)

I hope your solo Xmas is wonderful.


domin007 t1_j1mq6g8 wrote

Same. I will be having dinner with some friends, but this whole time of year really sucks.


xsoloxela t1_j1n51e1 wrote

There's always a bar open on Christmas somewhere. I was away on work a couple years and still had a fun Christmas bantering with strangers over some drinks.


AntiqueDistance5652 t1_j1ygk0l wrote

I know very well this feeling. It's horrible. My partner of almost a decade abandoned me earlier in the year. Too afraid to talk to me, I've only gotten communication through their lawyer. I'm still broken from it, some days are better than others but it's so tough not being able to say goodbye.