Manuntdfan t1_jaawerh wrote
FattieBanton t1_jaawjyd wrote
Goddamn I hate this shit
princessofbeasts t1_jaaxbsb wrote
Ah yes, winter is here just in time for spring.
wagonboss t1_jaaxfer wrote
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pocketdare t1_jaaz1bp wrote
As a Northerner we refer to a "hard freeze" as "winter". lol. I find this whole thread surreal.
(edit - only 89 downvotes so far. I'm underwhelmed. You can do better)
WhalerBum t1_jaaz2j4 wrote
April flurries
3nips69 t1_jaazgat wrote
great for my natural gas stonks, terrible for spring kickball
chasetwisters t1_jab0d3p wrote
A Hard Freeze in this context is related to plant growth and potential negative impacts to the growing season. It has nothing to do with peoples tolerance for cold weather.
pocketdare t1_jab0w2i wrote
Ah, makes sense. Thanks for explaining. I'll leave the original up to give more people an opportunity to get their daily down vote in.
augie_wartooth t1_jab1ir0 wrote
Congratulations on being from somewhere colder than here I guess
Nude________Tayne t1_jab38xj wrote
I did both. Just to be fair.
PayneTrainSG t1_jab3i2q wrote
Hopefully not as bad for plants as it is for pests.
mklaman t1_jab58xy wrote
better than a soft freeze
1yellowstoneguy t1_jab5tbm wrote
Let’s just make Winter Spring and Spring Winter….f it all…
ohgodhowdothis t1_jab7q8i wrote
Guess we gotta be punished for how nice last Thursday was :/ whatever
PuffinDaisy t1_jab7uts wrote
Hate what? It's still winter. As far as I'm concerned, we haven't had proper winter yet and you Hobbits are asking about second spring already.
just_looking_aroun t1_jab8956 wrote
Damn, guess I gotta move my citruses away from the windows
jimmyredfoot t1_jab8ir5 wrote
The planet's dyin, Cloud!
Rs90 t1_jabacrz wrote
Tends to fuck up plants and wildlife
Henhouse808 t1_jabasf2 wrote
Things are leafing out over a month early. It’s stuff that will die back with a hard freeze. So not good.
PuffinDaisy t1_jabav0a wrote
I get that, but to be fair, collectively we're the ones fucking them both.
Henhouse808 t1_jabaxmp wrote
More temperature extremes and fluctuations are part of the lovely experience called climate change.
Lady-Meows-a-Lot t1_jabb8jj wrote
***”hobbitses” is the correct pluralization.
livefreeordont t1_jabbfwr wrote
Well that’s because it was god damn 80 in mid February
SadValleyThrowaway t1_jabcgw3 wrote
Flaccid freeze
argmax t1_jabedrn wrote
Asa-Ryder t1_jabmt96 wrote
Of course. My Indian Super Chief will be coming in then.
yeehee087 t1_jabno01 wrote
good for you
thuglifeTyson t1_jabu618 wrote
I grow my weed inside
vonarchimboldi t1_jabv38g wrote
my birthdays the first week of march and i get snow here all the time on it i feel like
Fizzster t1_jabwmyt wrote
I saw some trees budding. They're going to be real confused in a couple weeks.
Marino4K t1_jaby4bp wrote
As long as we get one good snow, spring can come whenever.
Random_name_I_picked t1_jac2g4h wrote
Currently 100 here.
Myanxiety_hasplants t1_jac3ug0 wrote
Spring isn’t officially until March 20th…and a freeze prior to the first week of April isn’t that uncommon. Articles like this make me roll my eyes.
[deleted] t1_jac56er wrote
freetimerva t1_jac5xwd wrote
This warm few weeks we've been having... followed by a hard freeze is going to really fuck up the insects... thus the birds etc. Not good.
PhoenixAshies t1_jac6pec wrote
Okay, so I'll be bringing in the strawberry plants for a bit then!
Asterion7 t1_jac6s06 wrote
Problem is. It has been so warm lots of plants and trees have already budded. Going to be really bad for them.
Colt1911-45 t1_jac7fas wrote
What color?
GBDM78 t1_jacakye wrote
For planting, I feel like mid April is safe to put in the ground.
[deleted] t1_jacamh9 wrote
Praying_Lotus t1_jacapyg wrote
I have two trees outside my apartment. One tree who has budded, and one who has not. I like to think the tree that budded is some hotshot rookie who thinks he can weather the second winter with his petals and shit still on, whereas the second is a grizzled veteran who knows what’s coming and is shaking his head that the kid is gonna fuck himself up for the long run
Drict t1_jacbrpv wrote
You hate global climate change? Good, so does everyone else.
thinker5555 t1_jaccuiq wrote
Bring May furries?
princessofbeasts t1_jaccy9c wrote
Pretty bummed we haven’t gotten snow, but there’s hope yet!
Asa-Ryder t1_jacej9h wrote
Metallic Black
uid_0 t1_jacfavf wrote
Let's not forget that Virginia actually has 12 seaons:
Fool's Spring <-- You are here
Second Winter
Spring of Deception
Third Winter
The Pollening
Actual Spring
Hell's Front Porch
False Fall
Second Summer
Actual Fall
itsmeyourgrandfather t1_jacfkxv wrote
Dude in my neighborhood I'm seeing trees with straight up actual green leaves, it's crazy
[deleted] t1_jacgf5z wrote
RadiantShirt2236 t1_jacgiae wrote
the tree in front of my apartment window started budding a couple of weeks ago, it’s sprouting leaves already
jamesyishere t1_jachlx9 wrote
Drink your coffee, then return to the internet
ifweweresharks t1_jaci4go wrote
This area I’ve always heard nothing before mothers’ day
FattieBanton t1_jacif5p wrote
Nope, definitely not that.
maddmoxxiie t1_jacjbwr wrote
This is really going to hurt harvests..
popsrcr t1_jackc68 wrote
Not sure why the downvote, its true lol. Don't forget that this year is leapSpring. Spring will last 4 hours.
RVAforthewin t1_jacko0l wrote
Myanxiety_hasplants t1_jacmnyv wrote
Oh absolutely going to be bad for them. Been exactly my thoughts seeing everything open up. Poor guys. It’s how the climate works when the polar vortex becomes irregular. Hot and cold bounce across the earth like a rubber band. I just moved up to Virginia from east Georgia, and the climate isn’t too different. These swings have been occurring consecutively for the last 3 years. I anticipate a second week April frost. But that’s just me.
I garden a lot. I have no professional knowledge besides the nagging urge to learn lol. Edit:a word
jeb_hoge t1_jacmoj9 wrote
Since we moved here in 2006, we've had two good accumulating snowfalls in early/mid-March, as Google Photos loves to remind me of every year.
thoselongsleeves t1_jacn7j8 wrote
Same week here!
Hoping for the snow.
Drict t1_jacn99b wrote
100%. It is another symptom of global climate change.
>Rising global average temperature is associated with widespread changes in weather patterns. Scientific studies indicate that extreme weather events such as heat waves and large storms are likely to become more frequent or more intense with human-induced climate change.Aug 1, 2022
bkemp1984Part2 t1_jacnm4f wrote
For some fruit trees it can be bad. My berry bushes and coming earlier than normal, but they're cold hardy enough that they should be fine. Trees though that are mostly cold hardy but not usually budding now can be completely killed, or at least killed back to the ground to have to regrow up from the roots. If it's flowering early, there's a decent risk of losing all the buds and getting no fruit this year. People might need to cover trees they don't usually need to.
FattieBanton t1_jacof8v wrote
Oh I know it is, I’m just saying that’s not what I hate.
jamesyishere t1_jacoufo wrote
greengiant1024 t1_jacpil1 wrote
It's coming
Positive-Reason-2407 t1_jacpz7v wrote
May the snow gods allow it to happen the night before I have 2 days off in a row 🤞🤞
greengiant1024 t1_jacq3w6 wrote
manyamile t1_jact4zv wrote
Yet another reason to plant natives and encourage healthy insect populations in our yards.
manyamile t1_jactayl wrote
Depends on what you’re planting.
Cucumbers and peppers, for sure. My onions, brassicas, and lettuce are already out though and they’ll be fine.
pocketdare t1_jactciq wrote
lol - Thanks! Fair enough.
manyamile t1_jactipt wrote
McFlare92 t1_jactp6z wrote
Same around my place, and on my commute to work
Colt1911-45 t1_jacu82d wrote
Nice! I'm jelly. Any power mods or staying stock? I demoed a white one with like a stage 2 performance package and I fell in love with Indians. I have a 07 road king. Big difference hahaha
Asa-Ryder t1_jacudqm wrote
Only thing I added was the detachable sissy bar package for the wife. I’m anticipating her not wanting to ride after the first long ride.
thornykins t1_jacuokm wrote
Ugh I've got everything scheduled to go in the first weekend in April, guess I'm going to have a house full of plants waiting to go in the ground for a few weeks
Colt1911-45 t1_jad0ykp wrote
Nice. Have fun and ride safe, man. I hope your wife enjoys it too. I really like having Sena comms when I am with other people. Makes riding with others more fun. They are a good investment
Asa-Ryder t1_jad14gx wrote
I’ll look that up. She was talking about being able to talk to me the other day. Thanks!
peachtartx t1_jad4aqi wrote
I’m moving the week of the 13th. I will cry if the ground is covered in snow while I’m hauling boxes.
Charlesinrichmond t1_jad8c7l wrote
this is a great point, I foresee quickie cold frames around a lot of stuff. Time to make sure I'm stocked on plastic
EmperorMeow-Meow t1_jadj2m0 wrote
What does WXRISK say?
da_boatmane t1_jado81w wrote
Could help kill off tick population that has started to come out.
[deleted] t1_jadvip1 wrote
PercyDovetonsils t1_jaeicil wrote
Meteorological Spring starts tomorrow.
magburner30 t1_jaf3g2g wrote
Great seasonal calendar. I think The Pollening has its hooks in several of the others though.
10000Didgeridoos t1_jaaw0f0 wrote
Yeah weather pattern is going to flip to colder than normal and stormier than normal by about March 10-15. Just in time for a cold spring.