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ZephyrInfernum t1_jdmbpfe wrote

Definitely stay on this and take it higher up. Separation of church and state is still very much a thing. I don't see how this is kosher.

If it's School board doing this, shouldn't it be FOIA-able ?


Vajama77 t1_jdmf37n wrote

I don't know but keep digging!!


1Shadowgato t1_jdmh25k wrote

If this is something the school board is doing Submit a FOIA


aww-yeah t1_jdmhy4l wrote

Just Chesterfield things. Back when I used to go to Chamber of Commerce meetings, what stood out about theirs (vs Richmond’s) was that they prayed before meetings. Weird.


Cactuscouch757 t1_jdminiv wrote

lol unfortunately the separation of church and state doesnt exist. call me when they stop praying in congress, remove "in god we trust" from our money, and remove "one cult under allah" from the pledge of allegiance.


rvaskier t1_jdmqdye wrote

Please report back what you find!


ArTooDeeTooTattoo t1_jdmr68n wrote

I mean - we can take a guess:

Item 1: banning CRT in our preschools

Item 2: banning books in our libraries

Item 3: amending item 2 to not include religious texts

Item 4: amending item 3 to only include the Bible

Item 5: golf


Frelling_Dren t1_jdmvv21 wrote

TLDR: I wholeheartedly agree that they shouldn’t be a thing, but they’re not anything crazy (at least for ccps). Also, you can freely attend them as they are noticed events and therefore ccps is legally required to let you attend (although they probably won’t let you have any of the shitty Panera coffee or shitty Panera danishes)

These meetings are where the members of the school board meet with various religious leaders (mostly Christian, of course, but other faiths are represented as well).

The reason minutes aren’t taken is because the board doesn’t take action on anything during the meetings, although in my opinion, anytime there are 3 or more board members in the same meeting, minutes should be taken regardless of an absence of board action.

Legal minutes in this case would only consist of start time, end time, location, and “These members of the school board attended the faith leaders meeting,” which the notice pretty much is. They should still be written, but minutes wouldn’t make a difference from a public info standpoint.

If one were to hypothetically make a FOIA request, one might ask for any and all documents, including handouts, presentation slide decks, or working papers/draft documents associated with this event, as well as all communications between school board members, the superintendent, and attendees of the meeting in the week prior and week following the event.

You’ll get a big bill most likely, but that would give you what you’re looking for, although you’d be disappointed if you’re trying to dig up dirt.

I will say that these meetings are pretty innocuous, other than being an obvious slap in the face to the separation of church and state.

Source: former ccps school board clerk


HRPuffnGiger OP t1_jdmwxm8 wrote

Hey, thanks for the info! When I first learned of them, I had requested to get on to the Faith Leaders mailing list, so I could attend and learn more, and I received a reply saying if im not a minister or pastor, I cant be on the list, but I can go read ccps announcements on their social media lol.

Being stonewalled was odd and u settling. Thanks for the info!


HRPuffnGiger OP t1_jdmx4kw wrote

Second thought: So, why does the school board meet with religious leaders at all? What's discussed?

Like, what right does a priest or rabbi have to have any information about my kids schooling that I don't have already, yknow? Why are they even involved?


Frelling_Dren t1_jdmyw24 wrote

Just as an fyi, any time 3 or more board members are anywhere together, you have a legal right to be there. Even if it’s at one of their homes and regardless of the time of day.

I can’t speak to whether more than two attended the event, but if it was noticed, then you can attend. If you requested to attend a noticed meeting or event and were told no, then they broke the law, full stop.

If I was still there and found out that someone requested to attend and was told no, even if only one board member attended, I would have pushed back hard behind closed doors. That response is insane (but not surprising, unfortunately) to me, and that’s the sort of stuff that pisses people off.

As I told merv on several occasions, “you can’t get mad at the other team for capitalizing on an unforced error.”


Frelling_Dren t1_jdmzy62 wrote

To answer your second question, zero right based on their profession. All the right based on FOIA. Justice and the law are two separate things.

To answer your last question, because ccps gonna ccps.

To answer your first question, I never attended one of these. Not that I was ever invited, but I made no secret of my feelings about religion having any sway at all over the public education of children. I have beyond zero patience for anyone that thinks their beliefs should apply to everyone unilaterally.

From what I gathered, it’s basically a coffee and danish “hey how are ya” type event with an update on the general goings-on with ccps and an ask of support from the religious community.

Again, it’s truly an innocuous event, but from optics and equity standpoints, it’s next-level bonkers that it’s a thing at all.


Jcasty00 t1_jdn6k38 wrote

CRT means different things to different people. Some people say it isn’t even being taught so being against it is ridiculous, or some say it is being taught and it’s good that it’s being taught.


1Shadowgato t1_jdn7u8d wrote

I would hope that they side with the text and tradition of there being a separation between the church and the state…. They did turn a case down involving “Religious freedom” but idk with them sometimes.


Smoky_Sol6438 t1_jdn8s4v wrote

Sounds like something the ACLU might have an interest in


ragingnerd t1_jdnex7h wrote

Start tweeting at the CCPS asking about it, also tweet at local news about it asking them what the deal is. Make sure it's extra public.


Kthak_Back t1_jdnk92y wrote

CRT has one meaning. There are not multiple interpretations. It isn't being taught in schools. Outside of colleges. The people who complain about CRT in schools outside of colleges are people who don't want to understand History. They are complaining about teaching history.


spiirel t1_jdnw91r wrote

Start a Chesterfield branch of the Satanic Temple and then you’ll be “qualified” to attend. (Kind of serious, I’m sure TST would be happy to intervene in this kind of thing)


Soloemilia t1_jdnyj6b wrote

RPS has a similar meeting. It is focused on outreach. How can RPS family liaisons work with faith leaders to get in to the community to discuss importance of attendance, to offer resources available in RPS, to offer numbers to call if families need help with transportation etc.


needsexyboots t1_jdoepe0 wrote

Are you sure you’re not confusing FFA with FCA? FFA in my high school (Culpeper) had nothing to do with religion and if any of them did I would expect Culpeper to…but everyone in school was very careful to only use the abbreviation FCA even though it stands for Fellowship of Christian Athletes


dr3music t1_jdoou0z wrote

I’m a student pastor in the area. I’ve been to a few. They go over budget, changes, overall challenges and things they are working to improve. These things do affect students that I work with so it’s good info to know. Some other mentorship organizations also make presentations sometimes.

Mostly Christian organizations show up - churches, YMCA, mentorship programs, etc. some Muslim. The tone of the meetings aren’t really religious at all and don’t focus on pushing our faith on students (I don’t remember there being prayer but I could also be remembering wrong)

The focus is more on how can we help as community leaders. Exploring Transportation, after school programs, reading programs, mentorship programs, internet hotspots during Covid when some families didn’t have internet, etc.

Personally, my main goal was & remains to financially support some of the classrooms - given that the teachers often have to come out of their own pockets for supplies/etc. I’ve had success with this by going directly to the guidance counselors at schools to fund teacher wish lists. Every now and then there is student/family need that we are made aware of & we anonymously can help through a guidance counselor (clothes, food, utility bills, shoes, furniture, supplies, etc.)


LostEmergency9565 t1_jdopmz6 wrote

Chesterfield county school, Manchester is seriously lacking. My children and I have had nothing but hell in this county. Due to all the traumatic events we had to endure, not one individual cared enough to step up to the plate. We are domestic violence survivors, instead of the school and police helping us, they turned their backs and allowed the abuse to continue while still expecting 160% performance from our family. We ended up homeless and without any support. We are still struggling mentally and emotionally. They do not care at all. Until it happens to them. You will get no answers, I am ashamed of myself because long ago I lived right here in Chesterfield and Loved it, I always wanted to come back. I did and I now regret it with a huge passion and not afraid to say so. My kids are failing terribly due to all we suffered. Teachers will not even take the time to explain directions to the kids while in class, simply throw a worksheet at the kids and walk away. Because of the abuse they lost so much time in school and are now being treated as if it was a choice of ours to be in this position.


dr3music t1_jdoqocj wrote

NP! I’d take notes for you if I was still going. Lol Not sure why they aren’t being transparent. Makes it weird when it shouldn’t be. I personally stopped going this school year. Not saying it’s a waste of time but I can get more done more quickly by going direct to our local schools.


Simple_Award4851 t1_jdpn0qg wrote

Probably a meetup to discuss new and creative ways to diddle kids.


PM-me-your-moods t1_jdpw5x5 wrote

This is a bit uncharitable, but this is my read [edits by me]. I'd feel the same if a county supervisors finance committee met with mafia bosses.

>The focus is more on how can we help as community leaders. Exploring Transportation [to and from church before/after-school care], [church-based] after school programs, reading programs [that choose readings consistent with Biblical teachings], mentorship programs [to foster leaders in Christ], internet hotspots [provided at our church] during Covid when some families didn’t have internet, etc.


dr3music t1_jdpyc9i wrote

I see what you’re saying but To clarify:

Transportation: they had a bus driver shortage and wanted the word out to fill the vacancies. Those with large congregations could make big announcements at service.

Reading programs: read to/with elementary school kids falling behind in reading during lunch.

Mentorship programs: non Christian orgs looking to put the word out to get more volunteers from churches

Hotspots: you’re correct in that Some churches did discuss their doors open during the week to allow students to come in an access classes/homework.


dr3music t1_jdpzma7 wrote

& I forgot - for After school programs: I don’t remember anything concrete from that but for all programs, they did mention the falling test scores and behavior challenges a lot from the “changing demographics” at some of the schools. (I’m black and am right at home working with the inner city schools that are mainly black and Hispanic- but that’s the political way to say it I guess?) Seemed that the programs that would solicit help from us mainly focused on improving those problems. The success of the programs? IDK…they weren’t mine. But - it does seem that they are looking for answers & exploring outside of the school system for support.


Jcasty00 t1_jdqf0v6 wrote

I agree it has one meaning. Like I said, it means different things to different people. For example, it means something different to you than the many many journalists who are saying it is being taught already in schools, since you claim it isn’t being taught..


Wendy319 t1_jdscqr2 wrote

Amanda Karen Chase is involved I'm sure.


PopularMedicinetoday t1_jdva6r7 wrote

City council prays before meetings in RVA. House and Senate of VA pray before session starts daily.

It's VERY strange tbh... but that's the gray of the world we live in - humans vote and humans want what humans want.


Keep voting.