saliczar t1_j9utj48 wrote
When I cut soda/caffeine/coffee from my diet, I stopped having constant migraines. Now I mostly drink water during the day. No longer have hangovers as well.
[deleted] t1_j9uvcff wrote
[deleted] t1_j9uz1kr wrote
Ardet_Nec_Consumitur t1_j9v5top wrote
precisely! Binge eating fats (like nuts, chocolate, et al) tend to trigger migraines for me as well. However, if I do have a migraine, sometimes it helps when I thoroughly massage my neck and ingest 2 large cups of coffee. It opens up the blood veins and the migraine dissolves like snow in the sun.
JaelPendragon t1_j9v6k4q wrote
Personal anecdotes have no value and are against the subs rules
And apparently people can't read the rules posted in this same thread by the automoderator; time for them to take a course in reading amd understanding
allenout t1_j9v761n wrote
Not so much anymore, but when I was younger I would get awful heachaches just from eating flapjacks and stuff like that. Glad the science shows I am right.
allenout t1_j9v78lz wrote
For submissions not comments.
why_itsme t1_j9v9hrh wrote
My link was being obese/diabetic and having migraines was CPAP use. Have NEVER had a migraine since getting on CPAP and now BiPAP. More than 15 years.
If overweight and snorer, consider some reasearch and talk with your doctor.
(Cured glaucoma, too!)
Traumfahrer t1_j9va07m wrote
> which ultimately could lead to targeted treatments for patients
I need this.
[deleted] t1_j9vb589 wrote
rbkc12345 t1_j9vbiwz wrote
I can't tell from the article whether they think this is some universal trigger? I have migraines but no insulin resistance issues at all, have not found any food that causes migraines.
Relaxation after stress is a trigger, and menstrual periods were for sure. Though fasting is a slight (not always) trigger, it seems more related to dehydration not blood sugar, electrolytes in water do help prevent fasting migraine.
So I don't think this is the only or even most common migraine trigger, but I can't tell from the article if this is their claim.
seniorfrito t1_j9vf86q wrote
Can we get it over the counter? Because that would be GREAT.
snub-nosedmonkey t1_j9vffg1 wrote
Relaxation after stress or fatigue is my biggest trigger.
[deleted] t1_j9vhmxb wrote
[deleted] t1_j9vj6kb wrote
[deleted] t1_j9vjoqz wrote
BagOFrogs t1_j9vtghk wrote
I get migraines. I also have (non-medical) issues with blood sugar - I get quite ill when my blood sugar gets low and this happens more easily compared with people I know. (However I don’t have symptoms of diabetes). Could this be part of the glycemic traits they’re referring to?
[deleted] t1_j9vur2u wrote
ProteinStain t1_j9vutzm wrote
So, from reading it's clear that they are only just scratching the surface of the genetic correlation.
You are absolutely correct in that migraines are caused by many different factors, the glyaecemic connection they found is just one of them.
I know for me drinking water pretty much all day (not excessive amounts, but just being sure I'm drinking it all day long) has had a massive impact on reducing my migraines.
So ya, the article is only really talking about this food/blood sugar connection, and this is simply more data that will help those who suffer from migraines with those types of triggers.
[deleted] t1_j9vv0q4 wrote
hodler41c t1_j9vyld8 wrote
Man nothing sucks worse than having a stressful week just looking forward to the weekend and then capping it off with a migraine on Saturday. I feel your pain.
Tob3n t1_j9w17qq wrote
So most of mine are preservative trigger nitrate/trites and more so sulfite/fates. Stimulation and fatigue are others. I made a correlation between seizures and migraines a decade ago but wasn’t sure how I came across it. Round 2018 anti seizure meds moved to 3rd in hierarchy for trial medication. Now including monoclonal antibodies that works on the seizure protein. CGRP
So what am I doing recently. Ketogenic diet, ya know, the real one developed for seizures. Since monoclonal treatment only offers a 33% reduction in frequency that’s all I have to beat. Still tracking in the long term at the moment but I have dodged at least 3 so far in the first month as I was slipping to ketosis.
Sarujji t1_j9w3wpz wrote
I have hypoglycemia but I have never had a headache outside of a hangover.
teachmesomething t1_j9we33p wrote
Does this explain my insatiable caramel/sugar cravings in the days leading up to a migraine?
whyohwhythis t1_j9weleu wrote
Oh I’ve never heard or made the connection that relaxation after stress can trigger a migraine. How interesting. Mine definitely can be triggered by stress but haven’t noticed the stress/relaxed connection for myself.
I have multiple causes too, back/neck, strong scents, bright lights, wine, stress too much information to absorb around me (information overload), hair tied back, oversleeping and intense dreams.
[deleted] t1_j9wqjwq wrote
[deleted] t1_j9wqmnv wrote
wewora t1_j9wrowf wrote
Caffeine actually makes your blood vessels constrict, not relax. From what I know, migraines are an abnormal response to the blood vessels in your head relaxing, and normal headaches can be caused by dehydration too. Caffeine helps because it raises your blood pressure by making your blood vessels constrict. That's why some headache medications have caffeine in them. Drinking enough water also helps because it raises your blood pressure. I noticed my migraines became less frequent when I started drinking coffee regularly and making sure I drink enough water, along with avoiding other triggers.
If your migraines are neck pain related, then the relaxation/masaage can help too.
[deleted] t1_j9wwhif wrote
BafangFan t1_j9wwpyg wrote
Ketogenic diet doesn't fix everything - but it fixes so many things that it really ought to be the first intervention we try with chronic health issues.
erecura t1_j9wyxdw wrote
It really, really depends on the patient. I was unable to fulfill my caloric needs and that triggered more migraines for me. Not enough food > blood sugar spikes for my migraine threshold.
erecura t1_j9wz6lc wrote
Not sure, but related: Some migraineurs start to believe those foods they reach for in early prodrome are their triggers (such as chocolate), but really it's likely they're craving something they lack and the episode is already coming.
hereticallyeverafter t1_j9x3qy8 wrote
Nice. I have hemoplegiac migraines- aura + left side numbness and eventually throwing up. The only thing that stops it in its tracks is taking a goody powder, but bc of adhd, the caffeine in the goody powder knocks me unconscious for up to half the day. Luckily, mine are rare. God bless/good luck to those that have it worse.
[deleted] t1_j9x62jk wrote
crazylighter t1_j9x7rvr wrote
I'm not sure if they are saying all migraines are linked to blood sugar regulation genetically (?) But it's interesting to me as I used to have hypoglycemia (meaning my blood sugar levels were low) but now my blood sugar levels appear to be okay as long as I eat regularly every 4-6 hours (except at night). I discovered quickly that I can't fast as I quickly become agitated, moody, unfocused and I get a migraine from not eating. I don't have diabetes nor any symptoms of diabetes either. I was under a lot of stress, dealing with many migraines, uncontrolled hormone issues and not eating well/much at the time which my doctor thought was the cause.
Crom1171 t1_j9x9lwc wrote
I can’t seem to nail down any 100% triggers but when I’m really stressing about something, particularly at work is when I generally will get them.
keepingitfr3sh t1_j9xc4pw wrote
Migraineurs ( I’m also a migraineur) muck more sensitive to many things, smells, light, stressors, hormones, lack of sleep, food, water etc. homeostasis is our best friend. It’s like a door for us that stays open but never closes and we get a migraine attack, which can be moments after or days later making it difficult to pinpoint the triggers.
Ardet_Nec_Consumitur t1_j9xd22t wrote
>Caffeine actually makes your blood vessels constrict
caffeine is a vasodilator. However, dependency (or going cold turkey) on it causes the vasoconstriction
[deleted] t1_j9xjoti wrote
There is no barrier to calories on a ketogenic diet, provided you're willing to go for higher fat cuts of meat. It is harder for vegetarians though.
Flyinmanm t1_j9xncar wrote
Weird. I'd just been suffering from 18 months worth of horrendous cyclical migraines. (Almost daily in end) cut out booze 2.5 years ago as knew that was major trigger.
Still got em just less frequently. I substituted booze with coke and chocolate. 6 months ago they got way worse... forgot at same time substituted reg coke for coke zero.
3 weeks ago cut out chocolate and coke zero almost cold turkey after nightmare migraine that lasted 3 days and culminated in the only thing that i felt like eating being chocolate. Really felt like chocolate for 24 hours after that. Coke zero was the hardest thing to ditch wanted that like crazy round lunchtimes as had become a 'habit'.
Since then no chronic migraines.... odd mild headache treated with ibuprofin/ paracetomol.
Had a few false dawns with migraine fixes but so far ditching aspartame and sweets seems to be a game changer as migraine stopped over night... also oddly memory has improved. Dont 'crave' food anymore (appitite massivly reduced).
Tldr. Aspartame causes sugar cravings sugar low seems to cause my migraines.
a0011a91 t1_j9xooig wrote
I these too.
a0011a91 t1_j9xot29 wrote
As a migraine sufferer, I stopped going anywhere near aspartame like 15 years ago. That stuff gave me the worst migraines.
Flyinmanm t1_j9xrsw2 wrote
You did well to pick it up so early.
Oddly sugar free chewing gums the thing i miss most now.
blue_field_pajarito t1_j9xvmic wrote
Unless you have a history of food restrictions and/or eating disorder. It really is not a panacea when you take into account mental as well as physical health.
harping_along t1_j9xwm41 wrote
Yeah this is really interesting, I also don't have diabetes or anything but if I haven't eaten in a while I get hangry, then I start to shake and feel faint. I'm also super prone to bad headaches if I'm slightly tired or dehydrated. Never thought about it possibly being linked
johanvondoogiedorf t1_j9xxfia wrote
I used to get migraines all the time until I graduated I use to think it was the super strong painkillers i took that stoppped them but maybe I just regulated my blood sugar better later on
lilrabbitfoofoo t1_j9xz54r wrote
This sounds like non-diabetic hypoglycemia.
olgrandad t1_j9xzzpd wrote
As a youth I used to get hunger migraines quite frequently. They could also be triggered by extreme stress, but that was much rarer. I would be in gym class mid-morning starving having only eaten cereal for breakfast. Then the scintillating scotoma would start, and I would end up with a migraine later in the day. Usually, they were extremely painful and confined me to bed but that was it.
As an adult, they became more infrequent but more severe. The scintillating scotoma stopped but if I went too long without eating I could "tell" I was going to get a migraine by what I craved after fasting (e.g., ice cream) and how I felt after I ate. The extreme pain would set in several hours later, followed by vomiting resulting in a vicious pain-vomit-pain cycle.
Thankfully I haven't had one in 20 years. Whenever I visit the doctor my bloodwork comes back normal. A1C, blood glucose, triglycerides, etc. I suspect it was/is metabolism related (with me anyway), specifically low blood sugar. Something that's become more regular and predictable as I've gotten older.
Glad they're getting to the bottom of it. Migraines run in my family but that didn't deter high school science teachers from telling me that I was lying about getting migraines because "only women get them."
Mokyzoky t1_j9y2vfl wrote
For me they are kinda rare but when I do get them they aren’t the mean ones, usually I’ll end up in a sorta euphoria and will have an odd compulsion to eat snacks the sweeter the better and as much as I can as fast as I can, kinda like the munchies.
The first couple times it happened I thought it had something to do with diabetes because both of my grandfathers had it but nope the doctors weren’t sure.
NutriaBoet t1_j9y2xc6 wrote
I wonder if migraines could also be linked to high salt intake. As I have had two migraines in a short span of time in my life. Both were after having quite salty meals.
I've reduced the salt in my food since then, no more migraines have occurred.
Cdf12345 t1_j9y5jts wrote
That’s really interesting. After I relax on Saturday, I sometimes get one Sunday afternoons. I wasn’t drinking caffeine on Saturday and sleeping in, I always assumed it was that it was triggered by 36 hours of caffeine withdrawal. But I wonder if it actually isn’t.
[deleted] t1_j9y6dgm wrote
Ardet_Nec_Consumitur t1_j9y6g19 wrote
Really? Am I really wrong about this? Would you please enlighten me, if you could?
JaelPendragon t1_j9y6rak wrote
It acts as a vasoconstrictor to the blood vessels in the head, it produces cerebral vasoconstriction by antagonizing adenosine receptors
Ardet_Nec_Consumitur t1_j9y6ufp wrote
Ok I'll take your word for it. But do you have any idea why drinking coffee or taking caffeine tablets completely removes my migraine? I mean in the moment when I experience the onset of a migraine, I just consume caffeine and it disappears!
halffullofthoughts t1_j9y79jm wrote
I get the worst ones couple of hours after having too much fun at the gym. My body loves to punish me for heavy exercise.
JaelPendragon t1_j9y7khz wrote
Probably because your migraines are due to vasodilation, caffeine will antagonize that and restore a pain free vascular state. For what it's worth, I experience if not the same a similar situation as yours
Azrai113 t1_j9y8jls wrote
I think there's a bunch of triggers for migraines and it can be pretty personal. Myself, I get migraines with aura but they seem to be caused by stress, mostly. I can eat a bunch of salty food and be fine, but say, work is stressful and I get them. Others have listed chocolate or cheese as migraine triggers.
So I guess what I'm trying to say is, if salt is a trigger for you then I'm glad you figured that out and have been able to avoid these awful headaches! But that might not be the same for everyone
thephilth t1_j9y8m8a wrote
My migraines practically disappeared once I started taking magnesium and complex B supplements. This happened after I went to see a neurologist and he questioned caffeine intake and mentioned off hand some success with magnesium and B supplements before recommending botox injections into my neck... Went with the supplements and now migraines are rare, often more triggered by weather patterns/pressure. Had success with Bio-Kult Migrea but not just take magnesium and complex B as part of different supplement routine.
NutriaBoet t1_j9yaq1z wrote
I was definitely abnormally stressed at the time and the first migrane was accompanied by an aura, I was getting those rainbow colours and flashes in my vision with a worsening headache on one side of my head. It got so bad that I vomited. The second one I didn't have any auras but the pain was just as bad.
The reason I correlate the migraines with salt is because since then despite being stressed I haven't had any migraines. I think the salt combined with the stress resulting in higher blood pressure might have been the catalyst.
I feel for anyone who gets them on a semi-regular basis, migraines are debilitating.
skarizardpancake t1_j9ybbfm wrote
This is exactly how I am too. I just had blood work done to see if there was any underlying condition for the migraines, but no
Azrai113 t1_j9ybpfk wrote
I used to get headaches alllll the time, only some migraines. When I was 20ish, I looked back at my life and during high school I figured I had a headache about 75% of the time. College was pretty stressful but I personally believe the hedaches/migraines became far less frequent because I was out of my abusive home environment.
At this point I very rarely get headaches at all and migraines are maybe a few times a year. They're more frequent when work is so stressful I'm afraid of losing my job. So I believe mine are directly correlated from stress/abuse. I have not been formally diagnosed with migraines, but one of my siblings has. They still get semi frequent migraines and have medication for them.
I'm just glad research is being done on migraines. They're an interesting (when not debilitating) thing as there's apparently a neurological component unlike tension headaches.
ChanceStad t1_j9yfu9i wrote
My fiancee had this quite badly, and would get migraines quite badly almost every day. She went on a keto diet, which completely eliminated her migraines, but it took her almost a month of feeling terrible to get adapted on keto (much longer than most people). It's been a few years, but now she only gets migraines if she has a cheat day.
[deleted] t1_j9yilwh wrote
[deleted] t1_j9yiwlp wrote
harping_along t1_j9yscye wrote
Yeah I've looked it up and that seems to be it, not much to do about it except eat little and often - I just keep snacks in my bag and my family & friends know when I get grumpy they need to track down some food! For the headaches I just try and make sure I get enough sleep, don't sleep in, and constantly drink water through the day. It's not too bad, I just wish I didn't have to always keep it in mind
lifelovers t1_j9yupm6 wrote
Does anyone else experience sugar headaches? For example, if you consume a lot of sugar (especially white cake or sugar cookies - things like that), and then get a headache almost immediately when feeling the sugar in your body?
Everyone I speak to and everything I research says it’s not a thing. But it happens.
b00basaurus t1_j9z42v5 wrote
That’s a lot like my experience. Keto knocked migraines down by 75%. Largely I think as just a correlation to fresh baked carbs being a major trigger. Which also contributed to ibs. There’s just something wrong w American farm goods. Luckily also found a great effective med for migraines Nurtec.
b00basaurus t1_j9z4hmu wrote
Could be both or either. Caffeine withdrawal feels more painful in the crown area, bit different from right side migraines imo
uberneoconcert t1_j9ziltg wrote
I personally feel a lot better when I'm eating more potatoes and no rice, only a handful of beans at a time. I did feel my best on keto but it's so difficult to maintain long-term and going back into ketosis once or twice a month so painful. Enjovy was the best migraine treatment for me. My migraine pain is constant rear tension and sensitive touch anywhere on the head.
a0011a91 t1_j9zis97 wrote
Yes I think gum was actually the first thing that made me realize it was a problem. But aspartame ain’t good for you anyway. Probably better off in the long run.
ChanceStad t1_j9zsnpi wrote
Thankfully her and I are both on keto; it makes it much easier for both of us. I've been on it for 9+ years now, so it's just normal for me now.
uberneoconcert t1_ja03zzr wrote
Wow, yeah that's super helpful. I could do it when my husband was on it and by myself when my kid was very little. But it felt impossible once our kid needed constant attention and at-hand snacks. I was so tired so much that I started eating fast food for the first time in my life in my mid-30s.
rbkc12345 t1_ja044sh wrote
I quit caffeine to try to manage mine, and once past the withdrawal, ended up 3lb heavier and twice as many migraines. Could not tell any benefit only worsening. One of my daughters had good results quitting caffeine though, fewer migraines for her.
Staying hydrated definitely helps though. As someone above noted, homeostasis, steady as you go, is key.
hrmfll t1_ja0pcg3 wrote
The call them let-down migraines, when your cortisol drops drastically and triggers a migraine. I use to get them every weekend so my doctor made me schedule mildly stressful activities to do on my days off which worked surprisingly well.
lilrabbitfoofoo t1_ja0q61z wrote
The key is eating your protein in small amounts through the day. That's what gets converted best to blood glucose and lasts the longest in your system. It can be dairy, nuts, slim jims, peanut butter, jerky, etc.
There's no need to eat more that the daily amount of protein, of course. Just, as you say, spread it out during the day over five meals instead of the usual three.
ChanceStad t1_ja1d9y8 wrote
Ya, I find it easier to not have a kid too. ;)
uberneoconcert t1_ja1duen wrote
Biggest mistake that I don't regret :)
harping_along t1_ja2noiv wrote
So you're saying I can keep my pockets full of babybels and call it medicinal? Awesome
lilrabbitfoofoo t1_ja32k8u wrote
That would work. :)
Darkhobbo1 t1_ja67yoj wrote
Hmmm, I'm the same
MacKaylaBarrons t1_jadom4e wrote
How many of you also have GERD or reflux. Thinking that could play in as well.
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