thebluehotel t1_iubf4b3 wrote
Ayyy first comment by another hawks fan
[deleted] t1_iubhrrf wrote
throwawayshirt t1_iubieb7 wrote
Every Olympics and every World Cup are awarded through massive bribes. Does anyone not know this?
MansfromDaVinci t1_iubiyr5 wrote
The corruption world cup has started and Qatar pull into an early lead with a quarter of a million 'gifts' to British MPs. Qatar were already the favourites, racking up a score of somewhere over 5 million in bribes to fifa in qualifying and with the gains they made in build up by not paying their slaves it's hard to see how anyone can touch them at this stage. But it's always all to play for in the beautiful game and with an estimated minimum of 150 million in the back of a swiss bank vault by the end of the tournament there's still room for the other contenders to have a dig.
Max_minutia t1_iubjq5z wrote
I wish I watched the world cup so I could boycott the world cup.
slokiebear t1_iublhqj wrote
You don't say?!?!
Balls_of_Mithril t1_iubloky wrote
gza_liquidswords t1_iubnr5c wrote
F*ck Qatar. Welcome to my TED talk.
[deleted] t1_iubo4j9 wrote
_CurseTheseMetalHnds t1_iubohm4 wrote
>Mundell, who was the first openly gay Conservative cabinet minister, also gave an interview to Qatar’s state-run agency this year in which he criticised “baseless” media coverage about a report into Qatar’s record on worker rights
Being openly gay and taking bribes from a country that arrests gay people is shocking. Also disappointed to see Chris Bryant named there. I expect it from Tories but a labour MP, especially one as solid as Bryant is, should be above this.
Abadobabdo t1_iubonoc wrote
[deleted] t1_iubqc99 wrote
HaikuBotStalksMe t1_iubqnxr wrote
I don't get it. Is there a meme that hawk players are gay and British? I don't watch baseball.
Warmso24 t1_iubr100 wrote
Maybe I’m just cynical but I’ve come to the conclusion that most politicians are all the same. They say different things but it’s all just means to an end for many of them. Don’t get me wrong, there are good politicians out there. I’ve just become so jaded that I find it hard to trust any of their motives.
Edit: spelling
[deleted] t1_iubrla5 wrote
[deleted] t1_iubrooc wrote
_CurseTheseMetalHnds t1_iubrwf6 wrote
I don't really buy the "they're all the same" chat when we have one side voting to ban fracking and one voting to allow it, one pushing for workers rights and one demonising unions, one pushing for green energy and one banning on shore wind, one calling for a windfall tax on energy companies and another crashing the economy via tax cuts for the rich etc. A very quick look at the two main parties makes it obvious they're not the same. This article being full of conservative MPs who did propaganda work for Qatar and one labour MP who took a single trip and now outwards admits he was wrong to do so also shows that. Christ, the divide by party on this bill about creating buffer zones around abortion clinics to see top protestors harassing people on the way in says it all.
yousonuva t1_iubtdz4 wrote
Sounds like you're just continuing to boycott it. It's always been worthy of the honor anyway.
Calgar77 t1_iubth3g wrote
The bit in the article that amuses me is the list of all the countries that “donate” to MPs. Mostly oil states, Human rights abusers etc and San Marino!
Imagine all your fellow MPs on the gravy train getting luxury trips to the Middle East and your getting twenty quid from from the Sammarinese government to buy yourself a cuppa. I suppose at least their not human rights abusers though.
dishwab t1_iubu8r9 wrote
matrixislife t1_iubvih5 wrote
What really bothers me is that the MPs were so cheap. £250k to MPs, £5mill to Fifa. Have some respect for your own country MPs, at least hold out for a decent bribe!
Or, don't get bribed at all, that'd be the best option ofc.
ZachPretzel t1_iubw8z3 wrote
this is beautifully written lolol
tomorrowsredneck t1_iubwdr7 wrote
edinlockpicker t1_iubwk9c wrote
They make their trades people, butchers and driving instructors turn out for the football team. Tell me that's not abuse
porkchop-sandwhiches t1_iubwtn5 wrote
My retired military brain filled the acronym with military police and it made zero sense for a micro second.
Ahh members of parliament.
[deleted] t1_iubywom wrote
bug_the_bug t1_iubzeso wrote
I wonder how many of those "gifts" have mothers...
thelittleking t1_iuc1dsp wrote
Why does everyone in power have to be so fucking corrupt
HandsomeCowboy t1_iuc1s06 wrote
Or basketball.
FunneMonke1 t1_iuc5cr1 wrote
I’m assuming young boys?
VetisCabal t1_iuc6cfi wrote
Yes, the majority of these people haven't got into politics for the good of their constituents. It's for the title and expenses account.
Semper_nemo13 t1_iuc70vt wrote
Bryant is barely Labour and should and will lose to Plaid next election.
[deleted] t1_iuc85sf wrote
throw_away_nsfw_acct t1_iuc9x27 wrote
CUJO-31 t1_iuca8gn wrote
FIFA was currupt when it awarded Qatar the WC but the same FIFA leadership awarded US based on merit.
Mr_Happy_80 t1_iucajpf wrote
The Tories can't decide what their stance is on fracking, having U turned 5 times in the last 6 months.
A windfall tax isn't a tax on energy companies, it is another tax on working people that hits the poorest the hardest. It is still our money. We don't need windfall taxes, we need a regulator that does something and isn't run by someone's friend from public school.
We have a shadow health minister pushing for more NHS privatisation as he's in the pocket of insurance companies, and other MPs in the pocket of foreign owned water companies.
They're all the same. Keith is another Blairite Tory in a red tie.
BlueCoastDoge t1_iucalfw wrote
You missed one.
UniqueAwareness691 t1_iucbbug wrote
Soccer sucks and this further proved it.
Psychedaddy t1_iuccr8w wrote
Well, surprise surprise. When people said gay people are also human, they meant it.
rmovny_schnr98 t1_iuccshk wrote
A bunch of British fans would probably be happy to join in on that
duffmanhb t1_iuceghx wrote
The US was awarded it because Bill Clinton personally was lobbying for it, felt robbed, so he got them all thrown in jail. The USA got the World Cup to appease them.
[deleted] t1_iucfj6p wrote
thelovelykyle t1_iucg2xc wrote
Hurr Durr! Dey all da same...
I know the voting record is opposite each other.
But Hurr Durr! Keef!
Mr_Happy_80 t1_iuchg4y wrote
Wake up, mate. Labour isn't the party of the left any more. Keith even stood up at the party conference and said Labour is back in the centre. It should be no where near it.
The voting record isn't opposite each other, as Labour MPs have some of the worst attendance. Not attending a vote is agreeing with the bill that succeeds. All turning up to vote against Austerity bills is voter pandering. For every Zarah Sultana there are 5 red tie Tories.
In power they're not in a rush to reverse anything. Privatised industry is still privatised and will remain so. A windfall tax is just another tax on us. Tell me I'm wrong.
thelovelykyle t1_iuchjtm wrote
Hurr Durr.
I'd rather have Sunak. Or hand Johnson massive majorities.
Hurr Durr!
Mr_Happy_80 t1_iuchqfb wrote
Uncle Rupert's lie machine has got you good.
thelovelykyle t1_iuchrmh wrote
212cncpts t1_iuchwt0 wrote
None of them. They’re all orphans.
Claustrophobopolis t1_iuci427 wrote
<Insert Oprah meme here> Everybody gets £30.000!
They might as well give each World Cup viewer £5000.
dazedandconfused492 t1_iucig00 wrote
People don't want to accept this because it makes things feel hopeless. But it's still the truth. Britain has a 2 party system, and neither of them are working in the interest of the people.
The fact that the leader of the LABOUR Party isn't in full support of strikes for people in vital services to receive decent pay should be the clue.
Mr_Happy_80 t1_iucimp1 wrote
dazedandconfused492 t1_iucin0w wrote
The problem is we need the people who don't really want to be an MP in charge, we need people who just want to make things better. I'm sure some try, but they're quickly and quietly pushed out.
99.9% of the time, people enter into politics for power and personal / financial gain.
thelovelykyle t1_iuciul6 wrote
Girl. I am not even reading your replies. You are part of the Left Wing supporters of Conservative government.
Your thoughts, you even, have zero value to me. There are plenty more people worthy of my effort. Not a chance I check out a video of yours. That time can be spent on something worthwhile.
Bucket-O-wank t1_iucjomo wrote
“Only those who do not seek power are qualified to hold it.”
Welshguy78 t1_iuck93c wrote
I'm from the Rhondda and there is next to no chance of Plaid defeating him in the next GE sadly. Its baffling as he genuinely seems to hate Welsh people (see his reaction to Owain Glwyndr day) and has done nothing for the Rhondda. It's one of the safest seats in the House and all he's concerned with is furthering his political position (see his bid to become Speaker). He lucked into a safe seat and is now just going thru the motions, waiting for his 'big break!'
Altair1192 t1_iuckend wrote
these MPs are traitors. Politicians are snakes and would sell out their own grandmother for a pay day
This world cup should have been hosted in England if it wasn't for the corruption in FIFA
ProwerTheFox t1_iuclcxv wrote
Because racism and homophobia is definitely only a British issue.
rmovny_schnr98 t1_iuclxrt wrote
Nobody said it was mate.
It's a big problem amongst English fans, to which I count myself, which is why I mentioned it. If you want to change things, you need to start by sweeping in front of your own front door.
dunkmaster6856 t1_iucm2o0 wrote
Its a problem in every country buddy
rmovny_schnr98 t1_iucm96o wrote
Read my comment again buddy, maybe you'll understand it the second time around.
Also, if you do acknowledge it as a problem, why are you being so sensitive about me calling it out? We can definitely call out the idiots amongst ourselves without disregarding that there are idiots elsewhere too.
gopium3076 t1_iucmd9d wrote
Why does that not surprise me
dunkmaster6856 t1_iucmnnd wrote
Ive replied to you one single time (2 with this comment)
Settle down kiddo
UncleTomski t1_iucmzns wrote
Gifts… bribes.
[deleted] t1_iucndst wrote
The_Clarence t1_iucnykb wrote
Clearly you’re not a golfer
[deleted] t1_iucpd8q wrote
TheUnweeber t1_iucppwb wrote
Remember they term 'divide and conquer'?
Your nation is divided, and you're helping to cause that - but you can't even see the conquerors.
thelovelykyle t1_iucpy1o wrote
Pal. I just mocked the person sowing the division.
I bet you aren't replying to them with the same.
mcoombes314 t1_iucqj29 wrote
I want to see a sketch of this, it reads like something Monty Python might have had a go at, Silly Olympics style. Very well written.
BumblebeeAdventurr t1_iucqp9v wrote
Sadly believe something like this will happen..
MonkeysWedding t1_iucqvfb wrote
Ah yes. At least we know there won't be any more lavish gifts for our MP's after that.
Because that is when the blackmail starts.
Toxicseagull t1_iucrwj3 wrote
This isn't about the awarding of the WC to Qatar though?
the_motherflippin t1_iucs7q0 wrote
That's the worst of it, we paid for their trip!
TheUnweeber t1_iucshy8 wrote
I'm sure that the mockery was incredibly helpful in resolving the division.
barnt_brayd_ t1_iucsxl5 wrote
I absolutely heard Eric Idle’s voice when I read it
thelovelykyle t1_iuctgeg wrote
I cannot imagine they were prepared to find common ground. Regardless.
My efforts are better spent mocking them.
teabagmoustache t1_iuctow9 wrote
I count myself as a gay England fan and have never seen this as a big problem among fans at all. At least not from a personal perspective.
To suggest that English fans would like to join in with the stoning of gay people is a bit ridiculous really.
rmovny_schnr98 t1_iucudbq wrote
Hey, glad that hasn't been your experience! I've witnessed some really homophobic shit in different stadiums across the country over the years.
But yeah, the stoning part was hyperbole on my part.
teabagmoustache t1_iucuse3 wrote
Yeah for me there's a big difference between stupid, homophobic chanting and physical violence. Both are bad but one is demonstrably worse.
kytheon t1_iucwito wrote
How you think they got there
britboy4321 t1_iucwvk5 wrote
At work whenever I travel to India they give me a posh bottle of wine. I am NOT ALLOWED to refuse it, as that is considered rude. So I jist write the name of the wine in a book at work, then go home and drink it!
Am I being bribed? :)
mmmmpisghetti t1_iuczcq5 wrote
There needs to be a "Gay England" team. I'd wear that jersey.
StiffNipples94 t1_iuczrvj wrote
That's probably a thank you for how full there jails are going to be with drunken gays wearing shorts. That was a joke, as is this World Cup they just sent the migrant workers home instead of giving them tickets to watch a game in a stadium they built. Football is for everyone this World Cup is for show as was Russia.
[deleted] t1_iud0tgo wrote
[deleted] t1_iud18nl wrote
[deleted] t1_iud1wja wrote
Satansflamingfarts t1_iud2vsl wrote
The British ruling classes are so weak it's pretty routine to bribe them. Just ask the king. This whole event shouldn't even have happened it is one of the most openly corrupt things FIFA has had a hand in. Nobody in high places seems to be speaking out about it but I have a feeling the viewing figures are going to be low anyway and the atmosphere in the stadium will be like a dull corporate event. I'm definitely not interested in watching it.
SonofBeckett t1_iud378a wrote
I am consistently amazed and amused by how cheap some politicians are bought. I’ve heard of people selling their scruples for the cost of an abused Dodge Stratus.
clckwrks t1_iud3cql wrote
Fuck Qatar and fuck fifa.
Qatar can go fall off the edge of a cliff
Overkillsamurai t1_iud3fka wrote
DrLobsterPhD t1_iud48gq wrote
Interesting_Market t1_iud5ph3 wrote
I heard this song the other day, I'd say it pretty well sums up the issue.
Zamugustar t1_iud69ki wrote
There is no world cup this year.
Boggie135 t1_iud6aee wrote
God, you’re a an idiot
Mrsparkles7100 t1_iud73f3 wrote
World Cups and bribes, I’m shocked I tell you.
Can be said for every World Cup tournament. Have to please FIFA and sweeten the deal during selection.
I still love the Budweiser story from Brazilian World Cup.
Example from article
For example, the TV rights for showing the 2010 and 2014 World Cup tournaments were bought for $600,000 to a TV company owned by a FIFA member Jack Warner. His company then sold them on to a different company for $18 million, earning a profit of £17.4 million.
belizeanheat t1_iud7fue wrote
I think despite all that you can still make the case that most of them are going to do whatever is best for their careers and wealth
_CurseTheseMetalHnds t1_iudbkb8 wrote
> The Tories can't decide what their stance is on fracking, having U turned 5 times in the last 6 months.
Right, and we know what Labour's stance is.
Wow you really slagged him there, dunno how he'll recover. Not being as left as would be desirable isn't the same as being indistinguishable from the Tories for fucks sake.
fohpo02 t1_iudbw6h wrote
All two of you in this thread
wink047 t1_iudc0cw wrote
I gotchu fam. I watch it and will be boycotting it. They ain’t getting my dollars.
Semper_nemo13 t1_iudc7zu wrote
I mean you did have Plaid in the Senedd for ages, and now have more Welsh Speakers with the redrawn lines. Everyone I have met from the Rhondda loathes him.
habitual_wanderer t1_iudfi4g wrote
Yet people keep paying to go to these events. Solid pass for me.
flyover_liberal t1_iudgm3a wrote
There's a podcast called "World Corrupt" on the corruption surrounding FIFA and the World Cup events in Russia and then Qatar. Even if you already had a sense of it, the details are astonishing.
TheRauk t1_iudgtxt wrote
This is the correct answer. The fans that watch it, travel to Qatar, and otherwise vote with their hard earned currency are the ones who enable all of this. Typical virtue signaling.
SenorDuck96 t1_iudi1u4 wrote
[deleted] t1_iudjgg7 wrote
Welshguy78 t1_iudoqwt wrote
People seem more willing to vote for Plaid for the Welsh Government elections. But when it comes to General Elections, they always go Labour. Everyone hates him, but people just vote red out of habit. He could damn and flood the entire bloody valley and he'd probably get get a ten thousand majority.
[deleted] t1_iudq1oj wrote
Cyber_Connor t1_iudvshk wrote
I’m glad our PM is a billionaire. His wealth means that people won’t be able to bribe him and he’ll always act with the countries best interest… /s
ThunderBobMajerle t1_iudwk3r wrote
Seems like the first thing to fix no matter what political affiliation you have. I really don’t understand how it’s legal. People are so corruptable by money
Britishspirit t1_iudwlo2 wrote
Well it’s the only way the tory party dose politics…. Loot at the tax windfall on the oil and gas companies… oh wait….
britboy4321 t1_iudxhlj wrote
Good Lord. People don't even know what bribery actually is :(
I swear I got taught that stuff in school. That's crazy man!
tlst9999 t1_iudzvb5 wrote
It's easy to make a second set of books of you try hard enough. You just need to make lots of false businesses and false documentation.
Not entirely unachievable with the wealth of Qatar.
heyimjason t1_iudzx4g wrote
I can’t believe that they’re still planning on doing this in Qatar after everything that keeps coming out. I’m also surprised that the teams aren’t boycotting. Hard to respect the institution.
bluesamcitizen2 t1_iue0ay2 wrote
British government and MP doesn’t have the power and money to enforce its own law and morals, tale as old as time.
tlst9999 t1_iue0bmr wrote
Premise 1: I'm gay Premise 2: Qatar didn't arrest me
Conclusion: Qatar doesn't arrest gay people.
Whisky-Toad t1_iue1qgb wrote
I will protest the World Cup by going there, but I will wear a rainbow armband
Edit for the /s since people don’t get it
Whisky-Toad t1_iue23qe wrote
I’m pretty sure a reputable government is well cheaper to bribe than an obviously corrupt one, you could prolly get your MP to do what you want for w couple k
BrokenSage20 t1_iue42vt wrote
I think those are just called bribes.
Katatonia13 t1_iue8ha7 wrote
You need to start practicing with a wrench to dodge dick dip dive and dodge.
Whisky-Toad t1_iuek8qg wrote
Well you know what they say, if you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a homophobic Qatari
Odd-Visit t1_iuep95h wrote
And the rest get corrupted by the power they suddenly posses.
mydirtyboots t1_iuf1ouz wrote
the world cup is a scam, and the bribes are just the tip of the iceberg
bevo_expat t1_iuf29cb wrote
Sheesh, at least in the US they would make donations to a Super PAC and keep things completely anonymous…😒…
[deleted] t1_iufdc94 wrote
Even better, pirate it, and watch for free.
8racoonsInABigCoat t1_iuff8jn wrote
It’s made me wonder about creating some sort of traceability matrix. Like a table that shows the country, the MP, how much was “donated”, then the effect; what did they say, campaign for or vote on in the interests of the donor? Clearly that last column is the hardest part though! Maybe crowdsource that bit…
peoz t1_iuh3d5a wrote
Anyone going to Qatar is an idiot. Specially if you’re gay. I’m all for standing up for your rights but to do it in Qatar is like beating a dead horse. Choose another hill to die on, it’s just a corrupt football tournament.
hippyengineer t1_iuhiuiy wrote
That way you’ll feel good about denying sponsors their viewing eyes but also get to watch their green screen-ish ads on the pitch.
paulfromatlanta t1_iubayeq wrote
Probably just to build good will for when they stone a gay British fan...