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Cloud_Disconnected t1_izk5633 wrote

I don't know, but it's sad that there are so many food snobs on here that you felt you had to preemptively apologize for which pizza place you like lest you be lynched by an angry mob of Local Guides.


ICareAboutNihilism t1_izk5qml wrote

Seriously. As if Dominos or Pizza Hut are a step up in quality or something. It's like people who say "X Light beer is shit", but they drink another light beer. It's all mostly the same with slight differences for your personal taste to determine the best.


Notchersfireroad t1_izkfakk wrote

The one in Nixa behind the Popeyes has the highest quality pie of any LC I've ever been to anywhere. Just an observation.


Gingersnap5322 t1_izkjaiq wrote

Where is there a little Caesar’s in downtown? I’m trying to think of all the roads around I cannot place my finger on the location.


dwimber t1_izkjjre wrote

No, it isn't near gourmet, but there's someone very satisfying about eating an entire garbage pizza for $5. Now I know what I want for dinner!


obviouslynotag0lfer t1_izkk3hb wrote

there’s a LC with a drive thru on Kearney and that is my go to. Usually average LC quality and you don’t gotta get out the car


No-Move09 t1_izkpbvy wrote

Yeah the one on Kimbrough and Madison closed


KTfl1 t1_izkswva wrote

Is pizza shaming a thing?


WintechTech t1_izkufnl wrote

Embrace your gutter palate my friend. When they wife is away it's a Sonic coney and tots for me.


KingHalfrican86 t1_izkyvta wrote

Yeah it was next to Culleys when I worked at Bairs back in like 14/15 I would go to Culleys after work get smashed and then eat a whole LC’s. Ah those were the days when my responsibility was very thin.


quake35 t1_izl82dj wrote

I like good food as much as the next person but I'll never be too good to destroy some Little Caesars.


Tully1022 t1_izldv8w wrote

Search out Neighborhood Pizza. You'll be glad you did.


Saltpork545 t1_izliqvo wrote

Luco's closed a couple of months ago. Plans to be a food truck.

Try Garbo's Pizza in Chesterfield Village.

St Louis style thin crust with provel. If you like Imos you will probably dig this place. I prefer St Louis style pizza and this one is on my short list.

I'd also suggest Arris Pizza if you like greek pizza and gyros.

Good pizza places exist, you just have to find all of the local ones and try them and be okay when you don't like a place.


Gen_Chaos t1_izlnsx5 wrote

Yes. I remember when I experienced it all the way back in 2009. Had a friend that would not shut the fuck up about Shakespeare's pizza in Columbia.


Same_Transportation4 t1_izlsr4o wrote

Yeah it shut down a while back. I think they were having staffing problems. They were rarely open and when they were the place was filthy. For a while they had a sign saying it was “temporarily closed” but now it is forever closed


sgf-guy t1_izmemhx wrote

A lot of people like to shit on Papa John (I’ve seen all the videos and believe this was a setup by power/money hungry folks) but this dude was not just a pizza autist but someone trying to get cleaner and less processed ingredients in his pizza and was basically finding it hard to find food scientists and clean ingredient sources .

So much of not just pizza but food is over processed ingredients and seed/plant/vegetable oils… all BAD for you.

I eat about a meal and a half a day of a clean diet generally without that stuff and am satiated. I used to eat normal “American” classics and fast food non-stop and always be hungry. Do I spend $10 a day to be healthier and eating better or $10 for a SINGLE meal and feel like hell and trapped in a cycle? I pass by so many things I used to love in the store and don’t feel bad…I feel better .


AnnisBewbs t1_izmt7x0 wrote

Man oh man, someone for the love of a good pizza, PLEASE bring back Jets Pizza!!!


Wyldfire2112 t1_izop1jx wrote

ExtraMostBestest is Little Caesar's.

They have their "Classic" pizzas, which used to be the dirt cheap "Hot-n-Ready" stuff, and the ExtraMostBestest. The former are dirt cheap but skimp on everything, while the latter are a few dollars more but much more loaded.


Yodamite t1_j01c3hn wrote

>As if Dominos or Pizza Hut are a step up in quality or something.

Well, they are.

I don't see how it's even debatable.

Doesn't mean I hate on people who like Little Ceasar's. I would eat it if I was hungry, and it was available. I would enjoy it too.