Submitted by esran7 t3_126mmim in television
I personally noticed a big negative change in quality and tone from the very first episode onwards, as the Protect Grogu Arc was over I felt like nothing was being developed in a way that is dramatically interesting, even though the potential is right there. Instead stuff just sort of happens, our protagonists barely do or say anything, in the most recent episode a pretty core element to the story and source of conflict is resolved in a matter of seconds, just like that out of nowhere, the plot seems to be heading in the direction of the sequels too.
Friends didn't agree initially but have come over now. On r/starwars and r/mandaloriantv people are discussing the big moments or making references as per usual. imdb shows a significant drop in episode scores and overall ratings (from an average high 8.something to a high 7.something), the audience score on RottenTomatoes is at a 71% whereas Seasons 1 and 2 sit at 91% and 92%.
Taste_the__Rainbow t1_je9r3ed wrote
They had me at Purrgils. I think I’m mostly excited for tidbits about Ahsoka but maaaybe Grogu ends up mattering to that story too.
The Skywalker saga is so uninteresting after IX that the First Order hints are not very engaging imho.