Submitted by Emergency-Nail-9921 t3_10nq50i in tifu

This happened way back in 2018. I was finishing up my Sophomore year of college, only one final exam left, and I decided to celebrate by taking some acid.

I had done acid maybe 8-9 times before, so I wasn't a total noob, but I was by no means an expert. Up until this point, all my experiences had been great, nothing even resembling a bad trip.

I took 3 tabs, 100µg each, which is not exactly a small dose, and sat down at my computer to listen to some music and play some games. I did that for a couple of hours, and then I decided to lay down in my bed. This is where things started to get weird. I was laying down looking up at the ceiling, when suddenly it was like my vision zoomed out, and I was looking at 4 copies of what I was seeing, organized in a grid. It kept zooming out, and I was seeing dozens, hundreds of copies of what I was seeing. I thought I was seeing the multiverse, each item in the grid was my perspective from a different world.

Then, the universe started talking to me. It was telling me the secrets of how the universe works, and it's purpose. And at this point, for some reason, something became very clear to me...

I needed to take more acid.

Now I didn't have a super regular supply, so I had decided to pickup 10 tabs at once, planning to use them over the course of a couple years. I started this day with 10, I had already taken 3, so naturally I walked over to my drawer and popped the other 7 into my mouth.

Time was a little blurry at this point, so it could have been 2 minutes, it could have been 20, but I had a moment of sober clarity where I realized I had 7 tabs in my mouth, and I was like.... oh fuck, this isn't good, this is a situation. I spit them out, but I knew the damage was already done. I just thought to myself, what's done is done, just gonna have to ride it out, how bad could it be right?

Well the universe kept talking to me, and at this point I was so excited about the revelations I was being given that I'm pretty sure I was screaming quite loudly in my dorm room. My memory gets pretty blurry from here on out, but I remember screaming "I sound like a crazy person", and I remember some time later thinking "lol I've lost my mind." I don't remember being scared that I had lost my mind, it felt like I was more amused.

From here on out I only really have flashes of memories.

I remember opening the door of the guy across the hall from me, and let me tell you he was not happy to see me. That might have something to due with the fact that I'm pretty sure I was completely naked by this point. I think I had gotten hot and stripped off my clothes, but I'm not exactly sure about that because I don't remember taking my clothes off at all.

The next thing I remember is slapping the hand rail on the staircase outside of my dorm building. I was definitely 100% naked by this point, and outside of my dorm is right next to a very heavily trafficked bridge on campus.

Some time after that, my RA came up to me and said something like "What seems to be happening tonight?" At this point I was naked, screaming completely incoherent nonsense, and also screaming what I must've thought was my name, but was definitely not my name. (If my name were John Dick Smith, I was shouting "MY NAME IS JOHN DICK THE THIRD"). My poor fucking RA.

Eventually an ambulance arrives, and they handcuff me and put me on a stretcher. I remember a couple of flashes, but it's really all a blur until I woke up in a hospital room. I definitely wasn't sober yet, considering the drapes were alive, but I was re-gaining consciousness and I can actually remember what happened from here on. I mainly slept, not much else to do when you're handcuffed to a bed, but eventually I woke up and asked the nice nurses if they could remove my restraints.

They did, and as soon as they left the room I, naturally, immediately pulled out my own IV. I was still hallucinating, and I was seeing thousands of those octopus killer robots from the Matrix traveling down my IV and into me. But I was also coming back to reality enough to know immediately I had done something I probably shouldn't have. A nurse came back and was looking at a chart or something so they didn't notice, so I went, "Uhh... I think... I think I did something." and the nurse started saying "Oh that's okay as long as you don't take out..." and then she looked up and saw me holding the IV. She looked /so/ disappointed in me, it broke my heart. She trusted me and took off my restraints and it took me maybe 60 seconds to make her regret her decision. I think she just left without saying anything else

The was pretty much the end of the excitement. When I sobered up campus police took me back to my dorm. The next day I was barred from campus pending a decision on what to do with me (I was ultimately suspended for a year). Not being able to get to campus I missed my last final exam and got an incomplete for the entire course. Ultimately I decided not to go back because my entire breakdown happened next to a very prominent walkway on campus, and dozens, if not hundreds of people certainly saw me completely naked. I couldn't handle the idea of walking into classes and playing the "has this professor seen my penis" game.

If anyone reading this saw my penis, I am so sorry, let me know in the comments, and please remember it was New York and very cold.

TLDR: Took acid, learned the secrets of the universe, took way more acid, got naked, started screaming, bothered my next door neighbor, went outside, started screaming my name (almost), talked to my RA, got handcuffed and taken to the hospital, ripped out my own IV, and got suspended for a year.



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columbo527 t1_j6aaysg wrote

So what are the universes secrets, and how do they work?


dave8271 t1_j6awf8c wrote

I took acid once when I was 18 and remember clearly feeling like I was one with the universe and completely understood everything there was to be understood. It was like a completely transcendental experience of consciousness where my being and the whole universe were the same thing. I wrote down some notes about the secrets of the universe while I was tripping.

The next day I couldn't remember what any of the secrets of the universe were and it turned out the notes I'd written were just lyrics to one of the songs in the musical Buffy episode.

This sort of thing seems to be a common experience with LSD.


nadzicle t1_j6axicq wrote

But which song was it? I love the songs in that episode.


dave8271 t1_j6ay2ue wrote

It was that "we will walk through the fire" one. But I know when I wrote it down, when I was tripping, in my head I was writing down the meaning of life and the universe and the nature of consciousness. Acid is weird. I never did it again, it's not that it wasn't (mostly) enjoyable per-se, it's just I was so relieved when I woke up the next day and everything had stopped moving.

Edit: Just for a nostalgic laugh, for any of you who've never taken acid, here are a few bits I vaguely remember from my trip (was about 20 years ago now):

  1. At one point, I believed I'd become a cartoon character. The whole world looked to me like a quite crudely drawn, 2D Family Guy style animation.

  2. For a while, people's faces were morphing in to long, rat-like features and it looked like they were laughing at me in a very sinister way. I didn't enjoy that part.

  3. I was a genie for a while too. Like, I wanted a sandwich and suddenly I had one and I was eating it. No sense of any time passing or any memory of doing anything between wanting a sandwich and having it in front of me. I realised I'd run out of cigarettes, then suddenly boom a fresh pack of cigarettes were in my hand. I named my genie self Barok the Great.

  4. In a later part of my trip, I experienced going and making the sandwich, just completely out of place in time. Like splicing a video in the wrong order or something, only that's what I actually experienced.

  5. I could see sound waves coming out of speakers. That was really cool. And you can just be looking at a wall or something and it just melts and blends and becomes the coolest looking kaleidoscope thing, or something like that. The visuals are a very unique experience.

  6. Trails. If you ever do take acid, you'll 100% have this happen. You move your hands and you just see an after image of your fingers, like a duplicate, trailing for a few seconds.

  7. It can be bad too. My trip eventually went a bit sour, I can't remember why but I had some negative thought and it just manifested in some way and I remember I really wanted the trip to end and to just sober up but I couldn't. That's the downside of acid, once you're in, you're in for as long as it lasts and it lasts a long time.

  8. The mental part. People don't often talk about this bit but it's not just hallucinations and weird philosophical thoughts and feelings, when you come up it feels like you've done about 20 bong hits back to back. It's intense. That bit does seem to mellow out later though.


Soggy-Ad-4210 t1_j6bkqdt wrote

I tripped on 25c NBOME once and thought I turned into megamind, huge head and all lol


TrypMole t1_j6dnmf7 wrote

Ahhhh. This is nostalgic. I miss acid.


scrubZ0 t1_j6gj4xp wrote

I did it once and can attest to a few of these things.

When it first kicked in I was about half way through a song, laying on the lounge. It felt like I had sunken into the lounge and was stuck. The song felt like it was playing from 3 speakers inside my head, but all were playing at different volumes, timings, and speeds.

I have a couple freckles on my arm, which were bouncing and jumping off my skin like fleas.

My friend had a yellowish light in the corner of his room, but it was changing colours from green - orange - yellow.

We also had some universe solving thoughts. I wrote down "Life is a 360° tug of war". I kinda remember what I meant but like wtf. Lots of other stuff we "came to realise" that isn't worth mentioning because when you sober up its just stupid, lol.

It started to lightly rain about half way through, and standing out in it felt really good for some reason lol. So did eating sour/bitter foods, made me see heaps of vivid colours and stuff like my senses were blended. I could see what pineapple tasted like.

When I was outside at one point, it started going bad and I just felt like my chest was tight and I was freaking out, not even sure why. I went back inside after about 10 minutes of freaking, and just went back to normal.

Going to bed at like 5am, after it was wearing off I became slightly paranoid and heard footsteps in the hallway and knocking at the window, even though no one was there. I'm not sure if I would do it again, but it was fun for the most part.


TrypMole t1_j6dnfyo wrote

Secret to the universe?

🎶 It must be bunnies 🎶


nadzicle t1_j6g4rhz wrote

And now that’s stuck in my head. It’s going to be on the adhd radio until another song gets stuck. I once had it stuck for a few weeks. Lol.


wannabecpa93 t1_j6bqyr0 wrote

I do acid quite a bit probably once every month on average.

Most times I do pretty low doses, chill out listen/play music watch nature documentaries. Sometimes I’ll do medium doses and go on a hike always have a blast.

I’ve only done Ops original dose once and I was tripping BALLs. I was in my girlfriends old apartment and basically went into a kaleidoscope for god knows how long but I had really no recollection of who or what I was. But I know I got a lot more intertwined with the world that night. I never left the couch but felt like I experienced a lifetime of who I was and ultimately became completely at peace with myself even though I was both scared shirtless and having the best possible time I could ever be having. I thought my eyes were open and they were closed.

I cannot fathom taking 7 more tabs or even trying to multiply that experience anymore than it was. Op is lucky they didn’t walk out into the middle of the highway or jump off a bridge. I feel like at that dosage you can’t even visually see anything let alone comprehend anything or speak.


Soggy-Ad-4210 t1_j6bkj5w wrote

I smoked DMT “dream sand” once and looked in the mirror, I remember looking like the thing from The Fantasic Four, then I went to take a piss and my penis also looked like “clay” or “rock”.. that’s when I freaked out … good thing it didn’t last longer than like 20 minutes, strong shit.


TheBoisterousBoy t1_j6ci0q7 wrote

This reminds me of this artist in the 70s who thought the visuals he saw while tripping were so beautiful that he wanted to paint them while tripping so everyone could see what he saw…

It was the absolute shittiest finger painting stuff I’ve ever seen in my life. Even the artist was like “Hoo, those suck”.


bros402 t1_j6bavjx wrote



gudnuusevry1 t1_j6ellxr wrote

Can confirm. When a good friend had his first trip experience, he sat down and wrote his thoughts for maybe 3 or 4 hours. We are talking screeds here, pages and pages of triptastic manifesto...

Only for him to try and read it later for it to obviously make zero sense and not even be able to read all his notes


Emergency-Nail-9921 OP t1_j6abria wrote

I wish I could remember. All I can tell you is that I was screaming "PUSH PULL PUSH PULL 101010101010" - It sort of felt like the universe was based on the idea of constant push and pull. A self perpetuating cycle of corrections. Too far left and it steers right, then too far right and it steers left. Of course, it was probably all nonsense, but who knows, maybe not.


columbo527 t1_j6actqk wrote

What i choose to take from this is: That there's a giant colony of ants located in the earths core locked in a perpetual battle of tug of war which is keeping the earth from falling out of orbit and crashing into the sun.


Emergency-Nail-9921 OP t1_j6ae0ip wrote

Could be. I was thinking more like everything in the universe is the ants locked in a battle of tug of war with itself which keeps the multiverse from falling out of existence


Philodendronphan t1_j6bf1hc wrote

I read an article the other day about how the core of the earth is starting to change the direction of its rotation, so it’s kind of the same.


MrJusticle t1_j6bmj4p wrote

Oh shit, same! First time I smoked weed I had a mental breakdown about how everything in the universe is as simple as 1 and 0. On and off. Good and bad. Binary completeness. Action/reaction. And existence is the side effect of the energy it takes for the 1s and 0s ultimately balance out. Absolute 0 and/or Absolute 1. I've never been that high again, no matter how much I've smoked since. Never done acid though, seems like I'd likely get that same realization.


scrubZ0 t1_j6gjj56 wrote

Holy shit I literally just wrote a comment and mentioned how I wrote down something like "life is a 360° tug of war". Not sure if this is what you meant, but to me it meant that everything you do has positives and negatives. If you go one direction you're further away from another direction. To excel in one thing you have to sacrifice in another. Not really sure what I meant but its probably a combination of the things I just listed, hahah


Really_McNamington t1_j6ajncy wrote


Emergency-Nail-9921 OP t1_j6axrsz wrote

When I got back from the hospital, I knew I opened a word doc on my computer to write the secrets, and was excited to see what I wrote.

"John's world" is all I wrote (except with my real name instead of John)

I'm still 50/50 on if the experience was real, or some trick of the brain where it applies meaning to things that are meaningless.

I re-watched Star Trek TNG and there was an episode that really stood out to me in light of my experience. They run into a race who's language they can't understand or translate, and eventually they realize that they speak solely in metaphor. They explain it like this: If I say "Juliet on her balcony" to communicate the idea of romance, those words mean nothing to somebody that doesn't know about Romeo and Juliet. They're apparently non-sense, they carry no real meaning.

To me, discovering the secrets of the universe felt like I was solely thinking in metaphor: 1-0, push pull. But it felt like there was something /more/ behind those thoughts at the time. Once I sobered up, all I left was the seemingly meaningless metaphors, whatever the deeper meaning behind them was lost to me.

Of course, that meaning might be lost because it might have never existed. I'm 50/50 on if that's the case. Before the trip I was a hyper-logical person. I was an atheist that didn't believe in greater powers or anything large and mysterious in the universe. But having the experience, I've started to consider the possibility that we understand 0.00000000001% of the universe, and that there are many things beyond our imagination or comprehension.


Billy_Boognish t1_j6d3j5d wrote

>Before the trip I was a hyper-logical person. I was an atheist that didn't believe in greater powers or anything large and mysterious in the universe.

That's the best part of psychedelics, realizing that we don't know anything! I used to trip solo all the time, just for the hell of it, on a Tuesday or whatever. Seeing things stripped of pretense or in a completely different light was such a draw for me. There are major turning points in my life, good and bad, that revolve around specific trips. Hanging out with my brothers, you might here something dated, "is that before or after the double dipped orange gell tabs night?" Another favorite, "that's the summer we got Yowsered (reallys clean blotter that had Pitfall Harry stamped on the hits) at Allman Brothers Band" still puts a smile on my face, and that happened 25 years ago! Thanks for sharing your adventure. In case no one tells you, The secret knowledge is already in you, and you certainly know the answer to life's problems, even if you can't recall it most of the time. Be good to your fellow humans and to yourself.


myimpendinganeurysm t1_j6c3b54 wrote

> Overwhelmed as one would be >
> Placed in my position >
> Such a heavy burden now to be the one >
> Born to bear and bring you all the details of our ending >
> To write it down for all the world to see >
> But I forgot my pen >
> Shit the bed again >
> Typical


booksbb t1_j6an7xz wrote

When I read the title I honestly wondered if we went to the same college... At the end of my first year, right around test times, a classmate disappeared for like 4 days.

Where was he? Turns out he was on acid and had 'escaped' his trip sitters, and fucked off into the woods around campus and just.... lived in nature for a few days.


Ancient_Klutz t1_j6abjzs wrote

Honestly what the fuck did I just read


But what the fuck


Emergency-Nail-9921 OP t1_j6abz3l wrote

This is basically exactly what I thought when I got back to my dorm room from the hospital. What the fuck just happened? I mean, it was wild and sort of awesome, but what the fuck


Ancient_Klutz t1_j6ac9uw wrote

Honestly you were lucky that the punishment wasn't more stringent imo a guy at my uni got expelled for setting off fireworks on a street


Emergency-Nail-9921 OP t1_j6acz02 wrote

Yeah definitely, they would've even lowered my suspension to 6 months if I told them who I got the drugs from but I'm no snitch lol. I'm guessing they wanted to leave the door open to me dumping more money into the school, it was a really expensive place and in retrospect they really only cared about making as much money as possible.


freeman5117 t1_j6ainoa wrote

This might be an unpopular opinion, but actually I think it's kind of fucked to even be expelled for 6 months over something like this... I mean, it's not like OP killed or injured anyone, deliberately exposed himself to a minor, etc. A month or two at most for disturbing public order would have done. Regarding fireworks, expulsion is more or less justified actually, because they can start a fire with potentially far more severe consequences.


Emergency-Nail-9921 OP t1_j6amvru wrote

Not sure how the logistics of a 1-2 month suspension would work, you’d be way behind in all classes. I didn’t hurt someone, but I could have definitely hurt myself. I could have run into traffic or jumped off a bridge, I was completely detached from reality


Ancient_Klutz t1_j6ajch8 wrote

If you can be imprisoned for something you have done (public indecency) I think permanent expulsion is pretty justified tbh, plus the meds handcuffed him so they thought he was a danger to at least someone


Emergency-Nail-9921 OP t1_j6an5yv wrote

I could’ve run into traffic or something. I think it was less that I was dangerous and more that they needed to get me in the ambulance and I was totally uncooperative


raz0rflea t1_j6ap58m wrote

That makes sense...acid doesn't make people violent or destructive as a general rule, but it can make you do some dumbass shit because common sense goes bye bye.

Someone froze all our cutlery in a block of ice as a prank once and my housemate had to stop me from putting it in the microwave to thaw it out lol...except he was tripping hard as well so all he could do was say MICROWAVE BAD over and over till I got it. And that was on a couple tabs, 10 would break my brain! You're lucky you got out of it aa well as you did all things considered!


freeman5117 t1_j6alwnk wrote

Could be... Maybe I don't know enough about what acid does to you (never tried it or anything silimar), but as far as I'm aware it's not a drug that turns you violent or destructive in any real way. But yeah I guess it was enough to make the school staff/meds to get worried about others' safety.

As for public indecency, I know that the US has pretty harsh laws regarding public nudity, so perhaps it was their way of punishing him for that without actually evoking the specific charges given that OP was high af during that time.


pocurious t1_j6azh3u wrote

lol what? you think permanent expulsion is an appropriate punishment for public nudity?

Who are you, the ghost of queen victoria?


Ancient_Klutz t1_j6ce2c6 wrote

If you can be imprisoned for something, and there are lots of witnesses, it poses a very significant reputational risk to the school. So yes. I do.


tkeRe1337 t1_j6euv73 wrote

I knew a guy who took way too much acid and came home, took his clothes off, made a sandwich and went to bed.

Here’s the kicker: wasnt his apartment. It was his neighbours. This wouldve been a funny story, but it’s not, because in ”his” bed was a young girl (cant remember age but a child, 8 maybe). He was naked. He was charged on some sexual crime (he didnt do anything to her and ran as soon as he realized his fuck up but they obv knew who he was) and it ruined his life. He killed himself not too long ago…

All im saying is; sometimes shit couldve been worse


freeman5117 t1_j6fazzb wrote

Oof, that's just terrible. But then again, how likely is something like this to happen, given all the factors that would need to coincide for it? Like OP said, it was far more likely that he gets himself killed by believing he can fly or walk through traffic.


tkeRe1337 t1_j6h2hb5 wrote

Oh hell yeah its the badest of luck. Not saying dont do acid, just saying to accept things for what they are because it couldve gone way worse


great_site_not t1_j6b04gi wrote

OP is lucky that they didn't get hurt, too. "Acid" often isn't LSD--it's often other psychedelic drugs like NBOMe's, that have a narrow window between a physiologically safe dose and a dose that can cause cardiac arrest, internal bleeding, gangrene of the limbs, and other nasty things. It's naive to buy acid and trust the dealer that it's LSD and that the dose is 100mcg--even if the dealer truly believes it! They probably bought it from another dealer, after all.


TheShadyGuy t1_j6ap0wu wrote

Lol. Never trust the "take more" thoughts.


Emergency-Nail-9921 OP t1_j6aq3nd wrote

I was really already checked out at that point, I wasn’t really in control anymore.


SirCoolSphere t1_j6ajeu1 wrote

Anyone redditors remember seeing this guy on campus in New York in 2018?


Emergency-Nail-9921 OP t1_j6anjon wrote

It was a tech school so definitely a disproportionately high population of Reddit users. And people definitely saw because a friend told me they heard someone talk about it at a frat party. If this post somehow blows up I bet at least 1 person recognizes the story


Space_Shep t1_j6c70mz wrote

Just be happy that (as far as you know) nobody took a video.


Portsmythe_Higgins t1_j6d9pis wrote

Was this tech school RIT?


shrodingersSphincter t1_j6dcig7 wrote

Likely not, OP stated this was their sophomore year and they were in a dorm, which is extremely unusual for RIT unless you're in one of the specialty groups.

Also, I'm struggling to remember any dorm at RIT with a prominent handrail outside and there isn't a prominent bridge except for the one by SAU which would be so quiet at night, nobody would know if you walked across it naked.


Curious_Caish t1_j6avsju wrote

Today (in 2018) a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves.

Here's Tom with the Weather.

-Bill Hicks


doughnawtty t1_j6alcot wrote

It could’ve been worse, you didn’t hurt yourself or anyone else. I know of someone who took acid and jumped to his death. Be careful and responsible!


Emergency-Nail-9921 OP t1_j6anrso wrote

Yeah I’m thankful the only thing hurt was my pride. I realized when I sobered up I could’ve run into traffic or something. Haven’t really done any more acid since this story because of that


smudgetimeusa t1_j6ac71j wrote

Wow that’s a lot to unfold


Emergency-Nail-9921 OP t1_j6ack06 wrote

And the post was getting too long, I had to leave out the fact that I started recording when the universe started talking to me, so I had audio recordings of everything through the moment I got back from the hospital. The guy from the dorm across from me ended up going into my room to investigate and found an empty pill bottle and assumed I had run out of anti-psychotics or something.


aravelrevyn t1_j6acpkm wrote

Sounds like loads of fun. Glad you’re ok though.


Emergency-Nail-9921 OP t1_j6adexr wrote

Oh it was a blast until I sobered up and the embarrassment of flashing dozens of stranger set in


SpiritTalker t1_j6ab2e4 wrote

Don't do drugs, kids.


Emergency-Nail-9921 OP t1_j6ac5se wrote

And especially don't do lots of drugs, with nobody around to make sure you don't take even more drugs when you lose your mind


cmoyes t1_j6azhon wrote

Acid makes you do crazy things, I once took some and ended up driving a moped across Bali with a toothless hooker.


tkeRe1337 t1_j6ev6z1 wrote

I once (during a trip) srsly thought living naked in the woods and befriending moose would be a good idea hehe. I see how you ended up on that road trip rofl


cmoyes t1_j6glpo5 wrote

I hear you, I tried posting the acid story a few times but it never caught traction. I was picking up monkeys, stray dogs, convinced a convenience store to make me food, ate with that family crouched on the floor in my shorts, lost my belongings, got bit by a dog or monkey and woke up in a pile of blood with a scooter.


geefunken t1_j6a91k5 wrote

That’s trips for ya.


catalanj2396 t1_j6aoq67 wrote

This is why I’m scared to take acid. Do you have any residual problems from the trip?


Neither-Ad1431 t1_j6b0pw0 wrote

These types of experiences are fairly easily avoided by not taking massive doses, avoiding cannabis on it if it makes you paranoid, and having someone with you.


Emergency-Nail-9921 OP t1_j6aq02e wrote

Nope, I’m lucky I think that is a danger with crazy doses. But maybe it’s only common if you take crazy doses repeatedly


3birdsss t1_j6bnrh0 wrote

Even 3 tabs is a lot, this guy did the dumbest thing by starting with that in the first place. Take half tab for your first time if you're worried then move onto whole singles.


Quicky312 t1_j6bm5dc wrote

Are you sure what you did was LSD? One of my first lab jobs was at a crime lab where we tested narcotics. One of the most common substances that was passed off as LSD was NBOMe. A cheaper alternative to LSD during 2014-2017(you were able to purchase it from overseas chemists legally) Many users had similar experiences as you.


Emergency-Nail-9921 OP t1_j6bo5dj wrote

I'm not sure, I should have tested it, stupid of me. I kind of suspected it might've been NBOMe. What other stories have you heard about people on it?


Mug_of_coffee t1_j6bp0st wrote

5-meo-AMT can also be put onto paper, but makes your stomach upset and is a poor substitute.


BassChanyon t1_j6ai6v0 wrote

This is the best thing I’ve ever read. I’m sorry you went ballistic on school grounds but it sounds like you were having a good time up until that point haha.


Emergency-Nail-9921 OP t1_j6ao99s wrote

Yeah I think I had a blast, I don’t remember too much. Which I’m thankful for, there’s only so many memories of being naked and insane in front of people before it sours the whole memory


bakinbaker0418 t1_j6b1ui1 wrote

You are a fucking legend my friend. I've done a lot of acid myself and pretty high doses but never thought about taking 10 100ug tabs in a setting. I've taken a few gel tabs and a 100ug paper in one night and thought I was losing my mind. I laid down on the floor to listen to music and lay with my dog about 5 minutes later I thought I fainted and ended up on the floor (I've done that a few times on shrooms) then realized I just needed to sit the fuck and try to watch something


Neither-Ad1431 t1_j6azznd wrote

I know exactly what that feels like but fortunately for me it happened off campus (10+ years ago)

I ended up outside mostly naked and eventually in the hospital. I had taken 6 grams of mushrooms and smoked cannabis on the comeup.. I later realized that with certain people cannabis can trigger this type of experience if smoked on the comeup of a sufficiently strong psychedelic. Super high doses of a psychedelic can do it on their own as well (as you learned) and the chances increase as the dose gets more and more absurd. Some are just more sensitive or susceptible for whatever reason.

Oddly Im not a fan of nitrous but noticed 2 nitrous balloons triggers that sort of delusional trip as well for me but it's extremely brief.

Be careful if you ever trip again on a large amount or combined with cannabis. I've learned to navigate better now but it was not without risk. A hyperspatial imagination combined with the hyper-suggestibility of that state can lead to some seriously confusing experiences even if you are experienced. I had tripped countless times in a solo setting of self exploration before it ever became a problem and it wasn't until I was able to journey with my wife and friends that I learned what the issue was and how to navigate it.

If you want to talk anymore about it feel free to message me. Glad you're ok!


fredsam25 t1_j6ars1w wrote

Did you ever finish school? If not, you should. These are the sort of mistakes that happen in youth. Don't let it define the rest of your life. But honestly, who takes acid when they still have a final left? You couldn't wait another few days?


Emergency-Nail-9921 OP t1_j6au56g wrote

I took a year off then finished at a local school closer to home. I was already a year ahead of schedule from AP credits anyway. All of my trips to this point had been buttery smooth, the idea that something could happen that would prevent me from taking my other final never occurred to me, and only ended up costing me 1 class that I didn't really need


fkk2019 t1_j6bebor wrote

Thank you for this story. I've taken 5 tabs a couple times before (unknown strength) and everything in my house came alive. Never got to the universe spilling secrets level of high before!


Obi_995 t1_j6b1s34 wrote

This happened to someone in my uni in Florida (took acid then found naked). True Florida man story


EllieBlueexo t1_j6bgjyb wrote

This is the type of story those in res life talk about for YEARS


whiteclawthreshermaw t1_j6c1ht1 wrote

Calm down, Jake. You're on a crazy amount of blizz but your brain still works.

Are you on blizz?

Why would you say that?

You just told us.


duffyDmonkey t1_j6aro15 wrote

OP really sorry for what happened. If you don't mind can you share what exactly you mean by universe was talking to you. I trip on acid and i usually trip alone, i would like to be better prepared for stuff like this, that's why I'm asking.


Emergency-Nail-9921 OP t1_j6av0ws wrote

No need to be sorry, it was a cool experience. My biggest regret is that it's made me too anxious to do acid anymore.

I can try to explain, but it's difficult because it's just a hard thing to explain, and because I was basically half blacked out. It also might have just been a full blown psychotic break. There were basically thoughts and ideas in my head that weren't mine. I can remember very vividly how it started, all of a sudden the alphabet went through my mind, but it didn't feel like I was thinking the alphabet, it felt like someone else was pressing a keyboard and the alphabet was appearing in my mind.

I wonder now if it happened again if I could handle it differently. At this point I'm like 50/50 if it was real or just nonsense. Assuming it was nonsense, I wonder if I could have controlled myself if I realized it was nonsense. Before this happening, my brain never had to consider if what it was thinking was real. I didn't even have the capacity to think "is this thought nonsensical?" Now I think I do, and I think maybe if I ever had thoughts that seemed to deal with the nature of reality, I could stop myself and say "Yes this might be true, but this also might just be my brain miss-firing"


duffyDmonkey t1_j6awci4 wrote

I had a psychotic break once and it fucked me up. It happened when i tried DMT on LSD and i have been reluctant to try that combination again. I often think about what happened during psychotic break and how i can have handled things better.

> At this point I'm like 50/50 if it was real or just nonsense

I think it's real but you can never prove it to anyone. Don't bother trying to prove it cause reality will not allow it or some shit like that.

For anyone reading this, if you ever find yourself in a situation like this just remember the drugs will be metabolized by your body within a day and you will be alright eventually, you just need bide your time. So stay where you are and sit tight and don't make any rash decisions. And definitely do not take more drugs.


Neither-Ad1431 t1_j6b14ft wrote

The trick with lsdmt is to guide it with sound and ease into it. You need less dmt. Try a large quartz singing bowl paired with some old cathedral choir sounds and have a friend with you


eomar2828 t1_j6b4b9u wrote

im amazed you had a measurement, last time i did that shit i was given an eye dropper, then told i was given the wrong one and may have taken too much. was a crazy ~36 hours. Luckily i had enough supervision to avoid your ending.


tkeRe1337 t1_j6evx71 wrote

That’s gotta be fucking crazy haha. There you are thinking you’ll have a smoothe lil trip and the dude goes ”oops, buckle in chap”. Fucking hell haha


eomar2828 t1_j6eyfac wrote

Yea I was young too, a teenager still lol


tkeRe1337 t1_j6ezusx wrote

Might’ve been a good thing! My first trip was a heroic shroom dose. Handled it well, was 16, I think the open mind of the young handles it better than our old asses who are stuck in our habits/knowledge.


leeharrison1984 t1_j6b73km wrote

Pretty good story of how you transformed into a glass of orange juice. Careful that you don't spill!


fuckimtrash t1_j6b7hgp wrote

Acid is a really strong ass drug, alcohol and bath salts are controllable, but cid is one drug I can’t be in control of. Glad you ended up being ok omg


Mug_of_coffee t1_j6bowef wrote

> alcohol and bath salts are controllable,

Strongly disagree that Alcohol is controllable.


fuckimtrash t1_j6gvymr wrote

Yea I should’ve clarified that I meant in my experience, drugs def don’t affect everyone the same 🙏🏼


matthoback t1_j6bdfp1 wrote

This is why you always have a trip sitter with you.


jaymac91 t1_j6btfrk wrote

Welcome to the strip club!

Random guess but any chance this happened at hofstra?


Stormchaser2 t1_j6bucns wrote

That would be so much fun if you had a trip sitter! But left alone? Oh my. My ex got away from my friend and I while we were all tripping one time, and we found him across the street on someone’s front porch. Thankfully before the era of ring doorbells, and in a vacation rental community that was mostly empty at the time. He was in his bathing suit, which, at first glance could’ve appeared to be boxer briefs. But yeah, that shit can make you do things. That is a huge dose that you took!


PetuniaFungus t1_j6c6pb4 wrote

Hey, I had a similar experience except mine sounded a bit more like Nick's World. Mine includes getting tackled naked by six cops, but thankfully it wasn't so public lol Glad you're okay. I saw people I know and spoke in metaphors that sounded completely asinine to anyone sober before breaking a mirror and saying I was going to cut my dick off after jonesing for sex and control all night. Nowadays, I play it pretty chill, and am focused on actually controlling my life, and more importantly myself. I love this ego, and want to retain it, but I'm learning and getting stronger. Ive always been an empath, whatever that means, so the real goal is to stay grounded for this lofty mind. Figure out what you most from life, and you can start taking the steps to get there.


Eldryanyyy t1_j6dcaya wrote

I had an incredibly similar experience where I suspected I may have been drugged my first day of university, but also may have just been alcohol.

Blacked out drinking at my friend’s party. Woke up, girl under my arm saying ‘just take tops off, keep pants on’ black out again. Come to for 1 second in my bed taking pants off. Black out again. Vaguely remember walking into my neighbor’s room (open door policy), black out again. Vaguely remember running down the hallway screaming I need detox.

Wake up in the hospital, IV etc.


tkeRe1337 t1_j6ewer0 wrote

That couldve been alcohol, I got a similar story and I know it was 100% just a lot of alcohol. A LOT


tkeRe1337 t1_j6evm62 wrote

I know a guy who took way too much acid and came home, took his clothes off, made a sandwich and went to bed.

Here’s the kicker: wasnt his apartment. It was his neighbours. This wouldve been a funny story, but it’s not, because in ”his” bed was a young girl (cant remember age but a child, 8 maybe). He was naked. He was charged on some sexual crime (he didnt do anything to her and ran as soon as he realized his fuck up but they obv knew who he was) and it ruined his life. He killed himself not too long ago…


wakingdreamland t1_j6bnivy wrote

Sounds like he managed to taste the number nine.


Fine_wonderland t1_j6cdsgf wrote

I was in TEARS reading this, omg so funny. Poor guy


ArtVanbago t1_j6cy42u wrote

What did your parents say?


DeathByLemmings t1_j6e1ew4 wrote

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why you always have a sitter when you do a lot of hallucinogenics


nonxmi t1_j6e2tr5 wrote

damn something similar happened to me few years ago, and i ended up in the hospital and pissed myself lol


niiitt t1_j6j11lc wrote

Wait, I could be stupid here as I do not live in the U.S. but isnt acid illegal?


Affectionate-Gur2228 t1_j6ch3o7 wrote

300 is a very high dose and not safe to do on a campus.. If you take a higher dose, there won't be much of a difference because your brain can not squeeze out more neurotransmitters than it has stored. Taking more acid at a later point is not going to intensify the experience much. It will just drag it out to be longer. Immediately after taking the initial dose, the body builds a high tolerance that lasts 1-2 weeks. If you do what OP did, you set yourself up for a super long trip(at least 12 hours) that is not possible to control to begin with. Unless you are a shaman sitting in a tent in the middle of a jungle.


pattyG80 t1_j6cxyvj wrote

You should probably get help about your recreational drug has definitely spilled over and impacted your life
