[deleted] t1_iud0gk5 wrote
BasementDwellingMOD t1_iud0tvd wrote
Double_Freedom5101 t1_iud1fhh wrote
Maybe he sucked at baseball
Drizztonyourface t1_iud1xt4 wrote
Seems like all of Asia is. Central and South America as well. It's perfectly fine to be racist, as long as you aren't American or european.
thisusernameisletter t1_iud25id wrote
Tbf as long as you don't live in a city you can still be racist just fine
IPutThisUsernameHere t1_iud30sb wrote
They're also pretty conservative. Women are expected to marry but the work culture there doesn't generally lend itself to producing children or marriage, either, so you tend to see a lot of single people. Their birth rate is pretty low right now.
ShepardsPrayer t1_iud3ikm wrote
Watching Japanese baseball on TV is strange. You can see the bat and ball clearly but the field is blurred out.
chaves4life t1_iud4030 wrote
chaves4life t1_iud46vt wrote
To truly understand this story I need the source material. Oy by watching the video can I fully understand the scandal.
Neisani80 t1_iud83r6 wrote
Apparently he didn’t suck at something else
a1001ku t1_iud8eo6 wrote
Sure, but it's gonna be blurry.
canalrhymeswithanal t1_iud8tqj wrote
Knocking the ol' Puck around? Wait, wrong sport. Guess I'm looking for puns in Oberon places. Tit... ania.
chaves4life t1_iud9a3a wrote
No problem, I won't be able to see it when I am bent over the table
Drizztonyourface t1_iud9e6f wrote
HillbillyHobgoblin t1_iudfawv wrote
We have to know if he was pitching or catching..
a1001ku t1_iudgfi6 wrote
Takes off everything except crocs
chaves4life t1_iudgmza wrote
Better be wearing socks in those crocks
Longjumping_Owl5740 OP t1_iudh75k wrote
He did eventually play in MLB (briefly) and in the NPB, but he wasn't a star.
a1001ku t1_iudh7tp wrote
What socks?
Creation98 t1_iudj36s wrote
America truly is one of the least racist countries. You’ll be crucified for pointing that out on reddit though. Lol
chaves4life t1_iudj3qs wrote
He-is-climbing t1_iudk0p2 wrote
You're more likely to get crucified for the victim complex than any reasonable comparison between racial discrimination among different countries.
America ranks very low among other Western countries on most racial discrimination metrics because nearly half of our population exhibit some level of racist beliefs. America is a relatively good country to be a minority in in spite of our culture, not because we are intrinsically not racist.
Creation98 t1_iudkrv3 wrote
Fair enough. Though possessing “racist” beliefs is a very broad definition and is incredibly subjective.
Someone could possess some biases in America that some list deems to be “racist,” but still not be nearly as racist as, say a Korean, who has a blanket ban against all black people from their business.
a1001ku t1_iudlx3k wrote
Of course
Regular82 t1_iudtwcs wrote
Got to be a Bottom joke in there somewhere
owlknight68 t1_iudumbg wrote
And if his bat is regulation size
SoggyAd1409 t1_iudxkxd wrote
At least we can assume he knows how to handle those balls
South_Data2898 t1_iuec95q wrote
You've never actually been to another country in your entire life, have you? American white people are hilariously naïve.
South_Data2898 t1_iuecln6 wrote
>America is a relatively good country to be a minority in in spite of our culture
Lol. How fucking oblivious are you? The US has ~25% of the planet's prison population, ~33% of which is comprised of black people, when they are ~15% of the population in the country as a whole.
Get your head out of your ass dummy.
[deleted] t1_iuecvln wrote
marmorset t1_iuer93t wrote
Korean business owners don't ban black people from their stores, they're the only ones willing to open up in black neighborhoods and deal with the problems.
I grew up in a black neighborhood and Korean shopkeepers weren't following around black people (and the few white customers) because they're racist, they were doing it because they learned who the thieves were. Koreans business owners want to make money, they care about green more than skin color.
Creation98 t1_iueryzt wrote
You’re right. I do not disagree with you. I’m talking more about Asian countries overseas. Not Asian Americans.
marmorset t1_iues03m wrote
>America ranks very low among other Western countries on most racial discrimination metrics because nearly half of our population exhibit some level of racist beliefs.
Most Western countries don't have non-white populations as large as the US does.
And as a white who grew up in a black neighborhood, and now live in an area with more Indians than anywhere else in America, I can tell you that the racism in this country is not coming from where you think it's coming from.
marmorset t1_iuetjjr wrote
You're throwing those numbers around as if they mean something. If more black people are committing crimes then there are going to be more black people in prison and that's what's happening.
You can claim cops are racist, juries are racist, everyone is racist, but you can watch the news and see who's beating Asian people and Jews for no reason, who's getting into gun fights on sidewalks, and who's looting stores.
It's not racist to acknowledge that black people commit more crimes, but the biggest crime is that if you're a young black man growing up in the US you don't have a chance and no one is willing to look for solutions. It's easier to accuse everyone else of racism than deal with the fact that if you're a young black man in a big city, you're fucked.
bernardhayse t1_iuetohg wrote
>racism in this country is not coming from where you think it's coming from
I thought a good amount of it was structural, you know, like hiring practices and loans
marmorset t1_iuevjae wrote
I was in China a couple of times and I don't know if they were racist or not because everyone treats everyone else like crap.
marmorset t1_iuezhje wrote
I've worked for both big and small companies and black people were more likely to get hired than anyone else. If you're a black person with a college degree you're more likely to get hired than anyone else. Joe Biden said of Obama, "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man," and he was criticized for it, but if you fit that description and apply to a big company they put you on the fast track.
The people in banks lend to the people who are going to pay back loans. I don't think the issue is racism, it's personal financial history. I'm a real estate agent, there's no issue in black people getting loans or buying houses. If you can manage your money and have a stable history you'll get a loan.
The structural racism is in schools, black children get a poor education and the school system just claims it needs more money but nothing ever changes. Think about any case that became national news involving a black person and the police. Do you think any of those black men had a high school diploma?
Seventy percent of black children are born to unwed mothers, and it's been shown time and again that growing up without a father has a tremendous negative effect on both girls and boys. I have two kids and I can tell right away which of their friends come from intact families, which kids are only children, and which kids are from broken homes. That's the fundamental problem but it's hard to think of solutions and society has chosen to look the other way.
bernardhayse t1_iuf0yop wrote
Structural racism is definitely in your line of business. You must be familiar with redlining and which go hand in hand with the poor school systems.
Companies may hire black people but to say they are getting fast tracked is way off. Nepotism is rampant in positions of power with businesses. Small business hire people they know, I know from experience.
And there was a concerted effort starting with the Nixon administration to disrupt the family structure in black and hippie communities all the way through to Clinton. You are familiar with the crack epidemic and denial of home loans during the 50s when the vast majority of americans accumulated their wealth?
South_Data2898 t1_iuf8z74 wrote
"Black people just commit more crimes." says the totally not racist white person patting themselves on the back for how progressive his country is.
marmorset t1_iuff3hn wrote
I've seen no redlining. Most [of] my clients are non-white and they never have trouble getting mortgages or buying into specific neighborhoods. I see (non-white) people almost exclusively want to live with people like them.
If you run a small business nepotism makes sense, if that fails you've lose everything. Hiring relatives and people you know isn't to excludes others, it's to hire people you trust.
Although LBJ's Great Society didn't help, I don't blame either side for disruption of the black family, the rates of unwed mothers, for all races, shoots up immediately after abortion and contraception become legalized. Although it freed up women from being forced into marriages to avoid social stigma, it also allowed women to have children without being forced into marriage. It's not clear why blacks were more affected.
Unlike fentanyl and oxycontin, crack was a big city problem, it wasn't nationwide. New York, Newark, and Philadelphia were hit hardest by crack. It wasn't that black people were more likely to use crack, it's that people in big cities were the ones affected by crack, and that's where most black people tend to live.
While it's true black people in the past had a difficult time accumulating wealth due to government policies, those policies aren't in effect anymore and immigrants have no trouble accumulating wealth. I see it everyday, poor immigrant grandparents, parents go to college, their kids grow up in the suburbs.
I'm mixed race but look white, grew up in a black neighborhood, in a broken home, with a mentally ill mother, on welfare, and lived in the projects. Any kid who did well in school got good grades or "talked white" was relentlessly bullied, regardless of race. And since it was a majority black neighborhood and a majority black school, that meant mostly black kids. I don't know why that started and you can blame Nixon or Clinton, but black people have destroyed the lives of more black people than any government program or supposed racist conspiracy. Even today black men shoot other black men at incredible rates. I don't know the solution, but blaming the problem on racist whites in the 1950s is nonsense.
bernardhayse t1_iufg8qa wrote
You dont blame any fuckin side? Theres literally audio of John Erhlichman talking about disrupting the hippie and black communities with heavy handed drug policies. Like there's no debate about their intentions so idk why you're trying here.
Black people were absolutely more likely to be caught in possession of crack because their communities were heavily policed by design. Go google this shit. Wtf? And being denied homes hurt their wealth, you know what's easier to get than coke when you're poor?
The fact that you deny the existence of redlining is hilarious. I'm done with this convo.
marmorset t1_iufis8f wrote
I'm mixed race, I only look white.
Black people commit crimes at a higher rate, it's a fact. That's the problem, not that black people are incarcerated for committing those crimes. Acknowledging reality isn't racist. And there are obviously problems, but if things are terrible for blacks in the US, I'd be curious to know why Nigerians are the most successful immigrant population.
South_Data2898 t1_iufm1i1 wrote
"I only look white, but black people are just more criminal", says the totally not racist white person patting themselves on the back for how progressive they are.
Edit: Awww, da poor widdle racist troglodyte got their feelings hurt and blocked me. Hahahaha.
[deleted] t1_iufsf8w wrote
bernardhayse t1_iugdtbi wrote
Because they were targeted for disruption, fool.
marmorset t1_iuieeh6 wrote
Why don't you stop being a racist and liar? There's no racism involved in what I wrote and you're restating what I said. You're dishonest.
marmorset t1_iuieqq8 wrote
Lies and name calling, I see we've reached the end.
Slaveboi23 t1_iuczoxe wrote
Isn't Japan also insanely racist?