Submitted by puregoldenhoney t3_yhgje0 in washingtondc
Good Morning! I posted in here a few weeks ago asking for advice about moving (quickly deleted haha) and just wanted to say thank you to everyone who offered advice! For those that saw it, I was the one who wanted to live within walking distance of a Trader Joe’s and wanted to know which one suited my needs the best. I ended up finding a place kind of in between Thomas Circle and Logan Circle so will be using the 14th St location. Thank you all so much again!
Today is Sunday and I got here on Thursday and kept a running list of “quirks” and things different from Denver where I’m moving from. If anyone cares I’m posting the list here! Now I know these things may be “negative” but I promise they were taken lightheartedly and all the positives truly make up for it. I’m very excited to move to your city!
- Bikers/Runners never announce “on your left!”
- Smoking weed so openly that clouds of smoke hit people behind you walking (i’m no stranger to consuming but i find denver folks are more considerate? or maybe it’s just pens so less “offensive” than a blunt)
- Crosswalks don’t announce to walk/ No buttons to press
- Outside heaters on at 6pm on a 65 degree night
- Truck exhaust smell!!!!
- Honking/Aggressive driving in general (think i heard more honks in my 4 days here than a year in denver)
- Taxis
- Everyone speaks about directions SO confidently (i am directionally challenged)
- Cars are like fully in the crosswalks even when pedestrians have right of way
- Cigarette smokers are so common
- Finally, the way men brazenly stare at my body! From their cars, sidewalks, to passing conversations some of them didn’t even make eye contact haha Never been “checked out” like that before (i wasn’t even wearing anything particularly interesting)
All that said, it was a great trip and I’ll be heading back to Denver tonight and will be moving in in about 2 weeks! Thank you for the warm welcome and I can’t wait to be here full time!
Reasons2BCheerfulPt1 t1_iudms27 wrote
Welcome. You have spotted many of our ways. A few more: When you ride the Metro, don’t stand to the left on escalators, and stand aside outside cars before boarding to let others out. And if more than 1 inch of snow is forecast, go to that Trader Joe’s and buy out all eggs, milk and bread.