
Cobbertson t1_je3qwrd wrote

Right, because paying elite drug dealers to hunt and kill amateur drug dealers and children is completely functional

The government fearmongered and exaggerated the prevalence and dangers of drugs (including cannabis), sent the police and hitmen to kill mentally ill people and leave their corpses in the street, then patted themselves on the back and said "job well done"

You're really giving these serial killers the benefit of the doubt


Cobbertson t1_j6mvhqb wrote

The vast majority of addicts are functional members of society, not homeless and toothless. This allows people to seek services and maintain their lives without having to hide from police all the time. It's a health problem, not a criminal problem.

Lest we start arresting people for having too much cholesterol, smoking tobacco, consuming too much sugar, or not exercising enough


Cobbertson t1_iy7khrg wrote

I doubt the UK has the resources to enforce any kind of ban on protest, when even countries built on militarized control aren't able to.

It would be a great opportunity to try out the wide variety of tactics being used in more authoritarian countries, such as holding up blank pieces of paper, using silent salutes, or intentionally farting next to government officials


Cobbertson t1_iudu5ze wrote

The Taliban are decentralised insurgents. The Kremlin is clearly visible on Google maps and the russian military stores all their equipment in massive depots that western intelligence has clear images of. russia is not fighting this war on their own soil, either, so all anyone has to do is disable their entry into Ukraine

False equivalency to the max, mate.


Cobbertson t1_iu38nmx wrote

Why bother comparing them? Genocide happened in the past and happens to this day in various countries. All we can do is acknowledge it happened, stop it when it's going on, and try to prevent it from happening again. People do twisted shit, and good people have to find out and do whatever is needed at any given moment to promote fairness and inclusivity whenever possible