DungeonsAndDradis t1_j4jwik3 wrote
Reply to comment by PM_ME_A_STEAM_GIFT in Microsoft invests $10 billion in large language models development by SalzaMaBalza
Not OP, but I do these things:
A different way to mark emails in Outlook (I move messages, and flag others, depending on subject). This is exactly the same as rules in Outlook.
I send an email every month to my team in India to remind them to submit their time sheets.
I have it send me an email recap of any posts in a specific Teams channel, just in case I miss the post.
I have it send me an email any time someone uploads a file to a shared OneDrive folder.
I've only scratched the surface of what Power Automate can do, and I love it.
DungeonsAndDradis t1_j31loh3 wrote
Reply to comment by ChronoPsyche in 2022 was the year AGI arrived (Just don't call it that) by sideways
Just like the WaitButWhy picture, right now we're on the left side of the exponential curve, where the AI is "brain damaged" and with a tiny shift in the timeframe, we're on the right side of the exponential curve where the AI "makes Einstein look brain damaged."
DungeonsAndDradis t1_j2oce8g wrote
Reply to Simulating years into minutes in VR? by PieMediocre872
I was going to say exactly what you said about dreams.
I don't remember his name, but a psychologist studying dreams realized that dreams were happening in split seconds, when he dreamed that a book had fallen off the shelf and hit him in the head. He perceived his dream lasting several minutes. But he was actually woken up by a book falling on his head.
In the split second between asleep and awake, when the book struck him, he had an entire dream.
DungeonsAndDradis t1_j2e27vo wrote
Reply to comment by solidwhetstone in Revolutionary machine learning weather simulator by DeepMind & Google’s ML-Based "GraphCast" outperforms top global forecasting system. GraphCast can generate accurate 10-day forecasts at a resolution of 25 km in under 60 seconds. by vegita1022
"Make me a mod for Fallout 5 to make it true to the Warhammmer 40,000 universe. Add quests that start small as an imperial guardsman, and then scale up to become a rogue trader or inquisitor."
AI: <does it>
DungeonsAndDradis t1_j2e1ozb wrote
Reply to comment by itachi8258 in GPT-3 scores better than humans on Raven’s Progressive Matrices in a display of emergent analogical reasoning by visarga
Hold on to your papers!
DungeonsAndDradis t1_j1q6mq0 wrote
Reply to comment by camdoodlebop in Sam Altman Confirms GPT 4 release in 2023 by Neurogence
We're in the hay day of AI
DungeonsAndDradis t1_j1q68l3 wrote
Reply to comment by Apprehensive-Ear4638 in Sam Altman Confirms GPT 4 release in 2023 by Neurogence
> neigh sayers
nay sayers, my friend. :)
DungeonsAndDradis t1_j14f1je wrote
I think, day to day, progress is middling. But that's just because we're actively living it.
Maybe 20 years in the future, when we look back at 2017 to 2022, we'll realize we were at the "big bang" of AI.
So right now we're getting strapped in to the AI rocket and doing the launch checklists. Any moment now (when looking back at this time, from a time in the near future) the AI rocket will launch.
And then it's all over for Human civilization as we know it. Whether that is a good "civilization is not recognizable to someone from 1980" or a bad "civilization is not recognizable to someone from 1980" is a coin toss at this point.
DungeonsAndDradis t1_j0vx84f wrote
Reply to comment by Marcus_111 in How far off is an AI like ChatGPT that is capable of being fed pdf textbooks and it being able to learn it all instantly. by budweiser431
RemindMe! March 19, 2023
DungeonsAndDradis t1_j0vv35m wrote
Reply to comment by Danger-Dom in Is progress towards AGI generally considered a hardware problem or a software problem? by Johns-schlong
Moore's Law is quickly running out of space for physical reasons: https://interestingengineering.com/innovation/transistors-moores-law
We can't effectively get transistors any smaller. At least with our current understanding and technology.
I've read blurbs about stacked chips, but their biggest opponents are saying we don't have the heat transfer technology to allow that to happen (the insides of the chips will overheat). See here for some potentials solutions to stacking chips
The simple fact is, right now, we don't have the computing power strong enough to replicate the human brain's operating capacity. Which is what we need for general human intelligence.
DungeonsAndDradis t1_j0vsti9 wrote
Reply to comment by Ace_Snowlight in Prediction: De-facto Pure AGI is going to be arriving next year. Pessimistically in 3 years. by Ace_Snowlight
x = fetch
"It'll be so fetch!"
"That's so fetch!"
DungeonsAndDradis t1_izzb5j5 wrote
Reply to comment by AdditionalPizza in I think this post will be monumentally important for some of you to read. Put it in your brain, think about it, and get ready for the next few years. If you are part of this Subreddit; You are forward thinking, you're already ahead of the curve, you will have one shot to be at an advantage. NOW. by AdditionalPizza
I just had it show me how to make an API call in JavaScript, so I'm already on the way!
DungeonsAndDradis t1_izz15wh wrote
Reply to I think this post will be monumentally important for some of you to read. Put it in your brain, think about it, and get ready for the next few years. If you are part of this Subreddit; You are forward thinking, you're already ahead of the curve, you will have one shot to be at an advantage. NOW. by AdditionalPizza
I'm at the point where I know what I want to do for work, but I don't know enough about the problem to ask AI how it can help. For example, I want to learn more about programming (I'm at a software company, but not a software developer).
I have a goal in mind. But when I typed that goal in to ChatGPT, it basically spit out the code version of nonsense.
I need to take like 15 steps back and start much more broadly with my problem, before diving in to the actual thing I need to solve. Read up on some specific APIs and use cases. Things like that.
I'll see if ChatGPT can talk me through using APIs in the way I'm envisioning.
DungeonsAndDradis t1_iyzv5rs wrote
Reply to comment by danellender in Google says they have made a significant advance in allowing humans to communicate with robots using natural language, and claim an "order of magnitude" increase in capabilities over previous approaches. by lughnasadh
I got caught in a loop for over 90 minutes being bounced between human and automated phone systems.
Call main number. Get a human. Tell them need to schedule lab test. They direct me to another line. This one automated. There's no choice for lab tests. I choose nothing. Routes me to main number again. Repeat, this time choose appointments response from automated teller. Routes me to main number again. Repeat, choose "talk to staff" this time. Routes me to main number. Hang up. Email doctor's office directly. Tells me to call main number.
Forget about the lab test and hope I don't die.
DungeonsAndDradis t1_iyx3blk wrote
Reply to comment by PrivateLudo in The year in conclusion by Opticalzone
This is going to be the roaring 20's all over again.
DungeonsAndDradis t1_iyx30fp wrote
Reply to comment by hmurphy2023 in The year in conclusion by Opticalzone
The thing that everyone uses every day, in 10 years, hasn't been invented yet.
DungeonsAndDradis t1_iyx2iyf wrote
Reply to comment by AshleysMirena in Sorry to annoy you guys, but I’m having a panic attack right now by [deleted]
You better get on it. In like 6 months (give or take) AI like this will be able to write entire coherent stories.
DungeonsAndDradis t1_iydvowa wrote
Reply to If you would get a window open up on all of your electronic devices simply displaying "Let AI take control of the planet? - Yes/No" How would you react? by HumanSeeing
"Dad!", I heard the children yell from the living room. I hold my place in the book with my thumb and lower it to my lap. I let out a small sigh.
"What's up, buddy?"
"The TV isn't working." This is nothing new. They still need me to change shows, although the 6 year old is starting to read more and more each day. Any challenge basically comes out from them as "The TV isn't working."
I put my book down and pick up my phone, as I always do when leaving a room. I'm addicted, what can I say?
There's text on the screen, as if I'm playing a game or something. "Let AI take control of the planet?" and two buttons. One for yes, one for no.
I press the power button to shut the screen off, I don't have time to figure this out. The kids get antsy when their requests aren't filled immediately.
The screen on the TV mirrors my phone.
I grab the remote and shut off the TV.
"TV's busted, guys. Why don't you go play downstairs?" The children protest, but slowly make their way down the steps. I can already here the 4 year old mutter something about "the damn internet again". Probably got that from me. Whoops.
I walk around the house and check every device with a screen I can find. I even powered on my old Kindle, that has been stuck in a drawer for three years, and it was the same thing. Yes. No. Those buttons. Staring at me. Daring me.
My first thought is that this has got to be a prank. I think through my friends to see who would be up for this, and also who might be able to pull it off. Maybe some sort of redirection on my router? It's got a password on it, but I do give all my friends the wifi information when they're over.
I can't call the wife. I can't check online. Every screen is just the question, and the buttons.
Maybe answering will make it go away? Then I can get back to my book, and text my friends to see if they got it, too. And I also need to make the kids lunch.
I know I'm just coming up with excuses to press a button. Make a decision. Roll the dice.
They say when you need to make a decision that you should make Heads one response and Tails the other. And then flip the coin. While the coin is in the air you'll be wishing it will land either Heads or Tails, depending on your actual preference.
I already know.
I turn my phone's screen back on. I hesitate over the No button. My hand wavers. I press Yes.
The power goes out.
DungeonsAndDradis t1_ixd0ev7 wrote
Reply to comment by sheerun in Would like to say that this subreddit's attitude towards progress is admirable and makes this sub better than most other future related discussion hubs by Foundation12a
That's just Capitalism for artificial life forms.
DungeonsAndDradis t1_ixanl1l wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in How much time until it happens? by CookiesDeathCookies
RemindMe! 11 years, 7 months, 3 weeks, 6 days, 19 hours, 8 minutes and 55 seconds
DungeonsAndDradis t1_ix5md4r wrote
Reply to comment by sonderlingg in is it ignorant for me to constantly have the singularity in my mind when discussing the future/issues of the future? by blxoom
Futurology is very negative in their outlook, I feel.
This sub is very positive.
I think reality, as always, exists somewhere in the middle.
By 2025 I think AGI will exist, but OpenAI or Google (whoever figures it our first) will prevent any others from accessing it.
DungeonsAndDradis t1_iwl7q39 wrote
Reply to comment by visarga in A typical thought process by Kaarssteun
There are so many things I want to do, but cannot, because I simply don't have time. I work 40+ hours a week. I have home and life maintenance. Parenting. Some time to just chill.
I get a small amount of free time each week, but I'm so busy with everything else that I can't do fulfilling activities.
This is what I hope AGI gives us: more time.
DungeonsAndDradis t1_iusputn wrote
Reply to comment by botfiddler in Robots That Write Their Own Code by kegzilla
Ahh, a fellow Utopia Doomer.
DungeonsAndDradis t1_j52mzhk wrote
Reply to comment by zero_for_effort in I was wrong about metaculus, (and the AGI predicted date has dropped again, now at may 2027) by blueSGL
AGI 2025 or bust.
(Please take this with a grain of salt. I don't know anything, and I play video games for a living.)