
SolitudeNH t1_je7kmd0 wrote

If that’s how you like it then good on you! But I’d agree with the other commenter here, it’s very light, nearly looks like bud sap.

But not casting hate here, boil to your own preference and enjoy


SolitudeNH t1_j9hhqrx wrote

I for one refuse to wave with more then one finger off the wheel, fire off twice as many bullets while making my shine, and only give directions using landmarks that haven’t existed for generations followed by rambling stories.

“Ayuh go north on 13, you’ll pass where the Johnsons used to have a dairy barn, back in about ‘68 it they sold the cows but kept the land to grow hay, then when old man Johnson passed his sons didn’t want it and his wife couldn’t maintain the grounds, so it fell into disrepair. A few people in town tried to get the conservation board to buy it as a landmark but they didn’t get enough funds so it fell to a developer, and that’s how that goes. Anyways, keep going north until you see where Curtis used to chop corn with his old combine before he switched to a diesel rig, this was back before they switched from sweet corn to that number 2 stuff and……”

Edit: legitimate directions I’ve gotten from my old man, and I remember him getting similar directions from my great grandfather. And I, happy to say, have found myself giving my wife directions in the same manner, referencing people who died or Moved away before I was even born.


SolitudeNH t1_j8ggt2x wrote

My cats get rabbits all the time, and I’ve tagged a few with my bow.

Tromping through the deep woods won’t present rabbits for you. Go in fields, edge of woods bordering fields, around gardens, spots they like. They aren’t like squirrels that go for nuts, hence why you find squirrels around oak groves. It’s easy enough if you go in the right spots. Hardest part is IDing between cottontails and snowshoes on a glimpse


SolitudeNH t1_j29mpp4 wrote

Reply to comment by Jay_Derkin in Tree Stand by RidingBeen

You are correct that they can legally hunt and put up a tree stand. BUT OP is also legally 100% allowed to take that tree stand, as it’s on their property, hence why it’s considered polite and smart to ask permission to hunt property and put up stands

Edit; also, I don’t think “few people care about that”. I own a couple hundred acres, and care very much that people ask permission. Especially as we then tell them no tree stands with bolts or hardware into the tree and take them down off season, as we have and continue to harvest lumber off our land for hundreds of years, and nothing fucks the headsaw up like a tree stand spike.


SolitudeNH t1_j1i998p wrote

Stay the fuck outta NH if you’re trying to convert it or something. Free staters chose NH because they thought they could turn it into a nutjob failed “free state”. If you want to live in NH and be vegan, by all means, come here, start a homestead, raise veggies, all that. But if you want to try and get NH to start boycotting meat or dairy industries, ain’t gonna work. Dairy farms, small meat farms, hunting and trapping in the blood of most New Hampshiremen, as most New Englanders, the vegan lifestyle won’t be popular. If you protest a family owned dairy, you’re likely to get hit with a tractor. Vandalism or sabotage is likely to get you worse.

I like to think of NH as a “mind your business and everyone will mind theirs”, it’s not always true, but it’s how it should be.


SolitudeNH t1_iyeni1i wrote

It’s for resale. I once watched an Asian man buy the max amount they’d sell him (10) in cash, walk out of the store and put them in a friends backpack, then do it again. Probably 4 or 5 times while I waited for my phone.

I asked the associate who helped me and they said they do it a lot. They buy them for a g here, take them overseas and sell them for 1500-2000$ over there. The store doesn’t care, they get their money for them, so once they leave the Apple Store, they people are free to do as they want.

Totally harmless, just maximizing capitalism.


SolitudeNH t1_iy92fgo wrote

I managed to avoid this by ignoring them all for years. Now I’m GC-ing my house and have contractors and bank and random involved people calling me from unknown numbers, and I’m terrified the scammers are gonna find out and start taking advantage again


SolitudeNH t1_ixv102q wrote

This was what I was gonna say. Been there for a long time, my sister worked there and I went as a kid (25+ years ago). Wicked fun, clean, and very well done, not campy or cheaply put together. Plus the turkey legs….oooh the turkey legs. I have few memories from childhood, lots of head injuries, but I clearly remember those turkey legs!


SolitudeNH OP t1_ixik2oy wrote

Of course the chances of getting shot are about as slim as getting struck by lightning while riding a bus driven by a shark. I imagine the request to remain indoors is likely more of a “the fewer people about the fewer people the police have to cordon/search/direct away” situations. The police were likely not worried about more victims but more chaos. And let’s be frank, if they’d reported a 3 mile grid where it was at that exact moment, there’s a fair few people who WOULD go directly there, either out of a desire to be in the action, or more likely, simply out of a morbid curiosity.


SolitudeNH t1_iuwazzj wrote

It’s always worth it to get out of civilization for a bit and go for a hike. Some of the most peaceful and refreshing times I’ve had are being on mountains in the middle of winter. Barely any people around, just you and silence. Don’t need foliage to enjoy a good hike in nature!


SolitudeNH t1_iujin83 wrote

Zoning can be an obstruction but also a measure to stop housing developments from turning our rural towns into suburban centers. Requiring minimum acreage to build maintains our natural beauty, which is preferred by many to the sterile and cookie cutter “.5 acre lot house/lawn-.5 acre lot house/lawn-.5 acre lot house/lawn-.5 acre house/lawn” you see all too often elsewhere, and even worse “.25 house-.25 house-.25 house-.25 house-.25 house” you see all over Texas and other areas.


SolitudeNH t1_irw9cgv wrote

Boy if the Russians are struggling in Ukraine just wait till they meet some shined up boys with .300 win mag and shooting lanes pre cut.

That and NH had the highest number of automatic rifles per person in the entire US. Wanna see drunk rednecks with M240s mounted to a SXS? Because that’s how you get drunk rednecks with M240s mounted on SXSs.


SolitudeNH t1_ir2yu2u wrote

I mean, did you scout beforehand? If so, hunt the scouted areas where the does resided and little buck bachelor pods reside. Then around rifle season, when the rut begins, follow the does, watch tracks and sign, they move to find bucks and bucks move to find does.

Scouting during the summer and early fall is the most important part of hunting, unless you know for sure your spot is good from prior experience. If you don’t scout (unless you’ve got great luck) chances are you’ll get fewer deer then a lady in a mini van.