
aden_feifdom t1_ixe7hkq wrote

perhaps it’s time to create an additional agency to handle specific new construction road projects. we will need a study commission first, staffed by no one with construction or infrastructure experience. they will need office space, a web site, full staff from janitorial to accounting. we need to compensate them well because they are doing hard work. then once a web portal is established, potential contractors can apply for a license to be reviewed by commission. the application fees should be tiered based on diversity/equity/inclusion standards. once all the applications are received, the commission needs a year to review the applications to pick winners and losers. naturally, they will have to pick the two largest politically connected contractors in the state because they have the most money and experience filling out applications. plus having their own legal department helps a bit.


aden_feifdom t1_ix30f8l wrote

the comment isn’t wrong, I regularly wear a chain around my neck with a golden IROC medallion on the end. it goes well with my Drakkar Noir cologne and my open leather jacket


aden_feifdom t1_ix303eq wrote

if you financed the car and had it paid off, you need to get a notarized letter from your original lender stating there is no lien. you need your current registration. that’s the easy part. the hard part is dealing with the bureaucratic mess that is the njmvc. hope you have plenty of vacation time.


aden_feifdom t1_iwutuyu wrote


aden_feifdom t1_iwmnfll wrote

it sounds great until its your own district or your own police that are going to be merged. people will be NIMBY’s and i predict it won’t result in any significant tax reductions, especially when we always want more from our state government. they are more than happy to provide, but it comes at a cost. most people don’t mind paying a little more if it means (insert service here)


aden_feifdom t1_iv09dsy wrote

me never having a pot to piss in or a window to through it out of a few years ago the irs came after me for 20k. all because some 401k form wasn’t sent to me on a transfer from one employer to another. i don’t know nothing about money and always pay my taxes for the little amount i make and had to hire an expensive accountant to figure it all out and boy was that a stressful experience i wouldn’t wish on anyone. turns out i didnt owe anything at all. so, when i hear about the irs expanding to that amount, it actually does concern me because they have the power to make your life hell whether it’s justified or not.


aden_feifdom t1_iuajg4t wrote

there is a company based in Oakland NJ called Coffee Roasters. they sell their products at The Market Basket. The coffee is pretty good