
buffymiffington t1_j9nba4d wrote

I love Armando! I’ve had really simple meals there that were amazing. One time I had chicken soup that was legit the best soup I’ve ever had. Another time, eggplant parmesan, and I don’t even like eggplant! It’s just that good at Bacco.


buffymiffington t1_j66ow6h wrote

Oh man. I’m sorry.

Yeah, a petition might be your best bet. Another option is sending written testimony to the House and Senate about the legislation. You may not be able to get your rep/senator to vote the way you’d like, but it would get your point across to the other folks on the committee.

ETA: town council? A lot of zoning issues are enacted at the local level. The more granular the level of govt, the more reactive they usually are to feedback.


buffymiffington t1_j5x94dy wrote

So well-stated! I work for a state office. The pushback from municipalities is REAL. The House of Representatives has said it will be announcing a package of housing this year. Multiple towns have already opposed it - and it isn’t even out yet! They don’t even know what the legislation is or any details, and they’re opposing it.


buffymiffington t1_iyjv646 wrote

Another option - Senator Jack Reed’s office (or other elected officials). They all have constituent services teams who can help connect to resources. https://www.reed.senate.gov/contact

The United Way of RI also has a lot of outreach help. https://www.unitedwayri.org/

Refugee Dream Center is another good resource https://www.refugeedreamcenter.org/contact-us/

Good luck, and welcome to Rhode Island!! It’s a wonderful place, and I hope you and your family find peace and happiness here.