
virtualchoirboy t1_jegg05a wrote

The information you need will be in your lease agreement. Time to dig it out and start reading.

Generally, there is a fee for leaving a lease early. Years ago, it used to be equivalent to half or a full months rent. These days, I see more people complaining that you're on the hook for rent until they can find another tenant which could, theoretically, be until next December. Your lease agreement will have the details as well as how to move forward with doing it if you truly want to.

While looking, if you find it would be financially impossible to break the lease, look for information in the agreement about subletting the apartment. If it's possible (it's not guaranteed to be an option), you might be able to rent out the apartment to someone else for the duration of your lease.


virtualchoirboy t1_jee7tps wrote

Short answer: It's a law called the CAN-SPAM Act which requires email list senders to include an unsubscribe method.

As with all laws though, it just gives the scammers a framework that allows them to dodge the law. The most common dodge I've heard is that they use the fact that you clicked on unsubscribe to confirm that you're a real person so that makes your contact information "verified" and they can sell it to another "business" to still make a profit off you. If they're a more reputable company, the link should actually work and help you remove yourself from the list.


virtualchoirboy t1_jd4rlrg wrote

Thank you. This clarifies what my mom went through. Fortunately, seeing her go through that has prepared us somewhat. All accounts and/or property are jointly owned to mitigate our current exposure. We may have more accounts than normal because of some things my mom went through though.

For example, credit card where dad was the primary and mom was the joint was cancelled on his passing. Mom was allowed to apply and get credit for account history so account age remained the same but her credit limit was cut in half despite her income being relatively unchanged (larger estate, comfortably living off of interest). You can have joint accounts, just make sure that each partner has accounts where their name is the primary to prevent unnecessary disruption.

Thanks again for the trust info though. We have a meeting scheduled with my mom's attorney later this year (after tax time) to get things set up and this will help me understand what he's likely to propose.


virtualchoirboy t1_jd4m8pj wrote

I've heard that putting your estate into a trust can no longer be used as a way to avoid having to go through probate court? True? If so, what are your recommendations on how best to avoid probate?

Assumptions are: married with everything going to spouse, homeowner, multiple vehicles, retirement accounts, brokerage account with a large brokerage, and savings accounts.

Relevance: My dad passed in 2019 and despite having the majority of his estate in a trust, everything still had to go through probate which took nearly a full year to clear.


virtualchoirboy t1_jady7g2 wrote

Most vegetables actually have beta carotene instead of actual Vitamin A. It's a safe version that your body only converts to Vitamin A as it needs it. Anything excess is excreted naturally. This is why vegetable sources of Vitamin A are preferred over meat sources like liver since those store the actual Vitamin A form.

Interesting side fact: This is also why polar bear liver is toxic to eat because of it's massive quantities of Vitamin A. A single liver can have as much as 9 million IU of Vitamin A and human toxicity is generally reached at 300,000 IU.


virtualchoirboy OP t1_j8sajst wrote

I believe there are a couple things at play. For highways where there are no left lane entrance ramps, you only have to pay attention to traffic that would come from the right. Add that the far left lane is supposed to be the "fast" lane and people that pop over there immediately are assuming it's going to make their trip easier.

And then they screw it all up by not going with the flow of traffic... :-)


virtualchoirboy OP t1_j8s1bnx wrote

It's more that left lane campers are often complained about as being worse in CT than anywhere else because of our left lane exits. My experience over the last two days tell me that the left lane exits don't make a damn bit of difference.

It's not our highways, it's just the people driving.


virtualchoirboy t1_j6d2pk4 wrote

The new rate will be announced before July 1st. I believe there were news announcements of the new rate around mid-November of last year for the January 1st increase.

As /u/Synapse82 said though, make it a habit to check every few months through the EnergizeCT website. I make it a point to check when I'm doing quarterly financial stuff like checking IRA performance, etc. I check electric rates and home heating oil prices so that I have an idea of how things are trending.


virtualchoirboy t1_j6d26g4 wrote

Eversource generation rates are based on whatever contracts they sign. It's a pass through cost because Eversource is not allowed to generate electricity in the state. That was part of the deregulation. That's why generation rate changes are always approved. If Eversource signs better (i.e. cheaper) contracts, their rates are required to go down.

Edit: As shown here, generation rate actually went down for July-December 2021. It does happen, it's just been rare lately.

You're right about delivery charges though. Those will never decrease because they are rapacious pieces of crap out for profit and don't care about their customers.


virtualchoirboy t1_j6a8nmc wrote

The question you have to ask yourself is if you were worth the counter offer, why weren't they paying you that in the first place?

The second question is that if you do take the counter, now that you've received a 20% increase, what are your next few annual increases going to look like? Will they be normal or will they cut back and say "well, we did give you that nice bump in 2023...".

My dad was a senior exec for a Fortune 500 company for decades. He always used to say that any employee that accepted a counter offer would be put on a dead end track because he knew they were a "flight risk". Couldn't trust them with "critical" projects because they couldn't be 100% trusted. While the working world now is very, very different than when he worked it's something that still sticks with me.


virtualchoirboy t1_j2a1m6h wrote

Always remember that the $100 has to come from somewhere. Often, it's inflated prices from the beginning so it pays to shop around.

Personally, I stopped using tire stores and get my tires from Tirerack now. Just picked up a set of 4 tires on Wednesday for a Volvo XC90 for $906 out the door. Will have them installed by my local installer on Sunday (yes, he's open on New Years Day) for $90 which includes disposal of the old tires for me. The local tire shop wanted $1,000+tax before an upcharge for a 4-wheel alignment, mounting, balancing, and road hazard (lots of potholes around me - road hazard has saved me several times).


virtualchoirboy t1_j1902nh wrote

Most of the extended hourly forecasts I see have the rain predominantly stopping around dinnertime on Friday. The trouble is that the temps are going to be plunging around the same time so if the water from the rain isn't off the roadway before the temps get too low, it can make a mess of things.

Your best bet - wake up extra early and hit up to check out the status of the roads. You can even get access to the highway cameras. Also do a Google Maps direction search from your home to LGA to get a rough estimate of travel time. I find Google Maps tends to be pretty good because they try to take traffic conditions into account.


virtualchoirboy t1_iydphpr wrote

All I can give you is an anecdote.

My oldest son graduated college in 2019. The original plan was "live at home until you get a job and save enough for an apartment". We figured 6-9 months. He got a job, but that job started having him travel from New England to North Carolina for 2-3 week work trips. Didn't make much sense for him to get an apartment that would be sitting empty anyway so the "plan" was put on hold until the travel stopped. Then the pandemic hit. Travel stopped but now there was new uncertainty about job security. He was eventually set up to be a remote employee (data analysis) and we basically abandoned the "plan" in case he was the victim of "let the new guy go" or "we're shutting down".

He's still working remote and living with us. On weekends, he drives about an hour to visit friends he's made through work and stays with them for the weekend so they can all do stuff together. We don't charge him for rent, food, or utilities.

In 2020, he bought a new car. That's also the year he paid off the last of his student loans. The car is 90% paid off and he pays for his own car insurance. He also gives us $40/month towards our cell phone bill because he's on our plan. Outside of that, he banks everything else.

He's been contributing the full $6k towards his IRA since 2019. He's also contributing to his company's 401(k) to max the company match but not the full contribution max. He also has an emergency fund that is about a years salary that he is working on transitioning to I Series bonds. He decided to go for a year as a starting point because his first job out of college didn't pay as much as he had hoped. He's going to leave it at it's current dollar amount as he gets better paying jobs so that it gets closer to the standard 3-6 months expenses. He's now at the point where he has money coming in that he has no immediate need to spend on anything. Next year will be the first year he is on his own medical and dental coverage through work so that he can start contributing to an HSA. Once we get into the new year and see what his paycheck is like with the new deductions, we'll sit down and talk about what to do with the money including consideration of maxing out his 401(k) contributions.

We get along with him and he helps out with stuff around the house as needed but also has his freedom to go and do whatever he wants. He knows when meals are served and if he's not going to be around, we just ask that he let us know so I can either cook less or plan on what to do with the leftovers. He's welcome to stay for at least another decade (my expected retirement) and personally, the longer he stays, the better the financial foundation he'll build so the lower the risk that he'd ever need help after moving out.

Hope this helps.


virtualchoirboy t1_iyd6bo9 wrote

First, let me be clear... I hate Eversource just as much as anyone else here. That being said, I also think people need to understand what drives the prices they pay.

So let me put my initial point another way - if the cost of fuel for the generation plants is more than Eversource can recoup in generation rate charges, state law allows them to increase the rate so that they're not losing money on generating electricity. It's fairly straight forward and is what this latest rate increase is all about.

A large portion of the generation plants use natural gas. At the start of the year, gas prices were around $15-$16 per thousand cubic feet. In August, that price had risen to $31-$32.

Instead of trying to block a rate increase to cover the cost of generating the electricity we are using, we should be looking at either pushing for public ownership of the utilities or capping the profit that can be made with anything in excess of that amount going back to the consumers.


virtualchoirboy t1_iyd0rn3 wrote

Laudable effort but most of this latest increase is due to the increase in the fuel they use to power the generator plants and because of how the state laws are structured, PURA could never stop them. The latest hike is an increase in generation rate. Don't want to pay the new generation rate? Find an alternate provider that has a better rate. I got lucky and locked in with Direct Energy last year for 33 months at 10.19 c/kWh. I have 21 months left at that rate.

Now, if they were increasing the delivery charges, that would be something that can and should be fought. The charges levied by Eversource are rapacious and, for most people, make up the majority of their bill.


virtualchoirboy t1_iybap81 wrote

My dad was a senior corporate executive for most of his career. His advice was to never accept a counter offer. Ever. For him, a counter offer was just a way for the company to buy time to replace you.

If it were me, I'd thank the current job for the offer, point out that if you were that valuable to them they should have been paying you that already, and then take the new job.


virtualchoirboy t1_ixrw41c wrote

>I don't have a tractor or a place on my property to dump them.

Then I'll be no help. I have a wooded strip at one edge of my property. I use an 8HP Little Wonder leaf blower and just blow them all into the woods.

Before they moved, one of my neighbors used to just pile the leaves at the edge of his property and call a service to haul them away. A truck would show up with what was essentially a huge vacuum hose and suck up the pile - no bagging necessary.

Depending on your age and whether or not you're religious, some churches also do "rake and bake" events where they get parishioners together to help clean yards for people that are older or disabled and can't do it themselves.

Good luck!


virtualchoirboy t1_iw0j39w wrote

One, some schools allow you to retake classes and the higher grade prevails. Might be worth checking with your advisor.

Two, have you looked into coding certifications for specific areas you're interested in instead of going for a more general degree?

Three, if "white collar" work isn't for you, what about trades like electrician, plumbing, HVAC, etc.


virtualchoirboy t1_iujqvku wrote

MSRP is Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price. The dealer is under no obligation to use that as a maximum price. A sister-in-law bought a new car earlier this year and instead of a fixed dollar amount, was told that all cars on the lot were going for 9% above MSRP. However, since we had referred her to the dealer we had used, she got a "friends and family" discount down to 4.5% above list.