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t1_j54sywd wrote



t1_j55xu69 wrote

Death by Chocolate from Greggs is the only acceptable answer for die hard chocolate lovers. I like a little variation, so I'm here for the heath cake.


t1_j58639t wrote

I disagree on the Death by Chocolate - the chocolate chips don't make the cake better than their straight Chocolate Cake -which is perfect....


t1_j55dxyc wrote

7th. Gregg's Death By Chocolate Cake is hands down the best in the state


t1_j551zcr wrote

I’m going to be honest, I pass by Gregg’s a lot and I’ve never had it. How does it compare to chellos?


t1_j555vge wrote

Chellos is a joke.


t1_j56efef wrote

A sick joke


t1_j56gecp wrote

A core memory of mine is dissociating as a child while the toy train circles by overhead. A sick joke of a restaurant for sure.


t1_j56q67u wrote

When a friend from out of town visited, he told me to meet him at the Beef Hearth. Had no idea what he was referring to. Apparently Chelo’s full name is “Chelo’s Beef Hearth”, which somehow makes things even worse imo


t1_j55ltbo wrote

Gregg's desserts are way better, I think the food is otherwise comparable/I lean towards Chellos


t1_j55ysvv wrote

Stop in, their chicken apple walnut salad/wrap is a favorite. I love their thanksgiving dinner when I'm craving comfort food but don't want to go through all that effort. But you really can't go wrong. When my family visits from FL, Gregg's is always a restaurant we try and work in. Chelo's is good too, a little more greasy than Greggs.
And the table pickles at Greggs are amazing! don't forget to get those!


t1_j55e9v7 wrote

It’s good but it taste more like sugar than chocolate tbh. I recently had it and two of us had to give up on the one slice we had it was so overly sweet.


t1_j59jy0n wrote

Unpopular opinion but it’s kind of overrated. I think between the fun name and the portion size to cost it’s popular. Definitely too rich and there are better options out there.


t1_j55dyaz wrote

Gregg’s if you want sticky fudgey but Pastiche if you want a well balanced cake with delicate cake layers, chocolate mousse like icing between them and buttercream.


t1_j57bhls wrote

Pastiche is less cloyingly sweet and way better quality. Gregg’s regular chocolate cake is pretty good. The death by chocolate is much too sweet for me.


t1_j57hrum wrote

I totally agree! Gregg’s is the type of chocolate cake that little kids want to eat and that Bruce Bogtrotter never wants to see ever again. With the Pastiche chocolate layer cake you can taste the quality of the chocolate and a range of textures and even if you eat too much you don’t feel bad about yourself afterwards.


t1_j580ooh wrote

Totally agree. I like their regular chocolate cake better. I needed to drink a big glass of milk whenever I had the Death by Chocolate cake


t1_j554gxx wrote

Wrights is amazing, so moist and the whipped cream style frosting is so good.


t1_j552oaq wrote

Wrights bakery! They have amazing cakes


t1_j555smd wrote

Wrights could be better than Gregg’s. There I said it


t1_j55afsa wrote

The wrights chocolate mousse cake is SOOO good! I’m surprised more people aren’t saying wrights!


t1_j55jmbk wrote

I got that as a birthday cake one year and most of it went into the trash. It looked pretty though.


t1_j57h92z wrote

Everything about Wright’s makes it worth a visit. Get the hermits while you’re there.


t1_j556ubt wrote

Gregg's death by chocolate cake. There is no other option!


t1_j5592l6 wrote

But there is! I'm actually not a fan of that cake. It's the giving cake for me.


t1_j55eira wrote

Hot take: Gregg’s Death by Chocolate = too chocolatey. Their regular chocolate cake is perfect enough.


t1_j55jz5c wrote

Agree, I love love chocolate, but do not care for the chocolate chips on that cake. Overkill.


t1_j586aih wrote

You're right. Mini chips not needed. No one can eat more than a slice at a time anyway....


t1_j568wng wrote

Yeah, either way it goes to Greggs without competition but the regular Chocolate Layer Cake is better than Death by Chocolate. I want some cake in my cake, thanks.


t1_j562pxd wrote

Yeah, they also have a double chocolate that I think is superior to Death by Chocolate.


t1_j580um6 wrote

I always thought there was no such thing as too much chocolate until I had the Death by Chocolate cake. (And I love chocolate.)


t1_j555sny wrote

I'm a little disappointed that some people answered something other than Gregg's.


t1_j56b3w9 wrote

PASTICHE. If you want top tier dessert go there for one of the two or three chocolate cakes they have or any other thing because it’s all great. Highlights for me are the Lemon Cake, Pecan Pie and the Banana Cream Pie ( get caramel on it).

EDIT: Greggs is fine but it’s your girls b day. Don’t take them all to the place with the livet and onions early bird special. The cake is good and all, yes.
Pastiche is on the federal hill and it’s way more of a romantic place.


t1_j57bqvg wrote

Not sure Pastiche still has seats inside. Might be takeout only… but it is SO good. We get our birthday cakes there every year.


t1_j56f40u wrote

Sin Bakery on Westminster - has great desserts (as good as Pastiche or better) and a coffee/full bar plus its not a major pain in the ass to park near which makes it a better choice overall than Pastiche unless your already up on the hill or need to do the traditional Italian bakery thing.


t1_j55dh1d wrote

Greggs death by chocolate



t1_j56ecov wrote

Tell us OP where did you end up getting the cake?


t1_j55kp2f wrote

For a chocolate lover, it's definitely gotta be a death by chocolate from Gregg's. I got it once for my bf's birthday, it came in a cardboard box because it's too heavy for a regular cake box.


t1_j55ssyq wrote

Fun fact: Davenports has one of the former head bakers on staff from Greggs doing their desserts. Their chocolate cake is just as good, plus the Heath Bar is incredible.


t1_j566grt wrote

I'm throwing The Perfect Sweet into the mix! The owner Tracy is an absolute peach, and everything is exceptional there.


t1_j56rjjb wrote

I back up anyone supporting Gregg’s chocolate cake. However, sometimes I just can’t do all that chocolate. In those times, their, “Giving cake” is a rock solid back up choice. IMHO.


t1_j588mqb wrote

I work at an award winning cake shop/bakery in Providence and literally came here to say Greggs. Don’t bother going anywhere else.


t1_j55bscw wrote

I eight this! And it was awesome!


t1_j5606ci wrote

Very subjective. Gregg’s is good for sure. But there are lots of little bakery’s around that hold their ground. When all else fails get an ice cream cake!


t1_j5632v9 wrote

Greg's Death by Chocolate or their Chocolate Peanut Butter cake. Also does anyone know how their Chocolate frosting is made? My Wife has been trying to make frosting just as good or the same.


t1_j572vhu wrote

I’ve been getting cakes at Borellis for over 10 years, haven’t found something better yet. Gregg’s is still great tho


t1_j57poti wrote

Despite the dumb name, La Favorite bakery in Warwick has done several custom birthday cakes for us and they’ve all been great.

Gregg’s is OK, but overrated IMO (as someone not born and raised here).


t1_j552rmu wrote

Ellie's, but they only have rotating flavors in the case.


t1_j56jebl wrote



t1_j59as12 wrote

That's wild! I've never had an issue with their cake slices from the case. Maybe a flavor/texture of cake I didn't particularly like over the years, but nothing stale. That's disappointing.


t1_j554il3 wrote

You can also order cakes from them, not sure how much notice they need.