Submitted by TheTechOcogs t3_yibsgw in massachusetts

For people who are trying to take the T into Boston from Worcester, it sucks that I can’t bring my bike during rush hour.

It takes me 40 mins to walk to the train station and only about 10 min to bike. I want to save on my carbon footprint by not relying on my car, but the limitations make it nearly impossible. I’m sure i’m not the only one with this issue.

It wouldn’t even need to be that big, just a box on wheels would be enough.



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fremenator t1_iuhufm7 wrote

Couldn't you leave the bike at the commuter rail station? It does suck but those trains are so full I get why they don't allow them.


DumbshitOnTheRight t1_iuhwpbs wrote

The problem with the bike barn at South Station is anyone with access can take any bike. Security is non-existent.


fremenator t1_iuhy098 wrote

Absolutely it's a shit solution but the commuter rail is pretty unwilling to make even the slightest improvements so... We just gotta work around it :/

I've been taking it on and off since 2013, it's ok but the legislature will never put in the money it needs to be better.


DumbshitOnTheRight t1_iuhzfcp wrote

The overwhelming majority of the MA communities get no benefit from the MBCR or T. Why would they put their constituent's money into it?


fremenator t1_iuhzz48 wrote

Do you genuinely think that? How many workers does the CR move daily? What are the economic benefits generated by the commuter rail and how many businesses would be in another state if we didn't have it?

What is the list of communities that get benefits? Those that have a station? Those that have a station with 5 miles? 10 miles? How many people live in those communities?


DumbshitOnTheRight t1_iui0q3h wrote

Once you get out toward Framingham you have a ton of towns and smaller places where people aren't using it to go to the east.

"Greater economic benefit" is hard to sell to places like Greenfield, North Adams, and Northbridge where there are other needs closer to the ground.

People overall seem to dislike seeing tax money spent on things that don't directly benefit them.


fremenator t1_iui1jsd wrote

> >People overall seem to dislike seeing tax money spent on things that don't directly benefit them.

People are bad at realizing they live in a society. The fact is that if we didn't have things like CR then Massachusetts would have a much smaller tax base and people in towns like North Adams and Greenfield would not have the same access to state grants and funding for things that directly benefit them. Just because they don't realize it doesn't make it untrue.


legalpretzel t1_iui6udn wrote

People in North Adams would rather drive on dirt paths 😂


DumbshitOnTheRight t1_iui1ojx wrote

>People are bad at realizing they live in a society.

No disagreement there, but that's the reality.


TheTechOcogs OP t1_iui5xbw wrote

They should expand it to Springfield then, Worcester has a huge train station that has been promising to expand to.


legalpretzel t1_iui6pwh wrote


Boston is the economic engine for the state. If you live in the Brookfields or Great Barrington, or if you have never driven farther east than Marlborough, you have still benefitted from Boston’s economy. It stands to reason that reliable transportation for Boston’s workforce is beneficial for every single resident of Massachusetts.


homefone t1_iuia24t wrote

I'd be willing to bet that the population of communities with a T stop is a strong plurality if not a majority of the Commonwealth.


DumbshitOnTheRight t1_iuib7zr wrote

Which doesn't matter in the state senate where it's not done by population.


GreatArkleseizure t1_iuirysi wrote

Why would you say it’s not done by population? Quoting from Amendment CI of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts:

> The Senate shall consist of forty members. The General Court shall, at its first regular session after the year in which said census is taken, divide the Commonwealth into forty districts of contiguous territory, each district to contain, as nearly as may be, an equal number of inhabitants according to said census

And even a casual glance over the state senate district lines would confirm this to be the case.


Ajgrob t1_iuifcj1 wrote

I did this for a year and would not recommend. I had an older MTB and it got completely ruined, just dirt/rust all over it as it's basically outside near diesel trains/traffic etc. Other people I knew who stored nicer bikes got parts stolen.

Best option would be some kind of dorky folding bike.


Zephyreks t1_iuijori wrote

Build a bike locker near the station?

You're supposed to clean and maintain your bike, so dirt/rust is probably on you. Oil stuff up and it'll be more or less fine.


SynbiosVyse t1_iui6qlm wrote

Haven't used the bike rack there but can't you lock up your bike?

Use a crappy commuter bike, U lock, and chain. Chances of your bike getting stolen are pretty low unless you're leaving it overnight or something.


milkfiend t1_iuib73j wrote

I saw someone using an angle grinder on a bike in front of a police station. Nobody gives a shit about bike theft.


medforddad t1_iuii0t1 wrote

> I saw someone using an angle grinder on a bike in front of a police station.

Did you talk to that person? How do you know it wasn't their bike and they lost their keys?

Anyway, I don't think a bike thief would choose a locked up bike inside a bike shed that requires a registered charlie card to enter and likely has video surveillance as the one to steal.

> Nobody gives a shit about bike theft.

That's not far from true, except for the bike owners :-P.


Garethx1 t1_iuijo8p wrote

I think youre right, if you have a beater there is very little chance someone is going to go through the trouble at a place like that. Way more opportunities for expensive bikes at softer targets.


sightlab t1_iujd7tg wrote

Sure, and they guy breaking the car window may just want to get his wife’s purse off the front seat and grab all the change out of his own cup holder. But statistically speaking these people doing drastic crime-like things are, more often than not, not doing them for legitimate reasons.
But hey, Boston is a very special city. And I say this as a native masshole. Maybe that’s just how Bostonians do things differently. Who am I to judge from my lofty Berkshire perch?


InfiniteState t1_iuidlmj wrote

I've never had a problem with mine. Use a good U lock, or two, and you'll be fine. Theft isn't that common and it's all either $10k bikes or ones with a cheap cable lock.


BostonBlackCat t1_iui70vr wrote

Are there any better options for parking the bike at or around Worcester's commuter rail station?


twoscoop t1_iuiuwav wrote

Might as well just give the bike to a theif.


TheTechOcogs OP t1_iuhv0hi wrote

I can do that, but then when I get off the train I have another 20 min walk.

I don’t mind that 20 min walk but it often makes me late to work. Which is ok because my boss is chill, but it’s annoying, and i’m sure i’m not the only one with this issue.


legalpretzel t1_iui71jl wrote

You can take a folding bike on rush hour trains. There used to be several regulars on the Worcester line who used them.


modularmaniac420 t1_iuibrlx wrote

You’re not, and the problem is it discourages people from moving to Worcester. I love Worcester, it’s one of the last affordable places around, with some gemlike neighborhoods, and commuter rail to Boston. If they ever figured out how to make the railway accessible to more commuters, you would suddenly have a lot of affordable housing more accessible to Boston as a whole.


NativeMasshole t1_iuik8pu wrote

Or just figured out transportation in general. There's a lot of places, especially around downtown, where parking is a nightmare. And only getting worse when they build new complexes without adequate parking. The busses are pretty bad too, the streets aren't really pedestrian or bike friendly, so there's absolutely no good way for residents to get around.


AchillesDev t1_iujermu wrote

The housing will become less affordable unless more density is built. Worcester is already on an upswing (born there and most of my family is there) and more commuter rail access north and west and more frequent trains would really open up Worcester for families as another option, but dense housing would have to follow for it to remain an option. A lot of the quieter neighborhoods (Tatnuck, Forest Grove, etc.) would probably become less quiet. I think that’s fine, but selling residents on that will be hard.


Peeeculiar t1_iuhxhr7 wrote

You need a folding bike.


leroy_twiggles t1_iuiyao3 wrote

Underrated answer!

Direct from the MBTA website:

> Folding bikes are allowed on all services at all times if they’re completely folded.


Tacoman404 t1_iui7lw8 wrote

Or one of those teeny tiny bikes from the circus.


HurdieBirdie t1_iujrhay wrote

My husband used a folding scooter for couple years going into Boston by commuter rail, worked out pretty well.


tehmeangene t1_iuhvgk8 wrote

There are bike cars in the commuter rail fleet, they're just not used very frequently.


AdditionalPickle3988 t1_iuhwkje wrote

My experience - not during peak commuting hours. Which is most likely the time OP wants to commute.


WinsingtonIII t1_iuicfco wrote

I've seen them on the NBPT/Rockport line at rush hour times, but it's true that they aren't used often.


TheTechOcogs OP t1_iui687d wrote

Why aren’t they used?


fps81 t1_iuibfok wrote

The bike cars take out about 1/3 of the seats on the train car. And technically the policy is no bikes on rush hour trains. I see one periodically on the Fitchburg line, but it's a terrible car and the seats are uncomfortable and cramped.


shyjenny t1_iuit2fy wrote

Visited a different city recently - they had a vertical bike rack in their trains an buses that held the bike up to minimize the space they might take up and prevent them from moving around
in the space of maybe 1 - 1.5 seats?
We should have the same


Magic_mycelium t1_iui051d wrote

Do the rules prohibit unicycles, rollerblades, longboards, or e-scooters? You might have to get creative with your “last mile” options.


MrTurkeyTime t1_iujeish wrote

Recommending electric skateboards. From a standpoint of cost efficiency and not looking like a dweeb, they come out way ahead of scooters.


particular-potatoe t1_iui8pbf wrote

I thought fold up bikes were allowed during rush hour? They are on the subway.


TywinShitsGold t1_iui6lfd wrote

Is there a garage with indoor bike cages nearby? You could get a second city bike…


ConwayPuder t1_iuhwq6w wrote

Bikes are allowed off peak hours. The mbta train schedules online have icons indicating which trains allow bikes. But that may not accomodate your work schedule. Folding bikes (used to) be allowed at all times, Im not sure if that's still the policy. It's not as efficient as a full size bike, and may not be an option at all if you're over 6' tall, but it's better than walking.


AreYouNobody_Too t1_iui7dhy wrote

I would get a folding bike and just put it in the seat with me, tbh.


redditspacer t1_iuhwd8q wrote

Lets get a commuter rail that works first.


rkkrqqqqrssss t1_iui4ttv wrote

Roller blades are a decent alternative if you can


Professional_Note561 t1_iuibw5w wrote

Many of the commuter lines *do* have bike racks on their larger cars. But they don't always allow people to take bikes on, and for some reason there are tracks that during the day on weekdays allow you to take a bike into the city but won't let your bike on the train out of the city until 8:00 PM.

You can see which lines allow bikes and when on their online schedule, the runs that allow bikes have a little bike picture on them.

Alternatively just get a foldable bike or scooter, the smaller models of which are allowed on the commuter rail all the time.


thetactlessknife t1_iuioucc wrote

Folding bike like Brompton counts as luggage on the commuter rail and T, even during peak hours.


Coggs362 t1_iuj82x3 wrote

Folding bike is allowed on.


LoneSocialRetard t1_iuk03n8 wrote

Get a folding bike, or get a cheap bike you can lock up at your home station then use bluebikes when you get into the city.


ItsMeTK t1_iuiuvaz wrote

They could just use on of the many cars they refuse to open and yet drag around track all day.


Meta_Vetta t1_iuixaza wrote

No we don't. We need transportation that works first.


pwlocke t1_iuk7njf wrote

The thing is, the commuter rail HAS those "big boxes on wheels". They are the SKI cars and they go out to Wachusett in the winter. I just saw one on the Haverhill line.

So they have the equipment, they just need to have the will and get organized


bostonmacosx t1_iuk3z7t wrote

They should just put racks on the outside of train cars..... put it on ...lock it with a cell phone app....unlock it when you get to your destination... 5-10 seconds extra....Buses do it...trains can too...


Kissfan07 t1_iui6my3 wrote

Just drive. Your carbon footprint is negligible.


dizzish t1_iui7gv6 wrote

I tend to agree, but the health benefits of bicycling are not


TheTechOcogs OP t1_iui8p0m wrote

65% of Massachusetts’s emissions is cars and trucks.

“Unlike many states and nations, emissions in Massachusetts do not primarily come from large industrial or agricultural operations. Over 65% of Massachusetts’ emissions come from our cars, trucks, homes, and offices; another 20% comes from the power plants that provide electricity for our lights, computers, and appliances.”


Kissfan07 t1_iui9rp8 wrote

No shit, I was talking about him. One person.


milkfiend t1_iuiclq1 wrote

You just discovered the tragedy of the commons, congratulations.

Maybe we shouldn't do selfish things because "it won't matter if only one person does it."


Kissfan07 t1_iuimuiy wrote

Life is too short to worry about it, and in his case, it’s making him late to work. Drive the car.


TrappedOnScooter t1_iuih1fo wrote

Expecting taxpayers to fund a bike car on a rail line that functions poorly (at best) because you choose not to drive, is selfish.