So I just watched the original Buffy movie and while I had always heard very mixed things about it...I was not really prepared for what I got.
The movie begins with one of the more dull opening 15 minutes I've experienced lately but then spans into a movie that continuously spirals from so bad it's good to so bad it's bad and too that scene was actually pretty decent.
The action is comedically bad but I think that adds to the charm sometimes. It's a lot of Buffy doing a couple flips and then just...doing nothing while she gets the crap beaten out of her and then proceeds to stab a guy.
There is a random love interest stoner dude named Pyke who goes from stoner dude who sneaks into movie theaters and is annoyed at Buffy to...a bad ass vampire slayer and Buffy's new boy friend?
The random love interest stone dude has a friend, we'll call him David Arquette, who turns into a vampire by having the second in command vampire comedically pull him off screen.
There is also a mentor character who goes out in the most punk way ever. Seriously, the random lover interest stoner dude was better at fighting vampires than the guy who had live a 100 lives...of fighting vampires.
Buffy also has three friends, one of whom is pull off screen by vampires and is never seen again, one who cheats on Buffy's boyfriend with her, and one who invited all the vampires to the senior dance because..they are seniors.
Oh yeah, the second in command vampire guy is basically a cartoon character that has a like a two minute death scene that then continues on as a post credit scene.
And then the main bad guy plays a violin and breaks through a wall and attacks Buffy...with a sword...and get's killed by a chair leg.
Oh, and the principal of the school gives out pink slips to all the vampire corpses, who were apparently such punks Buffy's classmates were able to kill them.
And then Buffy rides off with the random love interest stoner dude into the sunrise.
I feel like I watched a bit of a fever dream and it wasn't even that entertaining.
MegaDuckCougarBoy t1_je3iqqm wrote
I feel like there's a reason the show is considered a classic and the movie, a curiosity