Nismotech_52 t1_iz0wi2r wrote
Doesn’t matter who he voted for. Still broke the law.
bookon t1_iz15zpl wrote
It matters if one party is always claiming fraud AND it's members are getting arrested for committing that fraud.
What is actually happening is that people are being told democrats are cheating so they themselves go out and cheat to 'even the odds' and then get arrested because it's easy to tell if cheating is going on.
lantonas t1_iz1lhff wrote
And the other party claims it's always the other party that commits the fraud that doesn't exist..
bookon t1_iz1n1ws wrote
The other party says, correctly, there is always some fraud but there wasn't enough to effect the election either way.
lantonas t1_iz1nmli wrote
So does your individual vote matter if an individual fraudulent vote doesn't matter?
bookon t1_iz1oi8j wrote
I have no idea what you’re saying but court after court found no evidence of fraud beyond a few people here and there. Trump lost by millions of votes. Any one vote here and there would have no effect on that.
CarpetOdd692 t1_iz2x5wj wrote
Trump didn't lose by millions of votes. He lost by thousands in AZ, PA and WI. In PA for example he lost by 80,000 votes - all of which came from mail in votes in Philadelphia. 92% of all mail in votes in Phil went for Biden, yet the in person votes in Phil went to Biden by only 71%. Also Trump won 80% of all PA counties - many by very large margins and the ones he lost were very close. The problem isn't one or two people voting twice, the problem is ballot harvesting where activists illegally assist people fill out ballots and bring them to be counted. It's the fact that mail in ballots without postmark dates were illegally counted. No court looked at evidence - they refused to hear the cases. This is the real Big Lie.
bookon t1_iz4s3ig wrote
He lost the general election by 3 million votes to Hillary and 7.5 million votes to Biden.
Beneficial-Hand4310 t1_iz3cxeq wrote
Carpet, You are 100% correct with this post...except for the fact trump only lost by 44k votes. Here's a npr link...hope that is "bipartisan" enough for this reddit echo chamber.
Voter fraud, in many shapes and forms, is alive and well. If people are concerned with in person fraud, like illustrated in this news story, mail in ballots are a literal feeding frenzy of liberals winning any way they can. Then they step back and point the finger at republicans as the bad actors.
Here's the link...let the downvotes commence (lmk when you progressive faggots move out of your momma's basement).
CarpetOdd692 t1_iz4cj0p wrote
I was using PA as an example for the 80k votes. But Wisconsin and AZ were far closer as you said. The fact that states sent unsolicited ballots to every home makes it very easy to break the law: collecting ballots, paying people to vote, helping people to vote, signing ballots for others - all of these things are unlawful. And the ballot counters counted ballots without verifying signatures, without post marks - also illegal. States unlawfully mass mailing ballots to every home addressed to people who may not even live there anymore - illegal. People voting in more than one jurisdiction is also illegal. Where is the outrage for all the other illegal votes? If 90% of the mail in votes went to Trump, we all know that the Dems would shut that shit down.
Beneficial-Hand4310 t1_iz4g2v6 wrote
You couldn't be more right. Unfortunately that knife only cuts in one direction. The libs will continue this charade and the whole while, anyone who takes too long of a look at the process gets accused of racism or voter suppression.
Additionally, no one ever wants to discuss how a majority of these absentee voter laws were never created via the correct legal process (you all remember it from sesame street...sing along "I'm just a bill, sitting on capital hill"). They were shoved down out throats during covid as necessary. That alone illustrates this current process is illegal.
[deleted] t1_iz1u1ij wrote
liptoniceteabagger t1_iz254h4 wrote
Because there was none.
[deleted] t1_iz2861f wrote
liptoniceteabagger t1_iz2cl4h wrote
Feel free to post the link to the actual court documents that were filed that prove wide spread voter fraud.
[deleted] t1_iz2nbpk wrote
liptoniceteabagger t1_iz47fl6 wrote
Again, provide a link to any paperwork that was submitted to a court by Trumps legal team that shows any actual proof of widespread voter fraud.
A link to a bunch of highly disputable facts and opinion based articles means absolutely nothing.
Intrepid_Priority154 t1_iz4jdxl wrote
If I am not mistaken didn’t a major democrat in PA get arrested for voter fraud? Not sure why you claim it’s only one party. It’s not like people who commit the fraud raise their hands and turn themselves in. The point is it appears easy to commit voter fraud and with ballot harvesting it will only get worse.
bookon t1_iz4rv4r wrote
" The point is it appears easy to commit voter fraud"
You are brainwashed by the right wing news bubble and it's hopeless to try and make you understand.
Voter fraud is rare. You see one case of it and that makes you think it's the tip of an iceberg because the people who decide what you think want you to think that. That's how propaganda works.
Intrepid_Priority154 t1_iz57skc wrote
It doesn’t matter. One voter fraud is one too many. Problem is, no one knows how widespread voting fraud is. We hear stories like this and the left goes “see rare”. We have no idea. Ohh and if someone brings this up, it’s “ohh you are brainwashed”. Just like everything else with the left…”ohh you want a secure border?…Racist.”
bookon t1_iz5dfs2 wrote
"One voter fraud is one too many. "
I agree but you using that to overturn the election and installing Trump president by 'terminating" the constitution seems like an overreaction.
”ohh you want a secure border?…Racist.”
If you're ONLY focused on the Mexican Border and not the Canadian one or people over staying visas, then people might see you as racist. That is true.
Intrepid_Priority154 t1_iz5eco4 wrote
Right but the one where people are overstaying their visas isn’t causing air Marshall’s to be removed from flights to help our agents at the border. Did 1K people die as a result of people overstaying their visas? That’s roughly how many people died this year crossing the border. Are people overstaying their visas causing suicides of border agents?
Who said because one person voted we should overturn the election?
bookon t1_iz5r9nh wrote
'Who said because one person voted we should overturn the election?"
Anyone who wants the 2020 election overturned. Essentially. There was very little fraud and none of it changed any outcomes.
>> Right but the one where people are overstaying their visas
Mmmm... the GOP refused immigration reform. Period. They need to have the topic to anger their voters.
Intrepid_Priority154 t1_iz5vlt9 wrote
You keep saying very little proof of fraud. We have no idea if that is a true statement. I just remember before the election we were warned by Kamala and other dems to be fearful of electronic voting machines. We don’t hear that too much these days.
Way to respond.
bookon t1_iz66w2h wrote
>by Kamala and other dems to be fearful of electronic voting machines
They did? I have no memory of this.
And we know there was very little fraud because every court and trumps own DOJ found this. You will now pivot and attack them as not being loyal to Trump or something...
Intrepid_Priority154 t1_iz68kcu wrote
Weren’t you the one talking about right wingers buying propaganda?
But that’s when you could say these things.
bookon t1_iz6bxpf wrote
One is paywalled and one is her asking a question.
So just to be clear, you don't trust voting anymore? Right? So THEY have succeeded. Good luck.
Intrepid_Priority154 t1_iz6c79o wrote
She said she saw one hacked. Then campaigns on we should only be allowed to use paper ballots. Odd she isn’t talking about it now.
Hey…I am just asking questions. Guess only one party can do that now.
bookon t1_iz9gdbv wrote
She said we should only use paper ballots?
>> Guess only one party can do that now.
No neither should.
She stopped talking about it because she was WRONG.
Intrepid_Priority154 t1_iz9gjhn wrote
No because she know paper ballots can be harvested. And before 2020 it was hip and cool to discuss these things.
bookon t1_iz9i2bu wrote
Listen, the issue is that the Trump wing of the GOP says EVERY election they lose was rigged and you guys believe them.
So then they move to hand counting and they use the extra time that takes as proof of cheating.
The truth is is that MAGA folks don't believe in voting. They think the 'other side' winning IS CHEATING.
They just want their candidates installed into office. They hate democrats so much they hate democracy if it lets democrats win.
There are no democrats that bad. You need to both side this so you can lie to yourself that you don't support people who would destroy our republic and create a dictatorship if they could.
Intrepid_Priority154 t1_iz9kf9m wrote
Oddly enough this was the democrat stance pre 2020. “Bush was selected, not elected”. “Russian collusion” “illegitimate president” how many high level democrats have made that statement? The issue is it’s been done before and democrats are only mad now because someone else is doing it.
And no, every American should be concerned about the elections. Democrats want a American Idol style election where you can text a number to vote. Mail in ballots are ripe for fraud with ballot harvesting. Heck, you don’t even need to campaign like the Arizona governor elect, you can even be a racist, but as long as you have campaign cash and can pay for people to go door knocking in the inner cities to harvest ballots you can win. I also suppose being in charge of the voting process helps too.
It’s a concern that people reported receiving multiple ballots for old household residents. Even though we are told there are ways to make sure that ballot wouldn’t be counted how do we know? Our government allowed $45B in unemployment fraud but sure they can stop a ballot from being counted. It should be a concern that those ballots being counted were being done in rooms where election officials covered windows and hid from the press.
Ohh and this doesn’t even take into consideration the absolute total control one party seems to have of every level of government from DOJ, IRS, FBI, etc. and the damn media who will do whatever they ask.
Unlike most high level members of the democrat party between 2016-2020 I can say the current president is legitimate.
bookon t1_iz9pcj4 wrote
>It’s a concern that people reported receiving multiple ballots for old household residents
That doesn't mean they will accept more than one per person.
They are LYING to you to make you afraid so you'll be ok when they attack voting. And it's clearly working.
Intrepid_Priority154 t1_iz9r2ih wrote
I am sorry what? You are making no sense. Who is lying? The people receiving the ballots that are addressed to old household residents?
bookon t1_iz9vr0x wrote
The people telling you that this is evidence of fraud are lying. You can only vote once. They track who votes. If I get multiple ballots sent to me by mistake I cannot vote multiple times. They are LYING to you about that.
Intrepid_Priority154 t1_iz9xgzt wrote
So people didn’t receive multiple ballots? And the same government who handed out $45B additional unemployment benefits, including to dead people, can assure us that none of these ballots mailed inadvertently were counted?
bookon t1_iz9ykh7 wrote
>So people didn’t receive multiple ballots?
Why can't you just read what I wrote?
You clearly need there to be fraud so I can't help you.
Intrepid_Priority154 t1_iz9z0s2 wrote
I read exactly what you wrote. You called them liars.
I don’t need there to be fraud. Just pointing out the issues and potential fraud. I know it’s hard to understand.
bookon t1_izaksie wrote
No... They are lying and you seem to want to be lied too, but what I said was that getting multiple ballots isn't fraud. There are safeguards to keep people from submitting multiple ballots from the same person. And other safeguards keep those ballots from being counted.
Intrepid_Priority154 t1_izalfk2 wrote
I get that, there are also safeguards to prevent dead people from getting unemployment. I know this is hard for you, but I am skeptical of a system that mails a ballot to an old resident of a house to begin with. I think the original article we commented on was about a guy who has voted in both MA and NH…how many years before he got caught? We have safeguards for that…no?
bookon t1_izanjka wrote
Let me end with this. You are GREATLY over estimating the danger we face from a few errant votes and they are using your unfounded fears as a weapon to get you to not trust results they don't want you to trust.
Intrepid_Priority154 t1_izanu4i wrote
You trust the same system that sends out $45B in errant unemployment benefits.
bookon t1_izatz28 wrote
The elections and unemployment benefits are handled by different people. You need this conspiracy because you can't admit your preferred candidates aren't as popular as you think they are.
MistakenLabotomy t1_iz16yic wrote
Both parties have claimed fraud. Dems in 2016 and Republicans in 2020. If either party loses an election its fraud. One person got caught so we know it is in fact happening but to what extent. Both parties are guilty of it so now what?
asuds t1_iz17a0g wrote
Dems claimed outside interference, not fraud. Along with the continued evidence of selective voter suppression of minorities of course.
MistakenLabotomy t1_iz1amqb wrote
So they claimed outside interference that was.........not real. Also that would be passing fraudulent votes through the system which is fraud. I fuckin hate Trump and tolerate Biden. Maybe these instances of fraudulent voting would be lower if we had any candidates with any kind of coherent platform that will stick to their word and work for the people of this country and not the lobbyists that are filling their pockets with bribes.
asuds t1_iz1br7r wrote
Outside interference was real per every US intelligence agency, but you do you…
And it was misinformation campaigns and illegal campaign financing. Both of which are not “passing fraudulent votes.”.
Sound like you need to educate yourself on what happened as well as US elections in general.
But the real “crime” in all of this is the voter suppression of minorities including Native Americans by making it very challenging to successfully vote. eg ling lines, not accepting proofs of residency, one polling location for massive land areas, etc.
Why we don’t have at least a one day federal holiday for elections is total nonsense.
SheeEttin t1_iz1es7x wrote
No holiday. People still have to work on holidays, like emergency services. Just make it vote by mail already.
lMickNastyl t1_iz1chso wrote
Can't have a federal holiday for voting because then all the poor's will vote to take the money I made from them.
Lester_Diamond23 t1_iz1bt0y wrote
But the outside influence was real? And no one ever claimed fraudulent votes were being passed through the system in 2016....
MistakenLabotomy t1_iz1e3wi wrote
I distinctly remember Queen Dem Hillary saying the election was fraudulent and would not stop til Trump was out of office. When Biden won 2020 Republicans were on about the Dems fraudulent votes. Pay attention with your brain not your feelings.
Lester_Diamond23 t1_iz1vdhj wrote
You got a source or link for that, or we j6st going based off your memory?
MistakenLabotomy t1_iz1yn68 wrote
I'm sure you can find the clips in your own search. Im not doing the work for you. Just like a socialist, you want everyone else to do the work for you.
Lester_Diamond23 t1_iz1zkna wrote
So what you are saying is, you are unable to provide any proof behind your claim. Good to know that everyone can just ignore what you post moving forward lmao
MistakenLabotomy t1_iz20t49 wrote
What I'm saying is the proof is everywhere. U/zakpentakas has a couple vids up. Do your homework and stop believing everything that wokeness tells you. Fuck Trump Fuck Biden and Fuck everyone that supports either of them.
Lester_Diamond23 t1_iz217cw wrote
Wait...what? You realize he posted different time stamps of the same video right? And not a couple different videos. Like at all. So I have to assume you didn't actually watch them if you don't realize that.
In which case, you are pointing a video that you did not 3ven watch as proof of something? Really? And I'm the one that n3eds to do my homework? And wtf is wokeness 🤣
MistakenLabotomy t1_iz22lbk wrote
I watched and listened in real time. I watched and followed each election. I Do remember all the stuff I stated. Why do you feel the need to pick on someone you don't know. I just stated both sides of the aisle are corrupt and you got offended for some reason. Stay gold #78.
Lester_Diamond23 t1_iz2331j wrote
So again, absolutely zero to add to the discussion. Cool lol. You should probably just cut your losses and stop responding now tbh
MistakenLabotomy t1_iz23gd0 wrote
Why are you offended? Is there an answer?
Lester_Diamond23 t1_iz23uns wrote
I'm not offended about anything. Im just trying to combat misinformation or educate myself on something I may have had wrong or didn't know. If you were able to provide a legitimate source for what you are saying, I'd be learning something today. But since you can't, I'm looking to make sure no one else in my state reads what you wrote and let's misinformation influence them
MistakenLabotomy t1_iz28mg5 wrote
If you can educate yourself about how much you're supposed to hate republicans, try and educate yourself on how shitty democrats are too. How about all politicians and their shittiness. Power breeds corruption and greed.
Lester_Diamond23 t1_iz29f6a wrote
I dont hate Republicans though? In fact, I voted for Sununu. And I'm WELL aware of how shitty the vast majority of Dems are as well. Reason I didn't vote for Biden, Hillary, or Hassan. Not that I voted for their wacko opponents IMO, but I sure as shit weren't voting for them either.
How about you maybe stop making these baseless statements and blind assumptions? If there is any evidence of blind adherence to one party or another its that preposterous video you didn't watch and tried to cite as evidence. So maybe take your own advice as well?
Told you to cut your losses and just stop, yet you keep digging a deeper hole and making a larger and larger fool of yourself smh
[deleted] t1_iz59tec wrote
AMC4x4 OP t1_iz1oeuk wrote
She can say whatever she wants. It doesn't matter since she conceded the day after the election. Protests are different than an insurrection and continued allegations of massive election fraud.
golfgrandslam t1_iz1libo wrote
I think your feelings are informing your memory. Human memory is demonstrably unreliable. You'll have to do better than "I distinctly remember".
LordMongrove t1_iz1s6ti wrote
She said he was illegitimate because of voter suppression, voter purging, hacking and fake stories. She also conceded.
Do you have a reference of her claiming fraud?
MistakenLabotomy t1_iz1zh6r wrote
All that stuff you just listed adds up to fraudulent voting. Citing the specific name of the fraudulent act doesn't make it not fraudulence.
LordMongrove t1_iz29u3x wrote
Actually, none of that is fraudulent voting.
I asked for a reference. I assume you don't have one? Your distinct memories are failing up perhaps.
MistakenLabotomy t1_iz2ep8d wrote
And you are a pedo sympathizer. I don't want to talk to you.
LordMongrove t1_iz4vhru wrote
If that is your takeaway from my post history then your username definitely checks out.
TheTowerBard t1_iz1lnbb wrote
No you.
bookon t1_iz1nm9c wrote
It was 100% real. Why do you think Trump pardoned so many members of his campaign? They were convicted of crimes related to Russia.
Lester_Diamond23 t1_iz1bnx1 wrote
What fraud did the Dems claim from the 2016 election? I remember no such thing, only that Russia influenced it via s9cial media. Do you think that's the same as fraud?
MistakenLabotomy t1_iz1zuwj wrote
Yes that is fraud perpetrated by the russians influencing fraudulent votes.
Lester_Diamond23 t1_iz20s94 wrote
Wait, what? So you are saying the Russians DOD perpetrate fraud during the 2016 election? How so? And if that's what you are saying now, what is the overall point you are even trying to make? Is there one?
ZacPetkanas t1_iz1derz wrote
> What fraud did the Dems claim from the 2016 election?
AMC4x4 OP t1_iz1dw8e wrote
Kinda tough to say Russia didn't influence our election in 2016 when one candidate's own "former" campaign manager was giving polling data to the GRU in-person.
ZacPetkanas t1_iz1eiko wrote
> Kinda tough to say Russia didn't influence our election in 2016 when one candidate's own "former" campaign manager was giving polling data to the GRU in-person.
Did they "hack" our election? Hillary made claims that Russia was hacking voter rolls. Y'all got any proof?
dojijosu t1_iz1gdmo wrote
The hairs the Orange Man has caused you to split… “That wasn’t technically insurrection.” “You call that a truck bomb? It barely exploded at all!” “Russia didn’t technically hack anything…”
AMC4x4 OP t1_iz1m1xb wrote
Not to mention if this had been on the other side? I mean, can you imagine if Biden's "former" campaign manager who had JUST "resigned" was caught meeting with Chinese government-linked officials and giving them polling data for Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Arizona? These people are just something. They're losing their shit over the Biden campaign (NOT government officials at the time, just so we're clear) asking Twitter to remove Hunter Biden's dick pics. I mean, come on now.
dojijosu t1_iz1qnlc wrote
Right? They’d be on their AM radio shows that sell peenee pills and cash for gold scams talking about watering the tree of liberty.
ZacPetkanas t1_iz1gxtt wrote
> The hairs the Orange Man has caused you to split… “That wasn’t technically insurrection.” “You call that a truck bomb? It barely exploded at all!” “Russia didn’t technically hack anything…”
Ah, I see. taking out some Facebook ads is "hacking." Got it.
Hillary is in that video alleging that "Russia" actually hacked voter rolls. Am I splitting hairs in quoting her?
dojijosu t1_iz1ix5q wrote
Yeah… you should read slower.
ZacPetkanas t1_iz1kbxj wrote
> Yeah… you should read slower.
Upthread asked for evidence of Democrats claiming fraud in 2016. I provided such evidence. That's the long and short of it. You brought up "Orange Man," etc.
dojijosu t1_iz1kh0p wrote
It’s “Ciao,” but you’re no stranger to being wrong.
ZacPetkanas t1_iz1kxb2 wrote
/u/dojijosu ignorantly wrote:
> It’s “Ciao,” but you’re no stranger to being wrong.
(the inverted exclamation point should have been a clue for you)
dojijosu t1_iz1qf1j wrote
Spanish minor. Traveled in Spain and Latin America. No one ever spells it that way.
¡Ciao! pendejo.
ZacPetkanas t1_iz1vkhe wrote
/u/dojijosu doubled-down on their ignorance and wrote:
> Spanish minor. Traveled in Spain and Latin America. No one ever spells it that way
Even when presented with the fact that it is spelled C-H-A-O in Latin America you still think you're correct. You are a lefty, for sure.
> nO oNe EvEr SpElLs It ThAt WaY.
Expect Except for, I dunno, the people who live there.
> "¡Fora Dilma, chao Dilma!", se oía desde las ventanas de los edificios en el rico barrio de Jardins,
> “Chao Rosita, chao Rosita”, gritaron tres de los pequeños antes de subirse al vehículo.
> “Chao mi amor, mañana la espero en la parada para traerla”.
edit: fixed typo. Muchísimas gracias, /u/dojijosu
dojijosu t1_iz1y6w4 wrote
- “except” for
But do go on with your nuanced analysis.
ZacPetkanas t1_iz2ax0u wrote
> “except” for > But do go on with your nuanced analysis.
Oh, so you're both ignorant and don't understand sardonic remarks. No problem, I have something just for you
dojijosu t1_iz2b1fj wrote
Mistaking the words “expect” and “except” is not sardonic. It’s moronic.
ZacPetkanas t1_iz2bar0 wrote
> Mistaking the words “expect” and “except” is not sardonic. It’s moronic.
Oh, a typo! I'm mortally wounded
dojijosu t1_iz2bfwp wrote
Oh, so now it’s a typo and not highbrow comedy?
¡Que chistoso!
ZacPetkanas t1_iz2c824 wrote
> Oh, so now it’s a typo and not highbrow comedy?
Uh yeah? It was a typo made while making a sardonic statement.
Still going to stand by the Italian spelling of "chao" in Spanish or no?
dojijosu t1_iz2dhd5 wrote
It’s just that I except better of you.
ZacPetkanas t1_iz2e4m1 wrote
Lester_Diamond23 t1_iz1w0yc wrote
No, you didn't. Please provide an alternative source or corroboration if you are so confident
ZacPetkanas t1_iz1we28 wrote
> No, you didn't. Please provide an alternative source or corroboration if you are so confident
Yes, I did.
Lester_Diamond23 t1_iz1wykg wrote
See my last you didn't. Unless you are willing to concede Trump's a racist from the Charlottesville very fine people clip?
bookon t1_iz1nexq wrote
Did she send a mob to prevent Joe Biden from certifying the results in January of 2017? No? Then not the same.
ZacPetkanas t1_iz1ob1n wrote
> Did she send a mob to prevent Joe Biden from certifying the results in January of 2017? No? Then not the same.
That wasn't the question.
bookon t1_iz1oroq wrote
Stop both siding this. Russia used disinformation and helped get trump elected. She’s an old lady. Not a tech guru.
ZacPetkanas t1_iz1ptf7 wrote
> Stop both siding this. Russia used disinformation and helped get trump elected. She’s an old lady. Not a tech guru.
Proof was provided of many, many Democrats and media figures making election fraud claims. That's what was asked for.
Russia bought some Facebook ads.
bookon t1_iz1qivp wrote
Ok did Hillary concede? Yes. Did Trump? No. Hillary complained and Trump tried to end the republic so it’s not the same. You need it to be so your guys don’t see as extreme. You can’t admit you support people who would end democracy if they could.
ZacPetkanas t1_iz1vwgq wrote
> You need it to be so your guys don’t see as extreme. You can’t admit you support people who would end democracy if they could.
Once again, I answered the question that was asked. "Did democrats claim fraud in the 2016 election?" Yes, they did.
Everything past that is an argument you're having in your head. You don't need me to participate in this, because you're arguing with things I haven't said. This is all you.
bookon t1_iz4shu0 wrote
I never said that some didn't. I said it was a false equivalency.
Lester_Diamond23 t1_iz1vw47 wrote
You provided a nonesense YouTube with voice over. You provided no proof of anything
ZacPetkanas t1_iz1wc7p wrote
> You provided a nonesense YouTube with voice over. You provided no proof of anything
Why are you lying? Yes there are some voiceovers in the video but there are plenty of clips of people speaking in their own voices.
Lester_Diamond23 t1_iz1x1vx wrote
Highly edited jump cuts with no context means nothing. Show something objective smh
bookon t1_iz4seuh wrote
Hillary Conceded. This week Trump called for termination of the constitution and his installment of president.
Again, I am not sure why you guys need this false equivalency, other than to lie to yourself that you're not supporting bad people.
Lester_Diamond23 t1_iz1vsxx wrote
Can you point out this claim?
ZacPetkanas t1_iz1w7ax wrote
Lester_Diamond23 t1_iz1wpsf wrote
There is zero context to this highly edited 7 second clip, do you have the full interview or any other context around it? Or are you just looking to cherry pick 6 word sentences and claim they mean something?
I'm happy to admit I'm wrong, you just heed to come up with something better than that garbage. Like if I post a quick clip of the "very fine people on both sides" clip from Trump and Charlottesville, it sounds like he is calling the tiki asshole racists very fine people when he is I'm fact not. Is it fair to do that? No. So why do it here with this clip?
dojijosu t1_iz1zj7j wrote
Lester, save your breath with Zac. He heard someone do rhetoric once and thought “Huh. That seems easy. You just keep stringing words together.”
Ciao, Zac.
Lester_Diamond23 t1_iz1vqyz wrote
Wait, you really think that video constitutes some sort of proof? Fucking yikes lmao
SomeCalcium t1_iz1ai8u wrote
What is this perpetual needs to both sides the issue? Republicans tried to overthrow the government two years ago. Democrats pointed out that Russians interfered with our election. Those are two vastly different thing in both scale and severity.
TheTowerBard t1_iz1lfdy wrote
You can’t possibly be serious. “Both sides” huh? You’re going to “both sides” this issue with everything that right-wing has been up to? You’re going to “both sides” the idea of stealing elections after Jan 6? Complete and utter ignorance. My lord.
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