Submitted by Nicolas-matteo t3_111mwa0 in news
[deleted] t1_j8flgo9 wrote
[deleted] t1_j8flqyt wrote
[deleted] t1_j8flz60 wrote
GraniteStayte t1_j8fmjq1 wrote
Interesting details from the WSJ article:
>U.S. officials said they couldn’t explain what the other three objects were, even after closely studying them in the air before shooting them down.
>Officials believe the first debris will be pulled out of Lake Huron and quickly sent to the Federal Bureau of Investigation lab at Quantico, Va., for analysis.
>U.S. officials have so far declined to provide any imagery of the items.
>The Pentagon has said the objects have been unmanned, and they cannot yet explain how the objects are powered, contributing to the mystery of the airborne object.
[deleted] t1_j8fmn68 wrote
GrooseandGoot t1_j8fmsfy wrote
Thanks WSJ for continuing to do everything in your power to report stories like this instead of Labor stories like the train derailment in Ohio caused by Norfolk Southern's cost cutting measures.
Thanks for doing your part to feed the machine of keeping labor stories suppressed. Keep pumping out these nonsense UFO articles worrying about "payloads" when the biggest payload of burning polyvinyl chloride clouds rips through Ohio
[deleted] t1_j8fnkzb wrote
Closetedcousin t1_j8fnoev wrote
Is this the same unidentified object leaking toxic waste all over Ohio?
[deleted] t1_j8fnp2k wrote
[deleted] t1_j8fnzm0 wrote
[deleted] t1_j8fo23r wrote
underbloodredskies t1_j8fo7x2 wrote
Time to set up a box, a stick and a string.
I mean, such a device caught James Woods. 🤭🤷🏼♂️
I_Lick_Vaginal_Blood t1_j8fo929 wrote
So it’s aliens, then.
mojoluna t1_j8fodjj wrote
Sounds like a new money grab to me
[deleted] t1_j8foquc wrote
[deleted] t1_j8fpaal wrote
ZedCee t1_j8fpo3h wrote
Already off to a great start shooting them down too! They we're peaceful.
Maybe they see humanity is in shambles and they're planning a trip down to help us out. In particular the crisis created by the Ohio/Norfolk derailment these stories seem to be drowning out...
[deleted] t1_j8fpxc0 wrote
[deleted] t1_j8fqe5v wrote
_Traveler t1_j8fqjh9 wrote
Just a few hours ago white house says there is no indication of them (other than the chinese balloon) being aliens... So they shoot down all these objects, then don't tell us what it is, they say it doesn't resemble this or that or aliens, but wait let's do UFO taskforce... Like why even bother telling us anything lol?
Society as a whole would be better off not knowing about those unidentified objects that they don't plan on telling anyone about. We've learned zip from any of this and all it does is distracting everyone from other things that might actually matter cough Ohio cough
[deleted] t1_j8fr8d3 wrote
[deleted] t1_j8frckv wrote
[deleted] t1_j8fsa6u wrote
ObjectiveDark40 t1_j8fsbh8 wrote
You mean the train they blew up?
[deleted] t1_j8fsbrn wrote
WertyBurger t1_j8fsbx6 wrote
They can report on more than one thing concurrently
SitDown_BeHumble t1_j8fswdp wrote
“Two things can’t happen at once on planet earth!!!!”
AdjNounNumbers t1_j8fsz0c wrote
"WOOOOW! Okay, well fuck you then." -the aliens, probably
[deleted] t1_j8ft13a wrote
thesuperbro t1_j8ftjxc wrote
I'm signing up to the military tomorrow to fight the alien threat brother
GrooseandGoot t1_j8ftqps wrote
My point is they arent.
They are not reporting two things at the same time. One is being overamplified for the dangers is poses and the other is being suppressed for the dangers it poses.
They are not reporting two things concurrent at the same time to the same degree that each of them deserve. If you dont think this is an imporant issue, drink a glass of water from the Ohio river east of East Palestine right now to prove me wrong.
Or dont, because I dont want to see people die to gross corporate negligence.
Abradolf1948 t1_j8fu0vo wrote
There's literally a post from WSJ yesterday about the train derailment on the front page right now. It is two posts above this one.
whydoiIuvwolves t1_j8fu168 wrote
"We're leaving and we're taking our balloons and anal probes with us😡"
WertyBurger t1_j8fu7ii wrote
Calm down buddy. Everyone here is now aware you’re a hero for Ohio. You can drop the act now
[deleted] t1_j8fu7iz wrote
mrg1957 t1_j8ful9e wrote
We live in interesting times, and it's accelerating. First, the global pandemic, a war in Europe with Russia and the West, now, Alliens send in peaceful drones, and we blast them.
We're going to all die or wake up to find we're in an experiment.
[deleted] t1_j8fuxay wrote
Thor4269 t1_j8fv045 wrote
Can we call it Stargate Command and admit the Goa'uld are probing our defenses?
asdaaaaaaaa t1_j8fvc6t wrote
There's tons of reports out there. Are you having trouble finding them or something? Just google "Ohio Disaster", you can easily get 10+ articles. There's one on the front page right now. Is this some poorly crafted joke, where people pretend they can't see all the posts and articles?
Closetedcousin t1_j8fvjim wrote
I thought for sure you were going to start preaching Jesus bullshit
captcha_trampstamp t1_j8fvkgo wrote
There was supposed to be a kaboom! A great, earth-shattering kaboom!
adarkuccio t1_j8fvs30 wrote
Wtf tell them to share pics and vids of those "unexplained" objects, otherwise they're trolling us.
[deleted] t1_j8fwf06 wrote
[deleted] t1_j8fwif4 wrote
[deleted] t1_j8fwti5 wrote
[deleted] t1_j8fwy85 wrote
Upsidedown_boat t1_j8fx4dd wrote
Nah they'd call him a terrorist or a communist provocateur with all his talk about caring for one another and equality and shit
ThatWasTheJawn t1_j8fxgrk wrote
Would a kids balloon even show up on radar? They’re relatively small.
[deleted] t1_j8fxjo8 wrote
[deleted] t1_j8fy0e4 wrote
[deleted] t1_j8fy0u5 wrote
vibrance9460 t1_j8fyrvp wrote
Setting up another “new office”?
Over a year ago the pentagon let two pilots go on 60 minutes and talk UFOs.
About six months later Obama said on Colbert and Corden that there is footage, and archived photos of things we do not understand.
Forward another six months and Congress has created an office dedicated to UAP.
All branches of government have been pointing towards disclosure for quite a while
The reaction of most people has just been “shrug”
Neo2199 t1_j8g1bmr wrote
> quickly sent to the Federal Bureau of Investigation lab at Quantico, Va., for analysis.
Let's hope Mulder and Scully of this reality are on the case!
Edit: Kidding aside, it’s interesting that high ranking military officers, like NORAD Commander Gen. Glen VanHerck, are not discounting the possibility of aliens.
"On Sunday, the head of U.S. Northern Command and the North American Aerospace Defense Command wouldn’t rule out that the airborne objects the Pentagon has been shooting down are connected to aliens or extraterrestrials.
“I’ll let the intel community and the counterintelligence community figure that out, I haven’t ruled out anything,” said Gen. Glen VanHerck in a briefing late Sunday. “At this point, we continue to assess every threat or potential threats unknown that approaches North America with an attempt to identify it.”
TheAbnormalNewt t1_j8g1ixr wrote
That was a derailed train my friend
[deleted] t1_j8g1l6b wrote
Closetedcousin t1_j8g26pn wrote
That's what THEY want you to think!
Nolsoth t1_j8g2j44 wrote
Oh the train was filled with pvc, yeah that's shits pretty nasty to be burning, definitely want to bury that one.
dasherchan t1_j8g2naa wrote
Let us start calling them CFO. China's Flying Object.
Sephylus_Vile t1_j8g2rou wrote
But, what is space force and air force for?
Neo2199 t1_j8g2vum wrote
"The Pentagon last summer formed the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office, which has reviewed 366 reports of unidentified aerial phenomena, or what most people refer to as UFOs. Of those, 171 “demonstrated unusual flight characteristics or performance capabilities, and require further analysis,” according to a report by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence."
Nekroshade t1_j8g34bm wrote
There's no way we aren't living in a simulated reality inside of some quantum computer we've yet to learn how to make
butholemoonblast t1_j8g3oif wrote
Nooooo my anus is so ready for some Uranus probing
[deleted] t1_j8g43bu wrote
Owain451 t1_j8g5gre wrote
Here's the thing though. If it was aliens advanced enough for space travel or to make stuff like this, they wouldn't declare war on what is essentially a primitive tribe of creatures for shooting down an object they didn't understand.
We wouldn't start war with the isolated tribes in whatever part of the world if they shot down one of our drones.
A more likely scenario is they were never peaceful to begin with and were testing our capabilities.
Assuming it's aliens.
Nicolas-matteo OP t1_j8g5t3a wrote
And we... shot them down. First impressions are everything.
Nicolas-matteo OP t1_j8g5vpv wrote
The United States Government is trolling us. Got it. /s
Owain451 t1_j8g5xyj wrote
I mean, aren't they kind of basically just admitting to a secret we all kind of assumed was possible anyway?
I think we're all kind of holding our breath to hear what they are definitively, if we even get that. The implications of what these objects are could change our understanding of the universe we live in, and I care far more about that then if the government "knew all along".
If it's true, it's not that hard to believe.
Nicolas-matteo OP t1_j8g60b0 wrote
Plot twist: humanity is one big Truman Show
[deleted] t1_j8g68nh wrote
[deleted] t1_j8g6ihw wrote
[deleted] t1_j8g6q6w wrote
Runaround46 t1_j8g7col wrote
What if it's like a giant bird we haven't discovered yet
Chris_Ween t1_j8g7g09 wrote
So glad the White House has decided to set up a competing task force on UAP after the Congress had to bring the Pentagon kicking and screaming to do the same thing 2 years ago. In fact, it's great that it is the exact same thing and now it's serious business. Where were they before? Heck, where has our administrations been since 2004 (Nimitz) not to mention all the other alleged sightings in the past 70+ years?. It doesn't have to be ET to be a concern...except none were taking it seriously until now. And frankly, I don't think it's being taken seriously now. It's more of a "Fine we shot them down. Now quit asking us to know what's been in our skies forever "
ZedCee t1_j8g7tfg wrote
Hopeful outlook. Take an upvote.
Though, the aliens could have come from a war torn solar system, two planets in the habitable zone, warring for resources, but only one survives. A culture and civilization wholely devoted to war and blood...
Or maybe some long forgotten species achieved the singularity, it's creation seeking out to exterminate inferior lifeforms...
Or maybe they're more like us than we like and out of fear, ignorance, and "preemptive action", bomb the shit out of us...
The possibilities are endless.
psycho_candy0 t1_j8g80dg wrote
::xcom flashbacks:: welcome back commander...
kinglouie493 t1_j8g823z wrote
The Mayans would like to have a chat with the Spanish…
ZedCee t1_j8g87to wrote
Occam's razor says "more Chinese weather technology"
[deleted] t1_j8g92mb wrote
[deleted] t1_j8g9sox wrote
Neo2199 t1_j8gag3s wrote
Regarding the last 3 objects, the general was very specific that those are not balloons.
> VanHerck said the military was unable to immediately determine the means by which any of the three latest objects were kept aloft or where they were coming from.
> "We're calling them objects, not balloons, for a reason, said VanHerck.
[deleted] t1_j8gal6m wrote
LurkingredFIR t1_j8gc3ly wrote
Why do you think that these officials would tell you the truth?
It's one of these situations where you have nothing to win by telling the public everything you know, and you have all to benefit from acting dumb
RedRocket4000 t1_j8gcire wrote
Would fit the we going to stop denying this stuff is occurring concept. Only thing being hid is how little we know.
Owain451 t1_j8gco6s wrote
I don't think you're presenting an adequate parallel
RedRocket4000 t1_j8gd2ub wrote
Go to PBS Space Time or many other mostly serious science programs on “Ancestors Simulation “ considering idea that advanced civilization might run simulation where the individuals in it would basically be alive. And fact this could be the primary status for the vast number of “universes” intelligent beings exist in as simulation.
RedRocket4000 t1_j8gdk4z wrote
Goes with my idea past forty years. They been hiding the fact they know very little of what this actually is. Basically a we don’t want to sound like we don’t know anything and try to forget about it till now. This would go with historical fact it near impossible to keep long term secrets.
MusicURlooking4 t1_j8gdp1a wrote
> So they shoot down all these objects, then don't tell us what it is, they say it doesn't resemble this or that or aliens, but wait let's do UFO taskforce
That's how you do money grab, you create a problem and then you "confront" it by creating an agency fueled by the public money which then can go to private hands without any questions asked 😉
[deleted] t1_j8ge85a wrote
[deleted] t1_j8gf6sf wrote
[deleted] t1_j8gfq8l wrote
vibrance9460 t1_j8gh80e wrote
I think UFOs are our biggest secret. And yes they have kept it secret. Black operations, completely off the books with shell company inside shell company- this is a well-known fact. Even presidents have been denied access.
That’s how we got the Gillibrand Amendment. Admiral Tom Wilson, who should have legally had oversight access, was categorically denied access to these programs. After 50 or 60 years of stonewalling while receiving massive black ops funding, Wilson got Congress pissed off -leading to the amendment with coming “amnesty” for those that signed NDAs, regular classified and public briefings on the topic as well as the establishment of an official UAP office.
Admirable_Nothing t1_j8ghblf wrote
What they aren't saying is giving credence to the extraterrestrial origin theory.
Disrespectful2Dishes t1_j8ghwuw wrote
Wow you’ve literally been at this all fucking day, huh? Aren’t you tired of getting dunked on? Take it the conspiracy subs.
[deleted] t1_j8gim6h wrote
shinjikun10 t1_j8gkeu5 wrote
In the words of my generation: Up... YOURS!
bigbangbilly t1_j8gns5i wrote
Basically think less extraterrestrial and more extranational
[deleted] t1_j8gnztr wrote
They even released gun camera footage of UAPs going faster than anything we can make can. Everyone seems to have forgotten since it was during the pandemic.
Whatever this was doesn't seem to be that though.
[deleted] t1_j8go5uh wrote
They released that gun camera footage of something faster than anything we can make too. It was mid pandemic though.
vibrance9460 t1_j8gsrdp wrote
Yeah I agree.
InternationalCut2610 t1_j8gsxd6 wrote
Some of the outspoken UFO researchers for years, maybe even decades have been saying the reason that the government won't disclose is because they are interdimensional phenomena, vs interstellar. Because that would shatter our idea of what reality is.
I've never been sold on it, mostly very skeptical. But I'm a little more open to it now that our government is slowly acknowledging things that they for decades said didn't exist, have been monitored, recorded and we can't explain it.
nexusjuan t1_j8gtcr1 wrote
If you're not allowed to comment any new information ruling out aliens would be adding new information. Maybe we know who they belong to but they're a close ally and we're trying to figure out how to respond.
[deleted] t1_j8gwk1r wrote
ColonelLloydVenture t1_j8h108d wrote
Sailors fighting in the dance hall Oh man look at those cavemen go It's the freakiest show Take a look at the lawman Beating up the wrong guy Oh man wonder if he'll ever know He's in the best selling show Is there life on Mars?
lunchypoo222 t1_j8h3jbz wrote
Inter-dimensional travel is something I can easily suspend my disbelief for, simply because the universe as we know it is so vast and uncharted. I know zilch about astrophysics and really zilch about most other physics in general. But nature is comprised of some pretty surprising things. I guess the adage of ‘we don’t know what we don’t know’ comes to mind. Either that or I’m just ignorant and easily convinced, haha
[deleted] t1_j8h3myk wrote
Absoniter t1_j8h4tjq wrote
So you didn't see any SpaceCash?
detroitdiesel t1_j8h71ug wrote
"Do you believe in the possibility of extra-terrestrial life, Agent Scully?"
adamhanson t1_j8hdscj wrote
WWI, WWII, plague of 1812, Cold War, nuclear threat, Vietnam, race riots/segregation, 1930’s stock market crash… we have always lives in interesting times.
AllerdingsUR t1_j8hmpat wrote
The Mayans were a large colonial empire of their own and didn't have anywhere near the gulf in understanding and technology as we do with uncontacted tribes, or that space faring aliens would with us.
[deleted] t1_j8hmtwd wrote
thebrinyocean t1_j8hnmld wrote
The only way to know if they were 1000% unmanned would be if they were made from transparent materials and even then we don’t know IF these are beings from another planet that: 1. Our eyes can see them 2. What they look like (as in they may not be bipedal or bigger than a sack of flour. 3. That pilots have undergone training to positively ID a non human pilot.
BrutalWarPig t1_j8hqspb wrote
Well there goes my Valentine’s Day plans!!! Thanks a-lot Biden!!
Lordoffunk t1_j8hv7e1 wrote
True, they were way further south.
mrg1957 t1_j8hvnub wrote
Those didn't happen in three years.
TheWiseScrotum t1_j8hzgs5 wrote
It’s hilarious to me that you are downvoted. An alien could come literally slap these turds in the face and they’d probably call it a demon and start spouting biblical passages.
[deleted] t1_j8hzts7 wrote
[deleted] t1_j8hzzug wrote
[deleted] t1_j8i04ap wrote
terenn_nash t1_j8i322j wrote
when physicists push back against simulation theory using the notion that it would take a universe worth of energy to simulate a universe, they are assuming the same physics are at work in the real and the simulation.
when we make up a game world, it has its own rules and restrictions, some emulated from our world, some unique to the simulation.
There is nothing stopping our reality from being a simulation by beings operating under entirely different rules of physics and simulating something on the scale of the universe is their version of No Mans Sky - a procedurally generated universe defined by algorithms and not hand crafted.
and within no mans sky, players have recreated basic games. give them more tools and they can create more complex games within the game - simulations within the simulation.
mymar101 t1_j8i71dw wrote
It might be aliens and that’s not even the news story. What time line am I in?
[deleted] t1_j8i82vk wrote
But why would they keep it such a big secret? I think most people generally accept that aliens with interstellar travel capabilities are something that is possible. Most people wouldn’t be/weren’t surprised when the government said “yeah, there are some objects flying around we can’t identify why, weird, huh?”
Even if the government verified that beyond a shadow of a doubt these objects were extraterrestrial in origin, I doubt there would be any big upheaval. Most people would believe it, some would think the government was lying, and after a week or two where it was all anyone talked about, life would go on like normal. Maybe with an uptick of interest in astronomy.
Why would every single government in the world agree to keep this knowledge secret? What is the benefit to them?
mg_ridgeview t1_j8i92k4 wrote
It's like we're in a real life version of X-Com.
mg_ridgeview t1_j8i97le wrote
I mean, if these are intelligent aliens, wouldn't it have been smart for them to announce their presence first?
mg_ridgeview t1_j8i9grc wrote
Hope I don't live in a terror site any time soon.
mg_ridgeview t1_j8i9jpy wrote
I was thinking the same thing. I never thought I would feel like a character in a really bizarre novel, but here we are.
[deleted] t1_j8idg8q wrote
FapMeNot_Alt t1_j8ijkac wrote
I've seen gasses combine to create solids, inedible clothing turned into juice and hard metal pulled from liquid medicine.
All of these are essentially magic to me, even after the time I've put into learning chemistry and understanding the changes occurring. If inter-dimensional travel was announced tomorrow I would be fascinated, but there's no reason to think it's impossible. We just haven't figured out how to do it yet.
ParisGreenGretsch t1_j8ijw88 wrote
Every time I see an article about the train wreck posted to Reddit I see people in that very comment section claiming that they can't seem to find any news about it.
[deleted] t1_j8ik4d8 wrote
[deleted] t1_j8ik75i wrote
tdoottdoot t1_j8il825 wrote
so there’s this thing called a drone—
[deleted] t1_j8imt13 wrote
asdaaaaaaaa t1_j8ingbd wrote
Honestly I'm starting to wonder if that's the whole idea. Spam every thread with false claims about it being "suppressed" until people just don't care/want to hear about it anymore. I can see companies being dumb/crazy enough to try something like that, especially with how cheap and prevelent astroturfing/botting on places like reddit is now. Crazy, but unless this is a dumb meme, I see no other reason why people think "nobody is reporting".
I will say, this is the first time in awhile there's been a major, active war going on and not a lot of people are old enough to remember how news shifted the last time that happened. A lot of people aren't used to how much the news will focus on a war, even if other interesting things are going on.
[deleted] t1_j8io09e wrote
onarainyafternoon t1_j8iqsu0 wrote
I don't think people have forgotten, it's just that so many people just assume it was a camera malfunction or something like that (talking specifically about the tic-tac footage). They don't believe it was extra-terrestrial. My opinion? All of the people saying it's a camera malfunction or parallax effect are completely missing the fact that we have actual eye-witnesses to these phenomena from the Navy pilots. I don't necessarily believe it's aliens or something like that, but I'm also open to explanations that don't involve some confluence of unlikely events involving camera malfunctions and the like.
[deleted] t1_j8isd8q wrote
[deleted] t1_j8itl3m wrote
[deleted] t1_j8ivd3s wrote
MillyBDilly t1_j8iz4u1 wrote
It's not aliens.
But let's say it was. Any speci that has interstellar travel would understand another spicie would need to defend itself.
MillyBDilly t1_j8iz8ze wrote
I like that in your scenario the interstellar traveling people are morons.
MillyBDilly t1_j8izivj wrote
The possibilities are only endless if the interstellar traveling people are absolute morons.
[deleted] t1_j8izsyp wrote
vibrance9460 t1_j8j1uxb wrote
Major studies in the past have shown society would completely lose it if aliens just showed up on earth. I think there has already been a long steady slow disclosure so that even now people are far more accustomed to the idea.
Imagine Billy Bob in Arkansas, with his shotgun and his family behind him, meeting a strange alien. How would that go? People can’t even handle immigrants from other states. I know that as a Californian I am, right now, almost universally despised in Arkansas. And I am a good American.
Imagine if we suddenly had cold fusion or anti-gravity propulsion, maybe through reverse engineering. Totally free energy.
Imagine what that would do to the oil industry, upon which the world’s economy is based. Like suddenly we didn’t need it anymore.
Again, massive societal collapse.
ZedCee t1_j8j3x51 wrote
Who says an interstellar alien will think remotely like us?
An intelligent species, favoring a lack of empathy and unsympathetic precision, becomes fiercely capitalistic. After plundering, polluting, and exploiting every edge of their world, they begin to branch out like a disease. Corporations staking claim to gas clouds and satellites to pillage. This goes on for eras, possibly constant strife and war leads to a levels of desensitization, or emotion becomes a designated thought crime. Seeing lower life as inferior and creating internment camps for local intellectual life, the civilization continues to expand unhindered raping exoplanets for all their worth, collapsing one habitable system after another.
[deleted] t1_j8j8nn6 wrote
TheUltimateDoobis t1_j8jbab6 wrote
"It's definitely not aliens. But we are setting up an alien task force for unrelated reasons."
Thought_Ladder t1_j8jhw5p wrote
Come on space force, you got this
Thought_Ladder t1_j8jhwq0 wrote
Come on space force, you got this
Thought_Ladder t1_j8jhxf9 wrote
Come on space force, you got this
[deleted] t1_j8jmu37 wrote
[deleted] t1_j8k19dg wrote
[deleted] t1_j8k1l36 wrote
Joelico t1_j8k8a7j wrote
We have satellite imagery, radars, sensors, video from the jet, GPS data, helicopters, etc. We better recover the objects
fleamarketenthusiest t1_j8k9vv8 wrote
>The Pentagon has said the objects have been unmanned, and they cannot yet explain how the objects are powered, contributing to the mystery of the airborne object
Keywords being- "pentagon has said"
Of course they arent gonna show us the crazy ass antigravity technology, they seem pretty upset anyone else has it.
usetehfurce t1_j8kc4to wrote
So it was a ruse for more money?
ChangingShips t1_j8kc8ig wrote
Lots of circle jerking, but yes, amazingly, tax dollars are actually going towards this.
[deleted] t1_j8koe84 wrote
Fastfingers_McGee t1_j8ksbhh wrote
Mid pandemic so we were all too busy to see it?
[deleted] t1_j8m3oh1 wrote
InternetPeon t1_j8flg9p wrote
Better late than never?