Submitted by positive_X t3_zs5ruu in nottheonion
Chariots487 t1_j16fa5o wrote
Why is there an active subreddit dedicated to an election that ended four years ago?
newsman0719 t1_j16hwuc wrote
What ever happened to the Republican Party that was opposed to excessive government intervention in people’s lives?
HDC3 t1_j16i281 wrote
HDC3 t1_j16i3jt wrote
It turned fascist.
H-Barbara t1_j16jrm4 wrote
That subreddit tells users to move over to the new one. r/VoteDem
Chard069 t1_j16l6do wrote
'Liberal' means 'freed'. The opposite of 'liberal' is not 'conservative' but 'enslaved'. Captured slave-minds can be fed all sorts of sh!te, and swallow it entirely. Then there's a truism: The conservative refuses to acknowledge a New Moon out of respect for that venerable institution, the Old Moon. ;)
gonzo2thumbs t1_j16ntu6 wrote
That's an interesting article. Louisiana is doing the people wrong. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer. Folks should start getting involved in politics and start taking things seriously. This new law will also prevent big corporations from liability to protect people where insurance is concerned. Yikes. Louisiana conservatives do not love their fellow citizens.
Yetiglanchi t1_j16ouql wrote
They were liars all along, shockingly.
Humble-Dragonfly-321 t1_j16qsd5 wrote
Yet they still are voted in.
Skripka t1_j16saa7 wrote
Turned? It has been a "Freedom!.... Wait! No not like that!" Party since the Nixon days
halfar t1_j16szjc wrote
It never existed.
HDC3 t1_j16ucwn wrote
They went all in.
BaconIsAVeg2 t1_j16xm5z wrote
Look at where the link is cross posted from.
kosk11348 t1_j172qb5 wrote
Turns out they lied.
gonzo2thumbs t1_j173uae wrote
We have to fight the propaganda. Maybe the rest of us aren't doing enough because we're all being taken advantage of. ☹️
Humble-Dragonfly-321 t1_j173z6c wrote
Fair point.
GabeTheJerk t1_j174986 wrote
What ever happened to the democrats that hung black people like balloons simply for looking at them and that fought back against the union?
Oh right.
Gloomy-Ad1171 t1_j1767t9 wrote
hansolemio t1_j177s7k wrote
They have always wanted complete iron-gripped control over every aspect of all of our lives. They just lie and say they believe in freedom for the same reasons the Nazis said they were socialists
hansolemio t1_j177v0a wrote
They’ve been the party of criminal fascism since the 70’s
FawksyBoxes t1_j177yhz wrote
They switched to the Republican party after the Civil rights act was signed
JimC29 t1_j178k74 wrote
They became Republicans starting with Nixon southern strategy. Do you know anything about American politics.
mojavekoyote t1_j17c2wx wrote
All you have is New Orleans, Louisiana. Enjoy being a true shithole state in 10 years with legislation like this.
BabserellaWT t1_j17cric wrote
Huh! That sure does sound anti-capitalist of them!
ICLazeru t1_j17ecyi wrote
Louisiana conservatives consider banning thoughts.
Wiley_Applebottom t1_j17g412 wrote
Hanging like a balloon is a weird metaphor.
Darkality24 t1_j17hbgu wrote
But a pretty metal mental image.
[deleted] t1_j17hl75 wrote
excalibrax t1_j17lv2d wrote
Look back at Mcarthyism, Its been part of the conservative DNA For a LONG time.
ramriot t1_j17m3kt wrote
That change the day they decide that the constitution was merely optional & not something they needed to take account of before drafting legislation.
Makes me wonder if like with a public business one can sue those making the decisions for fiscal irresponsibility.
LVAUGHNZ t1_j17nw54 wrote
he didn't specify when it turned
Snakestream t1_j17nztc wrote
Without double standards, Republicans would have no standards at all.
LeapIntoInaction t1_j17oqgd wrote
Oh, those darned liberals! What will they think of next? Desegregation? Women allowed to vote? Why, there ought to be a law!
Main_Dirt_7302 t1_j17ozdx wrote
I still don't get this at all. They ultimately work towards Taliban/Handmaid's Tale society yet use the symbolism and rhetoric of "freedom" in the process. It's not a mass conspiracy & there's no central command center but I'm perplexed by how their belief system works.
LurkinLivy t1_j17r8bo wrote
Taking the liberal out of economic liberalism
Doublethink101 t1_j17rk0r wrote
Hating brown people and the gays is a hell of a drug.
amador9 t1_j17spxi wrote
ESG has become the latest bugaboo of the Batshit Right. A few corporations have figured out that some folks; ie Blue State Liberal types, are more inclined to do business with them if they market themselves as environmentally conscious. If a company invests some money in alternative energy, it’s not a bad thing even if it isn’t that big a deal. Well, out in Conservo-land, it is a bad thing; a real Bad Thing. In certain circles, Big Corporations that provide spouses benefits for same sex couple, include abortion and birth control in their Insurance coverage, and now support alternative energy are Bad. Obviously, if they pander to the dreaded Liberals, they don’t respect us. Actually, unlike garden variety Republicans, populist types seem to really hate Big Corporations.
While this seems crazy, a lot of politicians have picked up on it. De Santini has declared himself “enemy of woke businesses”. Now the folks of Louisiana are doing him one better.
21_MushroomCupcakes t1_j17xc46 wrote
The freedom to do what we tell you, no more, no less.
21_MushroomCupcakes t1_j17xewk wrote
Down here, they all float.
21_MushroomCupcakes t1_j17xl3s wrote
I'm assuming (hoping) they were being facetious.
But I've been mistaken before.
creperobot t1_j17xqn2 wrote
Land of the free!
Time_Punk t1_j184hvd wrote
And before McCarthy was W.R. Hearst.
DeweyLoranjorp t1_j1850dq wrote
We don't actually believe in this. Just giving you losers a taste of your own medicine. Sucks when the government tells you how to live your life, huh?
[deleted] t1_j187l2t wrote
neilligan t1_j187mt8 wrote
Yeah, lock businesses out of your state, and fuck up your own economy. That'll show em!
You realize no-one cares and we're laughing at you right?
StarMangledSpanner t1_j187q7g wrote
They simply want the freedom to tell other people what to do while simultaneously believing that nobody can tell them what to do.
Papergrin t1_j187vuz wrote
If your political ideology isn't about coming up with solutions, but about smugly "owning" the other side, it's not worth it. Maybe you're the real loser.
DifficultyWithMyLife t1_j1886e4 wrote
It's basically ignoring the meanings of words so they can control discourse, and thus people's very thoughts.
"War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength."
― George Orwell, 1984
The scary part is, it works. We really are nothing more than dumb animals that learned how to talk and build things.
BecauseItWasThere t1_j1887am wrote
If successful they will just make Louisiana uninvestable
thaisofalexandria t1_j1895px wrote
The socio-psychological explanations being put forward for this are quite beside the point. The simple fact is conservatives recognise the danger to capital (production for profit) of the admission of any 'ethical' principle, which is to say (equivalently) any principle that considers the common (rather than private good) or admits consideration of any criterion other than the maximisation of profit. And they are absolutely right to recognise this.
bigbangbilly t1_j189sob wrote
Lack of excess doesn't mean no intervention at all. Minimal and moral intervention is necessary for a society at least /s
But seriously, the "moral" meddling is basically unnecessary and actually harmful while regulatory intervention is actually necessary for safety (especially when self-regulation due to the financial incentived against self-regulation)
Swampwolf42 t1_j18axji wrote
No, no, no…they never wanted that. They were, are, and always have been opposed to excessive government intervention in their lives. Other peoples’ lives? That’s just fine.
mymar101 t1_j18b85q wrote
That’s pretty vague
Main_Dirt_7302 t1_j18bbei wrote
Exactly! Nicely said. I just think it's so strange that some groups involved in political movements can take their greatest weakness and then simply claim it to be one of their assets.
Pairing traditional values with freedom is like trying to blend oil and water
FlyingDarkKC t1_j18cniv wrote
What. The. Fuck?.
louise_mcsass t1_j18df5z wrote
Ah, yes, oppress political opponents. How very democratic. /s
BoredSlightlyAroused t1_j18e0ci wrote
What specific laws are you mentioning where liberals used the government to control people's lives?
Tapingdrywallsucks t1_j18ebc9 wrote
A ban. A ban on someone else's opinion. That's awesome.
This country is so fucked up. It boggles the mind that there's still anyone trying to immigrate here.
Qzack t1_j18eork wrote
The majority are just willfully ignorant. The rest are finding ways to leave.
discogeek t1_j18fg1f wrote
>The study group held its first meeting last week, during which chairman Rep. Larry Frieman, R-Abita Springs, said its goals are to understand what ESG is and “hopefully eliminate its use in our state of Louisiana in all of our sectors and industries.”
Already decided to cancel-culture eliminate it, even though he admits he doesn't understand it. Sounds like solid conservative policy there.
The_Hemp_Cat t1_j18hhis wrote
To ban liberalism is to ban freedom and American Patriotism.
unitool t1_j18jay4 wrote
“How can we make our state even more of a garbage pile?”
elpajaroquemamais t1_j18jkm7 wrote
It’s called being double faced and it works.
potential_human0 t1_j18jnxm wrote
Conservatism is always a slide toward authoritarianism
captain_redballs t1_j18jpxg wrote
Free market something something
OrangeJr36 t1_j18jrtm wrote
Except the reasons for embracing ESG is because companies have determined that it increases their productivity, worker retention, opportunities for growth and with it profitability.
potential_human0 t1_j18k1mv wrote
Because conservatives have been very successful at implementing laws and policies that specifically target people who are more likely to not vote conservative, to get them not to vote or make their vote inconsequential.
SweatyTax4669 t1_j18lp4l wrote
>The study group held its first meeting last week, during which chairman Rep. Larry Frieman, R-Abita Springs, said its goals are to understand what ESG is and “hopefully eliminate its use in our state of Louisiana in all of our sectors and industries.”
"We don't know what it is, but by god we know it needs to be eliminated".
Lower-Cantaloupe3274 t1_j18mfa9 wrote
Oh my! Electric cars and solar energy! What on earth is this world coming to! THEY ARE THREATENING OUR CONSERVATIVE IDEALS (of ruining the planet and fostering unethical business practices?)
It is not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory.
Lower-Cantaloupe3274 t1_j18nabf wrote
Well, that only applies in circumstances that are convenient to them. The purpose of the government is to support their beliefs and squash anything and anyone that causes open dialog.
At least that's how it looks to me.
IUsedTheRandomizer t1_j18nm0q wrote
It's already a shithole. There's no money anywhere, New Orleans pays double or triple the taxes of other parishes because the state can't afford anything otherwise. New Orleans itself is 1/3 apathetic voters or generational residents who are too exhausted by bullshit, 1/3 transplants who barely know anything about the grift-based politics anyway, and 1/3 empty houses owned by out of state assholes trying to make money off unregulated airbnbs. Nothing gets better because not enough people care; most of the rest of Louisiana just cares about hating abortion and never having to see a dime go to schools. I mean honestly, the state's industries are tourism in one city, Tabasco, and LSU. That's pretty much it.
But as always, thank you Mississippi.
Lower-Cantaloupe3274 t1_j18nz41 wrote
I was raised in the belief system. As soon as you start to think critically and ask questions, it unravels alarmingly quickly. It all makes sense until you pull that one string. Then the avalanche of "well, if that's not true, what about..." and when you ask earnest questions to try to salvage any if it, you are labeled as "woke" and pretty much anything you say is immediately discredited.
DeweyLoranjorp t1_j18o19a wrote
Vaccination mandates, for starters.
DeweyLoranjorp t1_j18o5y8 wrote
Couldn't care less. Keep laughing.
Lower-Cantaloupe3274 t1_j18olf0 wrote
Sorry you have to live there and sit and watch this happen.
[deleted] t1_j18os7i wrote
ok-awesome t1_j18p6wv wrote
Born and bred Louisianian, when the previous Republican governor defunded the universities and hospitals to lower taxes that was the final straw for me.
PsionicBurst t1_j18q68m wrote
pililies t1_j18q6ye wrote
That's very free market economy of them.
BoredSlightlyAroused t1_j18qpm3 wrote
Could you provide more? Vaccination mandates have existed for a long time for both public education and many occupations. I think those mandates are bipartisan.
[deleted] t1_j18rczh wrote
DuckQueue t1_j18rgdy wrote
"Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect."
DasDunXel t1_j18sluq wrote
Blind loyalty is the Hallmark of Religion and Conservatives.
jtaustin64 t1_j18sxzn wrote
I think he is just playing dumb. Louisiana is home to a lot of oil and gas and chemical production. ESG will hurt the companies in Louisiana particularly due to the excess impact those operations have on minority communities. Going against ESG because of the "culture war" is likely just a cover to get rid of it to help their corporate donors.
phinbar t1_j18tqqt wrote
So free you can drown it on a bathtub!
pickleer t1_j18ud89 wrote
Cuz when your business model is responsible for the by state greatest rate of loss of land to sea level rise and subsidence, you double down!! It makes no sense to little people like you and me but to people with lots of money and investments and important shit, fuck little people like you and me!! Wouldn't it be neat if THEY drowned instead?
Padhome t1_j18v4we wrote
We literally have third world spots in this country.
Padhome t1_j18vsvj wrote
I really don't get it. Aren't they just digging their own graves at this point?
HobbitFoot t1_j18vuiv wrote
You might have had some natural libertarians, but a lot of people became Republican around the time that legislation was being enacted to get rid of racial segregation.
Alucard661 t1_j18w2la wrote
Ahh the party of free market.
murphdog100 t1_j18x1t1 wrote
“We need to understand what it is and then eliminate it “. Sounds like they already made up their minds to ban it with out knowing exactly what it is. Typical R.
garry4321 t1_j18yfj4 wrote
Its gov. intervention into THEIR lives AKA I can do what I want, and you cant.
ShadowDragon8685 t1_j191la0 wrote
Of course it is. I keep saying that the root of the evil of "conservative" politics is religion.
Someone who is raised, indoctrinated, groomed shall we say, from birth, to listen to what the loud man behind the pulpit says no matter what, to never question that loud, charismatic authority, even when they can see absolutely no evidence of the truthfulness of his words...
Well, a pulpit is basically a fancified podium, isn't it?
Main_Dirt_7302 t1_j193otu wrote
Yes. I'm just curious if there is more of a general process in psychology that accounts for this. Everyone knows (on a subconscious level) the major weaknesses of their theory/belief system. It seems like they charge forward with the freedom stuff because it makes them feel invincible and morally justified (if it were true).
Lower-Cantaloupe3274 t1_j196h5o wrote
Well I think confirmation bias is part of it. Also affinity bias. Spreading of alternatives. So is the need to belong to a group, which is stronger in some people than others.
I am not sure everyone knows the weaknesses if their belief system. If you come from an authoritarian background, you are taught from a young age not to question authority and are punished if you do.
I do think some people are highly aware and exploit people. Others may not understand the underlying mechanisms, but they can smell it a mile away and use it to their advantage.
rosssk8ing1 t1_j196o72 wrote
I thought conservatives were all about small government. Does the Republican party stand for anything anymore?
sudoku7 t1_j197jfp wrote
And then they are left to figure out why oil, gas, and chemical companies leave LA anyway as the water levels change how valuable LA's port is.
donkeylipsh t1_j198bqi wrote
>since the 70's 30's
Prescott Bush (H.W. Bush's dad and Republican US Senator from CT) attempted a fascist coup on FDR
donkeylipsh t1_j198ts2 wrote
>Rep. Larry Frieman, R-Abita Springs, said its goals are to understand what ESG is and “hopefully eliminate its use in our state of Louisiana in all of our sectors and industries.”
You know someone has a totally pure and just objection to something when they already assume the need to ban it before they even understand it.
losemyshis t1_j1991tu wrote
Just a hypothetical, if all the lgbt+ and dark skinned folk left conservative states who would the attack next?
ItsDominare t1_j199jcs wrote
Starting with the conclusion and working backwards from there is a classic conservative move. See e.g. "the election was stolen, now we just need to find the evidence".
trap_shut t1_j199xnf wrote
Women. They already have this lined up.
Hushnw52 t1_j19a3pv wrote
Based on what?
Hushnw52 t1_j19ac6x wrote
This isn’t nice or mature to call people.
“Taste of your own medicine”
What does this even mean?
I don’t think you understand what “liberals” mean by government.
nomokatsa t1_j19aeky wrote
Oh minorities don't actually need to be there to be a good target for hate...
In my country for example, the villages which have next to no immigrants vote most anti-immigrant, while the cities with immigrants actually see that they are not what the right paints them to be..
americansherlock201 t1_j19cbkh wrote
I love the part where they say the committee is focused on “understanding what ESG is and how to prevent it from being used in Louisiana”.
So in 1 sentence they said their goal is to ban something they don’t understand.
DeweyLoranjorp t1_j19cons wrote
It also isn't nice or mature to tear a President's State of the Union address in four, yet your party leader did just that to Trump. It isn't nice or mature to fire people from their jobs due to an ideological difference, yet I see it happen all the time - my mother's boss explicitly told her that bashing Trump is ok, but Biden is off limits or it's cause for termination. This is in the HEALTHCARE INDUSTRY. Liberals want accountability, but only for conservatives and it's insultingly obvious.
Jellote t1_j19fhfu wrote
Ben Shapiro has entered the chat
Hushnw52 t1_j19g5q3 wrote
When did I bring up “President’s State of the Union address”?
What do you man “your party leader”? When did I say or state my “political party”?
If people were fired for “ideological difference”, wouldn’t they just sue?
You have not given any context to the statement about your story about “bashing” Trump and Biden. Where is the evidence?
If it is “insulting obvious”, they show evidence:
sambull t1_j19hwdy wrote
they make the lines clear,
>The document, consisting of 14 sections divided into bullet points, had a section on "rules of war" that stated "make an offer of peace before declaring war", which within stated that the enemy must "surrender on terms" of no abortions, no same-sex marriage, no communism and "must obey Biblical law", then continued: "If they do not yield — kill all males".
Kaitensatsuma t1_j19i31f wrote
Conservatives just celebrated "Owning the Entitled $25/hour wanting Libs" because McDonalds unveiled their first fully automated store.
In Texas.
A Deeply Conservative State.
With a Minimum wage of 7.25
The party "Of the People" is ecstatic that the World's Largest International Fast Food Chain is going to stop hiring human employees at stores to reap as much profit as humanly possible and is starting in Texas. 😄
HI_Handbasket t1_j19if0g wrote
> goals are to understand what ESG is and hopefully eliminate its use
Is that one of the most conservative phrases ever? "We don't understand it, so it must be eliminated!" Anti-education and anti free market all bundled into one ignorant position.
HI_Handbasket t1_j19itfm wrote
Have you seen where Louisiana is ranked in just about every positive metric? Down near the bottom with Kentucky, Alabama and Mississippi. You have to be a stupid motherfucker to vote Republican these past 50 years or so, but there it is.
GoGreenD t1_j19leuc wrote
So much for the "free market"...
QuestionableAI t1_j19op3l wrote
dmat3889 t1_j19r0ji wrote
as long as the right people are being hurt the most, they dont care.
Padhome t1_j19r7b0 wrote
Fucking 1000% Death Cult
thaisofalexandria t1_j19ravu wrote
Capitalist enterprise could be managed by a board of Jesus, Buddha and Marcus Aurelius and it would still be exploitative: profit comes from labour and the maximisation of profit is the maximum exploitation of value from labour. As someone else points out, the apparent embrace of ESG is due to the perception that it 'increases productivity' (which it may, though only until the market forces prices down to increase market share). Marx didn't get everything right, but he got this right: capitalism is exploitative by nature. There is no 'ethical' capitalist enterprise. A business that put welfare, ethics, compassion, before proft can't succeed when the market as a whole is driven by the profit motive.
It might be nice to believe in a version of socialism that comes about because capital gains a conscience, but it's dangerous naivety. Socialism is the system that governs production according to human need, so that is what is worth fighting for.
maximusprime2328 t1_j19rp9j wrote
"free market"
DeweyLoranjorp t1_j19ru5e wrote
I brought up the SOTU as an example of your hypocrisy. You called me immature so gave you an example of how your own leader is.
Your political stance is obvious, so you never needed to state which party you belong to.
They ARE suing. In droves. Do you live under a rock or are you being intentionally dense?
As this incident happened behind closed doors, I have no evidence, so you can choose to not believe me. But I'm not making this up. Boss literally told her, in no uncertain terms, that she couldn't say anything negative about Biden or she'd be unemployed. To which she responded, "But Trump is fair game, right?" Boss replied "Correct."
Annnnnnddddd now we're done. I'm breaking my cardinal rule to never argue with a redditor. Can't fix stupid.
ph30nix01 t1_j19s7fo wrote
Only intervention that protected people from scams and con artists.
soysubstitute t1_j19sfw2 wrote
Third World Conservative America
Snowmoji t1_j19whz4 wrote
Perhaps the federal government should show support to them by refusing to give them hand outs, that comprise half of the states revenue (19B out of 38B of state budget). It's the conservative thing to do.
losemyshis t1_j19wnnk wrote
Damn he disappeared with 60 Ukrainian orphans? Wtf!!!
Im_a_seaturtle t1_j19yvmr wrote
They would still come after gays and browns. I’m from California, but currently live in Florida. :(. . People here that have literally never stepped foot in California, have soooooo much to say about Newsom, homelessness, regulations etc. Hatred and ignorance have no borders unfortunately.
celanthe t1_j1a2hyx wrote
Can't wait to get the heck out of this state. The GQP makes it easier every day to be sure we're making the right choice by moving as soon as we can.
Xaero_Hour t1_j1a2r26 wrote
IIRC, it was Arizona that passed a law by overriding a veto from the governor banning trans people in school sports. The state had 4 trans athletes. Four people. A whole-ass law. The presence of conservative hate-targets isn't even a secondary concern; they fear the very idea of non-cis/white/heterosexuals and will trade anything and everything to punish them for nothing.
Shadowkitty252 t1_j1a2t3g wrote
And once thats gone, it will be people who arent 'white enough' as the people who are used to define whiteness (the absence of visible race) have been removed.
The band will just get narrower and narrower, because it has to
MberrysDream t1_j1a3h5s wrote
PeeOnSocks t1_j1a5ajb wrote
Conservative are trying to create solutions to problems that don’t exist except in conservative fantasies. In doing so they are creating problems
adstaylor77 t1_j1a6bsv wrote
Always working on Jim Crow 2.0…
Salvia_McLovin t1_j1a6i7l wrote
American Right wingers truly are defined by being the most unaware partisan hacks in existence. ReEEeeEE mUh FrEEDumb But NoT FoR you!
Hushnw52 t1_j1a7pkl wrote
What “hypocrisy”?
“Your own leader”
Who said I had a “leader”?
Making wild assumptions and guessing about political stance doesn’t help you.
You have yet to show any evidence for your claims. If it easy then show it.
Why should I believe someone who has shone no evidence and makes wild assumptions?
When did you ever prove “stupid”?
Insults of others make you look bad.
Hushnw52 t1_j1a8857 wrote
If you don’t care than why respond?
Dolthra t1_j1a9lg4 wrote
isekai-cheeese t1_j1a9oht wrote
republican = moron
Big_Ole_Smoke t1_j1abbab wrote
They're all old enough to have one foot in the grave already. They don't care about long term consequences because they won't be alive to see them
Padhome t1_j1abmgu wrote
Then can we just kind of.. push em in already?
UncookedCapacity t1_j1adgc3 wrote
B-b-b-but Republicans aren't fascist
Cheesewhale189 t1_j1adovz wrote
"Party of small government "
memberflex t1_j1ahmz0 wrote
Wait until President Business hears about this
Jewboy-Deluxe t1_j1aiwrl wrote
Liberal businesses should move to Massachusetts!
PostNutMalone t1_j1ajq3n wrote
Being the shittiest state is not enough already?
Knight_Owls t1_j1ak9vh wrote
All they have to do is point their finger at a letter other than an R after the name of any political candidate.
"The _ want to destroy America!"
That's it. That's the whole excuse right there. It's just that everyone they point at now is easier to spot with the naked eye and so, easier to attack.
Knight_Owls t1_j1akkf9 wrote
It never is just "the right people" though. It always affects everyone below a certain financial threshold. It's so foolish.
kittenfordinner t1_j1ale08 wrote
your over thinking it. Remember when you were 7 or 8 years old? and you thought that you were right and everyone who thought you were wrong was an idiot? There is nothing more to understand, my buddy was bitching about the government making people do something or whatever, and I asked about how come they all were insisting on MAKING people swear to the flag, and say "under God" in school. He was like "I don't understand why anyone would not want to say the pledge of allegiance" It didn't compute, didn't matter. They want to win, they are right, you are wrong, the principles which they hold dear only apply, like the bible, if and when they want them to and how they want them too. Don't over think it, people, like animals, do what they do
boxsmith91 t1_j1amlz9 wrote
It's backfiring to some extent though. Most libertarians no longer align themselves with Republicans anymore, especially in light of roe v Wade.
Source: have libertarian friend. Maybe a few, though it's never been super clear with some of them.
And just to be clear, I think libertarianism is stupid for many reasons. We just don't talk politics much and that's how we get along.
dmat3889 t1_j1an5hq wrote
Thats the point, while the "right" people are assumed to usually be minorities, its really just the poor.
GringosTaqueria t1_j1and13 wrote
Can we all agree, finally, that it’s to hit the reset button on that quarter of the continental US? Turn that ugly hellscape into a giant parking lot.
jefuchs t1_j1aohjr wrote
>Louisiana conservatives do not love their fellow citizens.
Knight_Owls t1_j1aolp8 wrote
Yup, I was agreeing with you. I think my use of the word "though" was a misuse on my part to make it look like I had contention. Sorry about that.
jefuchs t1_j1aorr4 wrote
How would this be worded? Are they against all future ventures that might be defined as liberal, or are they targeting specific initiatives that are in the works?
Kendog75 t1_j1arcpq wrote
I discriminate against republicans before I take them on as clients. I research their leanings on social media, and take them on, or not. Fuck it, I’m not dealing with these assholes anymore.
melody_elf t1_j1at5iv wrote
Free speech and capitalism
WTF_is_this___ t1_j1atwxa wrote
When a republican politician says something you can safely assume the opposite is true.
Thazber t1_j1b1lxf wrote
Desantis is promoting this too. Pathetic and disgraceful... and talk about government over reach, my god.
Main_Dirt_7302 t1_j1br6px wrote
Thanks yeah... That makes sense. What do you think the equivalent of this is on the more liberal side of the political spectrum? Like something where there's a massive level of bs but the group writ large is totally ambivalent to it???
Main_Dirt_7302 t1_j1bros3 wrote
Yeah that makes sense. Reconciling the following is likely to just piss them off::: wanting laws that result in throwing a women in jail for having an abortion after being raped by her father VS protesting laws for the right to go have lunch at Olive Garden (a private company) during the height of the pandemic without proof of vaccination...(my body my choice)
kittenfordinner t1_j1c03dy wrote
I'm sure their are lots of things , probably some of the more dumbass woke people, like the people who think sayings like "the pot calling the kettle black" is racist. There is no apples to apples comparison though. Because the crazies don't make it all the way to the too. Right now being a nut job is requisite to gathering favor among the right wingers. So it's really a totally different environment that we all are living in
FlattenInnerTube t1_j1dmwu3 wrote
Boot and bible licking.
FlattenInnerTube t1_j1dncat wrote
Conservatives are literally afraid of everything that doesn't look exactly like them. Everything.
bernmont2016 t1_j1e0gs3 wrote
They're trying to ban "ESG". Just like "CRT" bans, there will be collateral damage.,_social,_and_corporate_governance
Inconceivable-2020 t1_j1efifr wrote
Seems like something that SCOTUS would be fine with.
cmmosher t1_j1kmuh2 wrote
During the civil rights movement there was a flip between the parties.
hisroyalnastiness t1_j1xcu32 wrote
Government should stay out of business and let them operate
namedjughead t1_j16cii5 wrote
To cut off one's nose to spite one's face