Submitted by nickgarber t3_11b0f2u in nyc
ECK-2188 t1_j9vkp7e wrote
James Dolan better not get A SINGLE CENT of taxpayer subsidized funds to build the new stadium.
Fucking douche can suck a big fat shlong.
wrongwaycorrigan t1_j9w3bmu wrote
Is that the 5th move ? I lost track.
sirzoop t1_j9wab8u wrote
Thank god. Bring back the old penn station
switch8000 t1_j9wf5j7 wrote
Aren’t there buildings on all the ‘across the streets’ lol
anObscurity t1_j9wjjsy wrote
Yeah but the blocks they are talking about, which is most likely 32nd-34th street between 6th and 7th Ave, is quite underbuilt and there are only a handful of one story retail there on the 34th street side and theres a hotel on the 32nd street side that is getting demolished. I think it's a great idea and would reopen Penn Station to return to it's former glory
trainmaster611 t1_j9wl2vz wrote
Article text please?
AmericanCreamer t1_j9x1dxd wrote
Even if it frees penn station???
Lonewolf5333 t1_j9x25hx wrote
Oh no not Sbarros…
degen-69 t1_j9x2id2 wrote
Mayor Adams will be sure to hook it up for Lifetime VIP access.
Sinners-prayer t1_j9xhflg wrote
Yeah I have to agree. The current MSG is an eyesore, and everything around it feels like a mishmash of different eras. Btw, I thought Pennsylvania hotel was going to be replaced by a building called PEN15? Hopefully they aren’t going forward with that and build MSG there lol
[deleted] t1_j9xktsp wrote
anObscurity t1_j9y112l wrote
I heard the whole “Penn District” complex including “PEN15” (lmao) is on hold
RunRockBeanShred t1_j9ygbls wrote
Isn’t it a lease. I don’t get shit for leaving my apartment when the lease ends.
Mcfinley t1_j9yig6g wrote
Yeah, Vornado said as much on their most recent earnings call. I think they're still going forward with renovations at One and Two Penn Plaza. Pretty sure they'll continue demolition at Hotel Pennsylvania too
Rib-I t1_j9yjwvz wrote
That area is also randomly sketch. Moving MSG there might make it a bit less icky.
mowotlarx t1_j9yluji wrote
Isn't it insane we let privately owned arenas and massive event spaces move anywhere they want in New York City almost entirely public-funded at nearly tax-free forever?? We expect more financial fealty for poor and middle class New Yorkers than from people who have more personal wealth than they could ever spend in a lifetime.
mowotlarx t1_j9ymejj wrote
Maybe they'll scale back all the office space they planned, but I doubt it. Look forward to.them going ahead and building a bunch of office buildings that will be almost entirely empty and rat infested in the first years they open.
Silo-Joe t1_j9yrx96 wrote
Swagger Section seats
Even_Acadia3085 t1_j9zfayp wrote
I think best location would be on top of remaining unbuilt Hudson Yards land but that's probably not where it will go. There are plenty of 'dead buildings' in the area where a relocated MSG would add value. Commercial real estate doesn't have the brightest future to say the least at the moment. I bet a lot of distressed sellers will make it possible to relocate soon.
thatgirlinny t1_j9zfmw2 wrote
Try puting that in an NYS license plate!
NCreature t1_j9zgy4o wrote
I agree. But even moving MSG across the street would be a HUGE win for the city. Finally get to handle that mess that is Penn Station properly.
ketzal7 t1_j9zqsu5 wrote
Everyone defending Dolan should be forced to go to a JD and the Straight Shot concert
LongIsland1995 t1_j9ztr11 wrote
"Mish mash of different eras"
What is wrong with that exactly?
LongIsland1995 t1_j9ztvp5 wrote
I still don't understand why it needs to be moved. Moving MSG won't help Penn Station
LongIsland1995 t1_j9zu5p3 wrote
"Return to its former glory"
It's a train station, it just needs to be functional
Sinners-prayer t1_j9zyhq8 wrote
Nothing is wrong with that but it just isn’t working there, and I don’t necessarily mean architecturally. Historically, that area has always kind of struggled to find an identity, and clearly still is. But that said, they’ve done a fantastic job restoring where Moynihan station is and hopefully they continue in that direction, instead of just building more… office buildings.
The problem with that area is that after people are done commuting in and out of work it turns into an actual unsafe and bad place to be.
adam21212 t1_ja0ieeh wrote
112-411 t1_ja17gxi wrote
Let’s not forget that MSG does not pay property tax—and has not since the early 80s, iirc.
112-411 t1_ja187sf wrote
It most certainly would help, by allowing that present shithole to be completely rebuilt in a proper fashion. And demolishing 2 Penn Plaza would help even more.
LongIsland1995 t1_ja1933x wrote
Penn Station is already renovated though
112-411 t1_ja1fevl wrote
PiscesKing80 t1_ja1xl9a wrote
He spent a billion dollars of his daddy's money to fund the last renovation almost a decade ago, and that was still knowing that they would have to relocate anyway. Just laughable, honestly.
Pool_Shark t1_ja3dr5z wrote
It’s tradition. MSG has moved 4 other times
poopmast t1_ja3h4ci wrote
I would definitely wear a Knicks X PEN15 Garden shirt.
LongIsland1995 t1_ja3ul1h wrote
I just don't see how anyone's quality of life will improve by it being moved
damnatio_memoriae t1_ja6tkv3 wrote
i'm all for restoring penn to its former glory, but i kinda thought the extent to which that was ever realistically gonna happen was moynihan hall. plus... what's the point of moynihan hall, if penn is rebuilt in place of msg? i mean i'm all for more space, don't get me wrong, but msg + moynihan is a 4 block footprint. even for penn that seems like overkill, or at least, it seems like something the city wouldn't do. the biggest problem with penn is it's a fucking maze of mishmashed hallways, tunnels, and disparate waiting areas. if it were open and spacious like the original, moynihan would seem kind of redundant.
but now that i think about it, if they're gonna rebuild MSG between 6th and 7th, is there any opportunity to lean even further into it and expand access to the platforms all the way over to 6th ave where they could connect penn to NQRW/BDFM and PATH trains? that might actually be a really cool opportunity to really improve things -- or fuck midtown up even more spectacularly, lol.
damnatio_memoriae t1_ja6toik wrote
i kind of disagree. that line of thinking is how we got the shithole that is penn station today. if you aim for "just functional," you'll almost certainly end up with "less than functional."
vanshnookenraggen t1_ja7lg89 wrote
Would be the 5th iteration, but technically 4th move cuz the first two were in the same place.
WasherDrye t1_j9vdtlp wrote
Ya and James Dolans punk ass can pay for it