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queensnyatty t1_je2cyx9 wrote

This is what happens when you elect pro crime politicians.


pythonQu t1_je2dlvm wrote

And.....this is reason 854 why I'm glad not to be taking the train.


TheNormalAlternative t1_je2eibi wrote

Did you try simply moving to the next car?

Edit: responding to u/ShadownetZero who responded and immediately blocked me like a child

Moving to the next car is literally the most useful thing you can do for yourself. You don't have to interact with the smoker, and therefore avoid getting into a physical altercation. You also remove yourself from an unhealthy and uncomfortable environment.


theofficialreality t1_je2ey5b wrote

Maybe I misread this somewhere but if someone is smoking fentanyl, you are too.


boimilk t1_je2fegn wrote

I ask people politely if they would mind putting out their cigarettes - I know there's a slight chance I could get stabbed but just asking nicely shouldn't be enough to tip the scales (or I hope so). It's worked out every time so far...


kiratnyc t1_je2ff0x wrote

More than once I’ve seen people smoking crack on the train.


k1lk1 t1_je2fx90 wrote

Actually various depts of public health (not sure about NY) have said that 2nd hand fentanyl smoke poses no risks. Which is pretty weird given how second hand cigarette smoke is literally instadeath poison. But hey fenty addicts are a protected class now so I get it.


jae343 t1_je2fxco wrote

Most people that smoke on the train are doing joints or vaping, haven't experienced a cig smoker.


Treehaus_user t1_je2fxrx wrote

The MTA are not law enforcement. You report crimes to law enforcement. Sadly LE is non existent. But don't blame the MTA. The NYPD transit division - yes blame them. If someone walked into your office and was smiking are your going to arrest them? Oh becuase you would call security, who would call the NYPD. Think things through smooth brain.


Particular-Wedding t1_je2ghx3 wrote

The MTA employee who told you no doesn't seem to understand that THEY too will be inhaling that smoke b/c it is all recycled air. There are a lot of junkies on the trains who will smoke far more than weed - I have seen people light up crude pipes made out of a bic pen. It smells like a combination of burning plastic and a strong industrial chemical odor. My guess is that is not weed but something far harsher like meth or fentanyl.

Edit - in fact, the MTA employees will actually be in a far worse position than the commuters long term b/c we at least have a destination to get off while they are inside the same train for hours at a time while the recycled air from different passengers is turned over and over again.


thisisntmineIfoundit t1_je2gi3k wrote

This is one of those issues where I say we all band together and go full Karen as a community. It is so against the norms we've all agreed upon to live in this crowded city together we just cannot keep sliding downwards like this. I've been here 11 years and 100% of the "smoking a cig or other substance in a train car" incidents I've witnessed have all occurred within the last year and a half or so.

Say something in person if you deem it safe to do so (big judgement call here, do your best) or alert the conductor.


knockatize t1_je2gslt wrote

MTA unions have to get on this, on behalf of their own members. The unions can get up in the face of the suits and politicos and ask why they have chosen to tolerate this.


jae343 t1_je2guea wrote

if they aren't hotboxing the place and lighting it up right next to me, im fine with it. Certainly is rude af but at that rate just get off because popo ain't there to deal with it


ryesan58 t1_je2hesh wrote

They have to focus on the people jumping fair .. who cares if someone smokes sleeps are robs in the train.


jjd13001 t1_je2hjwx wrote

I mean if someone does not give a fuck enough to openly smoke on the train then good luck dealing with them, I have a feeling if you confront them you’ll end up with a black eye or worse


randomturtle333 t1_je2i0j3 wrote

bigger fish to fry. either grow a pair and ask them to stop or move train cars it’s pretty simple


ShadownetZero t1_je2ifmv wrote

We need a way to report this via text/app in a way that gets a cop to come check at a later stop.


Grass8989 t1_je2isdx wrote

I wonder what would happen if you smoked on the train in Singapore?


FoxInternational9322 t1_je2iu05 wrote

We’ve been livin in the wild west for a couple years now i doubt the police even care — mta cops maybe


ThePinga t1_je2ivqt wrote

Conductors gotta keep the train moving I don’t blame them tbh


lucyisnotcool t1_je2jbl6 wrote

I got on a 6 train last week, last car. Some asshole was sitting up one end smoking, the car reeked. So I "simply moved to the next car", as you so helpfully suggest. Whereupon I discovered another asshole, in that car, also smoking. And then again! Three fucking cars in a row, all with a dude smoking and stinking up the place. It's absolutely ridiculous.


Megaloptetron t1_je2jji1 wrote

I saw a guy huffing duster on the train, he comes into the car, sits down and you just hear the can going, he's got it right up on his face. I prefer that to the smoking.


YoCreoPollo t1_je2jnkp wrote

It's not THAT simple.

Asking these lunatics to stop is rising escalation. Most decent individuals know better than to light up a joint in a closed public space. I like the ppl who have the decency to go between train cars.

Moving to another car is a better choice, imo but you risk losing a seat and comfort of an emptier train. There have been many times when I moved to get away from Marijuana or loud music and end up having to stand for my trip instead. Sometimes, I'd have to suck it up and deal with the smoke if I had a ton of bags from grocery song and a decent seat.

All crime on the subway system needs to be dealt with if they really want decent, fare-paying people to ride the subway. The ones with a choice, at least. I used to love taking the subway til about 2018. Luckily, I don't depend on it.


hulks_brother t1_je2k9fp wrote

I grew up when smoking was allowed everywhere. As a result, I am able to handle smoke just about anywhere. Try sitting in a car with three adults smoking with the windows up.


Loubsandboobs t1_je2kndh wrote

I’m pregnant and its infuriating having people smoke next to me on the train


froggythefish t1_je2ll4b wrote

There should be a smoking car on every train. It would not only save people from dealing with smokers in other cars, but would also provide addicts a cheap and safer way to get their drugs. You enter the car and the oxygen itself is replaced with nicotine, tobacco, cannabis, crack cocaine, etc.


wakeuPKin t1_je2m956 wrote

This post right here... I've been looking for someone to say something about this cos I thought no way am i the only one who gets irritated by this behaviour. I myself hav happened to ask that a smoker stop from the act or ended up swapping cars. I had a conversation about this with a girl I dated and she was like it's pretty unsafe to ask they put out the blunt rather than switching cars. An unbelievable situation I had been through was when some guy at the far end was blowing blunt and I happened to stand by the door, initially wondering why the stench was so strong then figured it was coming from him. I had started at him for a hot 10sec with the intent of asking he put out the blunt, then changed my mind and said fuck it, the city itself don't give a fuck when the made it legal so who am i? But to my suprise, this guy called on me and would apologize while putting out the blunt. It was unexpected. But I happened to thank him for understanding. Hoping he realise it's wrong and wont keep on with it.


BasedAlliance935 t1_je2mbh5 wrote

I was once on a wakefield bound 2 train and as i was walking through the train i saw someone openly with pot


[deleted] t1_je2na5c wrote

It's weird, I have seen it twice in 2 days: yesterday and today.

What's up with that?

Is this a new trend?


jae343 t1_je2nemm wrote

The HVAC of the train car has constant air changes, more frequent after COVID so technically not. Now if the HVAC was broken especially in the summer okay, then we have problem.


poopmast t1_je2o5or wrote

I've been seeing people smoking stinky cigars on the trains and platforms.


bakingwhilebaking t1_je2oiia wrote

I now live in Denver and here people chong out the cars with fentanyl/meth smoke…. I miss the MTA :(


Sapphire_Bombay t1_je2onrf wrote

The normal human side of me agrees with you 100%. And the New Yorker side of me is like hey at least it's not crack.


Disused_Yeti t1_je2oqur wrote

But cigarette smoke is tar and other chemicals as opposed to the nicotine that is what you’re smoking them for

Fentanyl smoke may not have the active chemical that fucks you up in the short term but it still probably has things that’ll give you cancer if you live that long to develop it


Topher1999 OP t1_je2os79 wrote

Man, no funny shit. A friend of mine is vacationing in Portland and she is stunned by the amount of homeless encampments on the streets and the needles everywhere. At least encampments aren't that big of an issue in NYC compared to most cities, since the subway basically acts as an encampment. Which is depressing to say, but our homeless situation actually is not that bad compared to the average city, especially considering our population.


Jets1026 t1_je2p4ce wrote

conductors don't get paid to deal with that and they're not trying to get assaulted. It's the cops job


theverybestintown t1_je2q3ft wrote

Good, keep it coming. Hopefully it drives down prices, I'm trying to buy an apartment soon.


bakingwhilebaking t1_je2q7kt wrote

It’s so bad here. I want to be compassionate and I don’t give a shit if someone smells bad or takes up a bunch of space with all their stuff, but the open drug use really pisses me off. I swear I’ve gotten secondhand high several times and the people even freebase with kids on the train. There is no fare* enforcement in Denver though and I think that’s a huge reason for it. I had to stop riding the train cos I’m pregnant and the junkies started recognizing me at my workplace(I scream at them every time)


iStealyournewspapers t1_je2tsz6 wrote

It’s more just like it’s obvious you’re going through life thoughtlessly misusing the phrase, as so many people do, and maybe from this point on you’ll actually register what the correct use of the phrase is communicating 🤓


blazintrailz7 t1_je2tyzb wrote

I mean I getcha but I doubt you’re having this energy with people hitting e-cigs on the train. Don’t try to say it’s vapor either lol. Unless you’re complaining about every young person ripping E-Cigs on the train, you shouldn’t be complaining about this. Vapor literally irritates my throat more then weed also