brook_lyn_lopez t1_iu6vt95 wrote
Profesional Bowlers Association?
jdolbeer t1_iu6xy22 wrote
Get politics out of sports smh smh
I guess I needed to add /s...
yiannistheman t1_iu6y5rt wrote
As opposed to voting for the election denying fascist? I don't think so.
Grass8989 t1_iu6znvm wrote
Should write in a progressive candidate!
Jazzlike_Ad_9118 t1_iu70o0a wrote
The right wing nut jobs are calling for Pat Lynch head.
PiffityPoffity t1_iu7182z wrote
> I think
Already lying.
clorox2 t1_iu71h04 wrote
Peanut Butter Associates
brook_lyn_lopez t1_iu721um wrote
OutrageousGarbage743 t1_iu73ega wrote
No matter who wins, New York loses, both candidates are trash
co_matic t1_iu75k59 wrote
As a conservative, you'd know all about it
yiannistheman t1_iu767s5 wrote
Yeah that's voting for Zeldin, no thanks.
ShadownetZero t1_iu772pm wrote
> think...true progressive
Pick one.
switch8000 t1_iu7771h wrote
09-24-11 t1_iu78t4j wrote
Love it or leave it baby!!!! (I don’t wanna leave)
XenosV t1_iu79oqk wrote
That’s because they want to keep whoever wins under their thumb, or at least willing to look away from & ignore their corruption.
_Maxolotl t1_iu7b22r wrote
Political donations are less often bribery by the donor and more often extortion by the recipient.
readyforthehausu t1_iu7fp3o wrote
Funny 40% of bowlers started after the age of 15. Google 40% of cops for a similar stat!
RecommendationOld525 t1_iu7j74i wrote
I mean I have trouble sleeping at night in general, but voting for her despite not being a particular fan won’t make it any worse.
molingrad t1_iu7k1w0 wrote
>I’ll just write in Jill Stein what’s the worst that could happen?
MinefieldFly t1_iu7mycu wrote
Whoa everybody be careful we got a master manipulator over here
thebatman924 t1_iu7qdnb wrote
Heard the old school white LI NYPD cops still on force are coming for his head (Pat Lynch)
Used-Engineering4996 t1_iu7s2n9 wrote
Yup. 538 is giving Zeldin a 3% chance of winning. I think his odds are probably a bit higher, maybe around 7-10%, but he’s almost certainly not going to win.
BenHogan1971 t1_iu7zp9w wrote
I wonder how hard POST editors swallowed before they had to write that
Show-Me-Your-Moves t1_iu8hik8 wrote
Crazy thing is, New York was probably very winnable for Republicans this year. They just needed a candidate with a moderate opinion on abortion and the balls to tell Trump to fuck off...instead they nominated this weirdo.
F4ilsafe t1_iu8ou1s wrote
I just think back to 2016 and the reported odds between Hillary and Donald. . . this is looking awfully familiar.
Apprehensive-Group63 t1_iu8ox80 wrote
WTF, has Pat Lynch lost his mind as Woke Hoke has failed To keep New Yorkers safe by not trying to fix the bail reform debacle!
LeicaM6guy t1_iu8rcav wrote
I doubt it’s out of benevolence - they know Zeldin doesn’t stand a chance and want some influence with the likeliest winner.
GoPikachuGo1 t1_iu8ursg wrote
More crime = more job security for police. Simple.
hannibalbaracka t1_iu8w4xu wrote
Trump had a 30% chance to win in 2016. That’s just a bit different than 3%
adonis7511 t1_iu9b3ol wrote
The truth is: Police need arrest in order to continue to do their job. Kathy Hochuls policies of catch and release, allow exactly that more arrest. That's good for business it keeps the courts active.
Kathy Hochul is also secretly a part of the feminist agenda to replace 80-90% of NY's top electives as Female and shattering the "Glass Ceiling". Feminist grouped together, filed complaints against Cuomo to replace 'him' with 'her'. They want Joe Biden to run again so he can hopefully die this time around and give the position to Kamala Harris, it's all a strategically coordinated plot.
Vote for Lee Zeldin in order to gut the swamp. It's about checks and balances not a bureaucracy.
_Maxolotl t1_iu9jdod wrote
LMFAO Just because you're not getting laid doesn't mean there's a secret feminist conspiracy to rule New York, dude.
adonis7511 t1_iu9l7vs wrote
Why do you revert to sex when I speak about women? Your a SIMPle minded creature.
Redemptionxi t1_iu9lqec wrote
Yes, nothing cops love more than high crime rates so they can get ordered in for overtime so they can't go home.
amznthrownaway1 t1_iu9v3nd wrote
And don't forget Comey going a national stage right before the election saying he found more secret e-mails and was investigating them still (which turned out to be perfectly normal emails and nothing nefarious). That changed the entire vibe of the election.
amznthrownaway1 t1_iu9vne3 wrote
If Zeldin just distanced himself from crazy Trump crowd, he would win.
joyousRock t1_iua192o wrote
Really hard to vote this time. both candidates repulse me for different reasons
DryGumby t1_iua1jws wrote
This reads like a nypost headline
[deleted] t1_iuabsn2 wrote
Sebastian12th t1_iubqlss wrote
Republicans are incapable of that. They’re a cult. If you denounce Trump, you lose. See Liz Cheney.
stansvan t1_iuc6xqt wrote
Yes, the Governor is a master of manipulation. Diverting millions for her pay to play that benefit the wealthy. While this money can be used to help so many that are struggling. If she gets away with this while up for reelection, just imagine what she will do if she wins.
BlueShield t1_iucdjk7 wrote
Kathy doesn't need a measly $25k from these fascist pigs.
Something_Berserker t1_iuddbcy wrote
I gotta believe 25k is a nominal donation. It's meant to be more of a statement of support than a significant sum meant to buy influence.
Labiologie t1_iufxfuh wrote
You’re so unhinged I don’t know where to start.
Dont_mute_me_bro t1_iujnm9t wrote
Kemp in Georgia?
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