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AuthorTomFrost t1_j1c62hr wrote

It was nice of them to establish a baseline for the raises we should all be getting. Good job, lawmakers!


dproma t1_j1c975x wrote

If you can give yourself a raise with no objection, why not 100%?


JaredSeth t1_j1can9m wrote

"It will also include a $35,000 cap on the amount of outside income lawmakers can earn, though that won’t take effect until 2025."

They've tried limiting outside income before and the courts ruled they were overstepping their bounds. What's to say that doesn't happen again?


AsaKurai t1_j1ccj9l wrote

I actually thought this was fine at first because I was expecting their current salary to be dogshit, and I think rich people shouldnt be the only ones who can afford to be in the state legislature, but I was surprised to see it was already $110,000. I understand that's not a *ton* of money especially if you're living in NYC and have a family, and i'm fine with approving a raise with inflation going up, but $32,000?! I mean, that's a bit excessive.


Curiosities t1_j1cg55v wrote

Especially because they have to have residency in their districts as well. One of my state reps lives a couple of blocks away, but this is only the district residence. Some (most?) might also have another in Albany.


RMR6789 t1_j1cggxh wrote

Agree 29% isn’t too bad but when was the last time us regular people got a 29% annual raise? Mine are usually 2-3% lol. Started a new company last year so we’ll see what (if anything) I get this time.


hannibalbaracka t1_j1che7o wrote


Salaries should be high, otherwise only those who can sustain themselves otherwise (rich people) will run for office


Sullyville t1_j1cn955 wrote

The fact that this is even allowed means that they are all morally bankrupt, deserving of naming and shaming, and should be booted from office and banned from ever holding any kind of government position for the rest of their lives.

Best city in the world? This city should fuck itself.


69Jew420 t1_j1cp0hs wrote

So you think that politicians in poor districts should make less money? And you think this will somehow magically create improvement in these districts?

This might be the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard.


sbb618 t1_j1ctdq8 wrote

It says in the article that the current salary took effect in 2019. Cumulative inflation from 2019 to 2023 is (using monthly estimates for the year which doesn't have official data yet) something in the range of 24%. Combine that with the cap on outside income and this seems fine. There's a lot more to get angry about before this.

EDIT: Additionally, before that, the last pay increase was in 1999. The 1999 to 2019 increase was from $79k to $110k, or a 39% increase, over a period with 53% total inflation. This last increase pretty much just gives the rest of the pay bump from that.


tommmyboy7785 t1_j1ctw9j wrote

Sure, but do you think you work very hard lol? The justification for this raise is comical. His first argument tacitly admits the legislature doesn't work "very hard" as he alleges (note the use of "I think"). Two sentences later "[he] think[s]" legislators works hard. He knows he's full of shit and can't even sell his own raise. Also, what does there is no compensation you can give for people to be away from their families mean? $110,00 seemed to do the trick.

“As I've always said, I think legislators work very hard, even some of the Republicans,” said Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie (D-Bronx). “Again, there's no compensation you can give for people to be away from their families. I think legislators work hard.”


Dont_mute_me_bro t1_j1d05xe wrote

While by no means a Republican, I was leery of a super-majority because there's no caucusing, no deal making, no blocks to foster compromise. If there are any fiscal conservatives they have no voice. This is what we voted for....


Griever114 t1_j1d0zwr wrote

Politicians should be paid MINIMUM WAGE as they are supposed to be representing OUR FUCKING INTERESTS.

You can't say you represent your district when you live in a brownstone and have a chauffeur


PiffityPoffity t1_j1d1m0a wrote

Technically, they haven’t done it before. A commission set the increases/cap before. The court case was most about whether the commission had the authority to do so. The court said it didn’t.

The legislature passing the cap by itself is on much firmer legal ground.


PiffityPoffity t1_j1d1wxl wrote

Who would want the job? The only people who would run would be people who don’t need the salary at all. Look at New Hampshire’s legislature (lowest paid in the country). It’s filled with retirees and wealthy people.


TroyMcClure10 t1_j1d20cv wrote

Nice job when all they do is stare at ceilings.


lickedTators t1_j1d3f90 wrote

Anything more than what I make is blatant corruption. Anything less than what I make is a recipe for lawmakers to sell their souls to the corporations for a cushy job once they're out of office.


DadBodofanAmerican t1_j1d3mvx wrote

Most either split an apartment in Albany with another legislator (dirt cheap, less than 2k a month for a smaller 2 bedroom that's walking distance to their offices) or stay in hotels. They can use their campaign funds to pay for the hotels or use their per diem (that's right the state pays them extra to travel to Albany already) of $183 a night. That pays for a pretty nice hotel in Albany, or some of them stay at the shitty days in by the airport for $60 a night and pocket the rest.


kkalmightyagain t1_j1d7965 wrote

Gee I womd3r why this never happens just BEFORE an election.


Towel4 t1_j1d84ps wrote

And yet, the nursing union is set to strike because hospitals are having a shit fit about 3% a year… which is what we got pre-pandemic…



Snoo-27930 t1_j1d8ja0 wrote

Not a good look with all this inflation going on and wages for the little people remain the same


the_bronx t1_j1d8yp8 wrote

And yet nurses are not paid paid taxpayers nor did they vote for increasing their wages by 29%. Sorry did you read the article its like you meant to comment in the thread about nurses🤡


LunacyNow t1_j1d96ek wrote

So what is their total comp (health care, pension, etc)?


the_bronx t1_j1d9d2s wrote

If someone would do a solid and post the names and faces of these lawmakers. If there's one thing I can promise is my petty revenge and to never elect these assholes again when I see their name on a ballot.


Towel4 t1_j1d9tjp wrote

I’m just drawing a comparison between two systems of allowing someone to earn more money, and how they’re quiet juxtaposed

One, hot off the heels of a global pandemic of which NYC was the American epicenter, has to fight and plead for months to have 3% spit in their faces.

And the other system, which is supposed to be representative of the people, as you so eloquently pointed out, does not have its salary increases dictated by those same tax paying people.. they just govern themselves and approve unanimously.

Do you understand how drawing a comparison between two things works, right? You know that oranges can, in fact, be compared to apples?


Twovaultss t1_j1debe9 wrote

As people are getting laid off and pay/hiring freezes


Infectious_force t1_j1dfuqw wrote

Thank God they found the money to give themselves a raise but can't find the money for schools, garbage, rat problems, crime, migrants,etc. This is horrible don't do your job heres a raise good job what kinda shit is that


Head_Spirit_1723 t1_j1dk206 wrote

If Kathy Hochul doesn’t sign the bill before the end of the bill becomes dead. They can’t undo a non-vote by a vote because the session ends December 30th. It wouldn’t be veto, it would just die.


_Maxolotl t1_j1docz0 wrote

We should eliminate the state senate, ban outside income, and give the state assembly an even bigger raise, so that talented people want to compete for the job because of the salary. Right now we have mediocre people competing for the job because of the graft opportunities.


Texas_Rockets t1_j1dohpp wrote

This seems reasonable. They do an important and high level job. And the cost of living is going up considerably. If your argument in support of unions asking for raises is rooted in rising living costs I’m not sure why that wouldn’t apply here as well.

I’d really like the see staff comp go up though. The pay for jobs like this are ass, to the point that the only people that do it are young rich kids.


prehensile-titties- t1_j1dqvys wrote

There's a city smack in the middle of LA that recently voted to enact a $25 minimum wage for healthcare workers... which they repealed literally hours later when the new city council came in 🥲

Granted LA didn't have it as bad as NYC but still. We really can't get a win, can we?


gerd50501 t1_j1dse2a wrote

capping outside income limits who will take the job and limits candidates they have to face. state legislature is a part time job. This basically limits it to business owners or people with wealthy spouses.

lots of state lawmakers and smaller town mayors have regular jobs. This is not done to be democratic, but to limit competition for jobs.


jgalt5042 t1_j1due08 wrote

I suggest we lay them all off instead.


jgalt5042 t1_j1dujt7 wrote

No. I’m sorry but “public servants” shouldn’t be supporting anti market principles such as unions or any other regulatory barrier. Neither should they be inflating the cost of government. Lay them all off.


mowotlarx t1_j1dv0xi wrote

City workers haven't had a single cost of living increase, not even 1%, since 2019. I imagine state workers similarly haven't seen increases in years.


mowotlarx t1_j1dv96j wrote

It's correct to complain when the salaries for state and city workers haven't gone up at all since 2019. City workers haven't had a single cost of living increase since 2019.


Sun_Devilish t1_j1dvvsl wrote

You know there is a recession when kleptocrats increase their paychecks.

It means that kickbacks from special interests aren't coming through.


Saladcitypig t1_j1dx6ig wrote

Coincidently predictably with the republican take over of our states legislature


Texas_Rockets t1_j1dycf4 wrote

Well if you’re against unions at least you’re being consistent.

They are public servants but they’re also people doing a demanding job whose counterparts in the private sector are making 10x what they do as executives. They need to be willing to make a sacrifice but it’s also not fair to place this level of responsibility on someone and then put them in a financial situation where they need a roommate if they want to live in an ok area.

And this is especially true if they’re being prevented from earning more than 35k outside of government, given that many presumably have established careers.


knockatize t1_j1dypte wrote

And their staffers, they get nada. They get to go screw themselves. They get to figure out how to live on 36K a year. They get to keep worrying about retaliation if some creep assemblyman feels them up.

I don’t want to hear a single lecture ever again from those sanctimonious Albany hacks about how compassionate they are.

This is how you get another Trump, dipshits.


Joebobst t1_j1dz70j wrote

Career democrats all hypocrites, at least Republicans tell you when they screw you over


sonofaresiii t1_j1e25rr wrote

Legislators: Well what do you expect, inflation is crazy!

Normal employees: My annual 2% COL raise was suspended this year.


MRC1986 t1_j1e56j7 wrote

Unpopular opinion alert, but I think state legislature salaries should be quite high because I think it would encourage and allow for people from the working and middle class to run and be elected.

Yes, it costs hundreds of thousands if not millions for campaigns in a state as big as NY, so that's already limiting. But if you only make like $40,000 as a State Assemblyperson, you have to hold a main job and you won't have the time to fully dedicate yourself to either.

If you make salaries high enough to allow actual common folk to consider running and be elected, but not so high that it's legit grifting on the taxpayer dime, I think that would be a good balance for more effective representation. And yes, there will always be corrupt people in government because power corrupts. But I bet you it would be less if Assemblypeople got paid like $200,000 per year and just fully dedicated themselves to serving their constituents.


jgalt5042 t1_j1e5x6b wrote

Correct. Unions are unacceptable and have no place in a capitalist society.

Public sector? Demanding? That’s an oxymoron. There is little to no work done in the public sector. Their contribution to society is negative. Their “peers” aren’t making anything as their contribution is not comparable.


Roleplaynotrealplay t1_j1e6j8p wrote

The fact that these people are allowed to set their own income is ridiculous in the first place. A vote to increase their salaries should be a ballot measure.


OrangeSlimeSoda t1_j1e6rdw wrote

Exactly this. As Dwight Eisenhower once said: "The supreme quality for leadership is unquestionably integrity." They're giving themselves a pay raise while we have chronically underpaid educators from grade school all the way up to SUNY, not to mention the healthcare workers who are threatening to strike due to unsatisfactory pay. It reeks of self-interest and a lack of integrity.

Legislators should be the last ones to get a pay raise and only when pay raises across the state have been addressed. As that old Marine adage goes (which has been monopolized by that annoying motivational speaker Simon Sinek): "Leaders eat last."


mowotlarx t1_j1e8ovb wrote

>This is how you get another Trump, dipshits.

Lol what? You say this as if Trump was actually a champion of the under class and demanded they get paid fairly. Republicans do this exact same shit, the difference is they never even bother to show an ounce of compassion for anyone in the middle class or lower


Gdott t1_j1ejrtb wrote

Everyone enjoying their super majority?


ComradeConrad1 t1_j1f2mav wrote

Fuck these assholes. How do I get a raise? I earn it. Like the rest of us. Asshats.


nycdevil t1_j1f3yu5 wrote

The idea that we pay our legislators less than a first-year law associate explains quite a lot about how fucking dysfunctional our state and federal governments are.


genius96 t1_j1f4caz wrote

Instead of giving raises to their staff, who should be paid well, they add an extra 35k to their own salary. Some of their staff don't make 35k in a year.


getahaircut8 t1_j1f5ov0 wrote

There's a difference in pocket veto rules based on whether the legislature is in session or not. The Assembly is always in session, so they follow the ten day rule. This means that if the gov does not act within ten days, then the bill goes into effect as if it were signed.


DocBee65 t1_j1f6958 wrote

Umm has anyone noticed what a f’ed up system this is? Good night nurse - absurd


knockatize t1_j1f6hfm wrote

How did most people get to know Trump’s name in the first place?

When the city screwed up a simple skating rink project so massively that Trump strolled in, got it fixed, and Ed Koch whined about the unfairness of it all. Completely tone deaf, Koch was.

Trump dined out on that for decades.


McGauth925 t1_j1ffulu wrote

I wonder how they feel about raising the salaries of public workers.


Deathexplosion t1_j1fgpz1 wrote

Proving yet again politicians are not our friends.


SK10504 t1_j1ft0h2 wrote

"Carl E. Heastie, a Bronx Democrat who serves as Assembly speaker, expressed support for the raise earlier this month, suggesting that just coming to Albany is enough to justify a boost in pay. “People don’t realize the sacrifice that they make being away from their families,” Mr. Heastie said. “I don’t think there’s enough money in the world that could compensate you for being away from your families.”"
Hey, you became a politician out of your own free will. Perhaps he should resign from assembly immediately and get a private sector job instead.
All political positions should pay lower than prevailing wage to encourage turnover and new ideas. Perhaps it will attract diehard do-gooders. Politicians have gotten way too comfortable in their positions and lost touch with their constituents.


Mo-Coffee t1_j1i0j63 wrote

Our votes reps at work. Meanwhile they want to crash the economy to prevent inflation?


_neutral_person t1_j1i7j0h wrote

We don't have parity pay for H&H hospitals and title 6 is not going to help bring staff to our public hospitals. The same public hospitals that become dumping grounds for unprofitable patients from the richer hospitals.