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__bardo__ t1_j7ue86z wrote

I love Szymborska! She's an amazing poet. I didn't leave that there though lol


diatriose t1_j7ugsft wrote

SEPTA poet was one thing, I don't think I can get on board with PPA poet


amor_fatty t1_j7ugvsv wrote

So many questions… was the note IN the parking violation?


Cobey1 t1_j7ujuor wrote

I once had the same thing happen to me but the letter inside said “sike dickhead” 😂


MDiddy79 t1_j7uncio wrote

Why's it in Polish too? lol


Accomplished_Crab392 t1_j7uqyah wrote

As much as the organization of PPA can F off, I’ve had pleasant interactions with a lot of them, one even helped me when my car was stolen. Idk why you’d want to do that job, but I figure it’s not most peoples first, second or fifth choice.


CroatianSensation79 t1_j7uvwzc wrote

Hahaha! This has to be Port Richmond. One PPA guy is ticketing everyone though. So annoying.


CommunicationTime265 t1_j7v2xib wrote

I would love to get my hands on those envelopes. Would just stuff them with naked granny smut


GoldenMonkeyRedux t1_j7v60ge wrote

I agree. For some reason, I can't submit our parking permit renewals via the website, so every summer I have to head down to Chinatown to renew in person. One of the employees was actually super nice to me, and even recommended that I park in their garage for free as they will validate it.

Now, not everyone is so chill...I've had plenty of not-so great interactions in that office.


dc122186 t1_j7v7ccv wrote

Pretty sure that's a Wilco song


Mike81890 t1_j7vdy92 wrote


ticketed all the cars on the street last night

except for one car


with an empty windshield


With this example

Buerocracy demonstrates

that yes of course -

it likes its little jokes from time to time.


tuenthe463 t1_j7vj10b wrote

About 10 years ago on the sidewalk in Chinatown I found a whole roll of the heat treated paper the tickets are printed on and about 30 violation envelopes rubber banded together. My pal and I had quite a fun Friday evening.


fudgebacker t1_j7vj3c1 wrote

Half way through he had a stroke, apparently.


Capkirk0923 t1_j7whv0n wrote

City jobs are awesome if stability, benefits, and union protection are what you like. And, once you're in the system, you can always apply to other, better paying city jobs. It's been a ticket to the middle class for many people.


pillingz t1_j7x3ldn wrote

That’s actually legit. I used to carry an old parking ticket to put on my windshield when I parked so that when my meter ran out it’d look like I had already gotten one.


craftyangie t1_j7yv6a9 wrote

Wait, are they actually roaming Fairmount now? Why don’t they start with all the vehicles parked on the sidewalk, on the way to school? (Seriously, there’s one restoration company that is doing that, in a narrow street, half a block from an elementary school, when various sidewalks are closed due to the PWD project)


donownsyou t1_j7yx5lw wrote

I’d love to have a stack of those envelopes lol


Capkirk0923 t1_j7yzjus wrote

Yeah, I think you're right. I have a government job, and if you're an artist like me, it's really the best. Your boss won't call you after 5 or on the weekends, you get tons of paid holidays, union protection, and some of the best health/dental coverage there is.


RoyceRedd t1_j81wvcj wrote

Sike is not a word. It’s a misspelling. Psych out or psych up are both spelled psych, and that’s the origin of “psych” as in I fooled you. Sike is just what dumb people assume the spelling is when they hear it because psych is far to complicated to spell for many. At some point due to the sheer number of stupid people sike will be accepted as an alternative spelling, but currently using it still makes you wrong and dumb. It’s like the written version of pronouncing nuclear as nucular.


WillFerrellsGutFold t1_j81wvrk wrote

It’s a thankless, hated job that I personally would never do no matter what the pay is. I couldn’t get up everyday and go to a job where everyone hated me, but then again nobody likes hearing a fire alarm go off multiple times while I’m testing them. So I guess my job is hated in a way also.


RoyceRedd t1_j81xz9n wrote

Jawn is a slang term and spelled correctly. I am not on a pedestal. “Sike” just happens to be a particular pet peeve of mine. I can look past almost any grammar or spelling errors, but that one gets me for some reason. I just don’t understand why people get it so very wrong.


WillFerrellsGutFold t1_j82gd12 wrote

It’s just a word that is used in slang that became what it did. You are making a bigger deal of it then what it needs to be. But who am I to judge you, if this is your pet peeve then so be it. I have mine also. Have a good one, I wish you all the best.