Submitted by 10malesics t3_yd5v51 in pittsburgh

Google is failing me, does anyone know the options of where to stream the debate tonight? I did find that it's at 8pm and there's a TV broadcast in Philly locally, but that doesn't help us. This should really be available to everyone in the state.



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ace_account456 t1_itq4yuv wrote

This is going to be an ableist shitshow. Oz has no real positions other than the bizzare obsession with fetterman's recovery, so I predict he's just going to try to catch fetterman stuttering on live TV and use it against him. I understand why fetterman had to agree to it, but I don't think this debate will benefit anyone. Every sane Pennsylvanian already knows fetterman is the far better candidate. The nutjobs aren't changing their minds.


BachataKnight t1_itq7fn0 wrote

Sometimes just searching YouTube or Twitch, you'll find a live stream


fatgirlnspandex t1_itqd3s7 wrote

Wow only read the title quickly and thought they were having a boxing match. That is something I would like to have seen.


10malesics OP t1_itqexvj wrote

I've got the initial 2 doses and 2 boosters under my belt and still got it. It must have been in passing from a stranger too. I work from home and haven't seen any friends or family recently. Only been out to run a few errands with a mask on. So it definitely seems like this current strain is very contagious.

*Edit: Not judging anyone who is or isn't wearing masks at this point. I've just been having allergies too and have figured it better to wear it and be safe and not scare anyone at the same time.


Ok_Plane6153 t1_itqkr8d wrote

I don't think Oz will call out Fetterman if he's struggling. Oz knows he has the advantage not just because John is recovering but because Oz has been a TV showman for decades. He'll let John's performance be whatever it'll be. He just has to play the part of the guy everyone would like if they don't know any better, much like him pushing miracle cures.


Ok_Plane6153 t1_itqlsl3 wrote

WPXI Channel 11. 8:00pm to 9:00pm.

Available through the WPXI apps and website, both should free (might need to adjust any ad blocking)

Streaming services like YouTube TV should have the channel.

Also free over the air, meaning you should be able to turn on any TV and find it though an antenna would probably help (and not necessarily a big one up on the roof)


Deesh69 t1_itqpf1z wrote

Sorry, saw your edit and needed to post a rant/story time. So yesterday I was in line at Moe’s and this couple at the very front of the line was ordering and paying for their food and they were both wearing masks. This guy gets in line behind me and gets a call from someone and while on the phone makes the comment of “people are still wearing masks” and a little later says it’s like “taking seatbelts out of a car”. Like first why does he care what other people are doing? If they feel safer wearing a mask let them wear it, it’s not impacting you and you don’t know what’s going on in their personal life either. There no need to make a comment and judge them because from the person on the phone’s point of view masks aren’t needed anymore. Also I added the seat belt analogy because it was just a horrible analogy, wearing a mask is like wearing a seatbelt not the other way around.


cjc323 t1_itqqds9 wrote

I'm all for Fetterman but i've had 5 spam txts from his team now and asked to stop each time. Its rediculous, if I get another i may just throw my vote somewhere else (not oz).


cjc323 t1_itqtpj2 wrote

When exactly would be an acceptable time to tell politicians that spam txting me after I repeatedly said stop is legal harrasment and unnacceptable?

If they aren't listening and respecting me now when they literally need my vote how can I expect them too in office? Fettermen is supposed to be the "i'm like you" platform, but not acting that way.


jmb-412 t1_itqwgpw wrote

> but I don't think this debate will benefit anyone. Every sane Pennsylvanian already knows fetterman is the far better candidate

If Fetterman really struggles I could definitely see some people changing their mind. This race is way closer than it should be. Weeks ago Fetterman was up by 4+ in most polls and now he's around 1-2%. I wouldn't be shocked to see multiple people vote Oz/Shapiro for their ballot.


hambone012 t1_itqwxtv wrote

So many simps for fetterman. Dude has been a grifter all his life


482Edizu t1_itqxqd7 wrote

The irony with the nut jobs is those same people bashed Obama with the “not an American citizen” conspiracy theory and that he was “going to make this country a bunch of Muslims and rule under Sharia law”. Meanwhile Oz is from Turkey and a Muslim.


Eubadom t1_itr1gjn wrote

You guys make it sound like a boxing match smh


drewbaccaAWD t1_itr2m8x wrote

If you had a chance to catch Fetterman in person and vent over this, and if he blew you off and was like "so what? shut up peon" then you're annoyance would be valid. There's a good chance that he doesn't even know this is happening or that the calls are coming from more than one organization. It's a complex problem and you are acting like he gets out of bed and directs his staff to make 10,000 texts each day.

I'm not saying it's not annoying, but bitching about it on reddit isn't going to make it stop and it's a much bigger problem than a single candidate in a single election.

I know one thing for certain, that Fetterman is more likely to read a letter asking for him to look into and change regulations regarding campaign calls and texts, robocalls, and that sort of thing. Get him in office, write him a letter, and judge him on his response to your letter... not on some teenager sending you a text on his behalf.

It's a close election, if you throw away your vote you get what you voted for... nothing. I'd rather have someone in office that I think there's even a remote chance that they'll listen to my concerns if I contact their office. We have a choice of someone running to represent us vs someone running to add another title to their name in order to satisfy their ego.


drewbaccaAWD t1_itr4c8i wrote

Not starting a career because your family has sufficient resources isn't a grift, especially compared to Dr "Buy my vitamins and supplements" Oz. Grifters tend to be individually wealthy from their grift... wrong term.

If you want to bitch that he's not a career oriented guy, or that his only experience of record is politics, or that his "working class" label is based on 2nd hand knowledge... those are fair critiques. Calling him a grifter is not.

The sad reality is that no one is getting out of high school or college and entering a single job for the next three decades any more... those days are gone. Not starting a career is not a sign of laziness or lack of work ethic if one has the means to get by or other priorities that don't pay enough to live off of.

You're here calling people "simps" but you're the only one being a partisan hack in this thread.


JAK3CAL t1_itr5s3s wrote

That’s still a bad analogy; seatbelts have been documented to save lives. Have masks?

I’m also of the position that do whatever makes you happy. You wanna wear a mask, knock yourself out. Just don’t think they have any efficacy in the situation


burritoace t1_itr5xgp wrote

>When exactly would be an acceptable time to tell politicians that spam txting me after I repeatedly said stop is legal harrasment and unnacceptable?

You should tell them anytime you want, and repeatedly if necessary. I agree that it is very annoying! What you should not do is withhold your vote over it, since this is but one issue among many. It's important to have a sense of perspective.


BmoresFnst t1_itr62zy wrote

Oz will likely pressure him. Rapid fire responses and maybe bring something up waaaay out of left field to catch him off guard. He doesn’t need to harp on Fetterman having an actual stroke. He will aim to ruin the flow Fetterman will spend days perfecting before the debate. As a cardiovascular surgeon/physician, he knows what the stages of recovery from a stroke look like and will expose this disability. Loss of the ability to act and think quickly despite preservation of the ability to complete complex decisions and thoughts will be what Fettermans functionality boils down to and maybe the debate. Fetterman will try to talk issues. Oz will likely deflect as he has no clue what the real issues are in PA. I don’t think we need more than one debate with these guys.


MrLegilimens t1_itr7bw9 wrote

Can you explain why? Do you not know that he would receive a large budget for hiring staff; staff whose job it is to actually write policy, write speeches, research policy, figure out what’s good for PA?

A vote is just a vote of who you trust to hire the right people. Don’t need to be able to not stutter to do that.


InHoc12 t1_itr86t9 wrote

It’s pretty reasonable to not want to vote into office someone who is physically unable to do the job. Being a senator requires a lot of work and travel and I think considering he’s 6 months removed from a stroke it’s reasonable for people to be concerned.

I won’t vote Oz anyhow, but the “every sane Pennsyvannian already knows Fetterman is the far better candidate,” or , “bizzare obsession with Fetterman’s recovery,” are pretty obnoxious takes. It’s definitely relevant that Fetterman is healthy enough to stand up and articulate his positions.


cjc323 t1_itr97w7 wrote

fair enough point but this feels like enabling, and if you dont show them this election well the next election im sure will be just as important too so can't show them then either....


Ok_Plane6153 t1_itr9s8v wrote

Yeah but Oz already has all those kind of voters from the right. Tonight and the next two weeks is all about getting the votes of the people who don't follow politics until the night before the election or right about now, the ones that aren't sure because they're not dedicated to the left or right. There's a lot of people like this.


Ok_Plane6153 t1_itra9d1 wrote

Oh Oz will definitely push to get Fetterman flustered and looking bad. He just won't point it out and say things like "See, John is not in good health". He'll leave that for the undecided voters to see and to be told by every GOP spokesperson over the next two weeks.


cjc323 t1_itraavs wrote

Agreed it is one issue among many. Will check out the debate tonight and see if it's worth it. Who knows he may even apologize! I wonder if repubs are getting bombarded with OZ txts.


twistedevil t1_itrb47q wrote

I don't get it either, and in all truth, they still are needed. We have thousands of cases still per week, many unreported, new variants circulating, and not enough people getting the updated booster. I don't know why people can't just be considerate in public spaces and wear one for 20 mins while running into a store.


BmoresFnst t1_itrdo8x wrote

Exactly. Such a shame. In a perfect world, politics would be set aside and a physician should care about the well being of his colleagues, even if in opposition. It’d actually work Oz’s his favor if he showed concern instead of mocking (even if by proxy).


Deesh69 t1_itrglw5 wrote

I mean you are not wrong but it depends on what you are looking at with seatbelts. While masks don’t directly save lives, masks are definitely helpful for safety and preventative measures. Like millions of people drive there car everyday and don’t get into a severe accident or any accident at all but still wear their seatbelt for safety and prevention incase they were to get into an accident. The safety and prevention goes with wearing a mask. I believe studies have shown wearing a mask does help with lowering the chances of spreading covid and from getting covid but the those numbers increase when no one else where a mask around that person wearing them. If I get the free time I will certainly try to find that study and post in this thread.


Deesh69 t1_itrifuk wrote

Absolutely, a lot of people think covid is just gone and they don’t have to worry about it anymore. But because not everyone got vaccinated the virus can mutate and still cause problems for everyone. I won’t lie I don’t wear a mask if I’m just running in somewhere quick, for example grab an online order and leave. But if I’m somewhere longer than 5 minutes I will wear a mask because the longer I’m there the more likely chance I can get covid because of people not reporting or still going out while sick.


Ok_Plane6153 t1_itrnrim wrote

Don't be surprised if it does show concern tonight but for obvious reasons. "John, as a doctor I know you need to get rest, take care of yourself and not take on this stressful job as a US senator" I think thats the only way Oz will bring up John's health, in a back handed way like that


critzboombah t1_itrqwdp wrote

BrilloBox may have it. They've done election night stuff before .

This should be watched by more Pennsylvania's than it will be, for shame.


scamden66 t1_itsl71l wrote

Fetterman can't speak. My God.


JAK3CAL t1_itsnthe wrote

I’m watching the debate right now, and I’ll be honest man.. this is absolutely tipping me away. The fracking thing… an issue I’m passionate about. Dude have some balls wtf


Nickzino t1_itssot6 wrote

Dumb and dumber re-runs on tv every once in a while, try comedy central


drewbaccaAWD t1_itt7jlv wrote

If you can withhold your vote and make it blatantly clear that an election was lost because you and however many others made a stand on the basis of campaign outreach, more power to you.

But I really doubt your withholding of a vote will teach them a lesson...

That's one of the problems with elections analysts, unless there's an active study monitoring how you vote and why, they're never going to catch what led you to a given outcome. If you aren't asked at an exit poll or something, your vote will just be statistical noise to them.

If you really care, the first step is to sort out where the call(s) is coming from and get a discussion going. I'm in no way arguing that a "remove me from your list" request shouldn't be honored and something you can follow up on as it likely violates laws.


cjc323 t1_itt8pep wrote

I think after tonights debate it won't matter much...yeeeeesh that was a train wreck. I've watched a lot of debates over the years that was realllllyyyyy bad.


drewbaccaAWD t1_ittbs0v wrote

My expectations were 0, so I didn't tune in. Polished tv doctor who lies through his teeth vs honest guy recovering from a stroke that would rather make twitter style superficial jabs than discuss actual policy. Plus I just hate these "debates" more generally even with different candidates as two minutes or whatever isn't enough time to really discuss much of anything.

I'm glad there was only one debate and I'm not looking forward to hearing all about it. lol


TrentWolfred t1_ittmlc2 wrote

Yes, masks have been shown to reduce Covid-19 transmission, which in turn reduces deaths. At this point, there’s really a preponderance of evidence that says so. (Reduced transmission also means fewer overall cases and fewer opportunities for the virus to mutate into a variant that could be far deadlier or otherwise have more severe consequences than those of the currently-prevailing variants.)

Masks aren’t perfect, and some are better than others, but I’m not sure how this misconception that they have zero efficacy persists.


cjc323 t1_itugagc wrote

They had a bell and gave each opponent time to respond, there was a little back and forth but liked how it was run. I think it's vital to have one of these for things like pres vp sen cong gov mayor... They don't need to be an hour (with only 2 candidates). when run properly i think they are great for voters, if you can't catch it live you can watch stream/clips later. It makes for a more informed citizen and I think it's a good thing. Yes OZ being on TV for years clearly gave him an advantage, but I think it also showed Fetterman honestly still isn't 100%. which like it or not is important to know. He also said he wouldn't release his medical record also important to know.


drewbaccaAWD t1_itv6s7h wrote

I wouldn't release my medical record either, certainly not every last detail. The thing is, unless you release every last detail there will always be someone there claiming you aren't being transparent... so it's more of a game than it is actual transparency. It wouldn't tell us anything anyway because the dust still hasn't settled post-stroke... so what you are really saying is that his injury is disqualifying because you're not willing to give him time to fully recover. There's nothing sketchy here. I'm all for transparency but some things really do need to remain private.

He doesn't speak well, I didn't need a debate to know that, It was clear just from the interviews he's done over the last few months. When he's asked a question he doesn't respond to the question and it's not the usual political dance around an answer, it's been clear that he's not understanding the question asked. I'm willing to take his word that it's an auditory processing issue; he otherwise seems able to understand and think clearly. But I agree, Fetterman isn't 100%, I'm just saying I've known this even before the debate.

I've watched at least 100 of these sort of debates in the two decades I've been eligible to vote and I've yet to see a single one that was worth my time; I've given up on the format. Some of the local ones have been ok but it seems like the closer you get to the top elections the more nonsensical they get. There's too much disingenuous bs, too many attempts at "gotcha!" I just can't be bothered.


cjc323 t1_itvbo76 wrote

yes mental cognitive ability is important when you are running for office. yes he's recoverong and understand there but need to be able to fully perform in office or shouldn't be there. yes agree we don't need the minutia of his health record, but maybe more specific to his stroke and any info on when he might return to normal.

same been watching for decades. they arent for everyone but glad they are there as i feel it does help voters become more informed.

anywho thanks for the chat appreciate it and wish you the best.


NyquillusDillwad20 t1_itw276l wrote

You're on Reddit. This is where you find some of the more extreme progressive takes. Especially on a subreddit of a liberal city. The fact that some of these anti-Fetterman posts are getting upvoted should tell you a lot about how this race is playing out.