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jodyhighrola t1_iu58wlg wrote

Subjectively, no I haven't noticed, but I wasn't here before the pandemic. I find Richmond to be pretty pleasant in that regard. Enjoy it while it lasts.

Two things:

  1. Perhaps you became used to the pandemic traffic levels
  2. People moved here

BikeInWhite t1_iu5aby3 wrote

I can't speak to commuting northbound in the mornings, but this time of year always sucks for commuting south or west during rush hour due to the sunset. Until daylight savings time hits the sun is at the perfect level on the horizon to be a giant shark with a laser beam on it's head.


getfast37 t1_iu5bhp2 wrote

Unfortunately the average person isn't very good at sharing the road with others. Furthermore there are few real consequences for driving poorly or selfishly (as long as you don't crash.) So this is an uphill battle for all of us. :-(


iWannaCupOfJoe t1_iu5dwcg wrote

I hate to say it u/mrstillbirth, but your the traffic. Urban sprawl, reckless driving, and poor alternative transportation options has cause more and more traffic. I'd suggest moving closer to work, getting a job closer to home, or commuting by bicycle.

The times I find my self navigating the city by car has not been so bad compared to NOVA traffic, so I consider ourselves lucky.


Hiltson87 t1_iu5egkn wrote

It's almost like area is overcrowded due to tons of people moving here in the last two years.


Diet_Coke t1_iu5fbmx wrote

I had to leave the house to go from Museum District to Lewis Ginter yesterday at 5 PM and was shocked how stupid people are. It's like it's everyone's first time driving up Thompson and the turn only lanes are a shock. Merging onto the interstate? Let's do that at 40 mph, that's a good idea.


fusion260 t1_iu5fcnf wrote

The region and country is quickly returning to pre-pandemic travel. Additionally, deferred maintenance projects, new funding for infrastructure projects (and new roads in general), and temporary detours will all complicate matters.

The only way we'll get out of a transportation nightmare is by incentivizing and providing non-personal vehicle transportation options to the general public. Trains, busses, bike paths (preferably protected paths at that) are the only way out of this road-based hellscape.


trillbabyprime t1_iu5gt0m wrote

Not enough public transit with continued steady population growth of the metro area = bad and worsening traffic


piotrowskid t1_iu5mz9k wrote

We as a city need to invest more in public transit. It'll reduce congestion and make life easier for everyone.


Ditovontease t1_iu5nygh wrote

A bunch of new people moved here in the past 2 years. Like you can see it with all the cars with completely RANDOM (aka not maryland or dc or NC plates) state plates.

Also note to noobs: dont get a vanity plate like "LA GIRL" or "BRKLN" or "NYCBOY" it makes people hate you automatically


anonyngineer t1_iu5q97r wrote

I-95 between 295 and Doswell is about the only place in the area where I run into bad traffic regularly.


Ditovontease t1_iu5rrca wrote

i love people who brake while trying to merge on to a fucking highway. like the lane is that long so that you have time to speed up and then seemlessly merge, rather than being slow as fuck waiting for an opening large enough for you to move into it at the glacial pace of 30 mph, making everyone behind you brake.

Don't get me started on zipper merging. People here refuse to understand it.


Ditovontease t1_iu5sx61 wrote

I've used public transportation thousands of times and no one was touching themselves. That said, my mom has had it happen to her in DC but that was once out of all the times she'd use it to commute to work every day.


doodersrage123 t1_iu5vc64 wrote

Seems to be going back to pre-pandemic levels on days I drive in. On bike commuting days Tuesday tends to be the worst car traffic days for my chosen route, but every now and then Wednesday and Thursday can prove just as busy if there's an event or there's an accident on a highway causing the diversion of traffic. Friday is normally a surprisingly lax day except for once I hit the far west end for some reason.


Sugarbearzombie t1_iu5w1pi wrote

I want more public transit so don’t take this the wrong way but yes, I have seen a lot of masturbation on public transit. Not in Richmond. But when I lived in San Francisco, I would see someone masturbating on Bart at least once a week. If you’re homeless, it’s hard to find a non public place to jerk off.


Ditovontease t1_iu5z8hw wrote

Cheap rent and no traffic left. Which was a huge part of the charm and culture. Now I see this place turning into NOVA. No cheap rent = less artists and more god damn yuppies who make posts like “don’t park in Oregon hill if you plan to go to the folk festival”


bmrobin t1_iu5zvii wrote

the thought of working at the same place for as long as i plan to own a house makes me jittery. a house you’re gonna have for a long time but a job can move around, relocate, get pulled out from under you, etc.


FARTBOSS420 t1_iu61dnq wrote

The worst offenders are the slow left lane drivers particularly on 64 between Richmond city and Oilville exit. Both ways.

I only tailgate in the left lane. I'm talking people going 65 in the 65. Are they oblivious or self righteous?

Oblivious: "Why are all these cars passing me on the right honking with middle fingers?!"

Self Righteous: "I'm going fast enough!!" No you're causing major problems blocking traffic and making everyone do risky aggressive passes on the right. It's called the fast lane/passing lane. Both cruising in the left lane, and passing on the right are illegal. Two wrongs.

But for real that "I'm going fast enough!" No you're not, I drive fast, and when someone trying to go faster than me is behind me in left lane. I just ... Mind my business and get the fuck over. No slowing down, or doing the suppperrr slow change. If you're not letting a faster car pass, YOU ARE THE ASSHOLE AND ALSO NEED TO GET OVER YOURSELF. The cops get paid to enforce the speed limit + get idiots out of the left lane also. And it's about entitled bullshit, if these left lane lunks gave a shit about safety they'd realize going 15-20mph slower than everyone else weaving around their dumb ass is wayyy less safe than someone going fast in the left lane.


ProfHopeE t1_iu6678a wrote

Lol. Except that many of those people ARE Virginians who relocated to DC/MD for the job market and are now just moving back now that their jobs are remote. Has YOUR family been in VA since the birth of the US?


Glen_YngkinDid_9-11 t1_iu67vyv wrote

It's a mix of people moving here, construction, people not knowing how to drive, etc.

Don't worry, it will just get worse from here!


BJfarmer t1_iu68zab wrote

I do not get these people. Also when people speed up to not let you pass, do you want that “asshole” sitting behind you getting increasingly impatient? If you let people by then you decrease the amount of angry people still in your proximity. Makes no sense.


goodsam2 t1_iu6ebao wrote

IMO we need the bike "highway". Every E-W and N-S 0.5 miles there would be protected bike lanes for all church Hill through downtown to the edge of museum district.


RVAMS t1_iu6g1qz wrote

For real. I have lived all over the country and everyone has a chip on their shoulder that I came here from somewhere else. Sorry, my parents didn't fuck and birth me on your sacred land. Unlike most of the people getting shitty, I chose to be here.


_R_A_ t1_iu6hqqy wrote

It's a (very annoying) SoCal trait that seems to be spreading.

I'm in LA right now and I insist on talking about the 405 and the 10 to make a hard east coast stance.


mynameisnotmorgan t1_iu6k3ha wrote

God it’s miserable. I commute from Shockoe Bottom to Parham and I genuinely just wanna bash my head into the steering wheel some days. It has definitely gotten worse.


ToroTABravo t1_iu6nb74 wrote

I come the opposite way daily and it is a serious clusterfuck.....I'm only on 95S for a few miles and I abhor it nowadays. It's like the Covid WFH folks that have had to come back to the office totally forgot how to drive(I never got that choice.... Hi5 to fellow critical infrastructure workers.) I feel like Ima gonna get side swiped daily, too many people hug the lane lines and seem absolutely distracted. But all things considered it's a Fuckton better than NOVA traffic without a doubt. Burning up their ezpass $ in the marginallly better HOV lanes


airykillm t1_iu6qlco wrote

I’ve noticed over the years that daily commuter traffic is worse in the fall/winter, starts to even out through the spring, and then light in the summer. I think school schedules affect it heavily.


cmyk412 t1_iu6uap2 wrote

It’s better than it will ever be though


jyg540 t1_iu71lw3 wrote

Hull st is fucking insane parts of the day


orthologousgenes t1_iu724ec wrote

Unless you work night shift! Sun and traffic are always in my favor on my commute! If I worked days I’d be cursing the whole ride though. There’s nothing worse than that blinding sun on the horizon when you’re driving. Obscuring traffic lights, cars, signs, everything. Can’t see shit. Ugh. I tell you what, I’d be looking for another job if I had to deal with that malarkey twice a day.


amazingD t1_iu72xny wrote

I grew up in Northern California and whenever I was down there I deliberately dropped the "the" before 1, 5, 10, 15, 57, 71, 91, 101, 105, 110, 210, 405, 605, 710, and any others I can't remember at the moment, as a retaliation for hearing the goddamn earrape that is "the 80" as well as a direct challenge to Anthony Villaraigosa and God.


Fit-Order-9468 t1_iu739et wrote

Forgive my bitterness.

I bought into an old building, which I don’t regret necessarily, but a $11,000 per unit adjustment are brutal. I would have to charge $2000 in rent just to break even. All to preserve the look of a historically all white neighborhood with the monuments as mascots.


Charlesinrichmond t1_iu73em1 wrote

Worse than it has been for the last 2 years yes but still not as bad as pre-covid to my observation


orthologousgenes t1_iu742l1 wrote

Uggghhhhh drives me crazy!! You’re getting on a HIGHWAY… where people are going highway speeds… did you think it would be a good idea to slam on the brakes, come to a complete stop, and… wait for someone to let you over?? All the while the 20 cars behind you are now also having to come to an abrupt stop ON A HIGHWAY RAMP!! These are the same people who get onto said highway and immediately get all the way over into the left (passing) lane to cruise at 5 mph under the speed limit. I swear, VA drivers are the worst. I’ve driven all across the country, and it’s almost comical that as soon as you cross into VA on the highway, suddenly there are huge traffic jams out of nowhere due to idiots cruising in the passing lane, rubbernecking, and just plain tomfoolery. I don’t understand. Is it the driver’s Ed in VA? Why is it this bad? And don’t get me started on the zipper merge… how is it that hard of a concept to understand?? I’m not originally from here, so maybe someone can enlighten me. Do you guys have driver’s Ed classes? Do you have to pass a basic road/written test to get a license? Do they teach you guys basic things like roundabouts, zipper merges, and passing lane etiquette? I’m sorry, I know you’re not all horrible drivers, but DAMN there are a lot of idiots on the road around here.


InfernoTigress t1_iu796kr wrote

Dude, it is absolutely Legal to pass on the right in Virginia. And you can do 100 in any lane, I promise. I don't understand the obsession with the left lane. If a lane is open use it.


somfnaked t1_iu7aykt wrote

Why did they get rid of the 95S/64E zipper merge right before Boulevard? I know nobody respected the zipper and people would merge from two lanes over while others cross the solid whites prior to the merge but I already miss you zipper of menace 🫶


somfnaked t1_iu7beoo wrote

It’s also windy (not windy💨) after the Bryan Park interchange, you have the traffic merging onto the downtown expressway and 64W, the 95S/64E zipper merge, the down town exits and 64E split off. Spells for a lot of braking. Along with the sunset and it’s going to suck.


Ditovontease t1_iu7cubh wrote

I mean Im literally from virginia and I've never lived anywhere else

AND i learned how to drive down here. i just could not tell you where these idiots come from.

I will say the driving portion of the DMV test was very easy to pass


BabyBat07 t1_iu7ej9l wrote

I love it when I’m merging left to get on 195 from Thompson and the person ahead of me going straight remembers at the last second they also need to get on 195 and cut across me so that I almost t-bone them because they just made a random left turn


Ditovontease t1_iu7or4j wrote

..have you ever lived in a place with decent public transport? you're out of your mind if you prefer being stuck in traffic in a car you have to drive. I don't understand this position at all.


mam88k t1_iu7pskv wrote

I have noticed the same thing at rush hour. Seems worse around 5 but that could just be on my path.


teebrown t1_iu80h5e wrote

They’ve got two bridges on the 64 95 interchange half knocked down so there’s only one lane going each way and I get to take that bridge everyday…


mc4_life t1_iu8hzpr wrote

There's plenty around. Since COVID, it's been free. It's batshit crazy during all operational hours. Or are you out of your mind and you just prefer being surrounded batshit crazy people screaming and pretend they don't exist?


wahoowa111 t1_iu8n183 wrote

Not necessarily more direct traffic, but I see more accidents now than ever that cause consistent back-ups on 76N