Submitted by MOF1fan t3_122nh5u in springfieldMO
disturbed_beaver t1_jdqxzak wrote
I'm guessing it's that same trash group of fatass, mom's basement dwelling neonazis that put stickers on all the trails. I guess the one thing that's not Jewish to them is littering.
strangemud t1_jdqyx8w wrote
Fucking nazi scum. My grandpa used to shoot these kind of assholes
budtoast t1_jdqz41v wrote
I don’t go outside a lot. Are there lots of people here like this? Should I be worried about them?
I ask because I have never once in my life seen something like this. But again, I don’t go outside a lot so maybe it’s not as big of a deal as it looks like…
Edit- I should say that I have been outside before. Since moving here, which was a year ago, I have not left the house much due to chronic illness and I am not super familiar with this town
LifeRocks114 t1_jdqz5f2 wrote
Imagine the kind of good they could do if they focused that much effort into, I dunno, volunteering at The Kitchen or something. Doing something that actually would help local people instead of an imaginary fight against an "enemy" that doesn't actually exist.
[deleted] t1_jdqzfe4 wrote
ChewML t1_jdqzj8r wrote
Every single aspect of Reddit is Jewish.
We are all Jewish.
Except for the Jewish, they are satanic apparently.
tdawg-1551 t1_jdqzykv wrote
I wouldn't say there is nothing to worry about, but the majority of the time, these people are just internet warriors who want to try and impress others online. You might see someone with stickers on the car or flags hanging on the front porch, but it's not like there is a mob terrorizing the city.
bussybadass t1_jdr04s2 wrote
Thanks for picking that nasty shit off the street. Whoever made those had to be tweaked out their gizzards, probably to chicken shit to go door to door with that bullshit.
budtoast t1_jdr0r2j wrote
Oh yeah I know that, I’m more asking if I should be cautious of them. My girlfriend is trans and I recently heard someone say “all trans people are jews” and I’ve been hearing the “trans people are groomers” narrative and I just don’t know if these types of people will try to target someone who’s trans who just happens to be in town.
Maybe I’m overreacting, but it does worry me a little. I don’t leave because I have chronic illness, but whenever I do leave, if something were to happen I couldn’t physically do much to help the situation. And we have been in danger before but in another town so that’s why we’re so cautious.
Thanks for these reassuring words. I’m concerned that these ideas are spreading to normal people who otherwise wouldn’t be convinced by them had the internet not pushed these mentalities everywhere
TheNecrostar t1_jdr0sod wrote
I’m just curious, do they intend for people to eat that propaganda rice?
MeowKat85 t1_jdr12yu wrote
We get a bunch of these in our neighborhood around MLK day. Anti-POC rhetoric. What a waste of rice. I’m sure they get reported, but our peace officers don’t care. They have more important things to not do anything about.
EliGrrl t1_jdr16k7 wrote
Great-Bratton t1_jdr1zex wrote
How on earth do they think this is helping their “cause”? I don’t usually take literal garbage’s advice on social topics, especially when I have to pick it up. I know logic is a lot to ask of someone who holds these kinds of parroted ideals, but who decides this is an idea worth doing?
3gnome t1_jdr3edj wrote
Didn’t know so much was Jewish
MOF1fan OP t1_jdr3sj3 wrote
Shotgun method of hatred messaging
scram143 t1_jdr5goj wrote
I think it’s just a cheap thing to add to the bag to make them easier to throw. I’ve also seen them with sand/beans etc
scram143 t1_jdr5lt8 wrote
I think it is as much about instilling fear/intimidating as it is evangelizing
_ism_ t1_jdr6q01 wrote
i bet if we tried we could find a link to how rice and ziplocs and injket printers are too. eyerolllllll
mr_try-hard t1_jdr6v9f wrote
Saw these circulating around Midwest subreddits and just knew they’d end up in Springfield, too. Disappointed but not surprised. Fuck Nazis.
red_baa_ron t1_jdr8fxo wrote
They're trying to activate people to look into it by visiting their propaganda website and joining their group. I don't think "normal" people would engage with this, not even your average local conservative person who may harbor some bias. But I do think this is dangerous because it is more likely to activate the person who is already looking for a way to feel accepted for these types of fringe views. I think those people can become dangerous with the right grooming by these groups. (Notice I said "grooming" because this is actually a situation where it fits.)
_ism_ t1_jdr903d wrote
I can't wrap my head around how they expect these ideas to spread. Normal people like us are sitting here rolling our eyes. And yet, we see this shit is spreading so your fear is valid. I just wish I knew the key to how these organizations convert people to their ideology because it seems to require a LOT of brain gymnastics to get there. I have an overactive brain for a living and all my thought experiments do not lead me to a place of hate, it makes no sense.
LeaveReligion t1_jdr94bo wrote
How disturbing… but not surprising.
mangogetter t1_jdr9g7a wrote
Everything is purportedly Jewish and yet you cannot get a bowl of matzah ball soup or a properly made bagel anywhere within 200 miles.
budtoast t1_jdr9gyj wrote
For me personally… I grew up in a really conservative household… I know firsthand that these kinds of ideas sneak in right under your nose. >!I used to believe that the Holocaust was bad but the N-zis did a lot for Germany to help them.!< This is something my dad repeats regularly and he had convinced me of. I now know that’s not true, but the fact that these ideas can sort of exist and silently spread freaks me out.
I didn’t know it was spreading on me for years until people told me. As far as I know, my family and the others I knew at my Catholic private school were considered normal in the community. People didn’t treat them any different, but they also didn’t always openly say these things.
Edit: Anyways, that’s how they expect the ideas to spread. Those types of communities and people hiding what they believe and only openly saying it like this- anonymously
Edit 2: Also people don’t usually like to discuss politics. You’d never know, unless you brought it up, that your friend believes objectively wrong things
Goofterslam1 t1_jdr9sfp wrote
It's weird how Nazi level anti semitism has just became the norm for conservatives. Like they don't even bat and eye when someone says the Jews control the world and have space lasers. It's pretty scary. Sad to see it so close to home but I'm not surprised anymore.
WorldFoods t1_jdrcuy8 wrote
We got similar ones in southeast Springfield about a year and a half ago in December but it was how the CDC was controlled instead of the war. Made one of my Jewish neighbors scared enough to take the Menorahs out of their windows.
Benway23 t1_jdrd498 wrote
Spring is in the air. Time for the nazis to spread hateful shit under the cover of darkness. Like bedbugs. Wonder if they reproduce like bedbugs...
Upper_Case_655 t1_jdre5rj wrote
70?!? Where were this placed? What organization was behind this?
BornLightWolf t1_jdrejt5 wrote
We need to find these people and paste their license plates all over the springfield subreddit so we know what the trash looks like anyone got some good security cams?
budtoast t1_jdrffpu wrote
The ways THIS is being implemented yeah- I have known some people with straight up N-zi sentiments who wouldn’t pick this up because it’s “egregious.” It has the “vibes” of something created in a mental crisis.
The people who are really dangerous are the ones who don’t openly say these opinions and don’t type them up to post around town. They do like to spread these ideas anonymously and through their familial ties, but this makes you seem crazy. If you were to make bags of rice spreading any political opinion people will suspect that opinion is crazy. But they’re trying to do their part for their beliefs I guess… ugh.
This is another level of something I’ve seen plenty of times here in the rural Midwest. This is just the most OPEN I’ve ever witnessed out of anywhere I’ve ever lived. Springfield is better than where I’ve lived before, but it is only located a few hours away. And a lot of people I knew there had really harmful ideas. Hopefully people here will be able to recognize when harmful ideas are being pushed on them
thisxisxlife t1_jdrg2v6 wrote
Sounds like these guys need to watch Jonah Hill in 21 Jump Street
AmputatorBot t1_jdrg44r wrote
It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of concerns over privacy and the Open Web.
Maybe check out the canonical page instead:
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bussybadass t1_jdrgsf4 wrote
"Anal sex is Jewish sex" took me tf out though 😂
_ism_ t1_jdrh6x8 wrote
I went to catholic school and a very sheltered, conservative family too actually. I've been unlearning a lot of stuff my whole life too. We didn't discuss things this taboo explicitly the way I gew up so the messages were probably very subtle.
But I do remember learning about things like racism in school and going home and starting to point out ways I caught my family being racist for example and started to see the idiosync in their behavior vs what they preach. I wish I remembered more of my awakening in detail. I remember being punished and taken to counseling for some sexuality musings they found in my journal too. By the time I was 16 I had a plan to work and save money to move out at 18 and was just 100% disgusted with my family and school and feeling really unsafe there. Somehow I escaped.
I think my point is that my questioning and need to point out injustice didn't vibe with my family's values but that felt gross enough for me to be willing to throw away their conditional "love and protection" and fend for myself.
Great-Bratton t1_jdrje0u wrote
Yeah, I suppose you’re right. Can’t burn crosses anymore so let’s throw baggies of hate at people.
Mizzoutiger79 t1_jdrjqyb wrote
Well thats frightening.
budtoast t1_jdrksd8 wrote
Oh yeah- also I should say they’re not directly correlated all the time. I believe family values and some Catholic beliefs are good, so my personal bias is just what it is. But it does exist is my point and there are methods for spreading really harmful or scary beliefs. I’m sorry you sympathize. I hope you’re doing better today and I’m glad you made it out.
[deleted] t1_jdrntoh wrote
MarcTime3159 t1_jdroasl wrote
There is a nationwide group behind this, locally it is probably one or two people.
digitalhawkeye t1_jdrrwot wrote
Gotta love SWMO, and the feeling of just not being welcome for any reason at all. Nuts like these are why I keep guns.
MOF1fan OP t1_jdrtdvb wrote
For those asking I live in a subdivision with easy access to I-44, I wouldn't be surprised if this was just a drive by spreading of hate. Sadly my camera went into low power mode since I needed to charge it & stopped motion detection so no photo evidence. Guess I really do need get the solar cell upgrade for it (wyze cam)
MOF1fan OP t1_jdrtk9p wrote
Charlotte_the_cat t1_jdruuzd wrote
Einstein bagels is where it's at, baby
blu3dice t1_jdrvkcc wrote
What would you suggest?
Charlotte_the_cat t1_jdrw7tu wrote
Lox bagel, but replace the plain bagel with the five cheese. Also, I don't like the capers, so I don't add them.
DaddyChickenTendies t1_jdrylff wrote
Don’t get you perception of reality from people on the internet lol
budtoast t1_jdryqx3 wrote
That’s a shame, people outside of the internet seem to have more concerning opinions than on the internet. Usually this stuff is less overt, but it is out there and I’ve heard people talk about it. Never spread direct propaganda on paper tho, so that’s why I ask about this town.
Also someone who actually attacked me once before had a N-zi tattoo, so this type of thing is a bit hard to see when I moved away to be safer.
VoidDemon0226 t1_jds1vtb wrote
Thanks for not taking pictures of the links to their websites. They always leave those at the bottom, don't need to give them free advertising.
Some of these dorks actually got arrested in Florida and charged with littering lol. All we need is someone with a ringcam doorbell to catch the car/pickup these losers use while riding around tossing these.
If anyone has doorbell cam of these nerds it should be posted / sent to someone so we can stop these nazi's.
Murky_Wolf3895 t1_jds3wrc wrote
LilSisterCumGutters t1_jds44eh wrote
Ok so even if that was true what would that matter anyway? Where does this fear from Jewish culture come from?
huscarlaxe t1_jdsn2gf wrote
My grandpa was in the pacific theater.
[deleted] t1_jdspf2z wrote
Had a lady honk at me a few days ago and asked if I was part of the FBI (had a jacket with FBI on it). Told her no and then she promptly told me to remove it because the FBI doesn’t exist anymore since the Illuminati are killing all the agents. Absolute batshit. I just smiled and said, “oh, that’s crazy….” and quickly got into my car 🤣
Oddgenetix t1_jdsqdfs wrote
One of my favorite Springfield memories: I lived in a neighborhood over by bass pro, and a very friendly family approached me while I was pounding cigs on my front porch. It was October. A little chilly. They informed me of the Halloween thing that their church was throwing. They were pleasant, a little pushy, but very polite. I said I wasn’t interested, they thanked me for my time, and moved on.
Not 20 minutes later this second family that was clearly following them crawled out of the shadows like neurotic morlocks from an HG wells novel. They informed me everything the other family had told me was a lie, and Halloween was the devils festival, and that Harry Potter was a warlock, etc etc. they handed me a xeroxed collage of pure unmitigated antisemitism and insanity, before scurrying back in to the night like wounded raccoons.
It was an interesting evening. And I kept checking that I had locked my front door the entire night.
ShroomHex t1_jdsqv35 wrote
People will always whine about change, that's something that won't change.
sprocter77 t1_jdsqzd6 wrote
Looks like Jews are the side to be on since they run everything anyway.
allengator86 t1_jdsrfvh wrote
I thought those looked familiar. Same exact thing was littered last year. The one on the top right matches the one from last year. I think even the bags are the same.
I wish someone could get fingerprints off these so the perpetrators could be caught, but I don't know how any of that would work or if it is even possible.
Mechanicallvlan t1_jdsrjsv wrote
MOF1fan OP t1_jdsrk14 wrote
They have gone full color now
RollOutTheGuillotine t1_jdsrnkk wrote
This happens relatively often here, unfortunately. There is a group of Proud Boys in town and there's a known KKK group in the Branson area. And then there's Blue Eye. Pretty much a sundown town. There are the 417 Honkeys, too, but they tend to be less threatening in terms of white supremacy and more threatening in terms of being absolute tweakers.
Benway23 t1_jdsvdr4 wrote
Okay, I just sent this link to a friend and it clicked with him what he had seen yesterday on Battlefield near Kansas. Black truck with one of those black and white American flag decals on the rear window. My friend first just thought he was littering but after seeing this link he realized it was these types of nazi bags. Sad fucking people.
Ordinary-Relation t1_jdsvt7p wrote
Me and my wife picked up 10 of these in a short one block walk around our neighborhood on the west side of town, and we had one In Our driveway, I checked our cameras and it looks to be 4 people driving a white explorer sport Trac and it was around 10ish pm
xchadrickx t1_jdsvzzh wrote
President Lyndon B. Johnson once said, "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."
It's worked our entire lives. Facebook just makes it easier.
xchadrickx t1_jdsw9gd wrote
That's what the rice is for, so they can throw it into yards and on porches from a vehicle, and not risk having a decent human being challenge their world view.
Agitated_Mess3117 t1_jdt0n29 wrote
I lived in Vancouver Canada and kept my Oklahoma plates on my vehicle while there. I thought I was safe being in Canada and on the West Coast from this type of crap being left on my car, but it still happened. I was also yelled at a few times told to go back to my country. What is wrong with people like this who have such hatred for others that they know nothing about?
MOF1fan OP t1_jdt4hv3 wrote
First 1 I picked up was in my driveway, 2nd one next to my work truck in the street. All the others were in neighbors driveways I picked up while walking the dogs
brainkandy87 t1_jdt551r wrote
I think I’m in the same neighborhood. PM’d you
blu3dice t1_jdt5m3r wrote
Thank you!
Globalksp t1_jdt5t8s wrote
“Just become”? Sorry to say, it’s been. The democratization of information is simply allowing more of us to see it and call it what it is more often, generally speaking.
Globalksp t1_jdt5z9f wrote
Prior to moving to Springfield, we spent a few months right-before-the-2020 election in Blue Eye. It was… unkind.
Professional_Fox4467 t1_jdt6bqj wrote
Unite the right rally, Jan 6, the multiple attacks by proudboys and neo Nazis, etc and we know damn well there's a number of them here. This place is has enough honkeys for them to blend right in. Even if there's only one there's too many and there's only type of good Nazi. This complacent attitude is how we got here.
Globalksp t1_jdt6f08 wrote
Just going to leave this here with the recommendation that anyone remotely interested in antisemitism and authoritarianism give it a watch. It’s a hard watch, to be sure. It’s paywalled but all PBS asks for is a donation (I pay$5/month for access).
Also, that username… Oy! 😉
Globalksp t1_jdt6jjg wrote
Didn’t know this. Wish it wasn’t of natural causes, but glad his ideologies died with him.
Globalksp t1_jdt6nbb wrote
Fear, power, greed.
armenia4ever t1_jdt7wts wrote
What is wrong with these people. Fucking insane. If everything is Jewish, than nothing is. I just don't get this fear and hatred of Jews.
Always_0421 t1_jdt8ij6 wrote
>It's weird how Nazi level anti semitism has just became the norm for conservatives.
Idk if you live in a social media bubble, are just ignorant, or are intentionally trying to vilify an entire section of people for whatever reason, but damn, thats some ignorant bullshit.
Complete bullshit.
Does it happen? Unfortunatley, yes; there are always extremist and idiots regardless of political affilitation. But saying it's the norm is the same as saying liberals spreading the ideals of anarchy is "the norm."
As a person born and raised in South-west MO, who's entire family, and most of my closest friends are conservative, who works exclusively in rural communities, I have never had someone approach me with anti Semitism or say anything disparaging about Jewish people...not once. Not stammering drunk, not pissed off at political shenanigans, not on their worse day.
I've seen a nazi flag before displayed by an ignorant piece of shit, but thats hardly "the norm", even in the most hardcore conservatives I know. (It was "SS Bolts" on the back of a motorcycle)
RollOutTheGuillotine t1_jdt9jp7 wrote
Good lord, I am so sorry. I can only imagine how hostile it must have been.
Globalksp t1_jdt9rxf wrote
We kept to ourselves, but we had our Cali plates on the car. Gas station visits were… tense. There was a 1:10 (?) scale replica of the Statue of Liberty in the development where we were. It was… ironic.
PassingWithJennifer t1_jdtalo7 wrote
Report these to the ADL they track these and help in the prosecutions of domestic terrorists that probably accompany these organizations.
PassingWithJennifer t1_jdtax36 wrote
Iirc last year people were taking down or defaming the white power stickers people placed all over town. Missouri has always somewhat been a home base for the kkk. I don't understand how they recruit though. Gen Y and Grn Z and presumably Gen Alpha are rather progressive on average. I guess conspiracy thinking is cult-like and anyone can get caught up in it. Which is probably the purpose of these
PassingWithJennifer t1_jdtb510 wrote
Lol I didn't even notice. I wonder what their mental gymnastic explanation for that is.
PassingWithJennifer t1_jdtbjtm wrote
The ADL actually has articles tracking the organizations that do this stuff. You should report incidents that happen to the ADL it may not help in a prosecution but it will help them track incidents and their frequency which is useful for judging a lot of things including radicalization
Mysterious-Trash6279 t1_jdtc1v3 wrote
Happened in mine too
Condom-Ad-Don-Draper t1_jdthwop wrote
If you like stale bagels, then maybe.
Condom-Ad-Don-Draper t1_jdti1co wrote
Report it.
WorldFoods t1_jdtlrgp wrote
I would report it to police. They have Flock cameras around town that may have picked up their license plate.
bussybadass t1_jdtoevi wrote
I'd love someone to come up to my door with the flyer saying "Every Aspect of Pornography is Jewish" because I'd ask how "Anal sex is Jewish sex" .
Charlotte_the_cat t1_jdtqfkc wrote
I've never had a stale bagel.
WillBTheMan t1_jdtv7ri wrote
Fingerprint them
Condom-Ad-Don-Draper t1_jdtw6n6 wrote
Have you ever had a fresh bagel?
Professional-One-442 t1_jdub4hj wrote
Keep seeing these pop up on Reddit for USPS all over the country. Thank 45
my_monkeys_fly t1_jduhcvi wrote
In the 80s, they used to randomly mail this crap. Guess postage has gotten too high
my_monkeys_fly t1_jduhij5 wrote
Honey, they've done this since the 70s and 80s around here. Every few years they get a bee in their butt crack. Don't be alarmed or let the fear mongers make you afraid.
But, I also got called a transphobe for telling someone to not be afraid of missouri... so take it for what you will. I still say just live your life.
Dismal-Assumption441 t1_jduhv5z wrote
Even the rice?
Cosmonaut-uForgot t1_jdujt8b wrote
That rice better be kosher 😬
hstac09 t1_jduxgsd wrote
Someone needs to get a life.
[deleted] t1_jdv0owh wrote
[deleted] t1_jdv0y62 wrote
budtoast t1_jdv2uz6 wrote
I think the issue is the anti trans bills being pushed by Missouri. That is no reason to call someone a transphobe if that’s what you were called. Unless you intentionally misgendered someone or expressed distaste or hatred towards trans people.
Missouri is a fine place to live. I’ve seen worse places. But it also isn’t even on the top 20 states for trans people to live right now. We could go to any number of those and it would be better but we can’t afford that. We are stuck here. Where we can find a large amount of political rice bags on the street. I don’t think it is good or bad. Could be worse, could be better.
Edit: Also I’m not afraid because of fear mongering, though I do sometimes wish that were the case. No, the fear mongering is happening through the people calling trans people and drag queens predators. I’m afraid because of bills being pushed that want to limit my freedoms, not because of claims that an entire group of people are hurting children. I have been physically attacked because of these beliefs. My fears are reasonable.
my_monkeys_fly t1_jdv3bwn wrote
And I agree. I keep telling people to just bide their time, and in 10 years things will be very different. I just hate seeing people borrow trouble before they absolutely have to, and maybe it seems I'm being glib. But, I'm a natural worrier, and it's no way to live.
budtoast t1_jdv3ts4 wrote
I know that. I think there are things you shouldn’t baselessly worry about, and there are things that make sense. Considering I have experienced violence for my appearance and my girlfriend’s appearance before in a town not far from here, we are a bit cautious. I mean, the guy who hurt us had a sw-stika tattoo.
If it has happened before it can absolutely happen again. Once I started having issues with my health again and we moved here we haven’t seen too many scary things. We’ve heard of some people getting shot or violence outside of places like Martha’s. But beyond that, we’re just hoping that this town is an improvement from where we used to live. If we get attacked again, I may not be able to move like last time, and I could get hurt badly.
Essentially, I am not fear mongered. I’m afraid of those who are
my_monkeys_fly t1_jdv49v4 wrote
I've lived here my entire 51 years, and have known people of all varieties ( the only way I can think of to encompass all the beautiful types of folks). Let me tell you, we have our assholes, but most of the beautiful people are just here living their lives. I don't speak fo4 the rest of MO, but I promise you. Anyone ever tries to hurt you, you come right back here and message me. I'll go granny redneck on em for ya. Deal?
budtoast t1_jdv4n6z wrote
Thank you. I’ll take that deal but I can’t guarantee things will work out. I’m hoping to go outside more often during the summer so I suspect that will potentially bring problems with it. The worst we’ve experienced here was HEAVYY staring in Hobby Lobby and people obviously whispering about us. So I’ll take that any day over outright violence.
my_monkeys_fly t1_jdv50e2 wrote
Hobby lobby is corrupt and overpriced anyway. Go to joann.
budtoast t1_jdv56mp wrote
You’re totally right. We couldn’t find that specific item anywhere else, but we swore to never go back there because it was so uncomfortable and overpriced lol. Plus they no longer do that 40% off deal thing. (it was the ONLY art store where I used to live so I used that coupon all the time)
orangemaid3000 t1_jdvdkjs wrote
What a waste of rice, man...
VoidDemon0226 t1_jdvf71a wrote
It's bc the flyers are made by the nazi equivalent of a dude sitting in a basement on his conspiracy theory podcast, and multiple nazi groups across the nation listen to said dude, download the flyer pngs and toss them around bc they can never think of their own flyers to make. The part not shown on these baggies (luckily) is the link to said basement dwellers anti-jewish tinfoil hat podcast.
SoundsPainfulButFun t1_jdwtc2z wrote
And here I've been telling people I'm athiest....
LifeRocks114 t1_jdxiyv6 wrote
Popping in to say my brother discovered these just a few minutes ago in our driveway and the yards/driveways of our whole street. We live on the west side too. ETA: we found a total of nine. Our neighbor's kids said a white truck was doing the deed, but they didn't see the driver or the plate. ETA2: up to 11 now, my brother did a walk of the whole neighborhood past our street and found a couple more. Gross.
Jack_Krauser t1_jdxwo8w wrote
The extremist liberals that call for anarchy don't get elected to Congress.
Always_0421 t1_jdyj9va wrote
Thete are 435 comgressional districts across the US; 222 are Republicans. I'm not sure who specifically you're referring to, but of want to count even 4 as antisemitism, thats less than 2%, hardly a "norm".
If you would consider that the norm of the republican party, you must too consider antisemitism and violence the norm of the left.
But you and i both know It isn't.
As much as the media and many politicians want us to paint each other as the irrational enemy, that just isn't true.
minfold t1_jecgfy4 wrote
Just got done picking up a few in my neighborhood, lame
tdawg-1551 t1_jdqxv8f wrote
Most of the time, people who do this, whether it is about Jews, Communism, socialism, etc, they have no idea what any of it means. They are just parroting back things they heard. "x,y,z is bad, so that is socialism." "I don't like a,b,c so that is because of Jews". They are just idiots.