This shit just rocked my house hold. It's highly contagious. If you have vomiting, diarrhea - STAY HOME AND ISOLATE! Immediately clean up any mishaps.
This stuff is seriously awful.
This shit just rocked my house hold. It's highly contagious. If you have vomiting, diarrhea - STAY HOME AND ISOLATE! Immediately clean up any mishaps.
This stuff is seriously awful.
Listen to this post. Everyone I know has the stomach bug right now and apparently it's one of the worst ones anyone's had.
Spit out my coffee at Double trouble 😂
Glad you’re on the mend
At least its quick! with some hindsight it's kind of amazing what your body is capable of it finds this virus in your gut and it's like hell no, and 24 hours later you're good to go.
Better than most of the nagging illnesses you get as a pre-school parent that sap your energy but you can't legitimately call out from work for.
I had the same experience. My youngest puked just once and was fine 24 hours later. I was dead to the world and couldn't eat for 3 days.
Ugh, it went through my family several years ago and it's no fun at all. Note that Norovirus is spread primarily through touch as opposed to COVID which is spread primarily through the air. Mask and gloves? Might as well go skiing.
I just got over it. Couldn’t hold anything down for 3 days!
From the CDC " However, studies have shown that you can still spread norovirus for two weeks or more after you feel better."
You'll feel fine but can still spread it for weeks so unless you're going to go full bubble boy there's not a surefire way to stop it from spreading, i mean obviously wash your hands etc but I got it after working from home for two days straight, then spending an entire weekend at home by myself in zoom classes while my wife and child were away, Sunday night I was laid out...
Some reasons why Norovirus spreads so much:
It is not killed by those Lysol/Clorox wipes or hand sanitizer gels (kills 99.9% of germs, guess who the .1% is)
A person is contagious for up to 48hrs AFTER symptoms END. This means that if you are sick for 24hrs, you are still contagious for another 2 days. And those virus particles you are shedding are not being killed with what most people are disinfecting with.
Wash your hands with soap and hot water, and if you are sick, stay home for 2 days after symptoms stop.
Friends of ours had this last year, really bad. We had to drop something off to them, and we stood outside talking (no physical contact) about 10' apart. Nobody got it in my family. So I can confirm that this is one of those "touch only" things. Luckily, that makes it easier to avoid. Don't touch other people and wash your hands.
I wonder if isolating for so long has dulled people's immune response to these relatively common viruses?
It was about 48 hours of sickness for me. I'm still feeling like I'm lacking a lot of energy after. I'm just glad not to be a garden sprinkler from both ends of my body.
Yup it’s going around really badly. Please be considerate of others and stay home littles and elderly don’t need this bug!
I had it for the New Year, it was 5 days of internal death. Terrible
How would one avoid it beyond normal hygiene?
I had norovirus about 10 years ago and think it is the most seriously sick I've every been. 'I want to die' kind of sick.
I'm pretty sure I got it in a restaurant bathroom. Ever since then I've been extremely paranoid about bathroom germs, especially the ones where you have to touch things like the sink handle or door handle.
Norovirus is no joke. You can get dangerously dehydrated if you aren't careful.
I couldn't even eat chips of ice. As soon an I swallowed, I'd start throwing up again.
Cool, I'll let my preschooler know. Lol
and avoid using public bathrooms if at all possible.
Had it Valentine’s Day, girlfriend had it two days later!
I had it years ago when the big Windjammer norovirus issue happened. It was so bad. I resorted to the tricks I'd been told while going through severe morning sickness. Lots of frozen lemonade and Warheads. I lived on those. I will never understand why sour lemon helps with nausea and vomiting, but it did for me every time.
Yeah unfortunately that doesn't work for kids haha.
AHKTUALLY the 0.1% is intended to cover their asses in regards to spore forming bacteria since these things will not kill hearty spore formers like C. difficile and B. anthracis.
For a long time it was assumed or even thought to be known that these things work against norovirus.
Nowadays cleaners used in healthcare settings and (usually/hopefully) schools and congregate living facilities cover norovirus
Everyone in here talking about how it’s spread through touch is correct. But I think it’s important to make everyone understand that what really passes the infection is exposure to contaminated body fluids, in this case feces and possibly vomit. The transmission is literally fecal to oral - so a lil bit of someone else’s poop getting in your mouth.
Now you say: “that’s Fuckin nasty! I never let poop into my mouth!!”
Well, I’ve got news for you.
The take home is that hand hygiene following using the bathroom is INCREDIBLY Important. Nowadays we all love to use our phones while taking a shit - think about this for a minute. You’ve touched all kinds of contaminated surfaces, are sitting on a shared shitter, and now you’re touching this thing that we all touch all day long without second thought. You put it back in your pocket for a second, wipe your ass and despite what you think inevitably get some microscopic poo particles on your hand, and then you take your phone right back out of your pocket after maybe washing your hands - likely not well enough.
Anyway. Wash your hands. If you are a foodservice worker CALL THE FUCK OUT OF WORK, you WILL infect every meal you make. It’s that contagious.
I had it right around this time last year and literally wanted to die. I am not a puker, and it was just non stop. If I didn’t have some zofran on hand I don’t think I would have survived. I literally slept in front of my wood stove shaking for three days. My wife was out of town so it was just me dying a slow painful death waking up once every hour to lazily throw a log on the fire and sprint to the bathroom.
This is a virus that can survive for days on some surfaces, over a week. So wash your hands, sanitize your bathrooms. Hopefully it doesn’t hit my kid’s school next week.
Same here! It was awful and just when you thought it was over it reared its ugly head again!
A great quick way to lose the holiday extra pounds though lol *silver linings* ha!
Just get it and be over with it in 24 hours or less.
that's not always the case.
Me and the Mrs were down for 48 hours. She's still suffering a bit. We're not 100%.
This shit is dangerous as it has the potential to really dehydrate a person despite best efforts.
I'd argue you get your selves straight to a hospital for a fluid IV. It rocked our household as well and we had 2 emergency room visits back-to-back. It spreads through the air, so if someone in your house has it, mask up, glove up, and bleach EVERYTHING. Bomb the literal shit out of the bathroom. Anywhere they're rocketing out fluids.
The good news is that the virus spreads so fast that it can't maintain it self and craters out, but god help ye for the 2-3 days its fuckin your shit up.
not use public bathrooms, prepare your own meals, and wash your hands after touching ANYTHING.
it was brutal.
What part of the state are you in?
Same here - It was probably within 2 hours that I went form perfectly fine to barely able to stand, purging the hoover dam from either end. Awful fuckin everything that virus is.
>I wonder if isolating for so long has dulled people's immune response to these relatively common viruses?
I think this is definitely a factor in households with small children -- a lot of kids going into daycare, preschool, and kindergarten this last fall have had so little exposure to other people.
So you have environments that are already known to be a massive vectors for communicable disease, and a bunch of little people who've never been exposed to common illnesses. Combine that with parents who may have also been heavily isolated for the last few years?
My kiddo brings this lovely bug home from preschool a couple times a year. It's just the worst - violent, incapacitating sickness. At least it's quick though.
I can tell you first hand, this is the WORST stomach bug variant I've ever had. It's been two weeks since it first "hit" and it has come and gone ever since. No vomiting, no fever but severe stomach cramps/pain and insane diarrhea. Not sure if a trip to the doctor or urgent care is worth it as everything I'm reading says there's nothing they can prescribe and I just have to let it run its course...
You can catch it multiple times. You should really clean everything if you get it
Me who used the bathroom at the New Haven gas station yesterday now freaked out. How fast does it begin from exposure to symptoms?
Addison county
I had that once. It’s way more violent than the flu. It totally knocked me down. At one point I was scared I should get taken to the ER, that I was about to lose consciousness - just pass out. I couldn’t get up, walk, crawl, anything. That was the peak of it, then it subsided. Whew. You should definitely take this person’s advice. Don’t spread it.
Look at their profile. They are committed to this bit.
Currently out of commission on my couch rn.
I got it from the Jammer too.
RIP Salad boat
We all and I mean all got it in January. 14 people at the party, 14 victims. Probably the most intense vomiting I’ve ever experienced and keep in mind there was a time in my life when I regularly played Edward Fortyhands
get your fluids! rest up!
Seriously! I just got over it a week ago. Had it for two weeks. Knocked me out, let me tell you! But no one would actually test for it. They tested for the flu and the plague, but refused, or were unable, to test for it. :(
Both the doctors I talked to said it was the worst they've seen. How would they know if htey aren't checking?? :(
On the bright side, I lost 6 lbs. lol
It hit our house. My kids had one bad day of diarrhea but it knocked my wife and I out for literal days. It was awful.
symptoms pretty much tell a diagnostician everything they need to know. no one wants to be around that shit. that's why they dont "test" for it.
Sure, but I was in the ER anyway. And then had to have a check in with my own doctor a couple days later.
Wear a hazmat suit lol. This is our 2nd time with it in 3 months. I have two kids though.
I’d second this. I had it back in 2016, had to go to Fanny Allen two days in a row for IV fluids and the third day went to the ER after almost passing out. Turns out my kidneys were shutting down and I got admitted overnight. Super fun time.
this that cruise ship sh!t
where in the state is it happening?
Burlington, and all around.
Oh, we just got that this week, the night before we were supposed to leave to go visit the grandparents. Luckily we got off lightly in comparison to others in this thread, maybe the eldest and the SO and I had some residual immunity from when eldest brought it home as a toddler and we all fell like dominoes and felt like death. It was still a couple hours of no fun and a tender stomach for a further 24ish hours, and the poor little one threw up all night.
It ran through our house a couple weeks ago. Wife and 4/5 kids got hit with stomach pains and vomiting for about 48hrs. Didn’t know it had a name.
Hmm my bowels have been feeling off for the past few days. Some problems with the rear end but nothing crazy. I wonder if this is it or if I just have food poisoning like I figured it was. Anyone know if this can manifest as a less serious bug?
Also, the immunity window after recovering from it is short and the virus lives on surfaces for quite a while (weeks I think?).
So it is possible to re-infect yourself after getting over it if surfaces aren't properly and completely disinfected.
Edit: immunity after infection is more like 2-6 months and the virus can last on surfaces up to 4 weeks.
Day 5. Pray I find relief soon.
I’m only on here reading this because my stomach hurts so bad I can’t move, scrollings all I can do
Get better soon d00d 💪
There was an outbreak at a summer camp I work at a few years ago. Scary stuff, don’t mess around if you have the symptoms
Yes, in some people it's just minor
My wife and I caught norovirus, likely on the trip home from a vacation that we took several years ago. Within 24 hours of getting home, we both had the most horrible stomach upset and diarrhea. We both had to stay home from work for a few extra days once we got home. I must have been in the toilet no less than 30 times in a single day. We drank plenty of water and fluids, and ate a small amount of easy to digest food, like bananas, rice, and ramen noodles. After 3-4 days we felt back to normal. Tired, literally wrung out, but normal.
>let it run its course...
Truer words...
That was going around last year too, had it for a few days, sucked.
> Mask and gloves? Might as well go skiing.
But, but, but I thought it was masks that kept people from ever getting sick the last three years.
Ripped through our Christmas gathering years ago, 11 out of 18 of us got sick. One of the worst experiences ever.
What a fiasco!
(love your username)
Seriously. I was weak for a long time after. Still not right.
It does not spread through the air.
our house hold has 4 kids. hoping this weekend we're all going to be good!
Had it last year. Spread through ally friends at UVM then their friends. I had it first and most violently. Think I got it from friendly toast but not positive.
Needed but in the ER with dehydration and being delerious. Surreal to witness such a violent virus spread in real time.
Would it make sense to install cell phone hygiene covers in public restrooms?
Had it once 20 years ago, and, trust me, you don't want it.
family had it almost two weeks ago. Was only throwing up for 12 hours but I couldn't stomach anything for a solid week after.
And yes, use bleach cleaner to kill noro. You're still infectious up to a week after getting it so clean your bathroom with bleach regularly, even when symptoms clear up.
Also, call your doc and get some zofran, that really helps ease up the puking.
Norovirus spreads through sick people and contaminated surfaces Surfaces can get contaminated with norovirus in many ways, including when:
An infected person touches the surface with their bare hands that have feces or vomit particles on them An infected person vomits or has diarrhea that splatters onto surfaces Food, water, or objects that are contaminated with norovirus are placed on surfaces Tiny particles of vomit spray through the air and land on surfaces or enter a person’s mouth, then he or she swallows it
That's from the CDC. You're welcome to try your luck🤷♂️
Waterproof cell phones so you just wash them at the sink with your hands makes more sense
How long am I going to be dying? Last weekend was bad. Like bad, bad. Out both ends. Dizzy. Headache. Body aches. Monday I was fine. Tuesday right back where I was. Don't feel great today but better than yesterday. I can't take much more of this. Any idea how long this is going to last and what did you all take to help?
By far worst I've ever had.
I thought there was a 6 month immunity after?
It's the coming and going for me. How am I supposed to know when I'm actually well? I did get the vomiting and it was awful.
Ya, looks like what I said was incorrect. The virus can last on surfaces up to 4 weeks and immunity to a certain strain lasts between 2 months and 6 months, depending on who you ask.
most of the time this will hit you for 24-48 hours.
Here's what I suggest if you haven't already:
treat your symptoms! if you have a fever, use a fever reducer, make sure you are getting fluids, and if you're having a hard time keeping them down, use pedialite - that'll help keep you going.
Also - be sure to keep things tidy and clean, reinfection can happen! clean up after yourself, and be sure to keep your hands as clean as possible.
The amount of time you've been sick is out of the ordinary - I would highly suggest contacting your PCP or any healthcare professional as you might be experiencing something else entirely.
I think I’m going through this! My husband had something similar a few weeks back. I’ll feel ok then try to eat and then all hell breaks loose.. no vomiting just nausea and diarrhea.. I’m on day 5 or 6
Wondering the same! I’ve been having cramps gas and bloating for like 3 days. Can’t think of any other reason but a stomach bug but everyone is saying vomiting & diarrhea are more common and I have neither of those!
The last part had me audibly laughing out loud😭😭😭
I feel that fr
Update: it was the neurovirus oof lol
I’ve had the same symptoms the last 3-5 days. I’ve had stomach cramps, constipation, nausea with gagging/very little vomiting. The cramps are not as painful as they are annoying. It keeps me awake at night, and spikes my anxiety. Luckily I think I’m on the other side of the wall now and getting better. The stomach cramps are almost non-existent but I can still feel them a bit just enough to know they are still there (currently taking Advil). Nausea and gagging are gone. Hopefully tomorrow I’ll be close to 100% cause I need to get back to work asap.
And how did you figure out you had norovirus? Doctor or what? I saw there is a rapid test but I don’t know where to buy it.
I had only hung out with one friend, and she had just gotten over what she assumed to be food poisoning… the next day I became extremely stomach sick, MUCH worse than my usual (pretty bad) stomach pain/issues. When I saw her next she told me she had gotten tested and it was the neurovirus.
Ugh that’s the worst!! Sounds like you got it worse than me, I felt super nauseous but never vomited, and I got over it fairy fast. That sucks a lot, I hope you continue to feel better!
How long did it take you or her to get over it?
It took me a few days, it took her 2 or 3
These are my symptoms exactly today... When did you start feeling better?
It took about another week after this to feel better. This is the first week I’ve been able to eat full meals without issues
My family is going through this right now. It is actually the most terrible thing I have ever encountered. My two youngest handled it well.
Im dying from both ends every 30 minutes
Day 3 just getting over this. The absolutely worst bug I have ever had in my life.
My eldest was sick Monday of last week. Puked for 26 hours. Did not think much of it at the time, thinking it was a normal bug. One of my younger daughters started getting sick that Friday (puked on the floor). I stayed home with her, she did not puke after that but had bouts of diarrhea all weekend- Myself and my youngest daughter started getting sick that night around 10:00PM
Started with Diarrhea and quickly progress to vomiting too. My youngest was fine after that puke session, she would get upset over the abdomen cramps which is completely understandable however my nightmare was just beginning.
Every 30 minutes it was puking and diarrhea for 8 hours straight. Relentless to the point were I was seeing doubles and lost my hearing for a bit. I would drink 500ml of electrolyte drink and 500ml of water each time. Pain was brutal along with those stomach cramps. I lost about 8 pounds - did not puke the next day only diarrhea. Then at midnight started puking again until 2 AM. Was able to east the next day but not without feeling like absolutely shit and having to force feed myself.
Curled up on the couch all weekend long. Day 3 a bit of diarrhea - Had a smoothie this morning for breakfast and croissant for lunch feel absolutely hungover. Just want this to stop.
Be safe clean your hands
My wifes only symptoms were the same as you meanwhile everyone else in our family was toast
Got it from my toddler. Can confirm worst I’ve had since I was kid.
I have it now probably 4th time or so in the last 10 years I’ve got it. It is utterly awful I feel like death and am bedridden. Help me!
Drink plenty of fluids my friend.
Thanks it has got a bit better this afternoon still completely fatigued
Full_Whereas_2694 t1_jamwsz3 wrote
I agree, its fast and furious. I have no idea where we got it from-the problem is there is no "lead up" to the symptoms, I felt fine, then an hour later I was in double trouble. I immediately quarantined in an in-law apartment until the symptoms went away, showered, changed clothes sanitized the shit out of everything....and my wife and daughter both still got it within the next week. Aside from a week of full on covid-style isolation it's almost impossible not to give it to the people you live with. At least little kids don't seem to get very sick with this one, my 4 year old was only sick for about 3 hours. Woke up puking at 3 am. by 7 am the next morning you wouldn't be able to tell there was anything going on.