ThisAmericanSatire t1_jd5pgc1 wrote
Reply to comment by orlitzky in DON'T PARK IN BIKE LANES Due to the increased 311 reports in the area, we are increasing E Monument St between N Broadway & N Washington. by BmoreCityDOT
And then people will challenge the tickets saying it was photoshopped, so you'll have to show up in court and testify, but you will be like "eh, do I really want to go down to court and go through all that just to get paid $25? Nahhh."
And then every asshole in town will realize they can just challenge the tickets in court and the witness is unlikely to show up and deal with the hassle, resulting in the fines being dismissed, which will defeat the whole purpose.
The idea of paying bounties for photo evidence is an idea that sounds really great in theory, but will likely not produce meaningful results.
At worst, it'll be just another means for blaming victims and dismissing complaints - "Stop complaining that there's cars parked in the bike lanes! Be part of the solution! Take pictures and we'll pay you!"*
*After you waste a day of your life in court that will probably cost you more money in lost wages than the bounty pays.
ThisAmericanSatire t1_jd5fhjp wrote
Reply to comment by _brobeans_ in DON'T PARK IN BIKE LANES Due to the increased 311 reports in the area, we are increasing E Monument St between N Broadway & N Washington. by BmoreCityDOT
I've said this before but...
I will continue reporting FOR FREE if someone actually shows up and writes a ticket or tows the vehicle.
Almost every single day at lunchtime, I report 1-3 commercial vehicles parked in the Potomac bike lane at O'Donnell Square.
The fact that this is an ongoing problem tells me that enforcement is nowhere near the level where it needs to be.
Reporting the violations is not the issue.
The real issue is getting someone to respond to the violation fast enough to actually do something about it.
ThisAmericanSatire t1_jat0beo wrote
Reply to comment by dopkick in Have you ever ridden eastbound on 20th street ... by refutalisk
The bounty is meaningless if nobody actually shows up to ticket/tow.
I currently report for free, and will continue to do so, but it would be nice if enforcement actually showed up immediately and issued tickets.
ThisAmericanSatire t1_jamlib8 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Maryland Cycling Classic makes return to Baltimore this September by locker1313
That would be very impressive considering the route doesn't cross the tracks at-grade.
ThisAmericanSatire t1_j9zfylo wrote
Love: Being able to walk places and not need to drive. The eccentric vibe. The rowhomes.
Hate: County people descended from white-flight boomers who parrot anti-Baltimore drivel every chance they get.
ThisAmericanSatire t1_j8wl5jw wrote
Reply to comment by Actual-Trouble-2856 in Will Baltimore Ever Be As Great As Cleveland? by BilgeWalker
“America has only three cities: New York, San Francisco, and New Orleans. Everywhere else is Cleveland.”
-Tennessee Williams
ThisAmericanSatire t1_j3ne9fs wrote
Reply to comment by ZealousidealGuest276 in Non Baltimore native taking Baltimore native on first date by ZealousidealGuest276
It's funny, I have been in a relationship for the past two and a half years, and just the other day she and I were talking, she said our first date did feel a lot like an interview.
Like I said, to each their own, and what works for me may not work for you.
One thing I will say for sure though, is that alcohol really helps. I'm not saying get drunk, but having a drink or two does help you open up and be conversational on a date
ThisAmericanSatire t1_j3n7ap5 wrote
To each their own, but an Aquarium (or zoo, or museum, art gallery etc) is better for a 3rd date in my opinion.
I learned long ago that the best first date is drinks at a not-too-loud bar (or coffee if they don't drink) where you can easily break the ice and get to know each other.
Bars are usually near restaurants, so if drinks go well, you can suggest grabbing dinner after the drinks.
ThisAmericanSatire t1_j2dkc57 wrote
Just give us reliable public transportation you fuckheads!
ThisAmericanSatire t1_j1yh2an wrote
Reply to comment by socatsucks in Baltimore MetroLink, a comprehensive subway system for the Baltimore region by Capitol_Limited
We actually did have $400,000,000,000 that we could have spent building this, but our elected officials spent it on interstate highways and other car-only infrastructure instead.
So now instead of paying $3.50 to take the Metro across town, you get to pay hundreds of dollars a month for a car payment, insurance, gas, parking, and repairs & maintenance. Not to mention the value of your time which is wasted in traffic jams and looking for parking.
ThisAmericanSatire t1_j1cub2l wrote
Reply to comment by NewrytStarcommander in Mormon missionaries in Baltimore? by ModeratelyLargeTruss
>You heathens
Do you mean "us heathens", or are you redding from the great hereafter?
ThisAmericanSatire t1_izwkt9d wrote
Reply to comment by 5wiresam in RANT: Fuck Comcast and their Live TV stream. by Still_No_Tomatoes
Forget a coat hanger - you can pick up the signal witth a paperclip if you're close enough to the tower.
I'm very glad the towers are central in Baltimore. The last place I lived, the various towers were on opposite sides of the metro area, so I could never get half of the channels, even with a bigger "100 mile" roof mounted antenna.
ThisAmericanSatire t1_izsbjku wrote
Reply to comment by ElectricStar87 in Baltimore rail transit lines vs. population density by Left-Indication
The biggest problem with busses is that they have to share the road with cars. This has two pitfalls:
busses get stuck in traffic
BRT infrastructure (i.e. Bus lanes) can easily be given back to commuter cars if some elected rep thinks happy drivers are better than happy bus riders.
Trains don't have these problems, especially if they are grade-separated.
ThisAmericanSatire t1_izsazsa wrote
Reply to comment by Desertortoise in Baltimore rail transit lines vs. population density by Left-Indication
They should put a North/South subway underneath York Road from Towson to 33rd, then go under 33rd to Charles St, then go under Charles St. south (with a station underneath Penn) all the way to Fort Ave, and end the line at the front gate of McHenry.
ThisAmericanSatire t1_ivru44u wrote
Reply to comment by DfcukinLite in which east coast city is most comparable to Baltimore? by caw2k22
Richmond is starting to get expensive.
I looked at moving there a year ago (from NC), and decided against it because I liked Baltimore better, but houses in The Fan are much more expensive than comparable houses in Canton.
ThisAmericanSatire OP t1_itklio1 wrote
Reply to comment by Gav_Princip in Have you recently had your formstone painted? How much did it cost? by ThisAmericanSatire
My gf and I have both owned houses separately, (not in Baltimore), so this is not our first rodeo.
We already know exactly what we want in our house and have gone to a number of open houses in the neighborhood to get a sense of what is out there.
We are probably going to to be putting an offer down in the next few weeks.
At this point, we are just trying to fine-tune the budget aspect, and that means figuring out how much to set aside for painting the house, if necessary.
ThisAmericanSatire OP t1_ithtc39 wrote
Reply to comment by houdinize in Have you recently had your formstone painted? How much did it cost? by ThisAmericanSatire
Oh, I thought you/they were going to say some Baltimore/Maryland-specific reason.
We already discussed that possibility and we came to an agreement as to how we'd handle a breakup.
We're also planning to get our wills made soon and, at that point, may just have a contract drawn up that formalizes the percentage each of us owns.
ThisAmericanSatire OP t1_ithlma1 wrote
Reply to comment by alomagicat in Have you recently had your formstone painted? How much did it cost? by ThisAmericanSatire
Any particular reason behind that?
ThisAmericanSatire OP t1_ithg0c3 wrote
Reply to comment by bookoocash in Have you recently had your formstone painted? How much did it cost? by ThisAmericanSatire
I would prefer to have bare brick, because that's just a classic look, but I think trying to remove formstone would be an expensive hassle and could quickly become a nightmare if there's issues restoring the brick.
And... as much as I love red brick, I think formstone looks pretty sweet with the right paint scheme. It definitely adds character to the neighborhood to see a few houses in vibrant colors rather than just endless brick.
ThisAmericanSatire OP t1_ith60s8 wrote
Reply to comment by DryLipCoyote in Have you recently had your formstone painted? How much did it cost? by ThisAmericanSatire
Thanks! I appreciate your reply and will keep in mind!
ThisAmericanSatire t1_it2nl2h wrote
Reply to Do you feel safe at night in Canton? by pdshriekz
As a guy, I don't worry about walking around Canton at any time of the day. I've taken my dog out at 3am with no concerns.
Granted, I carry pepper spray at all times, but I do that almost everywhere (not just Baltimore).
ThisAmericanSatire t1_iqy5d0o wrote
Reply to comment by danhalka in Linking Jones Falls, NCR trails would create a protected bike path from the Inner Harbor into Pennsylvania. A study is proposed. by finsterallen
I've done Charles going north (downhill). There is a 100 yard stretch just north of the Joppa bridge where the shoulder becomes a 3rd car lane and there is no bike lane.
Going north, and downhill, it's not too bad because I'm going fast.
I would not return south (uphill) on Charles because of that section.
ThisAmericanSatire t1_iqwjguq wrote
Reply to comment by bOhsohard in Linking Jones Falls, NCR trails would create a protected bike path from the Inner Harbor into Pennsylvania. A study is proposed. by finsterallen
Thanks! I'll mark that on my map as a northbound route
ThisAmericanSatire t1_iqvizbr wrote
Reply to Linking Jones Falls, NCR trails would create a protected bike path from the Inner Harbor into Pennsylvania. A study is proposed. by finsterallen
This is great.
I've been struggling to find a safe route from the northern part of the JFT to the rail trail. The biggest problem is that the only way to cross 695 is by riding on a road and the majority of roads that cross 695 are high-speed and/or high traffic roads, and just not really safe to ride a bike on.
Basically, I can get from Canton to Lake Roland with no problems. But getting from Lake Roland to Timonium is dangerous.
The safest route across 695 seems to be Thornton Road, but getting to Thornton still requires you to ride on narrow suburban roads with hills and blind turns - Bellona Ave, Ruxton Rd, etc.
ThisAmericanSatire t1_jeeinpp wrote
Reply to comment by abcpdo in Amtrak shares renderings of rebuilt Baltimore Penn Station by DfcukinLite
Don't worry, I'm sure they'll complete a ton of roadway projects in that same time at an even greater expense.
"Why does traffic suck? Why are there so many bad drivers? Why is it so expensive to insure a car?"