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t1_jeaj8b4 wrote

Something that does not nearly get the attention and praise it deserves. What an outstanding accomplishment 👏


t1_jeakqyt wrote

Imagine what could be done if that money was somewhere but Boston...


t1_jeao2mz wrote

Excuse me, but some idiots online told me that blue states and cities are a mess and don't know how to function, so this must be a lie!


t1_jears7h wrote

The economic engine of Norway was mineral wealth. But by investing the money wisely in other sectors, they now have far more sources of income.

If a minute amount of that money went to developing Springfield, Pittsfield, and Worcester as independent cities with their own economic engines instead of payong for ever-scarcer land in Boston, imagine the possibilities.


t1_jeautc4 wrote

Yeah, we rock. Always knew we were better than the rest. Just a feeling that comes with being a resident of this fine state.


t1_jeavlk3 wrote

I would love to see the diagrams without including the farm subsidies and/or Medicare.

Overall very generic not much of a substance article.


t1_jeay92d wrote

This just sounds like trying to make the mess that's in blue states equivalent to the mess that's in red states. I'll take the mess that's in Massachusetts compared to the mess that's in places like Idaho, where they're passing abortion trafficking bills.


t1_jeb2241 wrote

Not quite how the market works. What it actually does is inflate pay, which ripples along the chain and further inflates pay umtil sole services are priced out. And prices go up everywhere else. I know people who commute from Palmer to Boston daily because housing in Boston is too expensive


t1_jeb2qyh wrote

>I don't know what that has to do with development in Worcester or other cities, however.

You think they want to commute 2-3 hours each way while paying hefty tolls because I-90 is the only viable road every day? If their need for work could be handled by Worcester or Springfield, it would dramatically improve their lives.

>I also don't know how the state governs development in Boston but not in Worcester.

Whenever any policy is up for discussion, they choose to pursue Boston's wants and desires over everyone else's needs, which is how eleven gotten into this pickle to begin with.


t1_jeb3f6c wrote

I really think progressives/socialists would do better around here if they engaged it from the logical "effective spending" side rather than JUST the moral/inequality side. Good spending is something everyone can get behind, and stuff like socialized medicine and tuition-free public colleges are just a good investment that tons of other countries have already figured out.


t1_jeb4v0f wrote

Try leaving the state. Have you ever been down south, or west of New York? Western Mass could be better, it’s certainly got lots of potential, but it’s not even close to equivalent to lots of other parts of the country (largely due to state programs).


t1_jeb5zz0 wrote

This is why a balanced budget is important, no matter your political leanings on what it gets spent on.


t1_jeb6g8u wrote

Did you know that the most popular communist in American history was born in Taunton? William Foster spent his life trying to build organized labor movements across the country. He was especially known for his advocacy towards fighting against racism both within the labor movement and within society at large. His view was that the labor movement wouldn't be able to build class conciousness and solidarity if all of the workers were too busy being racist to one another.

Thankfully our country worked hard to address these issues. Most of the labor organizers were arrested or assassinated. William Foster's works were actually brought before congress during the red scare, it was cited as evidence of how pro-labor anti-racism is "Un-American". Taunton even deindustrialized, you can't organize labor when nobody has jobs! As an added bonus that forced local hospital to cut back on services. Morton doesn't even cover deliveries any more, no more commie babies! 🦅🇺🇸 🫡


t1_jeb6r59 wrote

Can you point to some specifics concerning this particular thing? IE, when the state has passed policies that make it so businesses have to develop in Boston instead of those other places?


t1_jeb71ox wrote

They contribute nothing to the economy? Holy cringe. I for one enjoy having food to eat, among other agricultural products.

I don't like their politics either but this is some next level tribalism.


t1_jeb74x9 wrote

Shutting down S&W because people around Boston hate guns is the most obvious recent one. But truly, it goes all the way back to the time they bought greenbacks for pennies on the dollar from farmers because they knew the feds were about to pay them out.


t1_jeb9kx9 wrote

OK, so NOW can we spend some money fixing the damn MBTA? Maybe repave roads too?


t1_jebi12t wrote

I love being able to say I’m from MA. It’s like a golden nugget in this sea of shit we call a country, however it’s worth noting that that golden nugget is still submerged in a sea of shit


t1_jebj4gx wrote

This is why we should get are SALT back. It’s not fair to be double paying for us and for Tennessee,


t1_jebp3ie wrote

It’s because they don’t make enough money to pay for their maintenance, and the repair costs are so high that it gets kicked down the road. So you end up with a bunch of toll free roads slowly falling apart because they can’t afford maintenance, because their toll free nature removes any revenue streams. If you want better roads what we need to do is convert highways to toll roads and invest in the T so less people drive on them, which lessens their use, which makes them last longer, which saves money on maintenance.


t1_jebpnn2 wrote

MA has the second highest cost per mile for road construction in the US. It is literally twice what it costs to build in Hawaii.


Where literally everything has to be shipped in.

Wonder who is hoovering up all that cash.


t1_jebsggl wrote

Not enough to feed the whole country. And it's mainly fruit, vegetables and nuts. If you think we can all just survive off of Californias food you're delusional.

It's also not great for the environment shipping it all the way across the nation.

But yes the red states only produce corn syrup nothing else.


t1_jebsp8j wrote

Insert "taxes are so high, of course we don't need extra from the feds" joke here?


t1_jebu9d5 wrote

Shocking. It’s like a highly educated bunch of people make money and are highly capable. Go figure.


t1_jebvgzd wrote

This state isn’t perfect but it’s pretty well run compared to the majority of the other states.


t1_jebw7ak wrote

I mean we probably could. Survive != over eating like 5k calories a day. The average American diet would have to shrink and CA would have to stop exporting crops but it could hypothetically be done. CA already provides like 45% of fruit and veg, but also exports like 50% of what it produces. So combine all that with the food we import from other countries and I think we'd be ok.

If, of course, we could actually distribute the food equitably. The fact that we haven't beaten food insecurity in this country is absurd and a disgusting failure of governance generally. But that's a problem in all states


t1_jeby3or wrote

ummm, ok. Blue skies here. Everything fairly normal. Certainly the feds have their impact on the country as a whole but as the post states: Mass has the highest GDP per capita in the country. So one could assume that we can make prudent decisions with those dollars and find ways to make said networks reliable and effective. But no blame the feds or the other 49 states or some other deflection.

We control our destiny. The more people understand this the more things will improve. The great federal rescue from 2008 replaced windows in the next town over from me. They spent hundreds of billions on the program and we got windows. I'm sure a few towns over got a short road repaved and somewhere else replaced a water main. We control our path forward. Time to fix the roads, the rails and the utilities.


t1_jec724e wrote

Nah. For one, Mass. is super densely populated already. We can't just build out into open land like they can out west. And when we try to, people get upset about woods being torn down.

Secondly, there's a lot of zoning tyranny. You can only build single family homes in a lot of areas, which provides housing for far fewer people. And a lot of SFH owners wanna keep it that way for "the families" cause they don't want college kids and young professionals making noise in their neighborhoods.

Thirdly, where you can build apartment buildings or triple deckers, they build luxury apartment buildings because apparently there are still enough people to make those profitable.

There's no rich people scheming to keep poor people out of an entire state or city. Stuff like this is almost always caused by bureaucracy or NIMBY shit.


t1_jecglge wrote

Probably the idiots in charge? We all know the T is run by incompetent fools, but that doesn’t make mass transit a bad thing to invest in bc once you have some mass firings you’ve got the problem fixed. Either way their always expensive, that’s why the roads are bad EVERYWHERE. Every state complains about the roads because even where it’s cheap it’s still to expensive


t1_jecjnin wrote

I think of this when Europeans on Reddit make blanket statements about the US without recognizing places like Massachusetts exist. Heaven forbid any of us live anywhere but Florida and Alabama.


t1_jeckcw0 wrote

It can be 10 degrees (F) colder up there, does that not make a difference? Anyway, not trying to defend road construction in MA, I like to joke that the reason the roads are so terrible is because some politician’s brother owns a road construction company


t1_jecl1vh wrote

well maybe they should eliminate the tolls on the pike and repair some roads...


t1_jecu17k wrote

I’m clearly missing something here. Not sure why I’m getting downvoted since I’m not disagreeing with , I’m just saying that because we keep getting freezes that then warm up the conditions seem to be getting even worse than they used to be when we had longer periods of deep freeze

I apologize for whatever I’m misinterpreting because I’m apparently clueless


t1_jed0ij7 wrote

Have you seen the bike lanes in FINLAND, the winter is not the problem at all, it’s an excuse to not invest in infrastructure and Americans buy it because most of them never leave their cars anyways and have no idea that they will indeed not freeze to death the vast majority of the time.


t1_jed8k4i wrote

The secret is that winter weather isn’t the main cause of road damage. It’s mostly wear from vehicles, particularly large freight trucks but the big SUVs and oversized pickups that so many people drive are not helping either. A lot of this traffic could be offset if freight railroads weren’t shit and if the MBTA was functional but I guess that’s too much to ask


t1_jed9d5d wrote

If passenger rail wasn’t shit either small cities of students move around the state multiple times throughout the year every year. Putting trains from out west to Boston (preferably near Logan) could relieve tons of student and holiday traffic.


t1_jedfmcl wrote

There are many departments of our state that are incredibly well managed.

And then there’s the T…


t1_jedjkvx wrote

NY state has a toll system for most of its highways. MA DOES NOT. This is HOW THEY KEEP UP THEIR ROADS and MA does not. It's not rocket science.

Both I-90 and I-87 in NYS are Toll Roads. Except I-87 North of Albany. Tolls in NYS are not cheap, the ONLY Tolls you pay in MA are on I-90 or the Ted Williams, Sumner or Callahan Tunnels.


t1_jedyetx wrote

Yet we are in desperate need for federal receivership of the MBTA, please!

It's killing people and causing literally all of our traffic problems.

No one can rely on it to get to work on time so everyone drives.


t1_jee21j8 wrote

You're saying the bluest state has the least dependence on government dollars?

Huh, isn't that neat.


t1_jee3nkh wrote

I feel like this just means we are getting more fucked on taxes than most other states...


t1_jee6er8 wrote

It's gotten worse since COVID. I've watched all manner of life just toss everything from the average McDonald's to vape charges and even a phone once (could've been for other reasons but still thrown).

Came to the conclusion that people just dont give a damn about their cities anymore. Or your city if they are visiting. Look at Walmart parking lots in general, cesspools.

But what are you going to do? Yell at them? No enforcement causes this, no repercussion means it's no crime right?


t1_jeexdtm wrote

You clearly don’t have kids if you think people sending their kids to daycare “can’t be bothered to raise” them themselves lol. Both parents NEED to work in MA since everything is so fucking expensive. I wish we didn’t need daycare, but we do.


t1_jeeybbk wrote

Europe isn’t some magical utopia either lol. Lots of places have shit infrastructure and shit politicians and huge income inequality too but for some reason American redditors see one picture of a bike lane in Amsterdam and a train in Germany and think that’s how all of Europe is 😂


t1_jeeywsg wrote

I thought we were just talking outside cities. If you want to talk about cities, it's not like buffalo is known for their pothole-free streets: /r/Buffalo/comments/sxy10m/allen_street_potholes_this_is_getting_ridiculous


t1_jeeze9p wrote

To be fair, (Greater) Boston, with its huge student population, is part of the Northeast Corridor, which connects cities from Boston to DC and has the best intra- and intercity passenger rail in the US-- not that that's a very high bar, but still.


t1_jefgrlg wrote

Because no one actually thinks it through. They don’t know NYS. Most people east of 495 know east of 495 and that’s it. They travel North to NH, ME for both summer and skiing. Maybe also VT for skiing. Then there’s also the Cape in the summer. If they do go to NYS it’s typically not often and it’s downstate. You don’t hit Tolls on I-95 until you hit the Bridges. If you take I-84 it’s the same, you hit a toll at the Newburgh-Beacon Bridge. If you drive on the parkways in NYS, which aren’t toll roads, they aren’t nearly as good.


t1_jegbol5 wrote

I follow this subreddit and also /r/Florida that stark contrast and positive news I see on here compared to there makes me sad