Submitted by brooklynlad t3_10ukruy in nyc
squall571 t1_j7cktng wrote
I hate when you’re walking down the steps and the people in front of you are so slow which causes you to miss the train.
Scrapdog115 t1_j7cp873 wrote
Dunno why they need the train when they can run station to station just as fast (and change clothes).
dancetothiscomment t1_j7cshl4 wrote
Oh god the worst is union square uptown green line train during rush hour
Skinny steps and lots and lots of slow people
I've missed so many trains cause of it
az782 t1_j7ctnh6 wrote
If it made you late, then you need to leave earlier to catch an earlier train. If it didn't make you late, then you just happened to catch a glimpse of that earlier train, but didn't need to be on it.
[deleted] t1_j7ctnvv wrote
dancetothiscomment t1_j7ctx0m wrote
Doesn't beat the fact that the situation sucks
isowater t1_j7cuedm wrote
You can't reasonably expect people to blaze down the stairs. Maybe they are old. Or injured. Or on drugs. Or all 3.
Throwawayhelp111521 t1_j7cuuf2 wrote
>union square uptown green line train
The 4, 5, and 6. We don't have a "green line."
dancetothiscomment t1_j7cvfs8 wrote
I'm sure most ppl will know what im talking about
dancetothiscomment t1_j7cvmdh wrote
I remember once seeing a guy straight up riding his electric bike throughout the station and swerving around people
Mechanical_Nightmare t1_j7cx0pp wrote
i passed a person that was doing this once at grand central and he tried to shove me down the stairs
sutisuc t1_j7d2by8 wrote
Yup the person who replied to you did that’s why they knew the numbers of the trains on the green line. Keep doing you
Throwawayhelp111521 t1_j7d2n83 wrote
They'll know you're not from NYC and haven't bothered to learn what we call the lines on the subway system.
Throwawayhelp111521 t1_j7d2qpu wrote
NYC is not Boston. We don't use colors. We use numbers and letters for our subway lines.
sutisuc t1_j7d2spm wrote
But you knew which numbers of the trains he was talking about so it’s a wash
whyyoutookmyname t1_j7d4umw wrote
I hope this isn't staged.
[deleted] t1_j7d7pdd wrote
rcm21 t1_j7d8anx wrote
He's an actor.. I know him from an episode of High Maintenance where he plays a nudist and you can see all his junk
whyyoutookmyname t1_j7d8ob2 wrote
Thank you for letting me know. That's a shame, but still a good video tho.
anonyuser415 t1_j7daaiy wrote
you ever just start sprinting while reviewing a pregnancy test
az782 t1_j7dakqx wrote
It's up to you how much you let it affect you.
dancetothiscomment t1_j7dargn wrote
We have colored subway lines
spageddy_lee t1_j7dcq0t wrote
Or when the people who are walking up from the last train are taking up the entire staircase so nobody can go down.
MFoy t1_j7dctmt wrote
You have segregated subway systems? Wow.
RoguePhoenix89 t1_j7dd445 wrote
How your comment gonna start a beef between Boston and NYC lol like what.
Cultural-Caramel3232 t1_j7ddjj1 wrote
omg bro deadass
seafoodgodddd t1_j7ded3q wrote
So that's why every line is color coded on all the maps, right
seafoodgodddd t1_j7deez6 wrote
Hey if the subways wanted rights we'd have seen subway cars on strike
throwaway6661991 t1_j7dg8rw wrote
how could it be lol
MeatballMadness t1_j7di9b1 wrote
My dream is a wrestling-style flying double kick right into their back.
secretactorian t1_j7diz42 wrote
Or get married in a train station, and the officiant is okay with running with you to finish the non-legally binding ceremony?
iv2892 t1_j7djg8l wrote
Well when people say the green line they know it’s the 4,5,6 trains . Just like the N, R and W are the yellow lines
damnatio_memoriae t1_j7dkp7k wrote
subway cars strike people all the time. they just don't tell you about it.
TheNormalAlternative t1_j7dl1ro wrote
Or when someone is just sitting on the steps, regardless of hour of the day
sutisuc t1_j7dlsh1 wrote
TheNormalAlternative t1_j7dm33a wrote
You run for the train when you hear it pulling in. You run up/down the staircase when you see it at the platform. But who keeps running on the platform once the train is already in forward motion?
creepy_sweetie t1_j7dn68x wrote
nah that baby looks so real
What_Yr_Is_IT t1_j7doluj wrote
Throwawayhelp111521 t1_j7donpw wrote
That's for maps. We don't call our lines by the colors.
Throwawayhelp111521 t1_j7dowhq wrote
If you think they do, you're either not observant or you don't hang out with New Yorkers.
seafoodgodddd t1_j7dp3ci wrote
I agree with you there, but they are color coded, even on the entrances and the digital signs
Throwawayhelp111521 t1_j7dp5b6 wrote
That's not the issue. You use the terms used by the place you're living or visiting. Would you call the Underground in London the Métro?
Throwawayhelp111521 t1_j7dpbb5 wrote
Yes, but we don't refer to the lines by their colors. That's done in Boston and maybe another city.
seafoodgodddd t1_j7dpivp wrote
Well, yeah, again I agree with you but the underlying point is that there are colors
I never say I'm getting on the orange line uptown but you know i'm talking about the B
SmartExcitement7271 t1_j7dqkws wrote
Man... I was kinda expecting they'd do the "old-soulmates-route" with the wifey dying and the guy just going solo sad.... but the ending was realisitic enough lol
chuckysnow t1_j7driy4 wrote
You know, I was really impressed by the time it must have taken to film this, and you come along and just blow a logic hole into the whole thing.
fasulo_ t1_j7drpav wrote
[deleted] t1_j7du31f wrote
Frostflame3 t1_j7duz2l wrote
I’ve lived in NYC my whole life and I call lines by their colors sometimes cause it’s just easier! Is it faster to say “Yellow” or “N, Q, R, W”?
cosmorocker13 t1_j7dv1z9 wrote
This made my day!
charo-lastra_charolo t1_j7dv5t8 wrote
The nudist guy from High maintenance!
xeothought t1_j7dwma3 wrote
Keep fighting the good fight. People are like "whatever it's the color of the line" but actually 1. calling it that is imprecise and only really works in Manhattan and 2. It's not weird to expect people to call things by the way they've been referred to for a while. Wanna call something the IRT line? go for it. But "Green Line" shows that you're not adapting to NY terminology.
Absolutely no one from NYC calls the trains by their color. They don't do that cause it doesn't work the moment trains split.
This is the same stupid shit for people dropping the "the" from neighborhood names. It sounds pedantic but it shows a lack of interest in the city and its history.
Edit: i'm not saying call it the IRT line. Just that some people do because that's what it was called in the past. But no one from the city calls it by its color. Come on people. Straight up you'd be made fun of if you did that as a kid lol. Cities have identity and this is part of it. Just like saying "standing on line" instead of "in line"
Edit 2: when you move to a city, you adapt to it. I swear this sub is full of the same people who went to CT during the height of the pandemic.
chengjih t1_j7dwzcc wrote
> I call lines by their colors sometimes cause it’s just easier! Is it faster to say “Yellow” or “N, Q, R, W”?
Well, sometimes we do the hard, difficult thing (like not use the colors) because it's the right thing.
RyzinEnagy t1_j7dxvje wrote
They're called by their colors by people who live in Manhattan and never leave Manhattan. The color system was designed to group the lines that are together in Manhattan.
justadumblittlebaby t1_j7dxyyy wrote
I don't mind a slow decenter if they are courteous and/or old, disabled, etc.
But a slow-walk-down-the-middle-of-the-steps,-walk-into-the-center-of-the-nearest-door,-and-immediately-stopper is pure evil. The alternative of stopping immediately at the bottom of the stairs because it's not your train is equally blasphemous. Screw you all that do this, especially during rush hour. You all suck and idc what your reason is.
cocktails5 t1_j7dy3s3 wrote
Not only is a rude, but it's fucking gross. It's both insulting and disgusting.
cocktails5 t1_j7dy9bp wrote
Pretty sure NYC does it just to spite Boston.
danram207 t1_j7dyaux wrote
Keep it up, you're the one right here.
reddituser_05 t1_j7dz1ws wrote
I don't think she should be running with an infant.
sonofaresiii t1_j7e0arf wrote
> 1. calling it that is imprecise and only really works in Manhattan
Not really. I've been in Brooklyn before and been like "I know there's a yellow train around here somewhere, can you point me to it?" and that's been sufficient. I don't remember or care if it's the N/Q/R, I just want to be on it.
sonofaresiii t1_j7e0ony wrote
I couldn't figure out what exactly was happening. They started arguing, then got divorced, then he was single? He lost his shirt, I'm guessing that was him like giving up on life/appearances?
drecklia t1_j7e10qf wrote
SuperCow1127 t1_j7e1wkc wrote
I absolutely guarantee you more people will know what you mean by "green line" than "IRT" or "Lexington Ave line."
stringerbbell t1_j7e3xrq wrote
People who make cringey videos
MrAnarchy138 t1_j7e5qmo wrote
No one says that. If you say you’re getting on the yellow line you might be in Queens or rich person land. You’re either on an NRW or Q.
MrAnarchy138 t1_j7e6axp wrote
That’s like every day here, where the fuck do you live, where that’s new?
[deleted] t1_j7e6kpj wrote
[deleted] t1_j7e6mcw wrote
SmartExcitement7271 t1_j7e6vjl wrote
Pretty much yeah lol, depressed divorcee is what I understood at the end.
Odins-Enriched-Sack t1_j7e7fvu wrote
Love on the R line?
nixplix t1_j7e915v wrote
A Fellini film.
neutron1 t1_j7e9rsw wrote
So many people have zero courtesy
MrFrode t1_j7eb6w4 wrote
We provide colors to help people who have trouble with letters navigate the transit system. People from Boston for example.
CactusBoyScout t1_j7ebvu6 wrote
I might do this for a bus. Bus drivers might actually stop and let you on.
DaoFerret t1_j7ecc0j wrote
Lived in Brooklyn half my life, and the other half in Manhattan. I’m sure I’ve heard them described by color a couple of times, but 99% of the time it’s by trains running on it (especially since with express/local color alone doesn’t tell you if the train stops there or bypasses a given station).
Pennwisedom t1_j7edsgx wrote
I could reasonably expect people to not take up the entire width of the stairway though.
TREYMANIII t1_j7ef0t9 wrote
I dont know how people can't understand what you're saying or the original guy who defended the idea of calling them by letters. It's not just "what you call it". They have colors and letters/numbers for a reason. Each color usually represent the street it runs down in Manhattan. (If anyone cared to notice, majority of the subway is designed to traffic everything into Manhattan first and foremost).
BDFM -6 Ave. NRQW Broadway ACE 8TH Ave. Just a few for example.
In Manhattan calling them the yellow line half way works because it's meant to show the route the trains share in that borough. But once you leave Manhattan and continue calling it the yellow line, you're asking for trouble. Tell a tourist take an uptown yellow train to forest hills and without further specific information, they'll end up in Astoria. Same with an uptown Orange train can mean the difference between a scared tourist in a rough part of the Bronx or somewhere in Hillside, Queens. Colors are a side guide mainly for appearance to tell the letters apart at huge stations like Times Square. But its best to give someone a letter.
We have too many tourists here to be vague like that. I've helped countless of them get to where they have to go. And when they used blue line, I told them the letter so someone headed to the air train to JFK on the E won't end up going past 125th Street on the A and C. God forbid the person is color blind.
amoebaamoeba t1_j7efqtn wrote
It makes even less sense for an outerborough person to do this, because the color lines tend to *split* when they leave Manhattan!
I used to say "blue line" or whatever until I was in middle school and started riding the subway alone. That's when you learn real fast that there is a biiiiiig difference between the A and the E train at 50th Street. Your knowledge of colors can't help you anymore.
alphalpha_particle t1_j7egzof wrote
Did you watch the whole video?
[deleted] t1_j7ei0vs wrote
Huge-Investigator847 t1_j7ekx6c wrote
[deleted] t1_j7esem7 wrote
Bandit_Beamish t1_j7et0nl wrote
What people need to do is leave early enough to be able to miss a train or a bus. I never run for a bus or a train and if I see too many people crowding, I wait for the next one.
spaetzelspiff t1_j7f5hs9 wrote
Press B for high jump
Noor_awsome2 t1_j7f5zgs wrote
A teenage girl wwas doing her makeup on the steps when a large crowd was coming up to the 7 train. Why?
craigalanche t1_j7fdsg0 wrote
I was born and raised here and if I’m giving directions to someone and it’s a stop where every line in a color stops, I’ll say to take the green line or the blue line or whatever.
chengjih t1_j7fgjsf wrote
Hmm. I'm actually an outer borough kid -- northeast Queens, 30 minutes by bus past the Main Street stop of the 7. I don't refer to the lines by color (unless it's a simplification to explain things to tourists). On the other hand, I'm older, and will sometimes say/think things like "Lexington Avenue IRT" or something.
Flivver_King t1_j7fgx8x wrote
Beantown is wack. 👎
astroargie t1_j7fo1j3 wrote
I will never not watch this whenever is posted.
emotionalhaircut t1_j7fq9er wrote
I got so invested in this
Offthepoint t1_j7fw94w wrote
An oldie but goodie. I love the final lap with his shirt off! LOL
Figbud t1_j7fynrb wrote
Yes we do have a green line, it's made up of the 4, 5, and 6 lines, which collectively go down a similar path (going from branched in the East Bronx, all the way down Manhattan together, and then the 4 and 5 continue into Brooklyn, in case you didn't realize) which is colored green on subway maps, hence the name "green line".
KitkatandNadia t1_j7gc0t6 wrote
Ah for a moment I thought it was following an actual train line because it was all different stations
KCGD_r t1_j7ggn3w wrote
me running after the train for fun
sutisuc t1_j7gnm7y wrote
It’s what happens when you’re a transplant and really insecure about it
[deleted] t1_j7gvlhf wrote
iStealyournewspapers t1_j7h8dm0 wrote
[deleted] t1_j7hoq3o wrote
hunneybunny t1_j7hrcus wrote
MiMa is faster than middle of manhattan but you will NEVER catch me calling it that 😂
aimglitchz t1_j7hs784 wrote
Ok I grew up in NYC and call the colors as shortcut sometimes. Interesting to know I'm not new Yorker...
Throwawayhelp111521 t1_j7ht62z wrote
I'm a native New Yorker.
Throwawayhelp111521 t1_j7htbpw wrote
Why would you insist on your right to use incorrect terminology in a place you don't know? I don't. That's the weird hill.
Throwawayhelp111521 t1_j7htzy3 wrote
Thank you.
Throwawayhelp111521 t1_j7huoy3 wrote
I grew up in an Outerborough, although my parents were raised in Manhattan and I visited often. We always used the numbers or sometimes the old name of the train company, like the IRT. In the musical Hair, one song goes:
LBJ took the IRT/And found the youth of America/ on LSD.
LBJ didn't take the Red Line because that doesn't exist in New York City.
Throwawayhelp111521 t1_j7hvo5k wrote
The colors are not without meaning: for example, silver gray represents a shuttle line. The NYC subway has more than one shuttle. I'm not sure they're being used right now, but the shape of a symbol also matters. The default shield shape is a circle but a diagonal indicates a different route. They all convey info but as you said, they're imprecise.
In Boston, colors are used. If you say the Red Line or the Orange Line, first, that's what they're officially called, but there's also no chance of confusion, they're one line with a couple of short spurs.
Throwawayhelp111521 t1_j7hwil8 wrote
People who are New Yorkers and live in Manhattan use the numbers and letters. I live well above Midtown. If someone had to go to South Ferry, I'd never say, "Hop on the red line.: I'd tell them to take the No. 1 Local to the first express stop, and then to take the 2 or 3 Express to Chambers Street and then to switch back to the No. 1. If you took the No. 1 all the way down the trip would take an hour. If you took only the 2 or the 3 you'd have an unnecessary walk to South Ferry, assuming you knew which stop to get off at before you landed in Brooklyn.
Throwawayhelp111521 t1_j7hy6pp wrote
The only way to get lost on the Red Line or the Orange Line in Boston is to take it in the wrong direction. They are single lines. There are multiple ways to get lost in NYC if you have no more info about the subway line than the color.
Throwawayhelp111521 t1_j7i4zg7 wrote
You do understand that the N, Q, and R have some stops in common but then diverge? You'd better know which one you need.
Throwawayhelp111521 t1_j7i5bzu wrote
It's a stupid video.
[deleted] t1_j7ig1mi wrote
thefinalforest t1_j7kq0ql wrote
No way. I can promise you from a lifetime here lol
[deleted] t1_j7cg488 wrote