Submitted by Souperplex t3_11arnre in nyc
Whiskey_Fiasco t1_j9tlum7 wrote
While you aren’t wrong, just calling them losers also deflects some accountability for the evil they adhere to. They have agency. They are capable of understanding what they are doing.
LunchMasterFlex t1_j9tmlaf wrote
Is Kanye in town?
Souperplex OP t1_j9tmr32 wrote
You joke, but after his BS blew up, I started seeing a big surge of Black Hebrew Israelite rallies.
Edit: For those in the back; the BHI movement is a black-supremacist anti-Jewish hate-movement that believes that the true tribes of Israel are various African nations, and that the Jews we know are pretenders. They believe the holocaust was "Eliminating the fake Jews to make way for the true Jews".
LunchMasterFlex t1_j9tn1m1 wrote
I did too. I had to take many deep breaths and quit Instagram because footage was everywhere.
I’m sure these goons aren’t here to have a meet up with the Black Israelites.
The_Lone_Apple t1_j9tnz8d wrote
They live in a complete delusion.
shantm79 t1_j9tqi7z wrote
bunch of fucking losers.
Ok_Application_962 t1_j9tr9af wrote
As a son of dad who fought nazis in ww2 and was in liberation of Dachau , and through postings of his unit have seen what soldiers posted , disgusted any American can believe and follow such filth. The inhumanity of the Nazis which caused 70 million to die should disgust any righteous person. All Americans should come out like the Danes did in ww2 and say today we are all Jewish, and will not tolerate nor accept such behavior.
someliskguy t1_j9trqnl wrote
What the hell has to be wrong in your life to participate in something called “Day of Hate”?
Souperplex OP t1_j9truuw wrote
It was always there under the surface. In 1939 an American Nazi rally sold out Madison Square Garden. Far-right ideologies that marginalize other groups have always been in America. Post-Trump a lot of the deplorables feel emboldened.
Ok_Application_962 t1_j9tt6y6 wrote
It is both left and right and not deplorables , there is as much on the left if not more.
yiannistheman t1_j9tu2ad wrote
A lot - can't get paid, can't get laid, and need to blame it on someone else because they're so pathetic that they're unable to do anything about it.
If these fucks looked in mirror and couldn't blame the fucking disgrace looking back at them on someone else, they'd probably lose the motivation to keep going.
MediocreJerk t1_j9tu5oc wrote
Not even going to bother with this one...
numba1cyberwarrior t1_j9tup0c wrote
I dont agree with him but he is def right that traditionally the left has not been a friend to Jews.
NYC alone has hundreds of thousands of Soviet Jews that came here as refugees due to discrimination in the Soviet Union.
quintsreddit t1_j9tvafh wrote
“…are we the baddies?”
someliskguy t1_j9tvrrl wrote
Lol. “I didn’t say we weren’t fun, but fun or not pirates are still the baddies!”
RedditSkippy t1_j9twfom wrote
Thanks for sharing this. It’s good to be informed.
How many of those posting on Telegram are NYPD?
Commercial_Dish_3763 t1_j9txjom wrote
Any word of any (peaceful) counter protests?
n3vd0g t1_j9txox0 wrote
But it’s not a tenet of even the furthest point of leftism. At first, one of the most important outcomes of the February revolution led by Lenin was the abolishment of antisemitic policies within the government. But, the Soviet Union was not a perfect communist regime and was ruled by a dictator, Stalin, who after WW2 became even more paranoid and deranged. As a result, many policies were created to target minority groups. Regardless, you could say the same about the policies of the American government that targeted black people, Hispanic people, poor people, leftists, and even at one point Jews. I mean, at least the USSR wasn’t founded With antisemitism in mind, unlike the Nazis. However, America was built by white slave owners who wanted to avoid paying taxes who also committed genocide against the indigenous people of America in order to take their land. Like come on, if we’re gonna start pointing fingers, I don’t think we as a country have much a right to.
Darko33 t1_j9ty7my wrote
Sounds like something an edgy 11-year-old would come up with
molingrad t1_j9tz2y1 wrote
>Is my life the consequence of my actions and decisions?
>No, the Jews must be keeping me down.
numba1cyberwarrior t1_j9tzbgc wrote
I dont give a shit about pointing as an American. Im saying as Jew that Communist regimes have fucking devastated my people and are evil. Im not saying that it was as bad as Nazism but antisemitism is very common among left wingers.
Im not even arguing about stuff in the past or just from a hypothetical POV. As a Jew I would say about 50% of the hate that I received in my life has been related to Israel and a lot of it has been from left wingers.
>USSR wasn’t founded With antisemitism
The USSR did go through its own "Jewish question" though.
n3vd0g t1_j9tzvnb wrote
Yeah, pretty much every country has. Regardless, you’re running defense for Nazis by “both sides-ing” this argument, even if that’s not your intention because the core tenet of Nazism is antisemitism. That was not the core tenet of the USSR and it’s extremely important that we get our facts straight when discussing this topic because no one’s hands are clean and the only way we’ll stop the spread ia if we examine everyone equally.
numba1cyberwarrior t1_j9u0vvl wrote
Ideologically I agree with you that Nazism is not equivalent in evil to the USSR. Im saying that in person especially in NYC left wing anti semitism is a massive issue.
Before I left NYC I thought people being openly hating of Jews through old stereotypes or Nazi beliefs was something in the past or something you saw on the internet. I thought that because while in NYC me and most of my friends had most hate directed at us by people who hate Israel who are very often left wingers.
k1lk1 t1_j9u18uy wrote
Assuming it's going to be like 3 or 4 obese psychos waddling around in khakis, counter protests would just signal boost these morons.
smallteam t1_j9u1z75 wrote
> What the hell has to be wrong in your life to participate in something called “Day of Hate”?
WikiSummarizerBot t1_j9u211h wrote
>Hate Week is a fictional event in George Orwell's 1949 dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. Hate Week is a psychological operation designed to increase the hatred of the population for the current enemy of the totalitarian Party, as much as possible, whichever of the two opposing superstates that may be.
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brownredgreen t1_j9u2739 wrote
Wolfenstein was among the first FPS's out there.
Killing nazis is an American pastime.
[deleted] t1_j9u2kyh wrote
systemization t1_j9u36ut wrote
This is not an exclusively right-leaning issue.
OrangeSlimeSoda t1_j9u4l2m wrote
These supremacists of most sorts usually fall into one of two camps: (1) people who never grew out of their edgy 11-year-old phase, and (2) people devious enough to manipulate the first group.
rextilleon t1_j9u4t3b wrote
Trump made it cool for white supremacists to "express" themselves.
StuntMedic t1_j9u6ib0 wrote
8 years of having a black President really fucked with some people's heads.
n3vd0g t1_j9u7irj wrote
Are you equating anti-zionism with antisemitism?
rextilleon t1_j9u8fmp wrote
They were already crazy--Trump just said to them--hey--its okay. Vote for me.
Commercial_Dish_3763 t1_j9ua86l wrote
Lol fair
jay5627 t1_j9uahxu wrote
No one knows yet where they'll be so it'll be hard to set up a counter protest
solarnova64 t1_j9uavs3 wrote
That’s what it’s sounding like.
throwaway15172013 t1_j9uayer wrote
I remember seeing a video of one of these in LA where the bloods and crips showed up and found a few who strayed from the pack. Wouldn’t mind seeing that here.
gunhed76 t1_j9ucw2u wrote
sounds like something made up
NatrolleonBonaparte t1_j9ucx45 wrote
NYPD would never let it happen. They'll be there to protect their Nazi friends
numba1cyberwarrior t1_j9uea1l wrote
I've litterly had this happen more then a dozen times to me. When people find out I'm Jewish I've litterly had people say "Why are the Jews killing people? Do you support this?" or some shit like "Why are the Jews and Israel controlling our government and media"
You dont have to support everything that Israel does but the main enemies of Israel today dont like Jews.
damnatio_memoriae t1_j9uhvm6 wrote
well shit man i'm pretty sure we've been living in Hate Millennium for quite some time now.
Darrkman t1_j9ujvs5 wrote
I said it in the New York City sub and I'll say it here.....
I'm gonna sit back at watch this sub, that wants to blame Black people for EVERYTHING, go through Olympic level mental gymnastics when everyone at this rally are white people.
n3vd0g t1_j9ukkyi wrote
Your point is missing much needed nuance. Israel today is no doubt an apartheid state and is moving further to the right. It's only going to get worse. And yes, some of its enemies just hate jewish people in general. However, imo, plenty more simply hate the actions taken by the Israeli government and hate the fact that our country financially supports all of it. Only dumbasses believe there is some sort of ethnic cabal of Jewish people running the media. However, there is also a substantially large lobby group named AIPAC that pays our politicians and influences media groups to use soft language when discussing Israel state crimes. Obviously, this subject is complicated enough that AIPAC can use antisemitism as a shield when it's subject to complaints about its treatment of second class citizens in Israel. But anyone who is using blanket statements like "Why are the Jews controlling our government and media" is obviously an antisemitic racist and they're not worth being around. Last thing, even when I've been plenty sensitive to the subject while discussing my issues on Israel with Israeli citizens, every single one of them has blown up in my face about it. I'm sure plenty of them have labeled me antisemitic as a result, but that's a ridiculous notion. If any left-winger is hating you for simply being Jewish, or hell, even Israeli, they're not a leftist imo and they should be told as such.
dfigiel1 t1_j9ukvh9 wrote
Isn’t February 25th Punch-a-Nazi Day?
numba1cyberwarrior t1_j9ul9qj wrote
>Last thing, even when I've been plenty sensitive to the subject while discussing my issues on Israel with Israeli citizens, every single one of them has blown up in my face about it.
People get mad when you tell them their nation doesn't have the right to exist. More so when that nation not existing means most of their family members will be exterminated or ethnically clensed.
>If any left-winger is hating you for simply being Jewish, or hell, even Israeli, they're not a leftist imo and they should be told as such.
Weird my entire family spent more then a century being oppressed by leftists.
MandatoryDissent55 t1_j9ulihg wrote
This is fake.
n3vd0g t1_j9umyy5 wrote
> People get mad when you tell them their nation doesn't have the right to exist. More so when that nation not existing means most of their family members will be exterminated or ethnically clensed.
I've literally never said that.
> Weird my entire family spent more then a century being oppressed by leftists.
Well, I guess that means it's Israel's turn to oppress others then! :)
Regardless, there's clearly no discussion to be had here with you and you would rather discuss how bad leftism is in a thread about right wing fascists planning a protest against Jewish people. Gee, I wonder why that may be...
Souperplex OP t1_j9up8r6 wrote
Every day is if you have the right attitude.
numba1cyberwarrior t1_j9upaxj wrote
>I've literally never said that.
You said anti zionism. Zionism is the idea that Jews should have a Jewish state. It doesn't say you need discrimination or anything else. The vast vast majority of Jews consider anti zionists their enemy as anti zionists deny their right to self determination and would rather see half the Jews in the world placed in a dangerous situation.
>Regardless, there's clearly no discussion to be had here with you and you would rather discuss how bad leftism is in a thread about right wing fascists planning a protest against Jewish people
Its almost like that wasn't the only topic being discussed in this thread
>Well, I guess that means it's Israel's turn to oppress others then! :)
Where did you get that from?
SpiritPaper t1_j9uqgj7 wrote
From their perspective, their lives would be going great if it wasn't for all the jews, blacks, asians, Mexicans, gays, trans people, and women.
bbqcornnuts312 t1_j9urn23 wrote
I continue to find it strange that anti-semitism only appears to matter on reddit when "white supremacists" demonstrate it on the internet and in liberal spaces. These are likely mostly dumbshits from out of state coming here because there are media studios, basically. I'll bet this has happened before too, but when hate crimes as a news story was a little less sexy.
When Kanye West made those comments...I saw Black Hebrew Israelites all over New York for at least a week, including in my neighborhood, probably for the first time, like street preachers. They marched through Brooklyn.
Did anyone care? I only saw coverage in the NYPost, maybe a few Jewish publications, and twitter. It matters because I suspect that's a much more local and active hate group than whoever these shitheads are. Members have participated in recent murders in the tristate area.
The Hasidic community has experienced a higher rate of reported attacks in the last few years, and the members of this sub seem to vote for representatives that don't merely tolerate it, but fight to de-prosecute that. If you care about this...well, why do you?
From 2021:
118 cases involving hate crime charges against Jews, 117 of them dropped. NYC prosecutors' offices probably aren't prosecuting easily 60% of random "misdemeanor" assaults, some of which have been discussed in this subreddit, and I can't imagine how many felony assaults they're downgrading.
Remember the attack on Joseph Borgen in May 2021? That was on camera. The guy that beat the shit out of him said he'd do it again on camera. No remorse, sure, but it's notable no fear of penalties either.
Where is the comparable outrage for stuff with hard consequences in this city, with a real body count?
It doesn't mean these dumbasses hoping for media coverage in a city with a high density of self-identified Jews and Hasidim isn't of significance, but it's mostly a performance. A stupid, gross spectacle by attenion-seeking carpetbaggers.
But when we're talking about New York City over the last 3-5 years and hate incidents involving actual injury and death to victims, instilling long-term fear and hopelessness among people who (correctly) surmise the state won't act to protect them from cruelty and's fascinating how disinterested the sorts of people that populate this sub are, and it makes the righteous outrage seem more like selective, unserious virtue-signalling.
koreamax t1_j9usg5f wrote
Downvotes for what reason? A lot of people here act like themselves and who the align with are morally superior
koreamax t1_j9usinb wrote
Yes. It's a thin line that a lot of people cross
shantm79 t1_j9uu5rl wrote
“My mom said I can come to the Day of Hate but have to be home by dinner. “
Souperplex OP t1_j9ux81r wrote
Honestly, while the rally will probably be overwhelmingly white, I'm sure a few black people will squeak in. There has been a rise of black antisemitism. The right sees it as either "Well they're all like that" or embraces it depending on which style of racist they are. The left is really bad at calling it out.
Monkeyavelli t1_j9uz21g wrote
Yeah, but that was an example of the horrors of life under Big Brother. Who looks at that and thinks it's a great idea we should be doing?
GnomeChomski t1_j9v1ynp wrote
Video games peaked at Wolfenstein. Doom and Quake excluded of course.
GeorgeEBHastings t1_j9v4cnx wrote
I'd say upwards of 0
fragrantgarbage t1_j9v9y99 wrote
What the actual fuck
[deleted] t1_j9vfxl6 wrote
biggreencat t1_j9vhrej wrote
provide an example
biggreencat t1_j9vhu42 wrote
give a Left example
cronjob69 t1_j9vhzxe wrote
Literally the first thing I thought. Great minds.
systemization t1_j9vlkiw wrote
Under Trump, unlike during the Obama reign, the US stopped rebuking Israel for its settlements in the West Bank and quit condemning Israel for simply defending itself from terrorist attacks targeting civilians.
The Trump administration was a strong opponent of the shamelessly anti-Semitic BDS (boycott, divestment and sanctions) movement, supported by three out of four House Democrats known as “the Squad”, which seeks to isolate Israel and destroy its economy.
Trump also signed an executive order giving Jews greater legal protections against persecution.
Democrats routinely smeared Trump as “Hitler” and “anti-Semitic.” It was a false and disgusting trope, even as the Democratic Party drifted further from bipartisan support against anti-Semitism and for Israel. Reports suggested that Trump was responsible for a rise in hate crimes, ignoring the fact that for the previous eight years under Obama-Biden, attacks on Jews were among the top three hate crimes (although they rarely made headlines).
Biden, meanwhile, has largely followed his fellow Democrats in moving away from strong, steadfast support for Israel. Many in the party openly embrace anti-Semitic rhetoric and policies, and the failure of Democratic leaders to condemn both is disturbing.
Worse, Biden is trying desperately to reanimate the dangerous Iran nuclear deal, which would facilitate Tehran’s nuclear ambitions and undercut our Arab allies while endangering Israel’s very existence.
Most Jewish voters chose Biden and vote Democrat for various reasons, but they should seriously consider joining other traditional Democrat voting blocs in abandoning the party. It’s long past time for Jewish voters to end their longstanding, but unrequited, loyalty to the Democrats, who clearly no longer care about their concerns.
ZA44 t1_j9vodj9 wrote
70 million?
[deleted] t1_j9vsfin wrote
iv2892 t1_j9vyfve wrote
The Kanye thing is not even a joke anymore , a figure as big as him making anti semitism being okay was a huge blow and propped a lot of hate crimes against Jews unfortunately
XmoltenX t1_j9w1s3m wrote
Totally psyop tier fedbait event.
XmoltenX t1_j9w2jvc wrote
6 million?
systemization t1_j9w61fh wrote
I could, that’s an arguably easier point to prove. Black people for far too too long have been ignored and manipulated by the Demogorgon party.
biggreencat t1_j9w6pmg wrote
and the republican party? and trump?
false_cat_facts t1_j9w737n wrote
Sounds like a psyop planned by those trying to use race division to further their agenda. Anyone who truly attends these needs to be documented, and exposed accordingly.
systemization t1_j9w976f wrote
A Republican President may be our last hope. May God bless these United States of America.
Ok_Application_962 t1_j9wfh6f wrote
Total number of people who died becsue of nazis due to ww2
Ok_Application_962 t1_j9wfqhh wrote
Bds movement and anti zionism is just another smoother way.
Uniqlo t1_j9wgopo wrote
It’s the same thing with anti-Asian hate. Thousands of Asian Americans being viciously attacked and nobody cares. But if there’s some way to blame it on White Supremacy and by association, the right, then the issue hits the front page. Nobody actually cares about the victims unless it can be weaponized to further their own sociopolitical interests and agenda.
biggreencat t1_j9wheba wrote
no i mean, what good have Republicans and Trump done for black Americans?
systemization t1_j9wl06c wrote
Under Republican presidencies, like President Trump, black Americans experience more opportunities, prosperity, security, and fairness than under any other democratic president ever.
biggreencat t1_j9wlkv5 wrote
any specific programs, policy changes, etc you can cite?
systemization t1_j9wlofo wrote
ZA44 t1_j9wqata wrote
But that’s incorrect. Over 20 million were Chinese, which had no direct conflict with the Nazis but instead fought the Japanese (and had their own brutal civil war). In a weird twist of history a Nazi party member named John Rabe helped save 250,000 civilians in China during the Japanese rape of Nanking. It would be more accurate to say that the total 70 million dead were due to Axis aggression, not just the Nazis.
Sad-Alternative8815 t1_j9wqr9s wrote
Tough. Wouldn’t be a problem if there wasn’t such strict laws on gun rights in NYC. These people can’t properly defend themselves smh.
mamiyaRZ67 t1_j9wsb63 wrote
Please don't give them the attention they're seeking...They are looking for a fight.
ReadItUser42069365 t1_j9wxv7q wrote
I peaked at leisure suit Larry
Souperplex OP t1_j9wz3ts wrote
Or you know, the people threatening them don't have easy access to guns so it's a good thing.
biggreencat t1_j9wz9fg wrote
>The President’s [Trump's] proposal calls for the elimination of the Minority Business Development Agency
that's one of the programs Trump's flyer says he wants to make permanent, and to elevate, under the "access to capital for black owned businesses" heading
Sad-Alternative8815 t1_j9wzky8 wrote
Or they could be coming from different parts of the state where it’s easier to get a firearm I.e. areas of upstate. Not like LI and the Lower Hudson Valley as well as NYC. Who am I kidding though gun control doesn’t really work. Look at Chicago. NYC. Los Angeles. I could go on and on but all of the major cities that have seriously tight gun control have major street crime/violence problems. Wanna know why? Street criminals don’t get their guns legally. But lefties like you don’t understand concepts like that. So stupid.
systemization t1_j9x2cb1 wrote
Yup, he’s streamlining black-owned businesses!
biggreencat t1_j9x3v0g wrote
what does that mean? you mean that MBDA stands in the way of black-owned business? his flyer claims he wants to lionize the MBDA, but he sought to close it.
stork38 t1_j9x4ohk wrote
Is this really a thing or some dumb 4chan hoax?
MarbleFox_ t1_j9x9yvq wrote
Anti-Zionism isn’t hateful nor anti-semitic.
Ok_Application_962 t1_j9xa6q1 wrote
Oh yes it is ..especially if you understand is the land of Abraham Isaac and jacob..
MarbleFox_ t1_j9xau2b wrote
> Oh yes it is
Except for the fact that it’s not.
ooorson t1_j9xbnks wrote
Lol, u so silly!
[deleted] t1_j9xcgso wrote
[deleted] t1_j9xchvp wrote
Evening_Presence_927 t1_j9xmoo7 wrote
Lmao if this isn’t the most echo chamber-y comment of all time on here. You can’t throw a stick without hitting a comment about how people aren’t paying attention to the real cases of anti-semitism being perpetrated by those (read: black) people, when statistically, they aren’t even the supermajority of anti-semitic incidents.
Gtfo of here, fascist scum. You’re embarrassing yourself by treating Fox News like news instead of the propaganda it is.
Evening_Presence_927 t1_j9xmr9q wrote
Except the vast majority of anti-Asian hate crimes were perpetrated by white people. So it definitely is apt to call it a case of white supremacy.
You people sometimes…
Uniqlo t1_j9xs5ua wrote
Yeah, no.
I've lived in New York my whole life and have been attacked many, many times for my race. I don't recall ever it being a White person violently attacking me. I've hundreds of Asian American family members and friends who live in New York, and they all have similar experiences.
Of course you'd dismiss the above as just anecdotes, so let's use the cold, hard statistics.
White Americans make up 76% of the US population and are responsible for 24% of the crimes committed against Asian Americans every year. Black Americans make up 13% of the US population and are responsible for 27% of the crimes committed against Asian Americans every year. Adjusted for percentage of population, that means Black Americans, compared to Whites, are 6.5x more likely to attack Asians.
Interesting note: Asian Americans commit less than 10 crimes per year against Black Americans. It is such a rare occurrence that they cannot even reliably record a number for it in crime statistics. This makes the ratio of crimes committed against each other between the two groups to be anywhere from 5,000 to 50,000. That is to say for every one crime Asian Americans commit against Black Americans, there are 5,000-50,000 crimes committed in return.
US Department of Justice Statistics
Debz227 t1_j9xv8k0 wrote
Sad losers who need something to take their aggression out on
SpiceyPorkFriedRice t1_j9y6xg2 wrote
Wish I would've known. Would go and throw rotten eggs at them.
closeoutprices t1_j9ybtu5 wrote
What rally?
SolitaryMarmot t1_j9ye5xw wrote
Chicago was one of the safest cities in the nation when they had strict gun control laws. They were targeted for litigation by the NRA in the early 2010s. They eventually brought their new, looser gun laws on line by 2013. We all saw what happened. I always chuckle when Guntards bring up Chicago. It's a prime example of what the NRA spent millions of member dollars trying to make happen.
SolitaryMarmot t1_j9yeuvi wrote
I think one of the problems is Hasidic communities fought for the extremist equivalent of sharia law in NYC. They have their own police entities, their own courts. They've achieved full separatism and the NYPD and District Attorneys office isn't much interested in doing tons of casework where their personnel is being pushed to the backseat constantly and certain offenders are protected. Full autonomy is double edged sword for sure.
SolitaryMarmot t1_j9yf16u wrote
Any word of violent counter protests?
cybersharque247 t1_j9ygvk5 wrote
Incels not fuckers
Leading-Assignment95 t1_j9ym6at wrote
The only good nazi is a dead nazi. If I was one of these folks I'd be more concerned about someone following me home after their silly clown parade is done.
[deleted] t1_j9ymc94 wrote
[deleted] t1_j9ymhdi wrote
[deleted] t1_j9ymkmz wrote
[deleted] t1_j9yna5s wrote
[deleted] t1_j9ynamf wrote
[deleted] t1_j9ynfuq wrote
[deleted] t1_j9ynua1 wrote
Evening_Presence_927 t1_j9yotln wrote
This article
And this report
Beg to differ.
But what else can I suspect from someone who defends Kyle rittenhouse
[deleted] t1_j9yqaq4 wrote
Smooth-Ant-8519 t1_j9yqmte wrote
Yeah, man. I have a theory that this Nazi shit is popping up because all the WW2 vets are dead. I’m in my thirties and growing up in Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Staten Island, I always had WW2 vets around who fucking hated nazis. My grandpa, who fought all over Europe used to grab my arm whenever I passed him and Fuck with me by saying, “This is how you break a Nazi arm,” and then go to snap it over his knee. I imagine there were WW2 vets in most neighborhoods across the country for 60 years who kinda kept a lid on this shit because they commanded respect, especially from white males.
grambell789 t1_j9zjb3t wrote
Pong was my peak, maybe space invader.
grambell789 t1_j9zjppv wrote
I smell Steve Bannon stink on this probably with help from his Russian buddies.
[deleted] t1_j9zkxde wrote
SolitaryMarmot t1_j9zlk1s wrote
The Guardian Angels don't maintain their own court and law enforcement agencies that are deferred to by secular governmental authority nor do they require secular courts to interpret religious contracts as law.
This shouldn't happen but it routinely does.
Souperplex OP t1_j9zn0fk wrote
You can smell the man through pictures.
[deleted] t1_j9zz913 wrote
[deleted] t1_ja01z13 wrote
SolitaryMarmot t1_ja0iad7 wrote
The (since defeated) Brooklyn DA chose to bring criminal charges against a man for refusing to accept the mediated outcome of the Bes Din (and not getting permission from the rabbi to testify in a secular court.) And the second article is generally about the unconstitutional disaster that is the Get laws in NY...specifically a case where a (now former) state Supreme Court Judge actually took away custody of a woman's children on the basis that she violated her religious marriage contract to remain a member of the orthodox community. Like that is shocking stuff that would have Americans who believe in the first amendment absolutely furious when that happens in Detroit. Everyone has the right to private arbitration, even if it's through a church, but to be prosecuted or lose child custody for opting out of religious based arbitration is unconstitutional.
The relationship between the shomrim and the secular authorities is far messier than it is with any other vigilante group. To pretend otherwise is borderline willfull ignorance. They various shomrim have HUGE influence over the Borough Park precinct to the point where they often assault and kidnap 'suspects' with impunity. But the Brooklyn DAs office isn't as cozy with the Orthodox communities as it used to be. And not everyone in New York is going to genuflect to that voting block. A lot of the confusion is a mess by design. They demand autonomy and freedom from prosecution when it suits them but lashes out when it doesn't. It's a lot of lying down in a bed already made. The demand that the NYPD needs a 100% clearance rate on anti Hasidic hate crimes while simultaneously demanding the NYPD look the other way as shomrim commit hate crimes in the end makes community relations worse
Uniqlo t1_ja0u2l0 wrote
Let's see. Should I trust the official US Department of Justice Statistics, or should I trust a Google Document from an obviously biased source using extremely limited set of data to reach the conclusion they already wanted? And why is physical violence limited to "spitting, coughing, and sneezing"? Why does the "research" purposely omit all the incidents of Asian Americans being brutally attacked and even killed? This is absolute garbage.
I guess nobody taught you confirmation or selection bias in school. Idiots like you can even believe the earth is flat. And you'll Google until you find an article by some hack journalist that agrees with you.
_hello_____ t1_ja0xchz wrote
Wild how New Yorkers will allow this. The Shomrim assaults people constantly but will let this fly?
biggreencat t1_ja1d67c wrote
would you explain the point you were making, please?
Ok_Application_962 t1_ja1khqr wrote
It def is ...
MarbleFox_ t1_ja1ybge wrote
Lol, you’re still hung up on this? No, it’s not. It’s not antisemitic to be anti-Zionist.
IAmGoingToSleepNow t1_ja2tqmj wrote
Is that the 'study' where they looked at news sources that identified the race of the perpetrator and skipped those that didn't? So, for example, there were 100 articles on hate crime attacks with 10 mentioning white and 1 mentioning black, they'd say whites are 10x more likely to commit hate crime, while ignoring 89% of the articles.
Ok_Application_962 t1_ja2xig2 wrote
Dam right I am cause it is and you probably are one
[deleted] t1_ja345ra wrote
biggreencat t1_ja4dfmk wrote
aight bro, you should know that for all your writing here, you looked bad and ended up flat on your face.
MarbleFox_ t1_ja57m9v wrote
Lol, it’s really not, they’re two totally separate things.
bbqcornnuts312 t1_ja8u4kv wrote
It's also the study that compared "shunning" to actual, criminal assault.
It's political propaganda meant to misdirect from the political actors enabling criminals to torment people, without consequence.
bbqcornnuts312 t1_jacpwn8 wrote
This was a hoax. This never happened.
Color me shocked.
The_Lone_Apple t1_j9tlfpt wrote
Nazi (noun)
Def: A loser in life who blames everyone else for failing at everything.