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PettyAndretti OP t1_jbxvbp4 wrote

Along with copious amounts of “$100 fine for driving in grass” signs. Nice to see the city finally doing something about a problem for once instead of the typical shoulder shrug. On nice weather days last year if regularly count 30-40+ cars parked on the grass along the river.


bigassbiddy t1_jbxybxb wrote

This is just temporary until the actual construction begins, right?



Fattom23 t1_jby18pa wrote

I'd love it if we could trust drivers to keep their cars out of the park without ugly ass barriers, but it seems we just can't have anything nice.


NMMan1984 t1_jby2cta wrote

Couldn’t possibly be happier to see this.


SBRH33 t1_jby4a7q wrote

Lol. Yea. Looks like they are going to be really effective.


hdhcnsnd t1_jby5ev3 wrote

While biking the SRT I had a car cross over the path while driving on the grass nearly hit me.

They stopped right before and then just laid on their horn. Like are you fucking kidding me?

The entitlement of drivers in this city in particular is uniquely out of control.

I think it mostly circles back to years of 0 enforcement. Cops could make a killing on moving violations at just about any intersection in the city.


T_J_S_ t1_jby73lz wrote

Glad the city stepped in to immediately address a problem that has been growing for 18 years.


Hib3rnian t1_jby87gx wrote

A. These will be stolen. B. These will be run over and not replaced. C. The rope will get caught on a vehicle and yank out the whole run

What they need is either the heavy railguards or concrete barriers every five feet in order to really be effective.


PassyunkHoagie t1_jby8iit wrote

I don’t generally like to shit all over the city, particularly not when they actually do something.

But wtf is this?

Have our standards become so comically low that Home Depot rope stakes are the best we can muster to preserve one of the best features of Philadelphia?

How about rumble strips and concrete barriers? The universities and private schools that use the river for crew can contribute and in return they get to paint sections of the barriers. Set aside some barriers for local schools and charities to paint. Sell the remaining ones to the Eagles, Phillies, Comcast, IBEW, B101, and so on.

Now we’re stopping cars from driving on the grass, we’ve got a cool new mural wall that’s representative of the city, and it’s mostly paid for.

Not a perfect idea but it certainly beats this half-assed attempt.


leithal70 t1_jby8wq3 wrote

Finally! I’m hoping they upgrade to like a wooden fence or something.


Starpork t1_jby9t80 wrote

Maybe I'm over hopeful but even though they're just ropes, I'd assume running over them escalates a charge from a moving violation to destruction of city property. You'd really hope to see that have a psychological impact.


thephlguy t1_jbyefzy wrote

You always take pics while you drive?


FormerHoagie t1_jbyfvi8 wrote

It’s cold and dreary out today. Easy to be negative. Considering the poverty in Philadelphia and it being such a massively large city, I think we do ok. I say we because the city is just your neighbors. You pay them with tax dollars to do the things you can’t. Some of them are bad employees, like any business. Think 77, Sunny, low humidity and enjoying your favorite band in concert at the Mann. Pretty awesome.


MRG_1977 t1_jbyhubj wrote

Anchored concrete pylons. They won’t look pretty but they’ll end the problem.

Can’t be stolen and they’ll end the issues with at least cars/trucks and give bikers/walkers/runners much-needed safety.


BigShawn424 t1_jbyiriy wrote

So a little piece of string is supposed to protect you from cars?


BulbasaurCPA t1_jbynahh wrote

Every day I think about how great it would be if this city banned cars and really invested in public transit


afdc92 t1_jbyocny wrote

Still not gonna stop people from driving their Altimas with temp tags over them to park on the grass.


jambomyhombre t1_jbypl5t wrote

This isn't going to stop people that already think driving their car across the grass is ok.


toss_it_out_tomorrow t1_jbyptr6 wrote

You know....

for as much as people HATE potholes for fucking up our cars, maybe this is exactly what needs to be placed there. Strategically placed holes that are of a certain size so that if cars try to run through, their tires fall in and they get stuck


Wolfwags t1_jbyqyao wrote

More cops enforcing petty traffic violations means less cops who are able to focus on the whole violent crime epidemic that this city is caught in. They’ve got much bigger fish to fry than a guy rolling through a stop sign.


ScoutG t1_jbywzx8 wrote

But if they need something removable, there are much stronger options out there than a rope. There are those wide poles that go up and down into the ground (I don’t know what they’re called).


NotUnstoned t1_jbyxpph wrote

Not just for emergencies, all of the teams drive their boat trailers up and a bunch of the families drive up and unload their tents and shit in the early mornings. Maybe not every time but I’ve at least seen it happening while riding on the path in the early mornings.


zparks t1_jbyy587 wrote

Understanding the shoe string budget that PP&R deals with (especially when it comes to funding non rec center parks, ie most of East and West Fairmount), consider being grateful.

Even moreso, be grateful for whoever at PP&R was creative enough to shoe string this literal shoe string semi-solution together.

Please do not put concrete barriers with advertising on the drive. For real?

Are people going to drive their cars through these chains?*

Finally, back to the budget… It cannot be understated the degree to which Philly is a city fighting endemic poverty, and the PP&R budget is almost 99% focused on rec center programs that feed kids and attempt to keep kids off streets and doing well in school and in life. It is not funded well enough to make a priority of Azalea Garden strolls and Kelly Drive exercise.

Seems to me this is exactly how we should want the city to prioritize spending.

That said, maybe Streets Dept is responsible for the barriers. I know less about the mechanics here.

Anyways, I don’t know how to solve the larger issues, and there’s certainly plenty of wasted money and stupidity in city government.

But this is not an example of that.

*Edit: I can tell people think, yes, people will drive though the chains. I’m not so sure. When lots of people park on the grass in that section, it’s not because they are all the type of people who would commit an obvious act of vandalism to park on grass that looks dubious to park on; it’s that a larger number of people probably will park dubiously if someone else has done it first. Will some asshole rip the chain down and park on the grass? Undoubtedly. Will mom, dad, and the kids follow suit when they realize they need to drive over a broken chain to do so…?

Edit 2: Permanent barriers are not the solution. That grass should be considered as an opportunity for festival and other use. This is a world class and historically important regatta course. Is it hypocritical to let boat trailers park on the grass? No! Hosting world class regattas is exactly the type of thing we should want Fairmount Park and Parks & Rec and Philadelphia to be known for. The grass can survive occasional mixed use. The grass can’t survive weekly parking. We can handle the nuance folks!


NotUnstoned t1_jbyyqba wrote

Okay hear me out here.

I think the best idea for Kelly drive is to make it slightly wider (meaning the bike trail would need to be slightly smaller in some areas) and add barriers in the center, between each direction of travel. It makes it safer because you avoid oncoming crashes, and there’s also natural bottlenecks at the rock tunnel and the corner near the stands that could only fit one lane, so speed limits would need to be reduced. You only give half of the people the opportunity to drive onto the grass now without doing extra u turns, and you make the openings that would allow those uturns entrances to parking lots anyway.

On the weekends, they can close the side of the road that comes into the city, and it will offset the width reduction of the current path by allowing runners and bikers to use the street while being protected by a barricade. Added bonus of even lower speeds on the weekend because you only have two lanes now.


TitanUp9370 t1_jbz25th wrote

Having worked regatta parking before, there are defined entrances and exits for those trailers, and I’ve only ever seen trailers use the grass for staging downriver of the Columbia Bridge (the finish line). So they could theoretically make the entrance/exit portion removable and the remainder permanent.


douglas_in_philly t1_jbz6428 wrote


In 20 years of living right by Kelly Drive, and passing that way most every day, I can tell you that I virtually never saw cars parked in the grass unless it was for an official event of some sort. But during Covid—particularly on the weekends—there would be dozens and dozens of cars parked there. It really made me sad.


douglas_in_philly t1_jbz7ixj wrote

I don’t disagree with you that poverty—of the generational variety—is endemic in Philadelphia, and I don’t disagree that the city should be spending money to try to address it, but at the same time, there are other things that benefit those of us who have chosen to live here and are not in poverty, ourselves, and we do deserve to “have nice things,” too, so to speak.

I’m only pointing out that—in my opinion—it’s not necessarily a zero sum game, so to speak. The city can prioritize funding programs to help the cities poor, but can also try to make intelligent decisions to preserve the things that attract people who aren’t poor to live here. It’s our tax money, in large part, that is helping to pay for these programs for the poor. If there aren’t good things for the non-poor, we won’t live here, and there goes a lot of the money.

I’m not sure how much money we spent for these new barriers, and their installation, but I’m going to guess that it was a surprisingly sizable amount. But if they get destroyed within a month, I view it as a waste of money. I would prefer the city spend a little bit more- even if it means taking a chunk away from some rec center—to protect Fairmount Park.


zparks t1_jbz8sqn wrote

I agree with you about “should.”

Lamentably, I’m giving you insight into how it actually is, or how it might be. I know it’s easy to blow me off as someone who thinks they know how it works, and, that’s partially true since admittedly I am not a PP&R budget expert, but that in itself not sufficient reason to blow me off entirely. I worked closely enough with PP&R to stand by what I said. For whatever it’s worth, my comment is an attempt to add some factual nuance to the conversation, not an attempt to muddy waters with more opinion.


deyaintready t1_jbz980y wrote

Interesting parks and rec is installing it. They must be tired of people driving on there and ruining absolutely everything. If only people could act right on the nice parts of the city.


SouthPhilly_215 t1_jbzat4q wrote

Hopefully something artistic and not just some heartless soulless gray as the overcast sky highway metal…


ConfiaEnElProceso t1_jbzd6x8 wrote

I agree that philly drivers are horrific. I am relatively sure that one will hit and hurt me soon.

That said, the streets, and particularly Kelly Drive are designed to be sped on. It is a death trap and the city has known for years. It has been on the high injury network for years.

It is on the city to provide safe streets. There needs to be major traffic calming. Also bollards. Bollards can be gorgeous as well as functional.


PassyunkHoagie t1_jbzdpxz wrote

What I see here is an unimaginative band-aid solution.

If this was a privately funded volunteer effort, I would be extremely grateful that someone took their own time and money to resolve an issue. But, we’re talking about a taxpayer funded city department. It’s great that someone within that department felt that this problem should be resolved but that doesn’t mean the chosen resolution is beyond reproach.

As far as concrete barriers go, we already have some of those on Kelly Drive, most notably along the Grandstand stretch near the John B. Kelly statue. Adding additional barriers would obviously be more expensive than running some rope along the road but by offering universities, companies, and community organizations the opportunity to “sponsor” stretches of the barrier you can offset a good chunk of the cost while also combating the graffiti that easily accessible concrete invariably attracts. What that would look like is a bigger question but luckily we have a wonderful Mural Arts program in the city that can handle the creative portion of the process. I’m fairly certain a good chunk of the new murals being painted are in-part sponsored by corporations and individuals.

My point with all this isn’t to say that we need to browbeat city departments every time they try to do something. There are clearly a million issues to tackle and a limited budget to do so. But, that doesn’t mean we have to avoid voicing dissatisfaction when a solution comes up very short of the target. Looking at that rope “fence” I can’t help but feel that it’s an ineffective solve that will not serve as much of a deterrent and will:

At best, require very regular maintenance and repair


At worst, be broken quickly and forgotten about.


AFirefighter11 t1_jbzfxnc wrote

It’s rope. It’s Philly. It won’t hold people for long!


ConfiaEnElProceso t1_jbzg6yp wrote

My bad. I misread it.

However the point still stands, a divider would make drivers feel safer and encourage faster speeds.

Second, we should be cutting down on traffic and space devoted to cars on Kelly Dr, not increasing it.


katatattat26 t1_jbzgazs wrote

That’s actually a great move in the right direction! …. Now to address how Kelly Dr lanes are 0.8 car widths wide ….


AbsentEmpire t1_jbzgppx wrote

The city needs to install bolards everywhere, on sidewalks, along the parks, at entrances to trails, along bike paths, around cross walks etc.

Since we're unwilling to enforce any traffic laws here and hold drivers accountable for breaking the law, we need to make it exceptionally difficult for them to continue doing so instead.


AbsentEmpire t1_jbzhjtf wrote

We don't even have to get to ban cars level to have dramatically improved quality of life.

By using bolards to just block drivers from breaking the law and endangering everyone around them as well as destroying public parks we can have an immediate approvement overnight. Add in automated traffic and city wide parking enforcement and things could be better almost instantaneously.


syndicatecomplex t1_jbzl8ji wrote

One of the roads to really avoid in Philly. Honestly even worse than Henry Ave and Lincoln Highway.


magellan315 t1_jbzn6jc wrote

We don't do okay. A friend of mine grew up in Philly and in the 80's she used to see kids from Olney and Central High Schools fighting on the subway platforms. They still do that today.

We don't do okay when it comes to violent crime or crime involving guns. All I have to do is turn on the news on Monday and see how many people have been shot.


poopfeast t1_jbzokmh wrote

Posted about it a couple years ago, after one of their buddies died they had a ride through lemon hill and those assholes almost ran over me and my two dogs walking on the sidewalk. I fell and clutched the both of them as tight as I could as dozens of atvs luckily rode around us while my dogs lost their shit.


Luna_3000 t1_jbzomf5 wrote

I got side swiped on Kelly drive this weekend. My first car accident! I was so afraid pulling over into the “median” to get the other drivers info because everyone was driving out of control including the person who hit me. I’m so pissed off.


FormerHoagie t1_jbzpa6o wrote

There is a mayoral race and lots of positions available on city council. Why don’t you run and fix everything. You do realize that’s how it works, right? Real easy to criticize from the peanut gallery.


Badkevin t1_jbztpan wrote


everyone text 911 when you see this happening. I’m the cause of many tickets around here. I rat on people parked on the sidewalk.


PettyAndretti OP t1_jbzubzb wrote

As a fellow avid cyclist from EF, same. Driving or biking by the trail every day and seeing cars on the grass evokes a visceral rage with in me to the point that I want to damage one. My therapist says that I shouldn’t care but…


tharussianphil t1_jbzuma6 wrote

I honestly wouldn't care that much if you could actually make eye contact with the drivers and know that they saw you and they're waving you past. But it's always some fucking nissan altima with blacked out limo tint, but you can still see the phone screen in their hand through it!


magellan315 t1_jbzuqij wrote

Thanks for the flippant response. City Council deliberately creates quagmires and given their problems with bribery the FBI should open a second headquarters here. The Mayors office is equally problematic ever since Frank Rizzo engaged in a coup.

Its easier to make change from the outside and running for office often makes personal matters subject to public scrutiny.


BendyKnees t1_jbzwap7 wrote

The streets department has concrete barriers, not the Philadelphia parks and rec. This is what they have available. They’re trying their best.


hdhcnsnd t1_jbzxaem wrote

It’s really amazing how we have 0 car free streets.

10th street in Chinatown, South Street from 6th to the Delaware, Headhouse square, 13th from chestnut to locust, walnut and the other cross streets by rittenhouse, the RTM underpass…

There are so many obvious streets that would have a dramatically improved QoL and business without cars.

Even Burlington VT, a city of <50k has the car free commercial street, Church Street.

Why can’t we even have this conversation in Philadelphia?


FormerHoagie t1_jc0348x wrote

So, what change are you going to make? What will you do as a citizen of Philadelphia to make it better. I won’t accept Reddit comments as a worthy answer. I’m not talking thoughts and complaints, That’s pretty useless. What will you actually do?

Can you stop the gun violence, the homelessness and the out of control drug addiction? Many make it their lives work all across the country. What do you offer that would be different? How about other quality of life issues? Street Repairs, subway improvements, affordable housing, improved schools, reformed police department and crime in general? What is your plan and how to pay for it? I’m not even getting into the detailed stuff. I assume if you have answers to the major issues the rest will take care of itself. Remember, city workers are regular people, just like you. Some are great and some are horrible. They will fight back, refuse to work or just be generally shitty at their jobs. How will you change that. Which of these things are you going to take on and fix?


chewyrolls t1_jc05ob8 wrote

What bothers me the most are crappy cars that are parked on the grass potentially leaking oil or something else.

They need to put large boulders or high curbs to stop the parking. I think the rope is temporary so they can remove it for the regatta events.


brandomos t1_jc0d2li wrote

People will be driving over this in no time. It’s not going to keep these assholes from parking/driving in the grass. I see countless illegal vehicle related things every day, ever time I leave my place and zero police doing anything about it. Car break-ins every day, running red lights, parking everywhere and anywhere, no license plates. It’s maddening. Yesterday someone flew by me in a left turning lane just past the zoo only to cut off the three cars in front of me and fly through the intersection. If the police don’t crack down nothing is going to change.


abigdumbrocket t1_jc1hsme wrote

Kelly Drive has such potential as a beautiful outdoor space accessible by so many neighborhoods of varying economic levels . . . but as it is you feel like you're walking along a highway. It's such a shame. Imagine what it's be like with just an occasional trolley gliding by.


hungryhummushead t1_jc1i4pd wrote

Not sure why you're getting down voted, you called out 3 of the craziest roads in the city. All of which people treat as highways, and could use some serious speed reducing measures. Happy to see Henry is getting a little bit of that now in certain portions.


kidney_doc t1_jc1mcom wrote

Good. Maybe people will stop parking on the grass


a-german-muffin t1_jc1xsqy wrote

And all too frequently fatal. There have been three or four deaths at the chicane up by East Falls in the last couple of years, including one accident that shredded the car and left the engine like 100 yards from what was left of the cabin.


espressocycle t1_jc236o2 wrote

They should just make it one lane and allow street parking. It would make driving on it a little slower and a lot less white knuckle and people who want to drive somewhere before exercising instead of, I dunno, just exercising on the way, can do that.


rrfloeter t1_jc3djhw wrote

They’re ropes not really barriers.. but I guess better then nothing


lordredsnake t1_jc5jdzk wrote

They already set rope up like this once, and it was either taken down for an event and never replaced, or just torn out by people who wanted to drive there anyway. This is a joke. People need to get those $100 tickets the minute they drive over the curb. No warning. If you don't know that it's illegal and unacceptable to drive your car across the grass and multiuse trail, I have no pity for you.