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Classic-Ad4614 t1_iw2gdsh wrote

assuming this was some kind of world series bet gone awry


uptown_gargoyle t1_iw2genz wrote

Is this related to the Florida(?) governor that was spitefully sending immigrants to blue cities?

If so, I can only imagine how dehumanizing it must feel for these people.


Kyrthis t1_iw2h54e wrote

Awesome. We should give them, in order:

  1. Food
  2. Shelter
  3. Clothing - specifically a gently-loved Eagles jersey

Go pájaros!


igglesfangirl t1_iw2h91k wrote

This is Abbott in Texas. DeSantis is just a copycat nutjob who used Florida money to transport immigrants from Texas to Massachusetts. If the people on the buses qualify for TPS, there are certainly better opportunities for them outside of Texas.


throwawaitnine t1_iw2hagy wrote

Philly has a lot of problems but I think we can handle a bus load of migrants.


VeryStab1eGenius t1_iw2hyaj wrote

You’re so butthurt that PA will flip blue that you’re lashing out with this post. No one is upset. Finish your tantrum and then turn on Fox News. Your life, miserable as it is, will go on.


[deleted] OP t1_iw2hyip wrote

We need to share the burden experienced by border states. Realistically since we all support open borders and asylum seekers, each state should give resources either to Texas or housing. I support them coming to Philadelphia. Idk why anybody would be opposed to asylum seekers coming to America.


snooloosey t1_iw2i1z5 wrote

good. They're coming because they want jobs and they want security. That's a hell of a lot more they're willing to give us than most of the people in this city.


HuffleBird0919 t1_iw2i3f3 wrote

This bus is apparently coming from Texas with absolutely zero coordination or official communication. We only know it's coming because of a tip-off from "a community partner organization," probably some kind of volunteer. The article says there are infants on this bus.

Absolutely disgusting that conservatives are willing to use actual human lives to play political football. But it's our turn to step up and show these people the compassion Texas lacks. We welcome them with open arms!


LouDog187 t1_iw2i6nj wrote

If u wanna be outraged, be outraged at Greg Abbott. Not the people on the bus or the people willing to help them. It's not going to effect you. So be more of a bitch, complaining about something else. Or stfu!


fadetoblack1004 t1_iw2iau8 wrote

The greater Philly area has a population of ~6.25 million people. We could handle 100 bus loads without too many issues... Actually we already have about 50,000 illegal immigrants in the city so we are already handling 100 bus loads just fine.

Stop drinking the Kool Aid on these publicity stunts, it makes you look like a mentally deficient soyboy incapable of independent, critical thought. Or maybe that's how you want to be perceived. You do you.

Now run along, your mommy wants you to clean your room today.

PS nice red wave. 😂😂😂 Looks like even Nevada is gonna reelect their Dem senator.


SpawnOfGoats t1_iw2ie1h wrote

So Texas should deal with its own problems and not pull political stunts for brownie points with racists? Philly is already an immigrant destination. We already handle immigrants of all statuses. This isn't going to hurt Philly just make slobs fell like they are owning the libs.


Basic_Visual6221 t1_iw2iejh wrote

I don't understand why America doesn't like illegal immigrants. It's how we all came to be here. I don't see how so many people miss the irony either. White people came to brown people land in boats and decided "hey we live here now". Now that brown people are coming in busses to white people land saying "hey we live here now" it's a problem. Let the people live. Any one of you saying do it the right way, would not in fact do things that way were you in the same situation.


SpawnOfGoats t1_iw2iq3e wrote

Philly is a border city. Immigrants come here yearly by the thousands. We are already handling that situation. Texas receives billions from the feds guess they should give that money back?


omygoodnessreally t1_iw2iqtq wrote

You make it sound like that is a bad thing, like America was not borne of and built on the backs of immigrants, like you'd rather sand blast the message off of the statue of liberty.... but maybe I'm wrong


MaoZedongs t1_iw2ix5g wrote

Watching sanctuary cities get angry at border states for sending migrants is entertaining as shit. Why should their systems be completely overrun? Most of them are at a breaking point and can’t provide what these folks need, and have been for some time.

This is the ONLY logical solution to the problem.


MaoZedongs t1_iw2j55f wrote

These people don’t get it. States like Texas, Arizona, and Florida are at breaking points when it comes to this. They can only help so many people. Sending them somewhere else is the only logical solution.


SamHinkieKnew t1_iw2je35 wrote

Lmao, the reporter literally began his report with “SCOOP,” like he’s breaking watergate-level news.


Repulsive-Tap5543 t1_iw2jfk9 wrote

When they house these ppl in Chestnut Hill and Cc, it might.😉


schludy t1_iw2jih3 wrote

I'm an immigrant and I used Greyhound recently to go see a Broadway show in NY. At neither end of the leg did anyone offer any of these :(

(I'm making fun of the title of this post, not of the suggestion to provide these things to people in need.)


loyaboya t1_iw2jzmg wrote

It’s because they bus people in who don’t know where they’re going with little notice for the city to prepare accommodations. No one is upset at the fact that migrants are coming but the way they’re being treated just so anti immigration folks can try to prove a point is disgusting. These are actual people involved.


SpawnOfGoats t1_iw2jzwq wrote

No problemo more employees for Dr Oz's company Asplundh


jmillertattoo t1_iw2k5uy wrote

You never broke the rules? Using the “rules” to justify xenophobia is a racist and corny too. Were you a hall monitor in grade school too? Nobody in here gives a fuck if 10,000 immigrants showed up here tomorrow. What are you afraid of?


TwoWilburs t1_iw2k7ks wrote

  1. My great grandmother came from Mexico illegally. By the time immigration found her, she had two sons in the Navy and two daughters working in bomber plants in World War II. They told her she was more American than most and just left her alone

  2. They are legal. Read the article. “Migrants” not illegal immigrants. That means they’re doing something 100% illegal.


SpawnOfGoats t1_iw2khur wrote

How you gonna attract eyeballs and clicks without being outrageous? Some media do cover it just not popular ones. Mar a Lago is famous for employing Irish workers who stay after their visa expires.


loyaboya t1_iw2l614 wrote

No I’m sure they didn’t but when you bus people that arrive in your city to another I’m sure a courtesy call would be appreciated! We should be helping out the burden on border states and there’s a way to do that. Dumping a bus of people just because isn’t that way


MaoZedongs t1_iw2leeu wrote

You mean Philadelphia isn’t actually a sanctuary city? Pretty sure it’s a sanctuary city. Folks can just arrive… for sanctuary.

All of that moral bloviating was just that. Say it isn’t so!


loyaboya t1_iw2ln8p wrote

From what I understand, the article you posted never described that they illegally entered the states, just that they’re migrants. Migration isn’t illegal. And even so that doesn’t mean they deserve to be thrown on a bus and driven elsewhere most likely without knowledge of where they’re going. Instead of sending back these “illegal” migrants which they’d be justified in doing, they bus them further into the country.


Psychological-Ad8175 t1_iw2lsm3 wrote

These states are receiving our federal tax dollars that we create. There is no reason that states with that large of open land available do not have the room and with the financial incentives that we provide by giving them our tax revenue they should build housing.

Alternatively they could just tax themselves to pay for their services instead of us giving them tax dollars.


Basic_Visual6221 t1_iw2lv4b wrote

Yes but not everyone can. For some people, doing it legally isn't an option. Also America was already established as a country at that point. I still think it's ironic that a country full of white immigrants that forcefully took this land from the brown people living here are mad that brown people are now "illegally" moving here. We either learn from history or we're doomed to repeat it.


fadetoblack1004 t1_iw2m5rm wrote

You're not really that dumb, are you? At the time of Ellis Island, in the early 1900s, the United States was accepting more than a million immigrants every year.

During that time, specifically from 1900 to 1915, this country went from 76 million people to 100 million people. 15 million of those people were immigrants.

Today, with a population of 330 million people, we only accept 675,000 immigrants per year.

It's an apples to oranges comparison. If this country had only been accepting 200,000 immigrants per year in the early 1900s, there's a good chance your family never immigrates legally because only 1/5th of the actual immigrants would be legal.

If we were keeping pace with immigration standards in the early 1900s, we would be accepting roughly 3 million people every year. So FOH with that shit.


loyaboya t1_iw2mf6k wrote

Not sure where my post implied that. Im speaking to the practice of states like Texas and Florida bussing off migrants which is a different practice in its own. They’re in the right to send them where they came from but they don’t do that and instead bus them to sanctuary cities hoping for outrage. Again, sanctuary cities should help to alleviate the burden but that comes with collaboration which isn’t happening here.


MaoZedongs t1_iw2nn5c wrote

Ivory tower progressives need to step up and make good on their promises. This situation is the direct result of the Democratic Party’s trash immigration and foreign policy positions during the Clinton and Obama administrations.

You either step up and make good, or you close the border and ship them back like Obama did. You don’t get to have your cake and eat it, too.


uptown_gargoyle t1_iw2npa4 wrote

>Conservatives aren’t capable of empathy.

I think the vast majority of people are capable of empathy, but there are a lot of ways of getting people to suppress that emotion; namely by constantly drilling into people's heads that they're under attack by some foreign or outside threat. The Republican apparatus does this effectively. But I don't think conservatives are like, inherently or congenitally incapable of empathy.


loyaboya t1_iw2sf16 wrote

That town is well within their right to send them back home. If they have the means to transport them 1,500 miles up north, in the exact opposite direction they came from, why are they not doing so?


Psychological-Ad8175 t1_iw2tkyf wrote

Well both are important. The rest of the world is multilingual and we are far behind when it comes to this. Effort to teach children to learn various languages has it's own benefits along with math (which English is not required to learn,any people in different languages learn math without learning English.).


philadelphia-ModTeam t1_iw2w1ap wrote

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