Submitted by ModestAugustine t3_10jsaoj in philadelphia
Raecino t1_j5mea2b wrote
It’s about damn time
Aromat_Junkie t1_j5mepri wrote
a passenger outburst of joy, having received a call from their son, that they were now were a proud grandfather. The whole subway clapped, since the newly made grandpa was using speaker. Everyone sang Auld Lang Syne and clapped as the train, decorated for the holidays pulled up and blared it's horn, merrily to the tune of "We wish you a merry christmas" and Santa claus himself was the conductor. Upon arriving at the hospital in a timely manner, after taking the subway, the gentleman noted a beautiful soft snow coming down. What wonderful birthday, Christmas, for his newly born grandson. It was an awfully apt name, as his son was to be named Jesus, seeing as he was himself a first generation american immigrant from Mexico, having built a wonderful life for himself and his family. Many years later he would tell his grandson of the story, who never quite believed his Abuelito, but it's a tale as true the day is long. Everyone clapped
Ng3me t1_j5metnf wrote
Don’t get too excited. There will be one countdown clock at the 13th street EL station and eventually the rest of the EL and then the sub but THERE IS NO TIMELINE for this project’s completion. “No timeline” is Philadelphia for “we don’t intend to do this.”
Aromat_Junkie t1_j5mfacq wrote
somewhere I have on my phone a PennDot Integer Overflow. 2,147,483,646 minutes to 676
Raecino t1_j5mfmck wrote
Damn it you could’ve let me dream a little longer
donttouchthirdrail t1_j5mgi5c wrote
I’ll believe it when I’m literally seeing the clock.
Phl_worldwide t1_j5mht9p wrote
Wow, never thought the day would come. Awesome!
CathedralEngine t1_j5mil0q wrote
Oh cool, now I’ll know if I should light a cigarette on the platform or not.
CathedralEngine t1_j5miom6 wrote
It’s SEPTA for “We’re getting there”
AbsentEmpire t1_j5miuhn wrote
That'll be nice, but I'll believe it when I see it.
CB_700_SC t1_j5mkowx wrote
The final countdown…
Unfamiliar_Word t1_j5mkpwx wrote
I'm happy that they will be implementing it in what I hope to be the immediate future, but this is ultimately just bringing SEPTA up to the state of the art of a decade or two ago, at least, of international standards.
I wonder if the timers will be implemented on only the Trolley Tunnel Stations or also the new surface stops to be built for Trolley Modernization. When Trolley Modernization will be implemented is another open question.
therealsteelydan t1_j5mll3k wrote
I'll believe it when I see the train. I don't trust those things anywhere.
Salaco t1_j5mmi11 wrote
Nice pun
uptown_gargoyle t1_j5mmisf wrote
at least give us the macbook pinwheel for gods sake
defmain t1_j5mn922 wrote
Flashing 12:00 intensifies
Aromat_Junkie t1_j5mntcg wrote
And maybe I'm feeling emotional re-reading David Bermans (RIP) last AMA but there's something so lacking in our society around these positive stories. Maybe Hallmark, or Madea by Tyler Perry comes the closest to cutting it.
Two books come to mind, the first, Hemmingway - in a Farewell To Arms, you'd almost forget the war in the way he describes the snow settling over his apartments in northern italy where he was stationed as an ambulance driver in the first world war, his phrases stick with me but particularly "it was very fine". If you ever hear me say "it was fine" I mean that, it was refined, a very fine thing indeed it was.
The second - The Hedge Knight, has this same similar air and quality, I think George RR Martin shows incredible deftness trying to write what I think is a great fairy tale. knights, tournaments, maidens and young squires cantering about.
A few nights ago my wife was having trouble sleeping and so I told her the story, about our dog. Our dog who we picked up from the pound. Of course I anthropomorphized my pup's life, but from her eyes, if she were human is a great and soaring success. From being abandoned, to finding a home, and making her place in it, being a teenager and then having that rock solid owners who she bonded with so tightly. The story wrapped up well after my wife was asleep, but it was too good to stop talking.
Anyway, maybe life is worth the little lie, or to tell the tall tale, or generally make stories that are better. I'd prefer to hear a story about George Bailey than Heisenberg. Our schadenfreude certainly completes the more vicious and visceral side of humanity but there's a absolute dearth of stories that are full of courage, hope and happy endings.
[deleted] t1_j5mpbzy wrote
CertainlyHeisenberg t1_j5mqs4q wrote
Why would you stop smoking just because the train arrived?
[deleted] t1_j5mshfv wrote
Raecino t1_j5msv34 wrote
Thank you!
sirauron14 t1_j5mtxib wrote
They need new trains
rossdowdell t1_j5mv9n5 wrote
Hobo sex AND 1990s clock technology.
SEPTA has it all!
donttouchthirdrail t1_j5mwsn1 wrote
They improve the rider experience a lot. It feels a lot better to know when your train is arriving.
DanHassler0 t1_j5mxf7q wrote
A key point of trolley modernization stations is having this arrival signage. They talk about it and show it off in some of the webinars.
DanHassler0 t1_j5mxjtb wrote
I believe both Trolley and MFL have RFPs out right now.
sirauron14 t1_j5mxny4 wrote
I know trolleys do but the MFL too? Do we know the progress in that ?
Lazerpop t1_j5mxzon wrote
They aren't gonna work and they'll be filled with human shit with a month but hey progress
[deleted] t1_j5myphk wrote
sirauron14 t1_j5myq80 wrote
Oh it doesn’t have a status. I think it’s from 2022 maybe it’ll take form this year I hope
EnemyOfEloquence t1_j5n05gg wrote
Delaware has these solar powered on bus stops....God damn we're always so behind.
GumshoeAndy t1_j5n2zyg wrote
I remember this rolling out on the L train in Brooklyn maybe 12 years ago. It was right around the time where you could start to get some cell service in the stations so I could text whoever I was meeting exactly how late I'd be.
BrythonicMan t1_j5n84yz wrote
Good to hear, but I remember when PATCO introduced timers it took about a year to reach >95% accuracy. It felt like accuracy slowly climbed throughout the year as they (presumably?) were fine-tuning it.
ActionShackamaxon t1_j5n8cyn wrote
Get this to the marketing team ASAP
SpringHardenSt t1_j5n8ko6 wrote
MFL and Trolleys overlap at 15th and 30th.
[deleted] t1_j5n9hug wrote
royblakeley t1_j5ncfvo wrote
More than a decade. I remember them in London c. 1990, and NYC has had them at least twenty years.
OptimusSublime t1_j5ng781 wrote
They said that last spring
And the spring before that..
[deleted] t1_j5nl55s wrote
Kiloblaster t1_j5nmo87 wrote
I'm sure they'll give us time to dream until this is completed in 2059
horsebatterystaple99 t1_j5o46fp wrote
--jawnday-- t1_j5oapf5 wrote
Sure, Jan.
Devin1405 t1_j5ofy0c wrote
It's still nice, especially if one is delayed you know how long you'll be waiting.
Assuming it's accurate....
U-F-OHNO t1_j5og2mw wrote
Cool, now only if the trains were actually on time would it make any difference.
cashonlyplz t1_j5ohnek wrote
Just hire more conductors/drivers
cashonlyplz t1_j5ohqmr wrote
Mf said hobo in 2023
(This subreddit has become such dogshit)
[deleted] t1_j5oivfo wrote
courageous_liquid t1_j5olisq wrote
We're already designing/building streetscape improvements to accommodate the trolley modernization project (see: island ave), so at least it'll happen sometime in the next few years (TM)
nerdyandnatural t1_j5om9u1 wrote
I cannot believe it has taken them this long to put these in place. Was so shocked when I went to DC for the first time and saw the timer AND the lighted platform
[deleted] t1_j5opru8 wrote
Pickles716 t1_j5or0w8 wrote
underrated comment
31November t1_j5os5tv wrote
It’s okay u/Raecino, someday SEPTA won’t be as embarrassingly underfunded
OccasionallyImmortal t1_j5p0erz wrote
We need a countdown clock for the countdown clocks.
[deleted] t1_j5p0pv3 wrote
OccasionallyImmortal t1_j5p0zk9 wrote
These would be most useful to see before people pay their fare... at street-level even.
mobileagnes t1_j5pbjxq wrote
Aren't we getting these a bit late (as in 20+ years)? It would've been nice having these countdown clocks back before virtually everyone had some sort of smartphone/tablet/etc. Nowadays Transit App, CityMapper, Google Maps, etc all have some sort of interface showing when the next few departures are (often even updated to real-time). Can SEPTA do better than those already-existing apps? Maybe the money would be better spent investing in things that ensure people to not be afraid to ride the system?
duhduhman t1_j5pfju6 wrote
they should just put ear horns at every station to give you an idea if the train is coming or not. I also would add lifeguard chairs with nautical binoculars to every bus stop.
Dr-Gooseman t1_j5q0q1o wrote
Now I'll know if i should give up and just start walking.
Mike81890 t1_j5qebma wrote
SF has a button to audibly tell you alongside the LCD
ProbablyAtDialysis t1_j5qmndf wrote
Also 13th.
cashonlyplz t1_j5qopio wrote
The apps don't work if the vehicles aren't actively tracked. The bus tracking is far more reliable than "scheduled" trolleys or subway trains. If you see 'scheduled' on the app? Assume you're waiting for the next one--it's really a coin flip.
Ones displayed as "Untracked" ones might actually show up.
PatAss98 t1_j5r9xpp wrote
Not only the trolleys, but the NHSL eventually needs this down the line (even if the NHSL gets them last)
owl523 t1_j5riohk wrote
No way those work
[deleted] t1_j5rp171 wrote
TokiWart00th88 t1_j5v138m wrote
Wow! At least the drug addicts, homeless and roving gangs of criminals will know what time it is
ActionJawnson t1_j5mcsv8 wrote
It's not counting down for the next train, it's counting down till the next passenger outburst.