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woutomatic OP t1_jcuvbgt wrote

Whole title wouldn't fit within 100 characters for a reddit title.


the_colonelclink t1_jcvicnq wrote

Even though I knew exactly what you meant, anyone who’s seen the movie would realise what you meant, after seeing the photo.


Yung_Corneliois t1_jcvzw02 wrote

Yea either people already knew the reference or they wouldn’t so the entire title isn’t even necessary.


themagicbong t1_jcuvv72 wrote

The whole title? I genuinely have no clue what that acronym is supposed to be. Wasn't trying to be snarky or something. Just a lil joke cause I'm lost on what it stands for.


DeltaBearlines t1_jcuw6pi wrote

Everything Everywhere All At Once, which won almost every Oscar last week and is very well known and features Jamie Lee Curtis as a character that looks like this.


themagicbong t1_jcux3kv wrote

Oh yeah, so very well known that I didn't know what the acronym for it was. Clearly that's something that's SUPER well-known. Lol. But word, I hear ya. Makes more sense now.


Step-Father_of_Lies t1_jcuxrnh wrote

I mean you literally have to have been living under a rock to not know of this movie right now.


FellatiUhOh t1_jcvucvd wrote

Well, crap. I honestly had no idea this movie existed until just now.


Couldbehuman t1_jcw5boq wrote

Came to the comments to figure out what this bullshit initialism was about too. There is more to the world than some trivial movie, not everyone cares about this crap.


themagicbong t1_jcuy57u wrote

The movie, maybe. The acronym for it? Nah, doubt it. Not everyone uses "EEAAO" all the time, and I've literally only come across it today. Why's that a big deal? lol. I never told anyone they're doing anything wrong.


Step-Father_of_Lies t1_jcuye51 wrote

Yeah you were a bit of a prick about it.


themagicbong t1_jcuyh69 wrote

In what way? Was it how I said "makes sense, now." or maybe it was the way in which I admitted I was the one out of the loop. Yeah totally I was being a massive prick for sure. I think its a bit rude to tell someone "Literally everyone knows this" when they're just asking what it is. But even then, not like I said anything rude in response to that.


Step-Father_of_Lies t1_jcuz2hj wrote

You were being sarcastic. Just acknowledge that and move on.


themagicbong t1_jcuzbht wrote

Lol sure. I wasn't being sarcastic. I made a joke and said i was out of the loop on this one. You couldn't even give me an example of said "sarcasm" Nothing to acknowledge, but yeah good idea on moving on.


BookDumb-StreetDumb t1_jcv57g7 wrote

>You couldn't even give me an example of said "sarcasm"


>Ah yes, that super common acronym, EEAAO. Just the other day I was using it. I was singing old macdonald had a farm. Good times.
>Clearly that's something that's SUPER well-known.
>Yeah totally I was being a massive prick for sure.

3 examples of you being sarcastic.


Gnomeboi t1_jcvpe88 wrote

Lol gottem.

This dude is demonstrating Olympic levels of mental gymnastics to not smell his own shit


WerewolfCircus t1_jcv0qcn wrote

Your first comment is complete sarcasm. You're the type of person who can never admit they're wrong, will argue until the other person gives up only cuz it's pointless but then you consider yourself the "winner" and I bet a lot of people around you are tired of it. Be better.


themagicbong t1_jcv14v1 wrote

My first comment is literally a fuckin joke. What are you smoking? You just assumed you know me, who I am, my whole life story and everything based off basically fucking nothing. YOU be better, dude. Stop being so damn judgemental. Its reddit ffs lol. Of course someone is gonna make a joke. Not like it was at ANYONE's expense. Except my own, by showing how I didn't even know what the initials stood for.


WerewolfCircus t1_jcv1kuf wrote

Just because you said you're joking doesn't remove the sarcasm of your comment you pedantic child. They're not mutually exclusive. you attempted humor, and used sarcasm to do so. It is what it is.


themagicbong t1_jcv4gut wrote

You can use sarcasm in a joke without your overall point being sarcastic in nature. I dunno why you're incapable of understanding that, but its true. My comment wasn't sarcastic in nature towards anyone. The joke may have featured sarcasm, but that was not the overall point of the comment. Stop trying to act like you're above me, dude. Its sad. Especially with your bullshit "be better" stuff. That shit is beyond pathetic.


WerewolfCircus t1_jcv7h7s wrote

Yes you are pathetic I agree. Don't hit your wife!


themagicbong t1_jcv7s64 wrote

Says the guy doing the pathetic behavior and attempting to psychoanalyze someone online over a single comment/interaction with them. Lmfao.


WerewolfCircus t1_jcvcc6g wrote

Woof. Try not to take everything on the internet personally, and try to talk less sarcastically. It'll get you somewhere.


themagicbong t1_jcx9xn2 wrote

Yep, I'd surely take advice from you. And its just reddit, man. Nothing to take seriously. Especially some bullshit like this, haha. I do find it funny the crazy reactions from people like you deciding you know all about me and all that. Its always fuckin hilarious when people try to do some insane shit like that based on just about zero. And the response in general is pretty insane to say to someone over some innocuous joke they made.

Imagine passing someone at work, they tell a joke, and you come at them with "you're the type to never admit fault in an argument and must make everyone around you miserable," lmfao.


theDart t1_jcvajf8 wrote

This guy has been explaining from the beginning what he meant by the "sarcastic" comment, y'know the little diddy about old mcdonald that apparently drove you to your core?

Give it a rest, child. He made one joke and outwardly admitted to not knowing anything of the acronym, when your reply was so pithy to begin with, "Well I know it, so...!"

Now you tell him to "not beat his wife?" LMAO goodness gracious take a step back and breathe a moment will ya.


BookDumb-StreetDumb t1_jcv5jiu wrote


This is the crux of it. I wouldn't waste your time here. This person is clearly a minor with a family member that speaks to them almost exclusively in sarcasm, and they haven't had enough exposure to other people to understand that conversing in this way is offputting and annoying.


themagicbong t1_jcxc5jh wrote

Lmfao. As if the way these people have been speaking to me HASN'T been offputting and annoying? Dude what kinda bullshit double standard are you applying, over there, and why should anyone take it seriously? Look at the crazy stuff this guy, the other guy, and yourself, are saying.

I made a joke, the joke featured sarcasm, but the comment itself was not sarcastic towards anyone. I wasn't acting disrespectful towards anyone until I was being disrespected and talked down to myself. Not sure where or why you guys are getting this high and mighty attitude from, but its way worse than anything anyone got from me in this thread.

Lmfao thats so god damn hilarious "they don't know its offputting and annoying." "haven't had enough exposure to other people" like dude you don't see this crazy ass shit you're doing here? Who the fuck does that? You legitimately think you know something about what you're talking about, thats so fucking hilarious and classic reddit, right here.

Really, you have no fucking clue what you're talking about. And its clear. Stop trying to pretend like you're better than others and be a normal fuckin person. That shit is beyond fuckin weird to assume you know all this shit about other people who you don't even know, and then deciding that this knowledge grants you permission to put yourself above me and act like you have superiority over me. Thats the most pathetic fucking thing I've ever heard.


BookDumb-StreetDumb t1_jcxdnae wrote

>Everything Everywhere All At Once, which won almost every Oscar last week and is very well known and features Jamie Lee Curtis as a character that looks like this.


>Oh yeah, so very well known that I didn't know what the acronym for it was. Clearly that's something that's SUPER well-known.


In case you were wondering, this is where you fucked up. This person gave you the answer to your previous question, informed you that the source is in fact well known, and gave context as to why it linked back to the OP. In response, you implied that your own ignorance of the source has any bearing on whether the movie is well known, and did so with sarcasm and snark.

You're exactly right when you say that nobody here knows anything about you. But do yourself a favor and realize that we do know how you have presented yourself in these comments, and that literally dozens of people agree that you're being insufferable. Either be grateful that you're getting detailed feedback like this at all, or ignore it and stay annoying. Nobody in this thread will remember you exist tomorrow, but you're going to have to live with the repercussions of being intolerable for the rest of your life. It's your choice, do whatever you want. Nobody here cares what you do.


themagicbong t1_jcyknht wrote

Actually. Theres all of fucking 3 or 4 of you fuckin weirdos that said anything like that. There were just as many that voiced an opinion similar to my own. You're absolutely fuckin ridiculous, and I hope you have a great day. Take care, dickhead. You were FAR more insufferable, and I hardly said anything more than a fuckin joke before you judgemental pricks went off the deep end with your absolute JOKE of comments towards me.

Also since I can't reply to the bullshit comment underneath this one, u/step-father_of_lies

Look who's fucking talking dude. Wtf is wrong with you? Someone needs to smack the shit outta you, probably just havent had that happen yet in your life, but you will.


BookDumb-StreetDumb t1_jcys025 wrote

Woof. Good luck out there. Have a good one.


themagicbong t1_jcysavy wrote

I like the woofs, not gonna lie. What kinda dog are you? But hey, no hard feelings, pal. Take care, hope you have a good one, as well.

lol you really blocked me? you guys are even more lame than I was giving you credit for.


Step-Father_of_Lies t1_jczosq1 wrote

Holy fuck you are in denial. You should have shut your fucking mouth long long ago but you just kept digging. It's truly amazing how you weren't able to step back and say, "Maybe I was wrong a bit" but no, you just push on.


Otterman2006 t1_jcuyt47 wrote

If you know the movie how can you not put it together that the acronym stands for the title?


jodobrowo t1_jcvr36o wrote

Dude you have to realize 90% of redditors have zero critical thinking skills.


DrPootytang t1_jcvevw3 wrote

Wonderful argument: “If it’s so well known then how come I haven’t heard of it?” Even has its own wiki entry


hawkinsst7 t1_jcwcje1 wrote

Heh. I once trolled an old boss with this. He was very much into fashion. Me, not so much.

So I was looking for shoes to go with a tux when I was in Rome, and I wandered into some store near the Spanish steps. Looked at their shoes, too fancy and expensive and I left.

Day or two later I was chatting with him, and I described to him where I went. "I think it was something like Feragami or something."

"salvadore Ferragamo?! That place is super famous?"

"nah, if they were that famous, I'd have heard of it. You want famous, look at Dockers."

I knew what he meant, but it was totally worth it to hear him have a stroke when I compared dockers to high Italian fashion.

It may be high quality. It may be well known in an industry. But to me, super famous means the layperson who isn't involved in the industry is aware of it. It'sgotten so much air time, that it's percolate out of the enthusiast realm.


themagicbong t1_jcxb4iy wrote

Its literally not the same. I'm not a politician trying to decide on some policy that affects everyone, or anything like that. In this instance, someone is saying something is so popular, everyone knows what it is. Saying I don't isnt just arguing from anecdote, its actually relevant. Because I was only asking a damn question. I never made an argument about whether this media is the most popular in the world. its the reverse, if anything. You should be saying this to the other guy, who claimed that the media was so well known, because even they knew what it was. The burden isn't exactly on ME to prove that I haven't heard of it, as is the case in this instance. I already declared that, openly. I was only asking what the media was, and they told me essentially "everyone knows about this." Which makes "I don't know about this" perfectly reasonable as a response. I'm not exactly debating this person. I'm responding to what they just said to me. Its not a statement meant to prove anything other than their bar for what "everyone has seen this" means is clearly too high, and I'm saying at the same time that I haven't/didn't know what it was. Thats it. I'm not speaking for anyone else. As well, that person saying "everyone does know about this" is just as much of a generalization as ME saying "not everyone does."


stonerwithaboner1 t1_jcuyxj8 wrote

'Tis pretty well known, haven't seen the movie but have seen a lot about it on ye Ole Reddit.


themagicbong t1_jcuzjs9 wrote

I haven't seen that used to describe that, but I definitely get it, now. People get mad touchy over other people asking a lil question these days, don't they?


DeltaBearlines t1_jcv04rr wrote

You were talking like the person who posted this, specifically, owed it to you, specifically, to explain the obvious. Not everything that everybody has ever said or done is for you.


Step-Father_of_Lies t1_jcvhu1m wrote

>Not everything that everybody has ever said or done is for you.

But in another timeline...


themagicbong t1_jcv0uu0 wrote

no, actually, that's just an assumption you made. I didn't say or act like anyone owed anyone anything. I made a joke using just the initialism right there, which I've been referring to as an acronym incorrectly lol, and then they said they couldnt fit the full title. I didnt know what "the full title" meant, in this instance, and I said as much. They told me what it meant, and I said "I gotcha, makes sense." forgot to include "thanks." but other than that, nothing I said was acting like any kinda way.


mynameisbone t1_jcvn5gi wrote

I can’t believe all the bullshit backlash and downvotes from your original post. Like, WTF??? I also had no idea what the movie was. And apparently I’m supposed to know because it won awards at the Oscars? I couldn’t give a fuck about the Oscars! I never watch them. Well, other than clips of Will Smith being a complete fuck-up. So thanks for taking one for the team


themagicbong t1_jcx9k5s wrote

Its a little odd, to say the least, the overall reaction to these couple comments I made. It's hardly even close to the most controversial thing I've ever spoken about/said on reddit, and I don't think I was really being too disrespectful until I was being disrespected myself. These comments are now up there with the most downvoted comments I have ever made on reddit in the decade (nearly) that I've had this account, lmfao.

Its a bit strange, but I suppose my comments responding to this thread made up a good portion of the comments at one point, so it was pretty visible for a while. No idea what was so controversial about a lame ass joke, though. Its like they decided anything I said wasn't genuine, period. And further, went ahead and gave me this crazy backstory lmao. Its not just this guy, right here, saying I'm trying to tell others what to do, or that I'm a dickhead or something, but even had another person give me another evaluation on how they know for sure I'm the type to never admit fault and all this other crazy shit. Based off a whole three or four comments at that point, lmao.


GreenNatureR t1_jcuzdh7 wrote

clearly, you seem to have no self awareness, yeah?

To put it straight with you, this comment makes you sound like a sarcastic condescending prick. Makes more sense now?

But a word, if someone tells you something you don't know, don't be a dick about it.


woutomatic OP t1_jcuw7ti wrote

Everything everywhere all at once. Because of this long title the acronym EEAAO is pretty common.


themagicbong t1_jcuxei4 wrote

I hear ya. Haven't heard or seen that used in place of the title myself, but I understand, now. Makes sense, though.


Floating0821 t1_jcvavp1 wrote

Interesting. Kudos to to you for a lil joke without any knowledge of the subject. Takes balls


themagicbong t1_jcxa8pr wrote

Evidently so, nowadays lol. Even just making a comment NOT talking down to me, in response to me, is enough to warrant catching some flak, apparently. Persona non grata over here. Not sure exactly who's cheerios I shit in with my incredibly hot take on being a bit behind popular media, but apparently it was a lot of people. I do think its interesting how many different ways people tried to frame my words/portray me to make me look bad. I even said multiple times over I know I'm out of the loop. But its like people just decided nah fuck this guy, lol. Nothing I said was even disrespectful or anything until I myself started being disrespected outta nowhere. Pretty fuckin bizzare, to say the least.